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Claude: When asked what you do for a living, your answer is, in a nutshell, I put a leash on people who

money up the wall. Now do you really think Sir Alan, who is a serious businessman, an entrepreneur, is going to want to hear that kind of language to a serious question? James: Claude, I need to make myself stand out from those other thousands of people// Claude: //But not by being a prat! I cou- could overlook it perhaps if that was the isolated incident but, erm however you then go on with your crassness. Why should you be Sir Alans next apprentice? I can bring ignorance to the table.

James: I can. (2.5) Its// a good style of ignorance. Cos it// Claude: James: (.) its an ignorance // about (2) Claude: //The mistake your making James, is youre trying to defend something that is frankly indefensible. (2) //You think its a quality? //Oh dont be daft. Yeah its// //Because

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