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TERCER AO POLIMODAL CONTENIDOS EXAMENES DICIEMBRE 2010-2011. MATERIA:Lengua Extranjera: Ingls A-B PROFESORA: Julieta Gaiteiro Harriague.

Verb tenses: Simple Present; Present Continuous, Present Perfect; Simple Past, Past, Continuous,Past Perfect, Simple Future, Going to future. Conditional Sentences (types 0,1,2,3) Passive Voice Modal Verbs: can,could, must, have to,should Reported Speech. Statements. How to fill a form. How to fill a curriculum. Reading Comprehension exercises. Phrasal Verbs (the ones we have studied) Vocabularies studied in the texts. ORAL EXAM The students must be able to talk about the texts we worked during the year and to give their opinion about them and to talk about personal experiences. -Missing (Short story) -Any friend of a friend of mine. -Brotherly love. -Across Africa -Changing the rules. -An eye for an eye -On top of the media. -Magic moments -Invictus -The Blind Side Los alumnos rendirn exmen escrito y oral, debiendo aprobar ambos. Los alumnos debern concurrir a rendir examen con hojas ,lapicera negra o azul y permiso de examen.

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