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Form 5 BIOLOGY: CHAPTER 1:TRANSPORT WATER -90% of plasma. -solvent medium. MINERALS -in the form of ions.

ex: sodium, calcium, bicarbonate. SOLUBLE GASES - oxygen and carbon dioxide. CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES - hormones, enzymes, antibodies. NUTRIENTS - glucose, amino acids. WASTE PRODUCTS -carbon dioxide, urea, uric acids. PLASMA PROTEINS i) Fibrinogen -involves in blood clotting. ii) Albumen -controls blood osmotic level. iii) Immunoglobulin -a type of antibody. -involved in defense mechanism.

WHITE BLOOD CELLS (WBC) -also called leucocytes. -has irregular shape. - formed in the bone marrow. -no haemoglobin. -involve in defense mechanism against pathogens, thus life span is uncertain. -have nucleus.

PLATELETS -also called thrombocytes. -the smallest and lightest blood cells. - formed in the bone marrow. -important in blood clotting.

PLASMA (55%)

AGRANULOCYTES -no granules in their cytoplasm. -nuclei not lobed.

GRANULOCYTES -have granules in their cytoplasm. -have lobed nuclei.

MONOCYTES -the largest leucocytes. LYMPHOCYTES -the smallest leucocytes.

NEUTROPHILS -most abundant.

RED BLOOD CELLS (RBC) -also called erythrocytes. -flattened double concave cells. -formed in the bone marrow. -contain haemoglobin (red pigment). -haemoglobin binds with O2 to form oxyhaemoglobin. -life span = 120 days. -after 120 days, destroyed by liver. -newly formed RBC have nucleus but missing in mature RBC. Surface area is increased to transport O2.

EOSINOPHILS -rarely found in blood. BASOPHILS -rarely found in blood.

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