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CHAPTER 24 Graphic Organizer Activity

Modern Chapter 15 The Age of Reform

Reform Movements
Reform movements, if they are successful, usually result in some situation being made
better. Complete the graphic organizer by identifying the individual, item, or event and
describing what situation was improved as a result.

Reform Bill of
Toussaint- Chartist
Louverture Movement



The 13th,
Dreyfus Affair 14th, and 15th
Amendments of U.S.
19th Constitution
Amendment of
U.S. Constitution

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Holt World History: The Human Journey 47 Graphic Organizer Activities
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CHAPTER 24 Graphic Organizer Activity

Modern Chapter 15 The Age of Reform

Reform Movements
Reform movements, if they are successful, usually result in some situation being made
better. Complete the graphic organizer by identifying the individual, item, or event and
describing what situation was improved as a result.

Reform Bill took
seats in the House of
Toussaint- Commons away from Chartist
Louverture led the less-populated areas and Movement called
only successful slave gave people with less for reforms including
revolution. France lost property the right universal male suffrage,
control of Saint to vote. a secret ballot, and the
Domingue, which was redrawing of electoral
renamed Haiti. districts.

Simón Emancipation
Bolívar, nicknamed Proclamation was
“the Liberator,” started an executive order
a revolution in Venezuela Reform signed by Lincoln that
in 1810, destroying freed the slaves in the
Spanish power there Confederacy.
by 1821.

The The
Dreyfus Affair 13th, 14th, and
drew attention to ten- 15th Amendments
sions between the republi- The 19th were added to the
cans and the conserva- Amendment guar- U.S. Constitution at
tives in France at the anteed that the right to the conclusion of the
turn of the 20th vote could not be denied Civil War.
century. in the United States on
account of sex, allow-
ing women to

Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.

Holt World History: The Human Journey 48 Graphic Organizer Activities

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