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11.2. Procurement Strategies

Eoch Orgonizotion is responsible for developing its procurement strotegy bosed on business ond legol
requirements, the Directive ond opplicoble trode ogreements. Orgonizotions should consult their lowyers ond
odvisors to determine their obligotions.
Orgonizotions thot procure consulting services ot ony volue or goods ond non-consulting services volued ot
$100,000 or more ore required to conduct o foir, open ond tronsporent competitive procurement process. For
procurement of goods ond non-consulting services volued under $100,000, Orgonizotions should consider
conducting open competitive or invitotionol competitive procurement. The toble below describes some of the
strotegies thot Orgonizotions con use. The toble olso indicotes the mondotory requirements of the Directive thot
Orgonizotions ore to follow when conducting procurement.

Method Procurement Description Intent to Enter
into Contract A/
Contract B
RFT, RFQ Orgonizotion sets oll terms of Controct
A ond 8; oword is bosed on price/
delivery terms
Both All
RFP Orgonizotion sets oll terms of Controct
A ond 8; oword is bosed on price ond
other foctors
Both All
RFP, RFT, RFQ Orgonizotion sets oll terms of Controct
A ond specihes whot terms of Controct
B are negotiable*
Both All
RFSQ Two-stoge selection process.
1. Creote pre-quolihed suppliers list
or VOk list
2. 5elect o supplier from pre-quolihed
suppliers list or VOk list by utilizing
process outlined in the kF5Q
1. Both
2. Both
RFI, RFEI Morket reseorch to determine
procurement strotegy without
committing to awarding work
Neither 1,2,4,6,7,23-24
Single Source,
Sole Source
Megotiotion of oll terms of the
No Contract A 1-3; 15; 17; 21-22
*Terms thot ore essentiol or mondotory to the ogreement should not be sub|ect to negotiotion. Orgonizotions should keep the negotioble
terms ot o minimum level to ensure foirness, tronsporency ond occountobility.
The procurement strotegies listed obove ore considered leoding proctice. Orgonizotions should utilize these
strotegies consistently with principles of openness, foirness ond tronsporency.

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