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The Bertie C ounty Rec reation D epartment was c reated to provide rec reational ac tivities for all c itizens of the c ounty. The goal of the Parks and Rec reation D epartment is to provide a safe and fun environment for all sports and leisure ac tivities; and to inc rease the quality of life for Bertie C ounty c itizens.

The Bertie C ounty Rec reation D epartment offic e and c omplex is open M onday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. W e are c losed on state holidays and in c ases of inc lement weather.
D epartment S taff D onna H . M izelle D irec tor E mily Jernigan Rec reation Program A ssistant Brent Jones Rec reation A c tivities Program S pec ialist

Bertie County Recreation Department

O ffic e: 101 S c hool S treet W indsor, N C 27983 C omplex: 1538 S outh King S treet W indsor, N C 27983

Bertie County Recreation Department

Pho ne : (2 5 2 ) 7 9 4 -5 3 6 3 F a x : (2 5 2 ) 7 9 4 -5 3 6 2
www.c .us/departments/rec /rec .html

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How it all started

The Bertie C ounty Rec reation D epartment was established in O c tober of 2001 and was the first rec reational department for Bertie C ounty. S oc c er was the first sport to be brought to the c ounty and has grown tremendously. W e now offer tac kle football, T-ball, c oac h-pitc h baseball, baseball and softball. D uring the summer the Parks and Rec reation D epartment offers various summer c amps and ac tivities. W e operate and maintain the first ever rec reational c omplex in Bertie C ounty whic h c onsists of a baseball field, softball field, football field, soc c er field, playground area, restroom/c onc ession building, pic nic shelter, maintenanc e building and parking area. C urrently a staff of three operates the department.

S ports W e O ffer S pring S oc c er (A ges 4-15) Registration M onth: January S eason Begins: M arc h T-Ball (A ges 4-6) Registration M onth: M arc h S eason Begins: M ay C oac h-Pitc h Baseball (A ges 7-9) Registration M onth: June S eason Begins: A ugust Baseball (A ges 10-12) Registration M onth: June S eason Begins: A ugust S oftball (A ges 10-12) Registration M onth: June S eason Begins: A ugust Fall S oc c er (A ges 4-15) Registration M onth: June S eason Begins: S eptember Tac kle Football (A ges 6-12) Registration M onth: June S eason Begins: S eptember

A ll sports offered by the Bertie C ounty Rec reation D epartment require a $20.00 registration fee. S pring and Fall S oc c er is a c o-ed sport and is broken into the following age groups: 4-6, 7-9, 10-12. D uring the summer month we offer various c amps and ac tivities for the youth of Bertie C ounty. The c osts for eac h c amp will vary.

For the S eniors of Bertie C ounty W e offer an exerc ise program instruc ted by D enise D avis. S eniors c an partic ipate at either the C olerain or W indsor site. S eniors that are 60 and over are free and those that are 55 59 must pay a quarterly fee of $35.00. There is also an exerc ise room that is free to seniors that are 55 and older. The exerc ise room c onsists of eleven various c ardio mac hines. In addition, bowling trips to the W illiamston Bowling A lley are sc heduled every three weeks. D uring the summer there are various field trips sc heduled for seniors also.

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