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Mo n 18 /6 /1434 - 29 /4/20 13

Ho me Catego ries Abo ut the Site Articles & Bo o ks Send A Questio n Intro ductio n to Islam Etiquette, Mo rals and Heart-S o fteners The Heart S o fteners

Supplic at io ns presc ribed in Shareeah

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Select ion of Verses and Supplicat ions f or Incant at ion Purposes. Sunnah and Bidah. Remembering Allah During Int ercourse t o Cure Premat ure Ejaculat ion. Remembering Allah When Climbing and Descending St airs. Expression Said When Leg Becomes Numb . Remembering Allah Out Loud in Unison. Ruling on recit ing adhkaar out loud in unison.

175189 174660 171742 164340 162967 160967 154213

Repeat ing Remembrance of Allah Along Wit h Comput er 153815 Programme. Supplicat ion When Bat hing. Recit at ion For Finding a Job.
150959 149161

He cannot walk to the mosque because


11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Singling Out t he Time Bet ween Maghrib and Isha f or Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah). recit ing t he Last Ten Verses of Al -Imran at Night . T his dhikr is superior t o t he dhikr of night and day. Ruling on get t ing people's at t ent ion by saying Remember Allah or Send blessings on t he Prophet . Adhkaar which may be recit ed af t er f inishing prayer. Ruling on t akbeer in unison bef ore t he Eid prayer.

148174 144207 139841 139638 131850 127851

Is it permissible t o pray f or f orgiveness wit h t he words I ask Allah t he Almight y f or f orgiveness, as much as t he 126934 number of His creat ion, as much as pleases Him, as much as t he weight of His T hrone and as much as t he ink of His words. Part of t he adhkaar f or morning and evening is t o say Hasbi Allaah laa illaha illa huwa (suf f icient f or me is Allah, t here is no god besides Him).



Which is bet t er, glorif ying and praising Allaah, or sending 12207 blessings upon t he Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)?. Saying Bismillaah f or wudoo when one is in t he bat hroom.




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