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Contoh Instruction Open your book! = Buka bukumu! Open page 14! = Buka halaman 14!

laman 14! Stand up, please! = Silahkan berdiri! Have a seat! = Silahkan duduk! Open the window, please! = Tolong buka jendela! Listen and repeat! = Dengarkan dan ulangi! Don't make a noise! = Jangan gaduh! Don't be late! = Jangan terlambat! Come forward! = Maju ke depan!

Contoh (Prohibition) No Smoking (dilarang merokok) No Entry (dilarang masuk) Don't touch the screen (jangan sentuh layar) No littering (jangan buang sampah sembarangan) No Left Turning (dilarang belok kiri)

Contoh simple pastense : I work at the office I don't work at the office. I go to the office by motorcycle She lives in a small house in front of my house She doesn't live in a small house Does she live in a small house ? He usually wears a black tie We usually greet the teachers if we meet them Do we greet the teachers if we meet them ?

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