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Assignment Nº 3


“Ethic Development in the Classroom”

The activity we are about to develop was aimed to the Victor Antonio School,
specifically to the high school 2nd grade class with 16 students, and after we debated
ourselves about what OFT we should use, we thought it was highly valuable to use the
one we considered essential for a student’s self respect.

“Los OFT del ámbito Formación Ética, relativos al respeto y valoración de

modos de ser, pensar y valorar de otras culturas, y el cuestionamiento de estereotipos,
discriminaciones y mitos que se construyen respecto de las mismas.” (Programa de
Estudio, Segundo Año Medio, Formación General. Educación Media, Unidad de
Currículum y Evaluación. Ministerio de Educación, República de Chile. 2da Edición,
2004. Santiago de Chile).


The class will be divided into groups of 4 and different values will be written
down on the board so they can choose one and insert it in a dialog they’ll have to create
and perform in front of the class with a limited amount of time.

• Initially, each group will have to debate which value they would prefer the most
according to their own criteria. This part will take about 10 minutes.

• Then, they’ll create their own dialogs with help from the teacher, using the
contents they’ve learnt so far. 35 minutes will be given for this part.

• The performances will be represented with a length of no more than 5 minutes

each group, completing 25 minutes total.

• Finally, conclusions will be discussed between classmates and the teacher

himself, giving useful feedback to them based on their chosen values and the
performances they made using the final 15 minutes of the class.

We thought this activity would be proper for each student because they can
share, respect and even notice all the levels of importance they give to the different
values that were presented. This can also improve their audible and oral skills,
vocabulary, and create a familiar environment for them to get in touch with the subject.

Charly Cerda Correa

Romina Jaqui Maltrain
Rocío Molina Villarroel

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