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Pre-Pennsic 2013

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From the editor: The clock is ticking for anyone going to Pennsic....You know that time of scurrying as we get ready for the annual event with sewing, armor making and/or patching, and of course, gathering of scotch, beer, weapons, camp equipment, money. To help, I tried to get as much information in one place for your eyes and organize it sort of logically. As you flip/scroll through, you will find reports from the people in know, events happening in camp, the household orders, important information, followed by old reports and what's coming up such as Ladies (which will listed under another name Treffen der Klans: Eisental Invitational and please read before blasting the listserv, facebook, etc.) and will have a more in-depth write-up in the near future. Speaking of write ups, please note WE do not have the next editor for the post Pennsic Caterwauls. Therefore, I will volunteer to do it unless someone else has a burning desire to do so and I will defer the honor to them Please keep in mind that the "no sh*t there I was" stories and reports from Pennsic will need to be submitted so keep up the great work in writing them up. We will also need a winter caterwaul's editor (which won't be me) so consider volunteering at Ladies aka Treffen der Klans. There are enough of us who will gladly give you an idea of how to do it if you dont know how. Other things on the foreground: We are looking for ways to recruit new blood. We want to be able to present the best US we can by applying our skills and practicing our martial prowess. In other words, lets not sit back and watch our colors get dusty. Instead, lets live and play as large as we can as we write this chapter of Confed history. With real life obligations preventing many of us from coming this year to Pennsic, our camp will be small so many hands making light work won't be our strong suit but that doesn't mean we can't rise to the occasion and shine. Ive seen it happen before and I know we are capable of it again. Lets show ourselves what we're made of and be able to brag to our absent but missed brothers and sisters how we flew the blue and gold banner proudly. HnH Lady Deirdre Kildare

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From Those in the Know ____________________________________

Slumlord Pre Pennsic Report
So far looks like a small camp we have a final total of 50 preregistered. Time to get to know your neighbors. It's doubtful we will reach the cloven-shield bridge this year, so please be on the look out for drunken clovenshielders wandering around the camp lost.....try not to let them fall in the ravine...even though this would greatly amuse us all, they are still our friends and we will have to live next to them for years yet to come. If you haven't sent me your tent dimensions yet please do ASAP. Also remember to remind your friends that are new to us about camp fees. Yandros P.S. maps will be forthcoming as they get done. _______________________________________________________________________

From the Senior Servant

Brothers and Sisters,

We will have a small camp this year according to the pre-reg list from our slumlord but I still ask for any and all volunteers for the field support teams needed. I am looking forward to many new No Shit stories. I have repeated the Heat Injury posting for all to review. Please read the information provided so everyone can be safe, healthy and enjoy this war. I am excited to complete this awfully long town run and soon return home. I look forward to seeing all who will be attending Pennsic. Travel well, be safe and come home, we have been too long apart. In Service, Elidth the Adopted Senior Servant
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From the Warlord

Okay, so Deirdre wanted something from the warlord. She also had some article suggestions regarding how to do this, that or yonder. So I'm combining a few things here into on rambling mindless endeavor known as my damn soap box. First off our numbers are going to genuinely suck this year. Last I checked we will have 8 heavy fighters upon the field at Pennsic. Yes, you saw this right, we will be in single digits for this war. Our support staff is going to have it easy this year. Too damn easy, and frankly I don't like it. Yeah, I know vacations, kids, jobs, money, buying a house, all this stuff comes into play. And ya know what, I don't care. Fact is at the end of the day, Confed will be sucking hind tit this Pennsic. Nothing I can do to change it. Nothing you can do to change it. Life happens and that's just how it's gonna be. Realizing all this does not mean I have to like it one iota. So how do we fix this? Membership is the key. We need more bodies on the field. These folks take up the slack when the burdens of real life occur for the others. This of course means recruitment. So how do we recruit? Well to my thinking we need to Look like a group folks would want to join. Our Harness should look like a harness, Not like a Mad Max audition reject. In short, if you have plastic, cover it. Plastic shoulder cops? Replace them with metal. The shop is up and running at Tim's house with an open invite. You buy the material (We already have it), you provide the labor needed and you are done. We figured out full harness of stainless steel or T6 aluminum including a stainless helm would be under $150. The less you need built, the less money is spent... Easy as pie ain't it? The Second key to recruitment is as they say Projection of Power. How do we do that? Simple, if you are marshaling an event, fighting, water bearing or helping in some manner, have your tabard/surcoat on. Show our colors. Our belts and bracelets are all well and good for those of us in the know. To the rest of the known world, they are just blue and gold ornaments. There is another aspect to this projection of power. You guessed it, Prowess. Now I've heard You're picking on me Quit bullying It's just a game til I'm blue in the ear drums. I don't care quite frankly. That's my job. The fact of the matter is NOBODY is going to want to join us if we are not doing the best damn job on the field being done. Period, end of discussion. That's how it is. There is no alternative to this. IF we can't fight our way out of a bag, we have no business making contracts and expecting prime assignments, champion slots or anything else.

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There is another element to the Prowess deal. When you don your harness, put on your helm and go into combat, whether singles or melee, you owe yourself and your opponent the best damn fight you can offer. If you are not practicing, you are not living up to your end of the bargain. And then we move into the safe factor. Yep you saw it, the safe factor. Just because you authorized does NOT mean you are still safe if you just pick up a weapon 10 minutes before the first Pennsic battle and put it down 3 minutes after the last one never to see it again until the following war. Skills atrophy over time. It's just how it is. So now that I've hit all that, we need to discuss what KIND of people we desire. Speaking as the Warlord and thus in charge of martial activity, I want combatants. Heavy fighters, fencers, combat archers, siege crew, support staff. More importantly I want people who will DO for this household. If I had a pack of Brynmor (Chris for those of you unfamiliar with his chosen persona) clones for field support helping Elidelh, Grania and Erzebet, we would be the absolute model of field support beyond what imitation we are experiencing from other groups. As to combatants, I want hungry fire-eating sonsabitches that don't know how to quit against superior numbers. I want folks who want to be the best on the field. In short, I want stone cold assassins who can get the damn job done. And, I want LOTS of them. But, I'm a murderous bastard looking to create some truly glorious tales about us from the lips of others... HnH, Lord Angus MacClerie ______________________________________________________________

From the Rapier Field Commander

We are fast approaching the third anniversary of the Mountain Confederations Rapier unit. I look forward to taking the field with our unit and once again proving our worth. The sad news is we will have to up our game. What once caused shock and awe in our opponents will now be common place and expected. What, you may ask, are we to do? The answer is really quite simple. We continue honing our skills, both as a unit and as individual fencers. Hopefully, you are attending a regular practice. I urge you to continue that effort. Individual skill does come into play in melee situations and the better our individual fencers, the better our unit will be. I highly recommend you plan on attending the Aethelmearc Academy on June 29th. The Academy promises to be a fantastic opportunity for fencers to learn from the masters of our game. Personally, I am looking forward to spending some quality time with as many of the visiting White Scarves and Cadets as possible. I find nothing stimulates improvement as much as facing an opponent who is more skilled than I am. Who knows? I may get nudged off this damned plateau.
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Along with personal practice and improvement, we really should do our utmost to work as a unit as often as possible. The more we practice together, the better our unit will be. Yes, the economy has been in the toilet. Yes, we all have responsibilities outside the SCA. And yes, I am as guilty as the very worst offender. That still doesnt change the fact that our rapier unit will only benefit from our working together. And frankly, the after action socialization just cant be beat. Give attending a household gathering some serious consideration. Now would be a great time to inspect your gear. Is your blade bent beyond what is legal? Is your tip suffering towards an early death? Is you mask able to stand up to an Atlantean thrust? How about your gloves? Are they becoming Holy? Have mice eaten holes in your fencing tunic? Perhaps dusting off that gear and inspecting it before you reach Coopers Lake may be a good idea. One particular note I wish to touch on is that I will regret the fact that Aindreas MacGhille Fhiontaigh will not be with us on the field at Pennsic this year. I am sure most of you know our Rapier Captain has undergone some medical issues and is well on the mend. It has always been a pleasure to take the field with Aindreas and he usually brings a decent beer. I hope to see Prime on the field soon. I am sure you are like minded. HnH, Lord Andreas Jger Von Holstein ______________________________________________________________ WANTED: FIELD SUPPORT I always ask who would be available for field support. This year, with a smaller camp it is imperative that as many hands as possible give some time. Step up family and lets take care of our own so everyone can have a great war. There will be the usual required field support to provide a small bite of food to those on a cool down between battles. Hands are needed to prepare these morsels as well as see to the needs of both heavy weapons fighters and our fencers. We can always use volunteers to assist with water bearing on the field. I would like to see any fighters/fencers who are "sitting a battle out" for any reason (other than death) joins us in support of our brothers and sisters on the field.

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We need at least 4 or more persons per battle. All hands are welcome. If every nonfighter or injured combatant offers time for 1 battle we will have plenty of hands to keep our fighters, fencers and archers healthy, safe and having fun. (Which will lead to MANY more no shit stories?) All those who wish to water bare must have appropriate shoes, wear a hat and sunscreen and is willing to take direction. Children under 16 are welcome and needed to water those on the sidelines; they must have parental consent (this means the parents must directly speak to me regarding their childs assistance) and are willing to take direction. Donations of pickles, olives, oranges or grapes will be appreciated. Other items such as: Instant cold packs, other fruits are welcome. We could also use a bunch of scrap rags for cooling down our fighters if you have any to spare. And always remember: ***Listen to the Water Bearers of Confed; they are not inflicted with adrenaline/testosterone poisoning, nor are they likely to douse you with ice cold water or a cold spray which could send you into shock. Let us be your field angelsespecially if it is suggested you stay out of the fighting for a while. If all goes well you can cuss us out back at camp. Then is when I know we have been successful in our job. HnH Lady Elidth the Adopted ______________________________________________________________

Captain of the Guard

Brothers and Sisters, Greetings from the Dog or Lord Dog or Mad Dog or various other names I hear you calling me. With Pennsic approaching and because Deirdre requested it, I figured I would write up something. Here it is, Deirdre, feel free to edit the content that would be otherwise offensive or Politically Incorrect. I am sure everyone can fill in the blanks if they read this in my voice. First and foremost for those of you who are new, yeah you hiding over in the corner reading this with a flashlight as you hide under the covers. What is Gate Duty? Simple answer? Just something we do. Complex answer? Consider if you would that for one or two weeks we will be in a temporary city and our camp is our temporary home. There will be times when members of our house would want to go home and just get something to eat, some sleep, something to drink or just some down time. The people on
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gate duty are there to ensure that if they dont want to be disturbed except for a few select people, they arent and to prevent a bunch of strangers wandering around our home helping themselves to our stuff uninvited. So sounds pretty complicated huh? Its not. If you are new, like less than five years get someone else who has been here more to sign up with you. Wait. Sign up? Yes. There is a book, you sign up. Every night from 6pm to 2 or 3 am, two people sign up for two hour shifts to be the actual gate guards, though there are usually a lot more at the gate. The two that sign up are the ones that members of the House can go to and say, Hey I have been in meetings all day and have to go up to Whatever Royal camp later so unless so and so show up, tell everyone else I am not here. Or if you are not going to be in camp let them know so they are not traipsing over Hells Half Acre looking for you with a friend of yours standing at the gate as they search for someone not there. Now I know I said that there is always more than just those who sign up for duty at the gate, this is pretty much standard. Though it is helpful to remember that the gate is the opening to the sheetwall and how people enter and leave the camp. Chair at the gate should be in two single lines that are along the sides of the gate, Bottles mugs, plates and all garbage should be policed by the individuals who bring them up there, the whole first impressions thing, a garbage bag is usually kept behind the gate . When someone comes to the gate looking for someone, also known as a guest, one of the guards asks who they are looking for and then leaves the guest at the gate and sees if the person they are looking for is in camp. Then the guard returns to the gate, and either takes them back to that persons camp or turns them away. Again, this is easier if you leave word with the guards of whether or not you will be in camp or accepting visitors. To make this even easier, The two on duty guards should have the outermost chairs on either side of the gate , unless it is a party night and the Id Checker/Bouncer wants to be there to have the torchlight to help check IDs. During Party Nights, Like Pipers,additional Guards do roving patrols to ensure our guests are only where they are supposed to be. Closed camp means no random visitors, usually only done the Meeting at the Fire. If there is a problem, and the guards need back up to resolve the problem, the guard or someone else can just yell, Confed, to the Gate if it is that serious a problem or just yell for an individual if you need something minor. The following people are not welcome in Confed Camp, and should be turned away : Wulfheire Baron Durr Ragnar /Scott Crabb Salari/Shen McBride
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According to the Last numbers I saw from Yandros, the Right of way to Clovenshield will be way north of our camp, in the event anyone intoxicated comes to the gate, either turn them away politely directing them to the path, or call Yandros so he can watch them pitch themselves down the ravine. Your choice. Honor Not Honors. Lord Briog Mad Dog MacClerie ________________________________________________ ______________

Exchequer's Report:
The good news is we have some money. Our account holds $3238.56. This will drop mildly with the deduction of Pennsic start up funds and trailer payment. But for now its what we have. Respectfully Submitted, Keldra Dietrichdottir ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

IN CAMP EVENTS __________________________________

Introduction Night Dinner: [Sunday Night]
Last year we tried something new. We introduced new people on Sunday night, instead of waiting until Thursday and wondering who the strange people floating around camp where. I think it went very well. We saw new faces, new faces saw old faces and we all got to know each other over a lovely Mexican Dinner. So. That being said. I am not sure we will any new people this year but how can another family meal be bad? Just like picnic night bring enough to feed your family (Mexican themed) place it on the table and partake of the bounty. Think of it this way. You would have been cooking for your family anyway. No need to make extra or anything fancy, just enough to share. If everyone brings a enough for themselves then there will be plenty to go around.

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Tips for Dinner* Make meat ahead of time and freeze it flat in a zip lock, same with chili. * Things like enchilada pie or Mexican lasagna can be made, frozen and heated on the grill. * Burritos? Make them ahead, spray some non-stick spray on tin foil, wrap them and freeze. They can be thrown right on a grill or pan and heated. (Same with Quesadilla). * Rice also can be par cooked, frozen and re-heated on site. * Disposable is the way to go for serving containers. (saves me from yelling across camp for people to come get their dishes and makes clean up a breeze) Questions, Concerns, Need a recipe? Let me know. Next year I am thinking Italian? Any objections? HnH, Keldra ______________________________________________________________

Another 25th Annual Mountain Confederation Piper's Competition. (Tuesday)

Since we decided to stop counting, its time for another 25th annual Pipers competition. As always, lets make it an extra special event. I am looking for any prize donations. In the past we have given out scotch, knives, trinket boxes, handmade goods and mugs. So far we have scotch. As always I am open to any ideas to promote or run the competition that might make this year stand out from the crowd. Advertisement is key. Talk us up to anyone and everyone, especially if they have pipes. Once again I am boycotting the newspaperthey still owe us money from 2 years ago. Instead, I have put ads on several Pennsic party websites and plan on making cards to hand out. Stop and see me for a couple to give to friends and random strangers. Since camp is going to be rather sparse this year. Volunteers are needed. Please contact me if you are willing to do any of the following 1. Go get the beer 2. Dig a hole for the beer 3. Serve the beer. (Now that the important part is out of the way I also need) 4. MC for the event. 5. One additional gate person (I will take the other spot as I am a firm believer that bagpipes get better the farther away you are from them) In Service Keldra Dietrichdottir
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Confed Picnic Dinner (Thursday Night)

Brothers and Sisters, Picnic night has been working well. The last few years we ate together, we laughed and had a family meal. So lets do it again!!! Remember to bring picnic items to put on the table to share. Breads, deli meats, condiments, hot dogs, side salads, watermelon or does not have to be fancy. Easy, cheap and portable.things that would go in picnic baskets is the best idea. So as not to make it an extra cost bring enough to feed your entire family, put it on the table with all the other "picnic basket contents" and choose from the smorgasbord. Oooh! And don't forget a picnic cloth to sit around the fire with! The whole point is to sit around the fire with friends and family, eat good food and swap no shit stories. See you all there! Keldra

Editors note: Official meeting is traditionally Thursday night after our communal meal. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

THE ORDERS __________________________________

Order of the CAT
Order of the CAT - for excellence in armored combat and melee combat, martial arts instruction, and military service to the Confederation; particularly in times of War. So ya wanna be a cat do ya? Look above. Do you see what is says? Becoming a Cat is a three legged stool. You need have all of these qualities So let's break the definition of the order down a bit. (setting up soap box and standing upon it now)

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Excellence in armored Combat and Melee So what's this mean? Just what is says. To be considered one of our best, you have to be one of our best. Time in grade means not much at all. If you've been a fighter for 20 years and can't even get a 45% average of wins over the existing cats, how can you expect the accolade? You have to be more skilled than the average bear. Martial Arts Instruction Yes a Cat teaches. How do you get looked at in this regard is simple. That new guy coming in to the household, are you showing him how to get around Havoc's polearm? Are you teaching him what's wrong with his footwork? How to hold his shield properly? No... What makes you think we are going to look at you as a cat? This means, you have to be more willing to teach than the average bear. Military Service to the Confederation This one is honestly a bit nebulous as the type of service gets confused when discussing one person from Cat to Cat. So I'm going to give my definition of what it means. It is not necessarily a shared definition. So here goes. Military Service means more than just showing up at Pennsic and fighting the war then going home and letting your armor rust. It means going to a percentage of the muster events. It means being at least one practice a month. In short it means you need be slightly more dedicated than the average bear. All in all, you just have to be better all around than the Average Bear. Now I am going to let you in on a secret here. I want to bring in Cats. I want to see more examples of what a Cat is among our numbers. I want those cats to inspire others to become cats. It's a vicious cycle I would love to see perpetuate itself over and over again. So now the question after knowing my particular set of definitions is this Do you want to be a Cat and do you have the drive to do so?...If the answer is Yes then show me what it is to be a cat. (Soap box put away now)...

Angus For you cats NOT going to war this year. If there is someone you want considered for induction send the name and your reasons to either Havoc or myself to be brought up at the Meeting during War... ______________________________________________________________

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From the Wrens

Greetings all I have no new Wren news. Please keep your eye out for any who go above and beyond the call of duty with service to this house, and let me or another Wren know. I would like to have Our Wren meeting the 2nd Sat at 4:30 If all are in agreement. Meeting will be held in our camp in the back by mine and Jeff's tent. Thats all I have for now. Keep your eyes open In service Honor NOT Honors Lady Siearra McMillion Order of the Cat, Wren, Thistle AoA, OoK, OGA ______________________________________________________________

From the Thistles

Thistles! Be thinking about who's art you have seen and admired so when we have the meeting we can have something to talk about. Artisans, bring your show off pieces to war, show everyone what you have been doing, I am always happy to see new talent. Can't wait to see everyone at war! ____________________________________________________________

From the Centaurs.....

The Centaurs of Confed continue to ride throughout the Known World and are actively involved in promoting the equestrian arts. As most are also Marshals, they have been running events and teaching equestrian related classes. The Centaurs are well represented by several Kingdom Champions and Kingdom officers, including yours truly, Gozen, who is the current AEthelmearc Kingdom Equestrian Officer. Rhia is the current Deputy. Marta, Rhia and I have the distinction of being among the few equestrian marshals who are warranted, by the grace of both Crowns, in two kingdoms (AEthelmearc and MidRealm). While it is understood that the equestrian arts are expensive, it is hoped that more members of Confed will look to get involved in this aspect of the SCA. There are many opportunites for people who do not currently own a horse......such as arts and sciences and assisting with the horses at local events. Interested persons should contact one of the Centaurs. Gozen, Co-Principle
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From the Arrows

From Editor: Im assuming no news to report as there was no report submitted but I would imagine if you shoot archery and theres archery at Pennsic, you should shoot. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Pennsic Important info

________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT INFORMATION: PLEASE READ. Recognizing symptoms of heat injury. There are three stages to heat illness; heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke -- listed in order of increasing severity. Often the border between them is blurred into a continuous spectrum. Heat cramps are due to muscle spasms and often occur in the arms, legs, or abdomen. They are thought to be caused by dehydration and loss of salt and other electrolytes. Heat exhaustion is due to more profound loss of water and electrolytes. It is characterized by generalized weakness, headache, dizziness, low blood pressure, elevated pulse, and temperature elevation as high as 104 degrees F (40 degrees C). Both can usually be treated by moving out of the sun, drinking fluids, and eating salty food. Preventing Heat Related Illness Normally, our body temperature is regulated by sweating. A number of factors can limit the sweat response, including intense exercise in high temperatures or high humidity, age, obesity, fever, dehydration, illness, medications and alcohol. When an athlete develops a heat illness, it usually occurs after several hours of exertion and excessive sweating that leads, first to to dehydration, and then to electrolyte imbalance. Tips for staying Hydrated Drink Consistently Rather Than Taking a Big Drink Break: Drinking over a set period of time is more effective for complete rehydration, vs. rapid replacement of fluid which instead stimulates increased urine production, reducing body water retention. Consume Salty Foods and Beverages: This prevents the bodies loss of sodium which is very important for fluid balance. Use Common Sense Avoid hot foods, alcohol and heavy foods that increase your core temperature. If you feel any headaches, fatigue or irritability or notice your exercise performance decreasing, stop exercising and cool off.
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Drink before, during, and after the battle: Hydrate thoroughly the day before the battle. How do you know if you are drinking enough? A good sign of hydration is the output of large volumes of clear, dilute urine. Hyper hydrate just before the start of the battles. Drinking approximately 400 - 600 ml (13 - 20 ounces) of water or an electrolyte solution can help delay the process of dehydration. Humidity is not your friend. The rate of sweating is higher in humid conditions but the cooling is less. The reason is that because the air is already very saturated with water, sweat can't evaporate. Sweat that beads up and rolls off doesn't function in the cooling process. However, this "futile sweat" does deplete the body of vital water and salt. As dehydration progresses cooling becomes more difficult. Performance drops and heat injury becomes a real threat. Deaths have occurred when the air temperature was less than 75 degrees F (24 degrees C) but the relative humidity was above 95%. Remember, it is easier to prevent heat illness than to treat it once symptoms develop. Signs of Dehydration When your body is dehydrated, it doesn't have as much water and fluids as it should. Dehydration may be caused by not drinking enough fluids, losing too much fluid, or both. Depending on how much of the body's fluid is not replenished or is lost, dehydration can be mild, moderate, or severe. Severe dehydration is a life-threatening emergency. Vomiting, diarrhea, excessive urine output, excessive sweating, and fever all cause fluid loss in the body. Children and the elderly have a higher risk of developing dehydration. General Signs and Symptoms of dehydration include: The following are the most common symptoms of dehydration, although each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include: * Dry or sticky mouth * thirst * less-frequent urination * very dark colored, concentrated urine * dry skin * fatigue * light-headedness * dizziness * confusion * dry mouth and mucous membranes * increased heart rate and breathing In children, additional symptoms may include: * dry mouth and tongue * no tears when crying * no wet diapers for more than 3 hours * sunken abdomen, eyes or cheeks

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* high fever * listlessness * irritability * skin that does not flatten when pinched and released You can correct mild dehydration by the following methods: Wear a hat and sun screen to protect you from the sun. Frequent small amounts of fluid, rather than drinking a large amount of fluid all at once, which may cause vomiting. Electrolyte solutions are especially effective, but avoid sport drinks that contain sugar that may cause or worsen diarrhea. Everyone should drink plenty of fluid every day and more during hot weather and while exercising. While ill, don't wait for signs of dehydration; attempt to push fluids or get medical attention. A test for dehydration is to pull on the skin and see if it stays up like a tent Symptoms of Mild to Moderate Dehydration increased thirst a dry mouth and tongue decreased urine output normal to increased heart rate and pulses, normal to fast breathing, and cool extremities capillary refill greater than 2 seconds recoil on skin turgor test in less than 2 seconds slightly sunken eyes (and/or sunken soft spot/fontanel in a baby Symptoms of Severe Dehydration Severe dehydration is a medical emergency and you should seek immediate medical attention. If you have: poor drinking or may be unable to drink a parched mouth and tongue minimal or no urine output increased heart rate, weak pulses, deep breathing, and cool, mottled extremities capillary refill that is very prolonged or minimal recoil on skin turgor test in more than 2 seconds deeply sunken eyes (and/or sunken soft spot/fontanel in a baby) Hospitalization and intravenous fluids are sometimes necessary for moderate to severe dehydration, as well as to treat the cause of the dehydration. Immediate attention is needed for symptoms including: Dizziness Lightheadedness Lethargy Confusion Lack of tears CHILDREN: We often forget the wee one's running around our camp, screaming at the top of their lungs except when they enter our space with such noise that it becomes annoying. However, we should all watch over our cubs to make sure they remain able to be annoying.
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Avoid plain water for rehydrating infants and children; instead, use commercial electrolyte solutions such as Pedialyte, or Gatorade. If their dehydration worsens, children may begin to feel tired, restless, and irritable, which makes it difficult to get them to drink more fluids. These children appear lethargic (meaning they are difficult to keep awake) or may be unconscious. In an infant less than two months old, diarrhea or vomiting, little or no urine output in an eight-hour period, sunken eyes, dry skin that stays up like a tent when pinched into a fold (called skin tenting), dry mouth or eyes, sunken soft spot (fontanel), rapid heartbeat, blood in the stool or vomit, or listlessness and inactiveness. Other heat related problems: Heat Cramps: Heat cramps are painful muscle spasms that occur in the arms, legs, or abdomen that usually occur after several hours of exertion in the heat. In addition to muscle cramps, other symptoms of heat cramps may include faintness, dizziness, weakness, and excessive sweating. Usually an athlete suffers from heat cramps after several hours of exertion and excessive sweating that results in dehydration. Preventing Heat Cramps Follow these tips to minimize your risk of developing heat cramps: Hydrate well before and during exercise and replace lost electrolytes such as sodium, potassium and magnesium with food or a sports drink (drink 16 to 20 oz/hour). Avoid exercising during the hottest time of day. Wear light, loose clothing, so sweat can evaporate. Better yet, invest in some clothes that wick moisture from your skin to the outer layer of the clothing where it can evaporate more easily. Brands like CoolMax, Drymax, Smartwool or polypropylene all have this property. Use sunscreen to prevent sunburn, which can limit the skin's ability to cool itself. Wear a hat with a brim. If you feel your abilities start to diminish, stop activity and seek out a cool, shaded place. Do not drink alcohol or beverages with caffeine before exercise because they increase the rate of dehydration. Remember, it is easier to prevent heat illness than to treat it once symptoms develop. Treating Heat Cramps As soon as you recognize any of the symptoms of a heat illness, take the following actions: Stop activity, and sit quietly in a cool place. Drink a sports beverage with electrolytes (you can make you own sodium-based solution with 1/4 teaspoon table salt mixed in a quart of water). Gently stretch and massage the cramping muscle. Hold the joint in a stretched position until the cramp stops. Seek medical attention for heat cramps if they do not subside in 1 hour. What Is Heat Exhaustion? Heat exhaustion is the body's response to dehydration and an excessive loss of water and salt through sweat. Heat exhaustion typically occurs after long periods of heat exposure.
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Heat exhaustion occurs when the body becomes overwhelmed by heat and the sweat response stops working properly. Signs and Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion The following are the most common signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion: nausea dizziness weakness headache pale, cool and moist skin fast and weak pulse disorientation. paleness muscle cramps tiredness fainting Preventing Heat Exhaustion Follow these tips to minimize your risk of developing heat exhaustion: Hydrate Well before and during exercise and replace lost electrolytes suchas sodium, potassium and magnesium with food or a sports drink (drink 16 to 20 oz/hour). Avoid exercising during the hottest time of day Wear light, loose clothing, so sweat can evaporate. Better yet, invest in some clothes made with CoolMax, Drymax, Smartwool or polypropylene. These fibers have tiny channels that wick the moisture from your skin to the outer layer of the clothing where it can evaporate more easily. Use sunscreen to prevent sunburn, which can limit the skin's ability to cool itself. Wear a hat with a brim. If you feel your abilities start to diminish, stop activity and seek out a cool shaded place. Do not drink alcohol or beverages with caffeine before exercise because they increase the rate of dehydration. Heat Exhaustion vs. Heat Stroke If heat exhaustion is left untreated, it may lead to heat stroke. The key difference between heat stroke and heat exhaustion is the presence of confusion and other mental status changes during heat stroke. During heat stroke, the neurological system is affected and can cause odd behavior, delusions, hallucinations, and eventually seizures or a coma. Heat Exhaustion Treatment If you recognize the symptoms of heat exhaustion, take the following actions: Stop activities and rest Drink cool, non-alcoholic beverages Take a cool shower, or bath Move to an air-conditioned room Remove extra clothing Heat Stroke: Heat stroke is a serious medical emergency in which the body's cooling systems stop working and the core temperature can rise to dangerous levels. Symptoms of heat stroke
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include hot, dry skin, lack of sweating, a very fast pulse, confusion and perhaps seizures or coma. If untreated, heat stroke can be fatal. Heat Stroke Prevention: Preventing heat stroke begins with preventing heat exhaustion. Treatment The first step in treating heat stroke is to reduce body temperature by cooling the body from the outside. This can be done by removing tight or unnecessary clothing, armor and boots. Applying a wet towel to back of neck, wrists and ankles will bring temperature down at a safe rate. Alternatively, as the body begins to cool down, spraying the person with water, blowing cool air on the person, or wrapping the person loosely in wet sheets. Using ice packs placed at the neck, groin and armpits will also accelerate cooling. Avoid sudden cooling of the body. Shivering will only cause the body temperature to increase again. Remember for someone with a high body temperature, temped water will feel like ice. What Is Heat Rash? Heat rash is typically seen in young children or infants, but it can occasionally occur in athletes who sweat while exercising in hot and humid conditions. This skin irritation looks like any other rash, but is caused by blocked sweat ducts that become red, irritated and itchy. When perspiration can't escape through the sweat glands, little red bumps and even blisters develop. This rash can be itchy or prickly and is sometimes called "prickly heat." It commonly occurs where two body parts rub together, such as the inner thighs. How Is Heat Rash Treated? A heat rash will usually go away on its own when you move to a cool, dry place. It's important to avoid sweating and keep the rash dry. Powders, creams or ointments should not be used on a heat rash because they can block pores and make the heat rash worse. Calamine lotion and Vitamin C supplements are sometimes recommended to help reduce itching. If a heat rash gets worse or continues more than three days it may be time to visit a physician for treatment. Some medications interfere with cooling. Certain drugs may cause dehydration or interfere with sweating. Antihistamines and some blood pressure medications decrease sweating. Caffeine and alcohol are diuretics (make you pee a lot) and thus cause your body to lose water. You should avoid their use for several days prior to a battle. (We know that is not going to happen.) For those under a physician's care it is best to check with your doctor about medication -- and about your ability to fight in the heat. I hope this information is helpful. If you follow the tips for prevention I am sure you will have a safe, pleasant and productive war. (and my job becomes easier). HnH Lady Elidth the Adopted

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REPOSTED: From the EK Earl Marshal, in another Facebook page:

Airsoft spear tips
After much long drawn out discussion the Society Earl Marshal has made a decision about the Airsoft Mod we did at last Pennsic. He has decided to disallow their use at Pennsic 42 . So if you have mandrake tips that have been modified you must remove the pellets and put foam in to pass inspection at the point. I know this is hard to take but it is the call the man in charge made. Now for the good news. Ice Falcons spear tips are good to go and ... 2" homemade tips are legal as well. so we have a bunch of options for good tips that will pass muster. Sadly not the clever functional Airsoft mod so many of us like. _______________________________________________

REPOSTED FROM FB: Volunteer War Point (VWP)

From my Known World Choir list: This year on request of the Queens of the Middle and East - Pennsic has even thrown in a new fun bit - the New War Point for Volunteering! "The Volunteer War Point (VWP) will be held on Tuesday of War Week, July 30th, from 12:00 am to 11:59 pm. Each location will be asked to track the names of the volunteers, the hours they have volunteered during the 24-hour period, and for which Kingdom the volunteers are declaring. Results will be tabulated and whichever side has the most volunteers at work that day will win the point." Kit (Editor's note: remember Angus' Projection of Power and wear your colors wherever you can) ______________________________________________________________

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REPOSTED: According to Angus' earlier post on the listserv

Pennsic battlefield schedule

As you can see there are only three rapier battles this war. For us, that doesnt make them any less important to what were contracted for. The good news is the Woods battle for heavy and Rapier are the same day which makes things a little easier for us.

Saturday 7/27 Sunday 7/28

1 pm. Royalty meeting

10am Allies Champion Battle 11am Unbelted / Belted Champions 12pm Heroic Champions 1pm Rapier Field Battle 3pm Queens Tea

Monday 7/29

10 am Field 1 pm Rapier Champions 2 pm Seige Competition

Tuesday 7/30

11 am Woods 2 pm Rapier Woods 7 pm Royalty Dinner

Wednesday 7/31

12 pm. Archery Champions

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Thursday 8/1

10 am Tower 1 pm Rapier Bridge 2 pm Thrown Weapons Competition

Friday 8/2

10 am Bridge 12 pm Closing Ceremonies ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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Event Reports

(previously posted on the listserv) Aethelmearc War Practice after action report (How we made the King and Queen jump in their seats)
Okay... so here's the after action report from yesterday.. Five of us hit the heavy field and played with the Tuchux all day.. Havoc, Yandros, Eammon, Meurig and myself. Lets just say we gave em hell. You guys did an excellent job, heavily outnumbered on our side, you guys managed to take it to them each and every time we hit the field. Well done guys, well done. Rapiers, my sources say "Y'all done good" that of course means kudos to Andreas, Dierdre, Siearra, Stephanie, and Michael (although not actually a member as of yet he donned the colors and fought as part of the unit). All this of course was followed by an in court appearance regarding the Contract. Those of us there were presented to their Majesties and we managed to make LOTS of folks jump outta their skin when the words were delivered.. Tried leaving the thrones but I ended up being called forth myself. At which point I was granted induction into the Golden Stirrup. For those not familiar with this order. It is Aethelmearc's order recognizing excellence in martial appearance. We then left, some stayed and got drunk, Laura and I went home... Angus

Editors Note: Below is a copy of the signed contract with AEthelmearc

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Post Markland Report

I have to admit folks... that was quite an interesting time. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to use a two handed flail to fight with let alone be somewhat effective with it. All in all the Markland event could have gone much better. We were archer heavy and light on shields. The mountain pass battle was botched and we didn't have enough meat for the field battle. What could have turned the tide and got Jon is crown? More bodies and better tactics. All the members of Confed that were present did listen to Angus however another commander was shouting orders trying to override what Angus had to say. And we all know that not listening to Angus ends in death.

If we would have had more than 6 fighters there fighting with our unit Im sure our unit tactics would have trumped their number superiority. Hell 4 Confed fighters held
up 10-12 Bloodguard (I know it cause I was there). Could you imagine what would have happened even if we had another 2 or 3 fighters. When we are contracted to do something isn't it our obligation to fulfill this contract? We could have used more than just fighters. Support off the field was more than welcome. I understand that people have real life matters to attend to but if you weren't doing anything it wouldn't have hurt to drive and at least hang with your Confed brothers and sisters. So to those that were there: Angus, Siearra, Adam, Jeff, Jenny, Derrick, and Steph... I thank you for fulfilling the contract along side me. Though the day went sour in the battles I loved being back with my friends and family again. This has brought back memories of when I started and Im grateful to be fighting again! Honor not Honors Meurig

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________________________________________________________________________ Editors Note: Southern Region War Practice A critique of the heavy fighting was held after the fighting at Southern Region War Practice. One combat archer and around half a dozen fighters (give or take I, along with one other fencer, was on the fencing field not the heavy to see so its a guess-amite) It was agreed that more time as a unit is needed in order to operate with unit integrity and communication. On a sidebar.are you available for learning and practice on June 29? See below under upcoming events. From Derek Fairhair via FB So, Confed was represented at EKWC this weekend--I can't speak for the fencers, but from a heavy list viewpoint, I think the Confed bunch needs to hear this: A few mistakes were made--not all ours--but I saw more honorable combat from you guys than *any* one else on the field. Winning is important, so is living and dying with honor. I'd rather cede the field with my honor intact than have to win by being known as a fighter who simply refuses to accept blows. From Angus MacClerie via FB: We seriously need to get together as a Unit and work out some major kinks.. This is not a "yeah yeah" this is a "We got bitch slapped" ,, This was discussed last night around the fire and most everyone there agreed. We need to get more effort out of ourselves to train together. Especially now that it appears that Eisental will be asking Confed to be their "representative army" at the September event. I really don't feel like getting the short end again. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Upcoming events
Fencing Collegium

Aethelmearc Academy
The shire of Abhainn Ciach Ghlais is proud to announce the addition of a Fencing Collegium during the Spring AEcademy. Thus far, we have three instructors in the art of fencing. I am eagerly anticipating more instructors and this promises to be a day fencers will truly enjoy! Please feel free to visit our shire website for complete details. Oh, and invite friends!!! - Andreas Jger Von Holstein

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And Fighting Collegium

So I sent out a bunch of invites on Facebook (as folks say thats where they pay attention) but Im also putting this here. ACG is having an Aethelmearc Academy on the 29th of June. As part of this another Collegium very similar to the one held yesterday will be going on. We had according to Cormac Over 300 years of fighting experience in one spot. And we are going to try and have that much again.. Angus Event information here: Unto the fighters of Aethelmearc and indeed the known world, does Sir Timothy send greetings, On June 29th, the Shire of Abhainn Ciach Ghalas is holding their Aethelmearc Academy event. I've checked with the Autocrats, and they would be happy to allow us to add our fun to their festivities. It seems that our format this past weekend served us well. With subtle tweaking, it will hopefully serve us better. I'll post up a list of instructors as they confirm. I hope we have even more than we did this time. At the end of the day, since it is almost Pennsic, I figure we will have melees for a couple of hours. ACG has promised a day board to blow you away. Talk to your friends who made the last one; I'm confident they will at least try and talk you into coming. In Service, Sir Timothy

Ladies Event
Date set and tweakage. Date: weekend of September 24 at the UK homestead. Tweakage: At the Southern Region War Practice around 2 dozen household members were able to sit down and to work out the the logistics of the upcoming Ladies event. (As a reminder the event itself had been voted on and approved during the Winter Gather). A concern that had come up is in the East Kingdom, according to Ellesbeth, people see a household titled event as a oh its just for household only and do not attend. This produces low turnout numbers and not something we really want because face it,literally, to
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grow Confed, we need to get our faces out there. So for marketing purposes our Eisental Confed brainstormed earlier to figure out what might work to have a better turn-out. Derek Fairhair presented a viable option that by having the name be Treffen der Klans German for gathering of the clans which is in the spirit of Confed) it would be a the nod to Confed and would help make a more successful event. [If my memory serves correctly the whole name would be: Mountain Confederation sponsoring Treffen Der Klans: Eisental invitational] This event would have for its focal point tournaments and perhaps other trials of arms and exercises to prove prowess. Something the attending fighters and fencers found favorable. Plus it was confirmed that the ageold practice of the topless Confed men washing dishes after feast would continue. As mentioned in the editors notes, a more comprehensive write-up is forthcoming.

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