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October 21 - 25, 2013

Consider these 5 reasons to attend: 1. Mike Cadogan 2. Amal Mattu
(@sandnsurf) (@amalmattu)

International Faculty Development & Teaching Course

Follow us on twitter @IEMTC13

3. Michelle Lin (@M_Lin) 4. Mike Stone

(@bedsidesono) 5. Haney Mallemat (@CriticalCareNow)

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Follow us on Facebook The Teaching Course

The 2013 course will be October 21-25th in Baltimore, Maryland, and its open to anyone and everyone who is interested in medical education Registration: Here is whats new for 2013:
Sessions on educational technology 1/2 day mini-SMACC course starring the Father of FOAM (Mike Cadogan), Haney Mallemat, and Rob Rogers 2-hr workshop on Resuscitating Your Power Point slide, led by Michelle Lin Sessions on making your own podcast and digital media Procedure, simulation, and ultrasound labs (teach the teacher) Shorter days to allow for more time to enjoy Baltimore, the greatest city on Earth! Flip the course model of teaching-some of the 2012 lectures will be delivered to course attendees before the course, so more interaction can take place during the live course. Tons of networking opportunities with course teaching faculty and with other attendees Group dinners (even more than 2012) Daily liver rounds and MUCH MUCH MORE!

Social Media Liason

Salim Rezaie (@srrezaie)

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