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After two weeks, Prince had found his answer. He had been ready to married.

And his parents had found a way to find Princes wife. After that, the Castle Guard spread that party to all houses in that country. Every lady could come to that party, then, the Guard had come to the Cinderellas house Cinderella wanted to come to that party. Unluckily, her step mother didnt give her permission to go there and always gave her heavy tasks and punishes. At the time for party, Cinderella felt very sad. She wanted come there, but she couldnt do it. Her step mother didnt let her went there. Cinderella felt very sad by do the task. Suddenly, a kind fairy came to her. The Fairy wanted to help Cinderella. Cinderella went to the party. In that party, the Prince bored. All ladies invited Prince to dance with them. But the Prince didnt want to do it. Then, When Cinderella came lately; the Prince surprised with her and felt falling in love to her. But, no one knew if she was Cinderella, except Cinderella, God and the Fairy. Cinderella looked very beautiful. She looked like a beautiful Princess from the Castle in other Country. Cinderella and the prince danced romantically and her step sister was jealous to them. Suddenly, the bell rang. Cinderella went home quickly. But the Prince felt sad. And luckily, Cinderellas glass shoe left when she run away. In the next day, Prince and his guards looked for the owner of that glass shoe. But, no one can use that shoe. Then they came to the Cinderellas house. Cinderella and Prince went to the castle. Prince remembered, if he had found his lady, he had to meet his parents with her lady before they married. So, Prince went to the castle quickly. Finally, Cinderella and Prince married. Cinderellas steps family lived with them in the castle. They didnt pretended Cinderella like a servant anymore. And they lived happily ever after in the castle. hello friend of a friend? one of our group on this occasion will stage one of the plays for sure you already know this story. because the story is very popular and very romantic and full of meaning. you can already guess what the title of the story will be whether we pentaskan today? behold,'ve imagined? can not wait right? Okay, without wasting any more time here it is with pride we offer .. the title of this story is cinderela and a cast of actors in this drama Seril: amir portray her very handsome prince anggi portrayed cinderella algi as the uncle of the prince Hilwa and adinda a half sister Triska as stepmother gin gin as the father of fairies m fortune as a bodyguard and riyan as king the story starts here

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