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ABSTRAK Demam tifoid adalah infeksi akut pada saluran pencernaan yang disebabkan oleh salmonella typhi dengan

demam lebih dari tujuh hari dan disertai gangguan kesadaran. Demam paratifoid merupakan penyakit sejenis disebabkan Salmonella paratypi A,B,C. Gejala dan tanda kedua penyakit tersebut hampir sama, tetapi manifestasi klinis paratifoid lebih ringan..Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran profil darah rutitian pada penderita demam tifoid di RSUD Dr.Pirngadi Medan Tahun 2010. Penelitian bersifat deskriptif observasional dengan pendekatan retrospektif yaitu untuk mengetahui gambaran profil darah rutin pada penderita demam tifoid di RSUD Dr.Pirngadi Medan Tahun 2010 dengan menggunakan data sekunder dari rekam medis. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 256 penderita demam tifoid di RSUD Dr.Pirngadi Medan Tahun 2010. Dari distribusi proporsi gambaran profil leukosit ditemukan leukosit normal sebanyak 96 penderita (37,50%), 104 penderita (40,63%) yang mengalami leukopenia, 56 penderita (21,87%) yang mengalami

leukositosis. Dari distribusi gambaran frekuensi gambaran profil limfosit normal sebanyak 126 penderita (49,22%) dan 130 penderita (50,78%) yang mengalami limfositosis. Dari distribusi frekuensi gambaran profil trombosit normal sebanyak 122 penderita (47,66%) dan 134 penderita (52,34%) yang mengalami trombositopenia. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian didapati gambarann profil darah rutin pada penderita demam tifoid di RSUD Dr.Pirngadi Medan Tahun2010. Diperoleh gambaran profil limfositosis sebanyak (50,78%), leukopenia (40,63%) dan trombositopenia (47,66%) Kata Kunci : demam tifoid, leukosit, leukopenia, leukositosis, limfositosis, trombositopenia


ABSTRACT Typhoid fever is an acute intestinal infection caused by salmonella typhi with a fever more than seven days and interference with consciousness disturbance.

Paratyphoid fever is a disease caused by Salmonella paratypi type A, B, C. Symptoms and signs of both diseases are similar, but lighter clinical manifestations of paratyphoid.The objective of this study to determine description of a routine blood profile in patients with typhoid fever in Dr.Pirngadi general hospital in 2010 Medan. The research is a descriptive observational study with retrospective approach which to know the description of a routine blood profile in patients with typhoid fever in Dr.Pirngadi general hospital Medan in 2010 by using secondary data from medical records. Result found 256 patients with typhoid fever in Dr.Pirngadi general hospital in 2010 Medan. From the proportion distribution of leukocyte profile description , found 96 patients (37.50%) with normal leukocyt , 104 patients (40.63%) leukopenia, 56 patients (21.87%) leukocytosis. From the description of the proportion distribution of lymphocyte profile description, found 126 patients (49.22%) with normal lymphocyt and 130 patients (50.78%) lymphocytosis. From the proportion distribution of normal platelet profile description,found 122 patients (47.66%) with normal platelet and 134 patients (52.34%) thrombocytopenia. Conclusion the study found a description of a routine blood profile in patients with typhoid fever in Dr.Pirngadi general hospital Medan in 2010. Retrieved lymphocytosis (50.78%), leukopenia (40.63%) and thrombocytopenia (47.66%). Keywords: typhoid fever, leukocytes, leucopenia, leukocytosis, lymphocytosis, thrombocytopenia.


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