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Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous

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Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by Total Gadha - Thursday, 27 Nove m be r 2008, 12:47 PM

Although the questions on progressions may not come directly in MBA exams, the theory behind progressions is used in every place where we need to sum up numbers. During your C AT 2010 preparations, the formula used in progressions should become second nature to you as they will save a lot of time. Also, the methods of summing up various types of progressions, arithmetic, geometric or otherwise, should be very clear to you so that you are able to instantly spot the type of series you are facing. Knowing the basic methods of progressions also helps you simplify a lot of complex series. So let's start with some basic progressions and their properties: Arithmetic Progression Numbers are said to be in Arithmetic Progression (A.P.) when the difference between any two consecutive numbers in the progression is constant i.e. in an Arithmetic Progression the numbers increase or decrease by a constant difference. Each of the following series forms an Arithmetical Progression: 2, 6, 10, 14... 10, 7, 4, 1, -2... a, a + d, a + 2d, a + 3d...

Example: 1. If the 7th term of an Arithmetical Progression is 23 and 12th term is 38 find the first term and the common difference. Answer: 7th term = 23 = a + 6d ---- (1) 12th term = 38 = a + 11d ---- (2) Solving (1) and (2) we get a = 5 and d = 3 2. How many numbers of the series -9, -6, -3 should we take so that their sum is equal to 66? Answer: n[-18 + (n - 1)3]/ 2 = 66 n2 - 7n - 44 = 0 --> n = 11 or -4. The series is -9, -6, -3, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21.. We can see that the sum of first 7 terms is 0. The sum of next four terms after 7th terms gives us the sum. Otherwise, if we count 4 terms backward from -9 we'll get the sum as -66. 3. What is the value of k such that k + 1, 3k - 1, 4k + 1 are in AP? Answer: If the terms are in AP the difference between two consecutive terms will be the same. Hence, (3k - 1) - (k + 1) = (4k + 1) - (3k - 1) 2k - 2 = k + 2 --> k = 4.

TO INSERT ARITHMETIC MEANS BETWEEN TWO NUMBERS Let n arithmetic means m1 , m2 , m3 ... mn be inserted between two numbers a and b. Therefore, a, m1 , m2 , m3 , ... mn, b are in arithmetic progression. Let d be the common difference.



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Since b is the (n + 2)th term in the progression, b = a + (n + 1)d Whence d = (b - a)/(n + 1) Hence m1 = a + (b - a)/(n + 1), m2 = a + 2(b - a)/(n + 1).. and so on. Example: 4. If 10 arithmetic means are inserted between 4 and 37, find their sum. First Method: Let the means be m1 , m2 , m3 ... m1 0 . Therefore 4, m1 , m2 , m3 ... m1 0 , 37 are in AP and 37 is the 12th term in the arithmetic progression. Hence, 37 = 4 + 11d --> d = 3 Therefore means are 7, 10, 13 ... 34 and their sum is 205. Second Method: We know that in an APthe sum of first term + last term = sum of second term + second last term = the sum of third term + third last term = .. and so on. Therefore, 4 + 37 = m1 + m1 0 = m2 + m9 = m3 + m8 = m4 + m7 = m5 + m6 = 41. Hence m1 + m2 + m3 + m9 + m1 0 = (m1 + m1 0 ) + (m2 + m9 )...+ (m5 + m6 ) = 5 x 41 = 205.

Example: 5. The sum of three numbers in A.P. is 30, and the sum of their squares is 318. Find the numbers. Answer: Let the numbers be a - d, a, a + d Hence a - d + a + a + d = 30 or a = 10 The numbers are 10 - d, 10, 10 + d Therefore, (10 - d)2 + 102 + (10 + d)2 = 318 Or d = 3, therefore the numbers are 7, 10, and 13.



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I shall have to end here and leave the rest of it for my CBT Club students. I shall cover some problems based on this in the CBT Club this week.

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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by pushpinde r rana - Tue sday, 9 De ce m be r 2008, 11:14 AM Hi TG ! This is m y first post in this forum although I am a re gular visitor of this awe som e we b site (for C AT aspirants) for quie t a som e tim e . W hat has provok e d m e to post is, for a couple of days I have be e n obse rving that the article s and the study m are rial you have share d is not ge tting loade d prope rly. Is this be cause of som e LAN spe e d or the article s have be e n m ove d out of he re ? R e gards, Pushpinde r.

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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by sum it jam wal - Tue sday, 17 March 2009, 10:41 PM hi Tg,

nice article .. . it would be nice if you could throw som e light on ..topics lik e ave rage s and m e an value s...m any proble m s in DI com e from sam e ..

R e gards, sum it
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Find the sum... by Sam R ox - Tue sday, 21 April 2009, 05:16 PM Hi TG, I have be e n unable to ge t what is the sum of 1+4+6+5+11+6+... 200te rm s?? could you ple ase he lp m e out on this proble m ?? Thank s n re gards
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Re: Find the sum... by Total Gadha - Tue sday, 28 April 2009, 01:03 AM


Hi Sam ,

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Bre ak it into two se rie s- 1 + 6 + 11... and 4 + 5 + 6.. Total Gadha
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pls help. by srinivasan ravi - Tue sday, 9 June 2009, 10:42 AM He re is an e x am ple of five conse cutive positive inte ge rs whose sum is 1000: 198 + 199 + 200 + 201 + 202 = 1000. Find the large st num be r of conse cutive positive inte ge rs whose sum is e x actly 1000. a)5 b)10 c)15 d)20 e )25 pls he lp m e solve this..thank s..
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Re: pls help. by vik as sharm a - Tue sday, 9 June 2009, 04:44 PM hi ravi as pe r TG sir, a num be r can be writte n as sum 2 or m ore cose cutive nos is=no of odd idvisor-1; so he re odd divisor 4-1=3

pls corre ct m e ?????

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Re: pls help. by TG Te am - W e dne sday, 10 June 2009, 12:14 PM 1000 = 2 3 x 5 3 = 5 x 200 = 25 x 40 = 16 x 62.5 1000 = 198 + 199 + 200 + 201 + 202 ( 5 te rm s) 1000 = 55 + 56 + ... + 60 + 61 + 62 + 63 + 64 + 65 + ...+ 69 + 70 (16 te rm s) 1000 = 28 + 29 + 30 + ... + 38 + 39 + 40 + 41 + 42 + ... + 50 + 51 + 52 (25 te rm s)

25 is the large st num be r of conse cutive positive inte ge rs whose sum is e x actly 1000. Vik as I have shown above the thre e ways to write 1000 as sum of conse cutive positive inte ge rs.

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Re: pls help. by srinivasan ravi - Saturday, 13 June 2009, 09:11 AM thank s k am al..but how did u find those 3 the re any m e thod??
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Re: pls help. by srinivasan ravi - Saturday, 13 June 2009, 09:13 AM he lp m e solve this proble m How m any te rm s, at the m inim um of se que nce 1,1/2,1/3,1/4...., m ust be adde d toge the r for the ir sum to be not le ss than 3? (1) 16 (2) 17 (3) 18 (4) 20
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Re: pls help. by gaurav jain - Friday, 3 July 2009, 08:56 AM hi ravi.



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u can solve the que stion with the he lp of the choice s give n. 1000=n/2 [2a +n-1] since d=1

whe n n=25 a is an inte ge r.. he nce thats the right answe r..
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Hi ...Please help by harry se k hon - W e dne sday, 15 July 2009, 01:48 PM Hi TG, Thanx for the amazing stuff on AP,GP etc. Hi Everyone, Please help in solving the problem below:How many 3 digit numbers have the property that their digits taken from left to right form an AP or GP.? Options are: a)15 c)20 b)18 d)None of these
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Re: Hi ...Please help by aashish biala - Thursday, 16 July 2009, 01:18 PM hi harsim ranje e t, i think the answe r to your que stion is 38 and he nce , the corre ct option would be none of the se .
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Re: pls help. by W illiam W allace - Thursday, 16 July 2009, 08:50 PM Nice approach k am al
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Re: pls help. by R onak k abani - Thursday, 6 August 2009, 12:37 PM Gaurav got ur approach - goodone k am al/W illiam can u plz e x plain how did u ge t those thre e ways of e x pre ssing the no 1000 is the re any ge ne ralise d way for finding a particular num be r as the sum of othe r num be rs Thank s in Advance R onak
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Doubt by Avishe k C hak raborty - Sunday, 9 August 2009, 01:23 AM TG Sir,

Firstly, I m ust say that the article is ve ry he lpful. I have one doubt.In e x am ple 10 we got p/q as 232/990 and the sum (p+q) is tak e n as 1222.My que stion is why are we not m inim izing this, I m e an shouldn't it be 116/445 and the sum 561? Plz corre ct m e if I am doing any m istak e . Thanx
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by Sanjay J - Thursday, 13 August 2009, 04:35 PM Hi TG / Kam al,

In the following que stion five conse cutive positive inte ge rs whose sum is 1000: 198 + 199 + 200 + 201 + 202 = 1000. Find the large st num be r of conse cutive positive



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inte ge rs whose sum is e x actly 1000.

Ple ase e x plain the approach to se le ct only 5, 25 and 16 as no of te rm s ...

Thank s
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by k um ar sourav - Friday, 14 August 2009, 10:22 AM Hi Sanjay, actually what k am al did is che ck out how m any tim e s a factor of 1000 can be sum m ate d to ge t 1000 as answe r.. so 1000=5*200 m e ans 200 whe n adde d 5 tim e s we ge t 10000.. and we k now 199+201=2(200).. lik e wise we will che ck which num be r hav m ax im um m ultiple s..he re one thing should be k e pt in m ind that lik e in 25*40...dat 25 num be r should be sm alle r tha 40...othe rwise it will e x te nd to ne gative digits thank s KS
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by abhishe k tripathi - Sunday, 16 August 2009, 09:01 PM hiiiiiii tg sir actulaay i face d proble m unde rtsanding 2 points can u e x aplain de m 1 one is u said tp/tq=(2p-1)/(2q-1).what doe s dis t signify is it da sum .and se cond one in da cat 03 que stion last ste p is 1+2/7(1+1/7+1/7square +.....)how did u arrive at da ans plz he lp m e out
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by Nitin Kum ar - W e dne sday, 19 August 2009, 01:18 AM Hi TG Sir, Tell me how to solve below question: For how many integral values of P the three terms -1+P-X, P+X and -1+P+X can never be in HP?
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by Ank ur gupta - Friday, 9 O ctobe r 2009, 12:27 AM sum m ation of re ciprocal of first N no's?
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by ank it dik shit - Friday, 23 O ctobe r 2009, 04:32 PM TG SIR ,, I fe e l m y sle f com fortable in the quantz n di se ction.. but u have provide d light to som e of m y we ak se ctions.. I can think Mathe m atics lik e a m anage r... C re dit goe s to you... I am pre paring for cat since aug '08 .. e nrolle d wid im s full tim e at cp and tim e basic te st se rie s... but what i ge t it he re in just 1000 buck s.. i have not found such .. e ve n afte r class room coaching... this is anothe r ge m of article s from TGs factory... I m ust say.. Kudos to TG Sir and his te am .. I wish all succe ss for u... Ple ase launch fe w m ore buk s on othe r topics lik e alge bra, logical re asoning, di, m ode rn m aths e tc.. be fore cat '09.. so that we can tak e be ne fit from it... O ne m ore sugge stion... for DI/LR .. ple ase add m ore the m e s on LR /DI in C At C BT C lub... i m e an lik e tournam e nts/gam e s/alligations .. if u will add.. case le ts/ blood re lation/ quantz base d re asoning e tc.. it will be m ore be ne fiacial to all gahdas in TG cat cbt club. R Egards, THE ANKIT DIKSHIT :p
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by Ne ha Sharm a - Saturday, 24 O ctobe r 2009, 05:04 PM Hi TG,



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C an the m e thod of diffe re nce s be applie d to solve the se rie s whose te rm s follow this patte rn in re curring m anne r, e .g. 1,6,21,52,105...(200 te rm s) He re the patte rn is: 1 5 10 6 6 21 15 16 6 52 31 53 22 so the com m on diffe re nce is 6 afte r 3rd ste p. 105

How to solve this using m e thod of diffe rnce s?

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Re: Hi ...Please help by nave e n k iran - Sunday, 25 O ctobe r 2009, 01:39 AM The following are in AP 123,234,345..... 7 num be rs 135,246,357,.... 5 num be rs 147,258,369 3 num be rs 129 1 num be r The following are in GP 124,139,248 3 num be rs 111,222,333... 9 num be rs total = 28 he nce option "d". Ple ase corre ct m e if i'm wrong.
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by Nik hil Jangi - Sunday, 25 O ctobe r 2009, 07:02 PM Hi TG, Ple ase e x plain the fundas be hind harm onic progre ssions. Thank s & R e gards, Nik hil
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by Abinash Sahoo - Monday, 26 O ctobe r 2009, 11:03 PM plz he lp i have a proble m he re .... in Q -11,GP 10+100+1000+........... he re r=10 n is nt de fine d. can we put S=ar*-1/r-1 ? i think it's unde fine d.
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by Abinash Sahoo - Monday, 26 O ctobe r 2009, 11:48 PM hi TG sir.. i have a doubt,plz e x plain.. in Q -15,arithm e tico-ge om e tric se rie s, how can the com m on ratio be 1/7. plz e x plain
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Re: pls help. by nishchai ne vre k ar - Sunday, 8 Nove m be r 2009, 08:37 PM this form ula is from the com parison te st.. which says (sum m ation of 1/n whe re n range s from 1 to 2 k) > 1+k /2 he re R HS is = 3 right.. so k = 4 ... he nce sum m ation range s from 1 to 2 4.... he nce ans is 16
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a doubt....!! by raja k - Tue sday, 10 Nove m be r 2009, 12:54 PM


TG sir,

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u r doping a fre at job and the se article s r re ally use full for be gine rs lik e m e ....!!

i have a doubt sir, if the re e x ists two diffe re nt AP se rie s with som e com m on value s.. the n how can we find the no of com m on te rm s in both the se rie s.. hope u would re ply soon..!!
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by Subhash Me dhi - Monday, 26 April 2010, 02:49 AM De ar sir, C ould you k indly write an article on hype r-ge om e tric se rie s too? Ple ase do it for our sak e . R e gards, Subhash
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by shail m ishra - Thursday, 10 June 2010, 07:53 PM Hi Guys Ple ase he lp in solving this que stion. Find the sum of the following se rie s upto infinity. 1/1 + 1/3 + 1/6 + 1/10 + 1/15 + 1/21 ...... It se e m s to be a ve ry e asy que stion but i don't k now why is it not click ing. R e gards SM
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by TG Te am - Friday, 11 June 2010, 01:55 PM

Hi Shail See the nth term is: 2/n(n + 1) = 2[1/n - 1/n+1] So the required sum is S = 2[(1/1 - 1/2) + (1/2 - 1/3) + (1/3 - 1/4) + (1/4 - 1/5) + (1/5 - 1/6) + (1/6 - 1/7) + ....] = 2. Good question.
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by siddharth jain - Thursday, 2 Se pte m be r 2010, 04:28 PM hiii... i m ne w to this site but can he lp u out.... 1x 1, 2x 3, 3x 7, 4x 13.... adding 1 to first digit and 2,4,6 to se cond digit of te rm s
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by Pune e t Gulati - Friday, 3 Se pte m be r 2010, 04:41 PM not so im pre ssive as com pare d to othe r article s on total gadha
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by TG Te am - Tue sday, 14 Se pte m be r 2010, 04:17 PM

Hi Siddharth nth term of the second series i.e. 1, 3, 7, 13, ... = n2 - n + 1. So nth term of the given series is = n(n2 - n + 1) = n3 - n2 + n 10/15


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And sum of which is given by = n(n + 1)(3n2 - n + 4)/12.

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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by pre e ti k um ari - Thursday, 5 May 2011, 05:19 PM hi could som e body ple ase he lp m e solve the following: conside r the se que nce whe re nth te rm , tn=n/(n+2), n=1, 2.... The value of t3*t4*t5....*t54 e quals a)2/495 b)2/477 c)12/55 d)1/485 e )1/2970
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by de stiny unrule d - Tue sday, 10 May 2011, 03:12 AM @ Pre e ti Kum ari I think it should be t3*t4*t5*.......*t53 not t54 t3*t4*t5*.......*t53 = (3/5)(4/6)(5/7)....(53/55) W e can se e that de nom inator of a te rm will cance l with num e rator of ne x t ne x t te rm . So, product = 3*4/(54*55) = 2/495
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by pre e ti k um ari - Tue sday, 10 May 2011, 09:03 AM thanx .. and ye s it is t53, not t54...m y m istak e !!
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Re: pls help. by Jite ndra Soni - Tue sday, 6 Se pte m be r 2011, 05:29 PM se e if this he lps conside r the se rie s a-d, a-(d-1)... a-1, a, a+1, a+2, a+ 3...a + (d-1) , a+ d the n sum = a(2d+1) = 1000 = 2^3 X 5^3 ... now 2d+1 is odd in the LHS, he nce it can be one of the 3 factors 5, 25 or 125... this give s d = 2,12,62 & a = 200, 40 & 8 re spe ctive ly. Now the re is a condition that e ach te rm should be positive , he nce a-d > 0 is satisfie d in (a,d) = ( 200,2) & (40, 12). This ge ne rate s (198, 199, 200, 201, 202) (5 te rm s) and ( 28, 29.... 40....51, 52) (25 te rm s). The condition for +ve te rm s is not satisfie d in (a,d) = ( 8,62) so we can tak e a = 63 at le ast ( so that a-d =1). Now the num be r of te rm s will be 1000/63 which give s 15. sum thing :p he nce 16 te rm s in total he nce 63 ...70 ( 8 te rm s) and (55...62) (8 te rm s) - Je e tu
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by sonne l singh - W e dne sday, 21 Se pte m be r 2011, 03:27 AM can sm bdy plz answe r this que s.. Q ue s- Two distinct incre asing inte ge r arithe m atic progre ssions with sam e first te rm e qual to 1 are such that the product of the ir nth ne th is 2010. find the m ax im um possible value of n. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 2009 2 3 8 15
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by use r332 u - W e dne sday, 21 Se pte m be r 2011, 07:04 PM sir i am not able to solve this proble m plz he lp m e 7 + 26 + 63 +124 + ......+999
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by sahil m adan - W e dne sday, 21 Se pte m be r 2011, 07:38 PM this se rie s can be writte n as 2^3-1 + 3^3-1 + 4^3-1 + .....+10^3-1



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So apply the form ula for sum m ation of cube s of n natural no's..I hope you can proce e d from he re ..
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by use r332 u - Thursday, 22 Se pte m be r 2011, 03:43 PM re ally thank s......
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by Assassin C T - Saturday, 1 O ctobe r 2011, 03:50 PM I think answe r to this Q ue s- Two distinct incre asing inte ge r arithe m atic progre ssions with sam e first te rm e qual to 1 are such that the product of the ir nth ne th is 2010. find the m ax im um possible value of n. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 2009 2 3 8 15

is 3. {n(n-1)(d+D)/2} +2n =2010 is the e quation we ge t at last. For only n=2,3 d+D is inte ge r. Highe st value is 3 for n.
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by sonne l singh - Sunday, 9 O ctobe r 2011, 02:33 AM but how did you ge t to the following e quation {n(n-1)(d+D)/2} +2n =2010
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by R ajase k aran R ajaram - Monday, 10 O ctobe r 2011, 10:50 PM

sonnel singh, I would go with option 4) 8. Consider two series with different difference between them i.e. d1 and d2. Series 1 --> 1+(n-1)*d1 = nth term of first series Series 2 --> 1+(n-1)*d2 = nth term of first series [1+(n-1)*d1]*[1+(n-1)*d2] = 1+ (n-1)*d1+(n-1)*d2+(n-1)*d1*d2 1+(n-1)[d1+d2+(n-1)*d1d2] = 2010 (n-1)[d1+d2+(n-1)*d1d2] = 2009 2009 = 41*7*7*1 n-1 can be 41 or 7 or 1 only. So n can be 42,8 or 2. 2 and 8 are in options. For maximum value i would go with 8.
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by sonne l singh - Friday, 14 O ctobe r 2011, 03:37 PM thnk u so m uch R ajase k aran R ajaram
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by n k - Monday, 31 O ctobe r 2011, 01:04 PM Hi Eve ryone , C an you le t m e k now how to find com m on te rm s from two se rie s. For Ex : How m any inte ge rs do the following finite arithm e tic progre ssions have in com m on? 1,8, 15, 22, ..,2003 and 2, 13, 24, 35, ., 2004
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by TG Te am - Tue sday, 1 Nove m be r 2011, 03:43 PM

Hi n k First series has the numbers of the form: 7a + 1 and the second one of the form: 11b + 2 So first common term of the two series is the smallest number which satisfies both the above expressions and i.e. 57 and all other such numbers will be at a gap of 77. So we need to find the number of terms of an AP whose first term is 57, common difference is 77 and last term is 2003. Kamal Lohia
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by nisha rani - Tue sday, 1 Nove m be r 2011, 10:20 PM how do u find sum of following se rie s? 3/5+5/36+7/144+........+21/12100 he re tn=2n+1/(n(n+1))^2
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by King C asanov - W e dne sday, 2 Nove m be r 2011, 02:25 AM i gue ss u urse lf have give n the clue to solution... tn=2n+1/ (n(n+1))^2 now (1/n^2) - (1/(n+1)^2)== 2n+1/(n(n+1))^2

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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by King C asanov - W e dne sday, 2 Nove m be r 2011, 11:16 PM TG Te am , Are the fundas (and topics) cove re d in C AT 2011 Q uant Le ssons com ple te as far as whole "im portant topics" of C AT are conce rne d?? And doe s a good unde rstanding of above m e ntione d le ssons he lp m e in ge tting into one of"II" ?(ye s I k now its a ve ry vague que stion, but ple ase do re ply ..asap) P.S. : ple ase te ll m e , whe the r m y above writte n que stions are gram m atically corre ct??

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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by R ahul Kishore - Monday, 7 Nove m be r 2011, 12:01 PM Hi, How to find the n'th te rm of a random se rie s.
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by Mohit Sharm a - Sunday, 1 April 2012, 11:34 AM Gr8 Article Sir, Your work is absolute ly fantastic. R e ally a he lpful site for MBA Aspirants. C an you ple ase solve this que stion for sir, Q ue s: If x ,y,z are in GP and a^x ,b^y and c^z are e qual, than a,b,c are in which progre ssion?
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by arsh arora - Sunday, 1 April 2012, 12:46 PM hi m ohit, try tak ing x y z as 1 2 and 4 and a,b and c as 16 4 and 2 u will se e thata b and c dnt follow any patte rn the re by no se rie s patte rn...
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by Mohit Sharm a - Tue sday, 3 April 2012, 03:45 PM Thank s Arsh. for the he lp
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by arsh arora - Tue sday, 3 April 2012, 05:51 PM anytim e buddy!!!
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by TG Te am - W e dne sday, 4 April 2012, 12:07 PM

Hi Mohit Question you are asking is not correct. It should be going like this: If a, b, c are in GP and ax = by = c z, then x, y, z are in which progression? And the correct answer is : HP PS: This question was reported in previous year's CAT by many students. Kamal Lohia
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by Mohit Sharm a - W e dne sday, 4 April 2012, 07:04 PM Thank s sir. I got this que stion from Am it Sharm a. I think wat u r saying m ust b corre ct.
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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by tushar nijhawan - Sunday, 14 O ctobe r 2012, 01:38 AM

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Re: Methods of Summation- A rithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Miscellaneous by Gaurav Jotriwal - Sunday, 14 O ctobe r 2012, 03:53 PM De ar TG sir, what will be the solution of: + + ....... + R e gards Gaurav
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