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PERSONAL PLAN OF WORK Querido estudiante: Para preparar tu plan de trabajo personal, piensa en actividades que puedes desarrollar

por ti mismo para mejorar tu nivel lingstico por fuera del saln de clases. Asegrate de establecer tus objetivos claramente y sugerir estrategias para obtener el resultado que deseas. Name: _______________________________________ Group: ________ GOAL 1: To do a little oral presentation in English about the life cycle of the monarch butterfly TARGET DATE: STRATEGIES: 1 Month: September Day: 7 1. 2. 3. 4. To compose the text and organize the presentation of pictures To practice the correct pronunciation To memorize the text To expose my companions


RESULTS AND PRODUCTS: 1. written text or notes 2. slides 3. presentation

Pronunciation is very difficult, I need to improve this. Vocabulary is technical.

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