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School : Senior High School

Lesson : Physics
Class /Semester : XI / 2
Standart of Competence : 2. Applying the concept and principle of classical mechanics in continue system to solve the problems
Topic : Bernoulli’s Principle (Model of plane)
Learning Time
Basic Competence Material Indicators Sample of Sources
Experience Technic Instrument Alocation
2.2 Analyzing Bernoulli’s - Discuss to find the  Describe Written test essay 1. Please describe 2 × 45’ - student
physics laws which Prinsiple the bernoulli’s books
conect with statics information from Bernouli’s principle !
and dynamics fuids student books principle - work
and their application sheet
in daily live.
-Find the information  Explain the Written test essay 2. How the
relation between - Student
about bouyance of bouyance of air velocity on evaluation
air plane from air plane using plane’s wing paper
with bouyance
student books Bernouli’s to the plane !

- Make an air plane  Make a model Performance Experiment 3. Make a design

test of air plane
model or instrument model using
using bernoulli’s
principle !
-. Present the product
Have known by :
The headmaster Physics teacher

Slamet Ribut Riyanto, M. Sc. Arif Ferry Akbar, B.Ed.

NIP. 085 645 376 932 NIP. 087 851 529 431

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