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Mrs. Nemitz Math Syllabus 2013-2014 OBrien STEM Academy Welcome to Mrs.

Nemitzs 7th grade math class. I anticipate an exciting year of learning! There are some key factors for success in middle school such as organization, dedication, focus, eating right and a positive attitude. Below, you will find materials, guidelines for success and other important details about our class. Mrs. Nemitz Website: SUPPLIES, to be brought to class EVERY DAY: 1. Two pocket folder or a section for math only in your binder. I WILL do binder/folder checks. You must have them every day as we have loose paper to keep track of. 2. Composition notebook for Math only in your binder. If you can get one with graphing paper in it, that would be best. Regular college-ruled paper will be fine, though. *** These are collected throughout the quarter for classwork grades. For this reason, your notebook must be for math only! 3. Pencils. If you use mechanical pencils, bring lead too. All work must be completed in pencil. 4. Hand-held pencil sharpener. We will not have electric sharpeners in class. 5. Erasers. 6. Your school issued planner 7. A ready-to-Learn attitude * It is your responsibility to replenish your materials throughout the year. Guidelines for Success: 1. Be respectful 2. Follow the OSA P.R.I.D.E. matrix 3. Try your best 4. Be prepared every day (materials, homework, ready for exams, etc.) *Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in the discipline policy set forth by the team, school and district. GRADING: Grade Scale A= 90%-100%


C= 70%-79%

D= 60%-69%

F= 59% and below

Your grade will be determined in three categories: Tests/Quizzes, Classwork/Participation/Notebook, Homework. Tests/Quizzes (60%) Tests and quizzes will be given frequently throughout the semester. Each quiz will assess proficiency of the concepts that we have covered. If a student is absent on the day of a quiz or test, it is the students responsibility to make up the test or quiz within one week. For any test score below 70%, a student may retake the test. It is up to the student to make arrangements to retake the test at lunch or before or after school. Classwork/Participation/Notebook (30%) Classwork is given daily in class and is presented in your math notebook. Participation is also part of this grade. Working hard in class to complete the class work assignment, cooperating with others and participating is part of this grade. Please use the classwork/participation rubric to know how you will be graded on your classwork assignments. Students must be active members of the class by asking questions and participating in activities.

Homework (10%) Homework will be assigned frequently. It is the students responsibility to make sure assignments are turned in when due. The goal of homework is to practice concepts learned during the school day. By completing the homework, students will be prepared for tests and quizzes. Your notebook should go home with you to help you complete your homework assignment, and then return to class the next day. *Late work Policy: Students will receive grade print outs throughout the quarter (roughly 3 per quarter). They will have one week after the grade print outs go home to complete any missing work. Work received after will not be accepted. Late work will not qualify for full credit. Please allow a one-week grading period for grades to be entered. If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask. Checking your grades often shows integrity and dedication to your own education - take control of your learning! TUTORING: Lunch time: Most days, I am available for drop-in tutoring, help with assignments, or test retakes. After school: Available until 2:40p Tuesdays and Thursdays; other days by appointment. CITIZENSHIP: All students begin with an A in citizenship at the beginning of each quarter. There are two citizenship categories: Behavior and Work Ethic. - Examples of Behavior infractions that will result in grade deduction: gum, disruptive classroom behavior, inappropriate or disrespectful interactions with peers and staff, tardies. - Examples of Work Ethic infractions that will result in a grade deduction: tardies, not prepared for class, missing or late assignments, time off task, etc. OBrien STEM Academy is a P.R.I.D.E. school that encourages and reinforces positive behavior. The staff is always looking for students who are showing PRIDE in their school! Lions Loot will be given out on a regular basis to reward students behavior and work. Lion Loot can be used to pay for free dress days and items from the student store, as well as supplies in Mrs. Nemitzs classroom. Class Rules 1. Respect yourself, classmates, teacher, and equipment. 2. Class starts when the bell rings and ends when students are dismissed (which might not be when the bell rings to end the class). Be ready to work every second of the class! 3. Be responsible! Come to class prepared with pencil and notebook in hand. 4. Stay positive. 5. Follow the PRIDE Matrix. Consequences 1. Verbal warning 2. Removal to peer classroom 3. Lunch detentions 4. Phone call home and/or parent conference 5. Visit to the office Absences: If you are absent you will miss classwork. Please do one of the following to make up your missing work for full credit. Failure to do so will result in a zero for the days you were absent. This is your responsibility: a. Complete an I was out form for each day you were absent. b. Copy the information from the Master Notebook from your class. Come see Mrs. Nemitz during her prep periods, before school, after school, during lunch or discuss another time, to use the class Master Notebook. c. Get any handouts you missed from the appropriate days in the extra handout crate. d. Insert the I was out form into your notebook for the appropriate days (use tape). Hall passes: are in your planner. You will not be allowed to leave class without your planner, so be sure to bring it daily.

Math 7

Mrs. Nemitz

OBrien STEM Academy

2013-2014 school year

I have read the above syllabus, my questions have been answered and I am ready to be a productive member of this class, school and community. Student Name: _____________________________________ Printed ________________________ signature


Parent Name: _____________________________________ Printed ________________________ signature


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