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This is the most common cause of reading, writing and spelling problems.


Most children with this learning disability have difficulty learning from their visual environment.
motor function (balance, coordination) visual-spatial organization (seeing
differences in shapes, letters, poor recall of things they have seen)

social skills (social cues, interpreting facial

expressions, body language)

Learning Disability

This Learning disability is sometimes difficult to identify because the child may have strong language skills but they may have trouble remembering something simple as their phone number.


True or False?
A child with a non-verbal learning disability can develop early speech, vocabulary and memory skills


Name 3 ways to identify a student who may be dyslexic.

1. Letter Reversals (dig for big)

2. Difficulty reading single words

3. Difficulty spelling single words

4. Difficulty copying letters/words from the board or a book 5. Difficulty with writing tasks 6. Awkward fine motor skills

This disorder stems from injury to the parts of the brain that control motor movements.



True or False?
A student that has a physical or cognitive disability cant appreciate when someone says hello to them because they do not understand.

Even if a student cant communicate with you, they experience emotions, can recognize a voice and their own name.

This worldwide organization provides opportunities for individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities to participate and succeed in sport.

Special Olympics

This congenital condition occurs when the spinal cord has an opening where the nerves may be exposed outside the body.

Spina Bifida

This medical professional works with people with disabilities or those who have experienced brain or bodily trauma.


True or False?

A Hearing Impairment can only occur before birth?

Many children suffer hearing loss due to infections, disease, or congenital (before birth) hearing loss. Environmental factors and medications can also cause hearing loss in children.

This is a visualcommunication technique used by people who are hearing impaired as well as most people in noisy environments.

Lipreading or Speech Reading

This assistive listening devise helps make the sound of the teachers voice louder than the competing background noises.

FM System
(Frequency Modulation)

Part of this electronic hearing device is implanted under the skin. Candidates are individuals with severe to profound hearing loss.

Cochlear Implants

What is one accommodation used in the classroom for visually impaired student?

1. Large Print

2. Note taking 3. Books on Audio

Doctors and psychologists define this disorder as having a marked presence of three distinct disabilities: 1. Impairment in social interaction 2. Challenges with Communication 3. Delays in language and cognitive skills

Autism Spectrum Disorder

This congenital (before birth) disorder stemming from a chromosomal abnormality appearing in about one of every 800 births.

Down Syndrome
It occurs when one chromosome has an extra part, and an error occurs in cell division, or an extra chromosome exists, resulting in 47 chromosomes.

This form of Autism is characterized by:

1. Average to above average IQ 2. No significant language delay 3. Difficulties in social interaction

Asperger Syndrome

True or False?
Children who are on the Autism Spectrum dont care about being teased because they do not understand social interaction.


Nobody deserves to be taunted our teased. Everyone has feelings regardless of their ability.

Do not be a part of bullying behavior!!

This congenital (before birth) condition occurs if the mother consumes alcohol during pregnancy.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

This medical condition occurs when 2 or more seizures happen out of the blue.


Generally, a child with this disorder can understand oral and written directions, but is unable to effectively complete the tasks due to the inability to focus on the tasks for extended periods of time.

Attention Deficit (Hyperactive) Disorder

This medical condition happens when the cells in the pancreas are damaged and they don't make enough insulin.

Type 1 Diabetes

What medical condition can cause a student to blurt out, uncontrollably in class as well as have mild ticks or tremors?

Tourette Syndrome

Wager up to $500 and double it if correct, lose it if incorrect!!

If a student with Diabetes in your class is experiencing low blood sugar, what could you give them to make them feel better?

A juice box with natural sugars. (orange or apple) or something sweet like jellybeans.

What is Mr. Cranes favorite hockey team?

Edmonton Oilers

What is the name of the hurricane that swept through this province on the 21st of September?


What is Frank Roberts school motto?

Striving for Excellence

Mrs. Butler cheers for what Provinces hockey team?


Who is the guidance counsellor at Frank Roberts?

Ms. King

Name this eventful week at Frank Roberts

Ability Awareness Week

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