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Course Code Course SOFT SKILLS ELEMENT 1.


GROUP MEMBERS:1 2 3 4 5 6

Section :





Sub Criteria

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5 Student states the problem clearly and identifies underlying issues Student develops a clear and concise plan to solve the problem, with alternative strategies, and follows the plan to conclusion. Student adapts and connect own idea to previous suggestions to improve thinking skill and solution for problem Student discovers solutions beyond the obvious and explain the benefits of solutions Student adapts and connect own idea to previous suggestions to improve thinking skill and solution for problem Student compares a variety of strategies , chooses the most effective and applies the strategies to improve the situation Total (/30)



Ability to identify and analyse problem in complex of ambiquous situation and develop justitification evaluation.

Identify the problem Student fails to define the in complex or problem adequately ambiguous situation

Student adequately defines the problem.

Developing a Plan to Student does not develop evaluate the a coherent plan to solve Problem the problem

Student develops an adequate plan and follows it to conclusion

PBL, POPBL, CRITICAL THINKING AND Case Study, PROBLEM SOLVING Group Project, SKILLS Assignment, Tayangan Video, Brain Teaser Games


Ability to Improve and Develop Thinking Skill such as Explaining, Analyzing and Evaluating discussion

Improve and develop thinking skill

Student fails to offer own ideas or pushes own ideas without listening to others.

Student readily contributes own ideas for ways to solve problems

Explain, analyze and Student depend on peers discussion or lecture to suggest ways evaluation to solve problems

Student independently solves problems and simply explain reasons for choosing solutions

Generate the ideas Ability to Generate the Ideas and Alternative Evaluation Make decision to solve problems

Student hesistantly offers own ideas for solutions from a limited range of sources

Student readily contributes own ideas for ways to solve problems


Student identifies a variety of strategies but need help to choose an appropriate ones

Student identifies a variety of strategies chooses an appropriate one, and applies the strategy

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