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The God of all comfort 2 Cor.1.3-11 - do christians get sick, do they suffer?

? does God always heal, and rescues his people from persecution? some teach we have a lack of faith and sin in our life, that's why we suffer. true sometimes, but not always. this letter is a comfort letter, following the rebuke letter. the theme of the letter is connection between suffering and the power of the Spirit in Paul's life...some said, he suffered too much to be Spirit-filled apostle. but his endurance and dependance on Christ proves the Spirit-filled life, and God's grace in his life. this glorifies God. in the opening verses he praises God for his suffering! what affections Paul expresses in this letter... 1. the Father of mercies and God of all comfort a.'s because of his mercy and grace; Matt.5.4 who mourn...comforted b. 1 Pet.5.10 - God has grace for every occasion; 2 Cor.12.9-10; John 15.26 Paracletos - helper, advocate, counsellor, called to one's aid, in the place of Jesus 2. the afflicted and suffering a. the suffering ones - Epaphroditus - Phil.2.25-27; Trophimus - 2 Tim.4.20; Paul - 2 Cor.12.7-9; 2 Cor.1.5,7,8,9a b. suffering is not forever - Rom.8.18, 18-39; 2.Cor.4.16-18; Rev.21.3-4 3. the comforted and hopeful a. Phil.2.1; 2 Cor.7.4-7,13; Rom.8.28; 2 Cor.1.3,4,5,7 - through Christ, in faith relationship with him; 2 Cor.1.6 - patient faith; comfort and salvation; James 5.10-11 - Job b. hope - confident trust in expecting good from God. Heb.6.19; Rom.5.2-5; 2 Cor.1.9-10 - confident that God will do - v.10, what he's done in the past - v.9 4. the comforters and helpers a. 2 Cor.1.4; Rom.12.15 - my testimony b. helpers by prayer - 2 Cor.1.11; pray for yourself - James 5.13 5. the many thankful a. 2 Cor.1.11

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