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Clinical Management for Various Types of Shock States Hypovolemic Shock O2 IV fluids, such as a. Lactated Ringers b.

Normal Saline Cardiogenic Shock O2 Iv therapy is limited when pulmonary congestion is present and venous pressure is elevated. Close monitoring of CVP and PCWP Vasopressors, if necessary Antiarrythmics Sodium nitroprusside, Nitroglycerine/NTG; (decrease preload and afterload) Inotropic drugs (dobutamine, amrinone) Sedatives Diuretics Septic Shock O2 IV therapy crystalloids Neurogenic Shock O2 IV therapy

No vasopressors Electrolyte replacement

Vasopressors for nonresponsiveness Blood cultures

Vasopressors if necessary Atropine for symptomatic bradycardia

IV antibiotics

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