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Name: Jacob Klionsky Major Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Egypt*

Name of Deity What the Deity Rules Description Image


The King of all gods in the New Kingdom. Also the Sun god.

Man with ram head and had two plumes on his hat.


The god of the dead and embalming.

Has a jackal head.

Bast (Bastet)

Was a protective goddess.

Is cat head, but in times of war she turned into a lioness.


The goddess of love and joy.

Is a cow, but has a headdress of horns and sun disk.


The God of the sky. Also known as the protector of the ruler of Egypt.

Has a head of a Hawk.


Isis was a protective goddess. She used powerful magic spells to help people in need.

Woman with headdress in the shape of a throne with cow horns and a sun disk.


Ma'at was the goddess of truth, justice and harmony. She was helped balancing all things on earth.

Woman with a feather on her head


Osiris was the god of the dead, and ruler of the underworld.

A mummified man wearing a white cone-like headdress with feathers


God of craftsmen and architects.

A man wrapped as a mummy with a shaved head and beard. He also had a staff.


Ra was the sun god and he was the most important god of the ancient Egyptians. Set/Seth was the god of chaos.

Man with hawk head and headdress with a sun disk.

Set (Seth)

Man with the head of a 'Seth animal'.


Thoth was the god of writing and knowledge.

A man with the head of an ibis holding a writing palette. And also is a baboon.


Nephthys was a protective goddess of the dead. She is often shown on coffins, or in funerary scenes

Woman with headdress showing her name in hieroglyphs.


Khepri was a god of creation, the movement of the sun, and rebirth.

Man with the head of a scarab. The scarab beetle lays its eggs in a ball of dung. Then, rolls in the ball till its ready to hatch.


Tawaret was a goddess who protected women during pregnancy and childbirth.

Head of a hippopotamus with the arms and legs of a lion, the back and tail of a crocodile,


Bes was the protector of pregnant women, newborn babies and the family. Ancient Egyptians also believed that Bes protected against snake and scorpion bites.

Dwarf with lion and human features, he also wore the skin of a lion.

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