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1 JANUARI - 31 DESEMBER 1999 Arief Setiawan, Djamhoer Martaadisoebrata Bagian / SMF Obstetri dan Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung ABSTRAK Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui profil dan prognosis serta keterkaitan dengan aspek keterlambatan pada kasus rujukan obstetri di RSU Majalaya tahun 1999. Metode : Deskriptif analitik dan retrospektif secara potong silang. Tempat dan waktu penelitian : RSU Majalaya 1 Januari - 31 Desember 1999. Hasil : Jumlah persalinan selama tahun 1999 sebanyak 966 kasus, 40,6% diantaranya merupakan kasus rujukan. Insidensi rujukan terbanyak adalah preeklamsi/eklamsi (37,5%), diikuti oleh KPSW (27,1%) dan perdarahan (14,2%). Bentuk rujukan berjenjang ada 38,3%, sedangkan pertolongan pertama hanya diberikan pada 35,3% dari kasus. Lebih dari sepertiga kasus (38,5%) masuk dengan keadaan kurang baik, sedangkan untuk bayi 28,6% masuk dalam keadaan gawat janin dan IUFD. Angka kematian maternal dan perinatal masing-masing sebesar 1235 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup dan 98 per 1000 kelahiran. Sembilan kasus kematian ibu terjadi pada kasus rujukan yang terlambat datang di RS. Kesimpulan : Kasus rujukan di RSU Majalaya merupakan masalah yang besar, ditinjau dari insidensi yang tinggi, profil klinis yang tidak menguntungkan, dan prognosis yang kurang baik. Sistem rujukan belum berjalan baik, dilihat dari segi waktu, pertolongan pertama dan regionalisasi. Ada keterkaitan antara kematian ibu dengan aspek keterlambatan, terutama aspek terlambat datang di RS. Pada dasarnya RSU Majalaya mampu dalam mengelola kasus rujukan, kecuali pada beberapa kasus, sehingga untuk hal itu diperlukan beberapa perbaikan. Kata kunci : rujukan , keterlambatan, profil , prognosis, Majalaya

THE CORRELATION OF THE ASPECTS OF DELAY WITH CLINICAL PROFILE AND PROGNOSIS OF THE REFERRED OBSTETRIC CASES AT MAJALAYA HOSPITAL DURING 1 JANUARY - 31 DECEMBER 1999 Arief Setiawan, Djamhoer Martaadisoebrata Department of Obstetric and Gynaecology Padjadjaran University Faculty Medicine Hasan Sadikin Hospital , Bandung ABSTRACT Objective : To evaluate the clinical profile and characteristics and the correaltion of the aspects of delay on the referred obstetric cases at Majalaya Hospital. Method : A descriptive analytic study performed cross sectionally. Time and place of study : Majalaya Hospital 1 January - 31 December 1999. Results : During 1999 there were 966 deliveries, 40,6% among which were referral cases. The main reasons for referral were preeclampsia/eclampsia (37,5%) followed by premature rupture of the membrane (27,5%) and bleeding (14,2%). There were 38,3% cases referred following the regional referral system, among which only 35,3% cases were given first aid. More than one third of cases (38,5%) was admitted in unprefferable condition, as 28,6% of the babies were in distress or intra uterine fetal death. The maternal and perinatal death were 1235 for every 100.000 live births and 98 per 1000 births. There were nine cases of maternal death in the referral case who were late in arrival to the hospital. Conclusion : Referral cases are major problems from the point of view of the high incidence, the unprefferable clinical profile and prognosis. Referral system was not running well as expected in regards of timing, first aid and regionalization. There was a correlation of fatal cases with a delay in refferal axpecially on the arrival time. In conclusion the Majalaya Hospital were able to manage the referral cases, except in certain cases in which imrovement is to be achieved.

Key words : referral cases, delay, clinical profile, prognosis, Majalaya

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