Anda di halaman 1dari 2

July July July July - August August August August August August August - September

Lecture Week 1 Lecture Week 2 Lecture Week 3 Lecture Week 4 Lecture Week 5 Lecture Week 6 Mid-Semester Break Lecture Week 7 Lecture Week 8 Lecture Week 9
6-Jul 13-Jul 20-Jul 27-Jul 3-Aug 10-Aug 17-Aug 24-Aug 31-Aug 7-Sep
Course registration Israk dan Mikraj Test 1 starts here, Awal Ramadhan National Day Test 2 starts here,
starts here,ends 12-Jul Review of Results ends 16-Aug ends 4-Oct

for previous semeter

7-Jul 14-Jul 21-Jul 28-Jul 4-Aug 11-Aug 18-Aug 25-Aug 1-Sep 8-Sep
MCG: 讲座 MCG: 讲座
《灵恩运动史》 《圣经无误与

Planner for Semester 1, 2009/2010 (Page 1 of 2)

8-Jul 15-Jul 22-Jul 29-Jul 5-Aug 12-Aug 19-Aug 26-Aug 2-Sep 9-Sep
IK: Welcoming Night IK: Study on Apostle's IK: Seminar on how to IK: Post-modern views IK: Leadership Talk MCG: 电影分享会 IK: Movie Night -

Creed Share the Gospel on relationship Indescribable

9-Jul 16-Jul 23-Jul Finding Non-Nemo Week 30-Jul 6-Aug 13-Aug 20-Aug 27-Aug 3-Sep 10-Sep

10-Jul 17-Jul 24-Jul 31-Jul 7-Aug 14-Aug 21-Aug 28-Aug 4-Sep 11-Sep

11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 1-Aug 8-Aug 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 5-Sep 12-Sep
IK Family Day MCG 家庭日 Hospital Visitation Hospital Visitation Hospital Visitation MCG Outing Hospital Visitation Rumah Faith Visit'n
(either 11/7 or 12/7)

12-Jul 19-Jul 26-Jul 2-Aug 9-Aug 16-Aug 23-Aug 30-Aug 6-Sep 13-Sep
Course registration Test 1 Ends here
ends here

IK Family Day
(either 11/7 or 12/7)
September September September - October October October October October - November November November November
Lecture Week 10 Raya Holidays Lecture Week 11 Lecture Week 12 Lecture Week 13 Lecture Week 14 Exam Week 1 Exam Week 2 Exam Week 3 Sem Break Week 1
14-Sep 21-Sep 28-Sep 5-Oct 12-Oct 19-Oct 26-Oct 2-Nov 9-Nov 16-Nov
Hari Raya Puasa 2 Course registration Inter semester break
MCG 退修营 starts here,ends 25-Oct starts here,ends

IK Friendship Camp

15-Sep 22-Sep 29-Sep 6-Oct 13-Oct 20-Oct 27-Oct 3-Nov 10-Nov 17-Nov
MCG 退修营 IK Friendship Camp
Planner for Semester 1, 2009/2010 (Page 2 of 2)

16-Sep 23-Sep 30-Sep 7-Oct 14-Oct 21-Oct 28-Oct 4-Nov 11-Nov 18-Nov
IK Friendship Camp

17-Sep 24-Sep 1-Oct 8-Oct 15-Oct 22-Oct 29-Oct 5-Nov 12-Nov 19-Nov
IK EXCO Retreat

18-Sep 25-Sep 2-Oct 9-Oct 16-Oct 23-Oct 30-Oct 6-Nov 13-Nov 20-Nov
IK EXCO Retreat

19-Sep 26-Sep 3-Oct 10-Oct 17-Oct 24-Oct 31-Oct 7-Nov 14-Nov 21-Nov
Project: Repart Old IK EXCO Retreat Hospital Visitation Deepavali
Flat Walkway

20-Sep 27-Sep 4-Oct 11-Oct 18-Oct 25-Oct 1-Nov 8-Nov 15-Nov 22-Nov
Hari Raya Puasa 1 Test 2 ends here
MCG 退修营

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