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Mechanics Made Easy How! To) Solve Mechanics) Problems: David) G Reynolds CONTENTS 1. Linear Velocity and Acceleration 4 Projectiles Circular motion Collisions Laws of Motion Jointed Rods Equilibrium Motion of a Rigid Body Hydrostatics Differentiation and Integration Simple Harmonic Motion BEBP PNP PP Pp REEBBBEASEBER Chapter 1 Linear Velocity and Acceleration 1. Define the tenns displacement, velocity and acceleration Displacement A displacement is a change is position. Velocity: Velocity is the rate of change of displacement with respect to time, Acceleration: Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time. 2. Equations of motion Fora particle: t= time in seconds, u = initial velocity in m/s fat time t= 0), v= velocity in m/s ofter fseconds, s= distance travelled in metres in tseconds, a= acceleration in m/s. Prove that (aj)veu+or (bo) s=ur+ tat? (co) Vv = Le + 2os (a) Show: v= u+ of With initial velocity = um/s and a constant acceleration of am/s the velocity after 1, 2 and 3 seconds is u+(o¥l)=u4+oa m/s. uv + 2om/s u+3am/s, etc. In general, velocity after tsaconds=u+oat>veu+or {l) This is reqresented graphicoly on a velocity-time graph Gee Fig. 1). Velocity B A . Cc Vv Fig. 1 D iy oO - f Time OA represents Initial velocity vot time f=0. Note: |OA| = | CO| BD represents velocity v after f seconds. But from Fig. 1: 12D] = |BC| + | CD] =>Ve=e |BC| +u=> [8C| = ax t= of = Increase in velocity over time tf (b) Show: s = ut+ - at? §= distance travelled = overage velocity = time (= Area OABD) From Fig. 1: Average velocity = 4 (u + v} >5-(“%) (0) But. from equation above: v=u+ar — (u+(u+ ar), _ ee 5 a Tutt par = s=ut+ sak (c) Show: “= LP + 2a8 From equation (}: v-u= of From equation (it: s= (2s) f Wt 28 suey => (v-ukveu)=f(at}— =v -u =208 =v =u" 4203 3. Particle passing three fixed points in a line A panicle moves with constant acceleration and passes polnis A, Band Cin a stralght ling. If | AG) = 100 metres and | &C| = 100 metres and the particle takes 12 seconds to travel | AB] and éseconds to travel |BC| find the Initial velocity (ai A). acceleration and final velocity (at B). Solution See Velocity - Time Graph (Fig. 13. Let the velocity at Bbe yw f 1 From above: s=|"~" ft = 200 =(4*¥) 18 = u+ v= 22.22 4 # 4 Bul from equation: v=u+oat> v,=u+12a offer 12 seconds Using: |AR = EAM ps 100 =[UUE22 jp » 8.333 -u+6a 200 = eee pe = 11.111 u+9o0> o= 0.926 m/s mu = 2.777 m/s > v=19.44 mys Velocity m/s Tan @ = acceleration ¥ v, u Fig. 1 oO 12 é Time 4, Car accelerates from rest A, car accelerates from rest at 4 mise. Find Its soeed affer lt has travelled SO m. Solution using standard equations Siveni:ucOQ,a@-4,5-50 = use: Wo iP + fossa vo 0 + Ayo - 400 > v= 20 mis 5. Car accelerates to a higher speed A racing car ac celerotes from 40 m/s to BO m/s over oa distance of 400 m. Find the acceleration and the time taken, Solution using Velocity-Time Graph Distance covered in time t= area ABCD = (804+d0)/2 xt = 400 => 40 f =400 > t= 20/3 seconds > acceleration = 40 / (20/3) = 6 m/s Velocity 80 Tan @ = acceleration 40 = (80-40) f , : Time 6. Car acceleraling from rest A car, starting from rest, travels 300 metres in 10 seconcs. What is Its occaleration? Solution using standard equations Information given: u=0. s= 300, f=10 Use equation: s= ut+ sor = 300 = (oV10)+- aor =S0a= a=6m/s* 7, Car accelerating to a higher speed A cor increases its speed from 2.5 m/s to 10 m/s over a distance of 35 metres. What is its acceleration? solution using standard equations Information given: u=2.5, v=10.s=35> use: W= LF + 2as Use equation: v7 =u" +2as—> (10) =(2.57 +2135) > a=1.34 m/s? &. Cor accelerating from rest Find the velocity of a cor which starts from rest and moves with acceleration of 0.6 m/s? over a dstance of 46 metres. What is the time taken? Solution using standard equations Information given: v=0.s=6 a=0.4> use: W= LF + 2as Find the velocity: Use equation: v7 =u" +2as— v = (OF + 2(0.66) = v= 2.68 m/s Time taken: Use equation: s=ul+ ,or => A= (OH 500) => t=2/5 = 4.47 seconds Solution using the Velocity - Time graph: (See Fig. 1) Pua (04 12 en Distance travelled « area under uv « i= be vin = ve / 125 Acceleration = — = 0.6 = i = t= 20 = 4.47 seconds Vetocity Tan # = acceleration = (v - u)/t i Distance travelled = area under uv u=Q Time Fig. 1 9. Cor accelerates from rest and the decelerates to rest A car starting from rest travels in a straight line, first with acceleration 2 m/f to a maximum spesd and then with deceleration 6 m/s fo rest. lf the total lirne taken is f= 21 seconds and total distance covered = = find: Time spent accelerating, Time spent decelerating, Maximum speed, Distance covered Solution using standard equations Consider the journey In two Stages. Use equations: (1) $= uf + = of (i) vo u+ of stage 1: Acceleration: Initial velocity = Om/s. Acceleration = 2 m/s, Time = fh seconds, Distance = 5 metres. Fram equations (i) and Gi) we have: » = th? and v=2h Stage 2: Deceleration: Initial veloctty = 2h m/s, Final velocity = 0 m/s, Decelerotion = -5 m/s, Time = fh seconds, Distance = = metres From equations (i). (ij) we hove: O=v-5h > v=5h => 2h =Sh(iij= b=O0d hh Bub ith sf=2leldahon=15seconds (i) > h=6 seconds 1p =>v=30m/s dil) Also: s=3:+% Using equation (): s=uf+ = of gives: si = (0)15 + 0.5@3(225) = 225, =» = 3006) -O.45)36) = 90 = s= 225 + 90 = 315 metres 10. Descending lift A lift starts from rest. descends part of Its journey with acceleration amy/s* and the remainder with deceleration Jo m/s uniil it comes to rast. Show that if his the total depth of the lit shart and tis the total time token, then: h= arf, Solution using Velocity-Time Graph Lif | Stage 1: Acceleration ' Fig. 1 Shatt bh) pencge = 7 ee eee From Fig. 2: feti+¢hevwio¢ vides Svidas> ve dons Distance covered = h = Area of tiangle OAB + Area of triangle ABC Shetvhehkvbkebvt= % 4 affdjts + af. Velocity Tan @= acceleration = a m/s? = v/t, Tan «= deceleration = 4a m/s* = v/t, Time Fig. 2 11. Particle projected vertically upwards A particle is projected vertically upwards from the top of a S0-metre high cliff with a velocity of 40 m/s. Find the maximum height reached, time taken to reach this height, time token te reach the foot of the cliff, and the particle speed at the foot of the cliff Solution (a) The maximum height reached Use equation: v =u’ +2as>O0=u' -29s—> 0 = 1400-293 > s= 81.55 metres (b) The time taken fo reach the maximum height Use equation: v= u+ ar At maximum height v=O0>0=su-gt>O0=40-gf> t= 4078 seconds (c) The time token to reach the foot of the cliff Use equation: s=ut+tar ie. s=ut-igf where: s=-50 = 50 = 40¢—4.905F = F—8.155t-10,194 0 = po BPO t S88 _ 5 555 2 (dq) The particle's speed al fhe foot of the cliff Use equation: v =u'+?as ie. Vv =u’ -298 where: ¢=—50 =v =1600-2g-50)> v=50.8 m/s 12. Stone falls from ascending balloon A bolloon atrest oan the ground ascends from rest with uniform acceleration. A stone is dropped from the balloon offer 7 seconds and reaches the ground 5 seconds later. Find the balloon’s acceleration and the height from which the stone fell. Solution Use general equations as cbove: (jveu+at (i) s=ur+ 4 Let a=Acceleration of balloon in m/s. uv = Initial velocity of balloon =0 m/s Assume that there are two Stages in the stone's moilon: stage 1: the stone is occelerating upwords with the balloon (See Figs 1 and 2) stage 2: the stone falk from the balloon, rises agains! gravity for a short time until it reaches its greatest height and then falls to the ground. ee Fig. 3) stage 1: Using equations () and (li) it can be shown that, offer 7 seconds: Velochy =w=047o= 7a m/s and Height = s=(@)+ t(al7) =0+ +(a¥49)=—a metres Equation @ip stage 2: When the stone 6 dropoed. it has o velocity of 7a m/s upwards and an occeleration of g m/s? downwards. Thus, using the equation: s =uf +2af : Distance to ground = s= (7a}t- (gif? 49 2 But: s- F a (Swen: f-5 seconds = (-4 )= (Fas — 4(gV5/ => a=2.061 m/s* > s= 50.49 = Stone fell from aheight of 50.49 metres 13. Stones dropped from tower Stone Ais dropped from the top of a tower of height H metres. and one second later stone 8 is dropped from a point on the tower which is 1Smetres below the first point. If both stones reach the ground at the same Instant find the height of the tower. solufion The height of the tower Is (Gee Fig. 1. 4=15+h: Also. fromPig, 2:Han +m Lise general equations as before: @) s=ut+laf @) v=u+ or Assume Stone A Is falling from rest: In the first second It covers the distance 4:5 800542a0 «bq dip After 1 second it ls travelling with a velocity of v=04 ol) = gm/s In fseconds it covers the distance s:: s = gf 4 gf tty} Using equations (il) and (lv) H=s+5=ig+9f+soF Ww stone 8 |s falling from rest for fseconds >h, =(O\f+igP=lgf sH=h+n,=15+1gP (i) But: From equations (v) and (vi): I 77 . 15- H=16+LgP =1g+g9t+igf = lh=lg+gt= i= — = 1,029 seconds = hy = 5.194 metres => H= h +h, = 20.194 metres A | A ‘1 fa) B 15 4 S, ny Fig. 1 Fig. 2 14. Ball projected vertically upwards A ball is projected vertically uowards with a velocity of 19.62 m/s from a point Aon a tower (see Fig. 1). (assume g = 9.61 m/s*). Find the: (a) Time taken for the ball to reach the greatest height above A. (b) Greatest height reached above A. fc) Position of the boll when f= 4 5econds and f=4 seconds. fd) The time taken to reach a point at o distance of 9.41 metres obove A solution Lise general equations as before: () $= ul+ > or fi) v=u+at Fig. | shows that the motion of the ball can be considered in two Stages: Stage 1: A& Ball rising against gravity to its greatest height. Silage 2 BC, Ball falling from greatest height. B Stage | A Fig. 1 (a) The time taken for the ball to reach the greatest height. Af lis greatest height the velocity of ihe ball = 0 thus from equation (ii): Time taken to reach greatest heightistwhere: O=19.462-gf=> f=2 seconds (b) The greatest height raached. Lat the maxiniurn height = 4. Using equation (i) and letting: s= hand f= 2 gives: h=(19.62(2) - + 9(2) = 19.62 metres (c) The position of the ball when f= 4 seconds and f= 6 seconds The ball reaches the maximum helght in 2 seconds. When f= 4 seconds the ball has been falling from this point for 2 seconds. The distance travelled by the ball (when falling frorn rest) in 2 seconds Is: s= O+1g(2) =4(9.81\2) = 19.62 metres Thus at f= 4 seconds the ball is level with point A. Its velocity is (from equation (id): v=0+4¢gf=2gm/s= 19.62 m/s When f= 6 seconds tne ball has been falling for 2 seconds from a point level with the point of projection. The distance tovelled by the ball is s= (19,62)2)+ 292F = (9.8116) = 58.66 metres (below the point of projection), NOTE: the positions of the ball after t= 4 seconds and t= 6 seconds relative to the point of projection can also be found by putting these values of finto equation ¢): t=4 = $=(19.62)4)-1 gid) =0 metes: f=6 > 5=(19.62%6)-+ 9/6) =-58.86 metres (d) The time taken fo reach o polnt of a distance of 9.81 metres above A: Using equation (i): 9.81=19.62 t-igPf =tof -19.42 t+ 9.81=0 => f=2t v2 seconds = ball reaches a height of 9.21 metres affer2-.2 seconds of flight while ascending and again offer2 +2 seconds of flight while descending. 15. Porticle projected downwards A particle, projected vertically down from the top of a 100-metre high cliff. reaches the foot of the cliff in 4 seconds. How long aid it toke to descend the final 30 metres? solution (slven; o- acceleration - gm/s* time — t-4 seconds s- 100 metres Use: s=uf+ Yor s=ut+ bof =100=4u+89=> v=5.38 m/s Time for particle to descend 70 metres: Use: sout+ Yor g-ut¢+¥oPr =/0=S538+ kor = ig? +5.48-70=0 = f 41.097f-14.27 <0 t= eres = 3,268 seconds(t mustbe >0) => Time to descend the last 30 metres = 4 - 3.268 =0.75 seconds 14, Porticte falls from the top of a tower A panicle falls from rest from the iop of a tower of height 4 metres. ff the particle falls through the final 9/25 the of Ils journey in 1 second find H, Solufion using standard equations The tower arangement ls shown In Fig. 1. Let the stone fall 14/25 ths af its journey In time h seconds, (See Fig. 2). 25 16 OK+30N ah H 25 Od+en+lol+ey lode a+ty = = ES Shae ah = h=4=>H= fale ty =405¥ = 122.6 metres ] Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Distance Acceleration Time 17. Porticle projected vertically upwards A particle ls projected vertically upwards with initial velocity = uv m/s to. a maximum height H. find the total time taken and the final velocity if the particle hits the ground a distance 2H vertically below the polnt of projection. See Fig. 1: 2H Fig. 1 solution using standard equations & a single stage: Use equation: s=ut-¥’of Lat s=-2H=-2 vfag=-usfg => (- ue /g=utl- Yor > Bor -ub-W/g=0> PF - @u/ot - 2g =0 lr, (4 2) ¥ f rs, .% . (as |< + au us }2u" ( 2 +( 24 3 a 4 f=: \ gf FJ _Ag g _~i.#s } =|5 +58) 2 2 2 g Also: = 4 - 29s where: $=-2H = -2 /2g =- wig = Mau -2g¢- vos uw +2u=3u = v=uva mis 18. Car travelling from rest to rest A racing car covers a joumey of §,000 metres from rest to rest in Three stages. Firstly, it accelerates uniformly in the first minute to reach ifs maximum speed of 50 m/s. It holcs this speed fora certain time and then slows unifomly fo rest with a rétordation of four times that of the acceleration. (a) Find ine distances travelled in each three stage and ihe total fine taken. (b) lf the maximum speed over the final 500 metres is 25 m/s show that the time taken from rest fo rest would hove been almost 8.2 secands longer that before, assuming the same rotes of acceleration and deceleration os before. Solution (a) Three Stages of travel in the journey (See Fig. 1): 1: Acceleration for fh (= 60 seconds) fram rest to 50 m/s, over a distance of s metres 2: Constani speed of 50 m/s for f seconds covering a distance of & metres 4: Deceleration for fs seconeds from 50 m/s to rest. over a distance of = metres Note: (Sven): 44 a 4% = 6,000 metres. otal time = 4604+ hb¢h Use general equations as before: () s= ut+ > oF (v= u4 af Velocity Tan @= acceleration = am/s* Tan «= deceleration = 4a m/s* Fig. 1 Stage 1: Acceleration trom rest to 50 mys: Initial velocity = uw=0 m/s, Acceleration = a m/s’, Final velocity = v = 50 m/s, lime = * = 60 seconds. But. from equation (i): 50=<0+600 >oa= = mis? From equation (} the distance covered in 60 seconds: s=ut+ + of =0« 60+ 2o(60)? = == (3,600) = 1,500 metres Stage 3: Deceleration from 50 mm/s to rest: initial velacity = 50 m/s. Acceleration = - 4a =-2 m/s*, Final velocity =0 m/s Thus from equation (i): 0 =50- 2h > t=15 seconds Also, from equation (il). sx = uh+ 2 af? =(60\15)-2 S(15¥ = 375 metres Stage 2: Constant speed of 60 m/s: Thus, the distance travelled at constant speed is 5,000 - 1.500 - 375 = 3,125 metres 3425 The time taken to cover this distance & b= = 427.5 seconds => fotel fine taken to complete the journey is 60 + 62.5 4 15 = 137.5 secands (b) Maximum speed over the final 500 metres restricted to 25 m/s If The maximum speed over the final S00 metres of the journey is restricted to 25 m/s the joumey can be considered in five stages (See Fig. 2): Stage 1: Acceleration for f (= 40 seconds) from 0 fo 50 m/s, over s: metres stage 2: Constant speed of 50 m/s for h seconds covering a distance of & metres stage 3: Deceleration for & seconds fram 50 m/s to 25 m/s. over a distance of a metres stage 4: Constant speed of 25 m/s for t) seconds covering a distance of s: metres Stage 5: Deceleration for f seconds from 25 m/s io rest, covering & metres Note: 4 +a = 500 metres. Total ime =60+h+h + t+ Stage 1: Acceleration from 0 to 50 m/s This will be unchanged: Initial speed =Omss Final speed = 50 m/s Time taken = 1 = 60 seconds Distance travelled = 1,500 metres Stage 3: Time taken and distance travelled while decelerating frorn 50 mys to 25 m/s: Initial soeed = 50 m/s, Final soe@ed = 25 m/s, Acceleration = = m/s Using equations and (iy 25=50- = (i> fh =7.5seconds Distance travelled = (50)(7.5) - + = (7.5) = 281.25 metres Veloci Tan #= acceleration = a m/s? iY Tan «= deceleration = 4a m/s? Fig. 2 h=60 | hot fs Stage 5: Time taken and distance travelled while decelerating from 25 to 0 m/s: Intialspeed= 25m/s Final soeed =O m/s Acceleration = - = mis? Using equations (@) and (i): 0 =25- {r= & = 7.5 seconds Distance travelled = (25)(7.5) “> u (7.5)? = 9a.75 metres Stage 4: Time taken and distance travelled at a constant speed at 25 m/s: The car cannot exceed 25 m/s for the last 500 metres. and if only requires 93.75 metres stopping distance at his speed (see Stage 5 above). then the car can travel at 25 m/s for 500 - 93.75 = 406.25 metres. This takes: 405.25/25 = fs = 14.25 seconds Stage 2: Time taken and distance travelled at a constant speed at 50 m/s: The 5 Stages aré:1.500 + Distance In Stage 2 + 281,25 + 406.25 + 93.75 = 5.000 metres => distance travelled In Stage 2 = 2,718.75 metres This will take a time of 2.718.75/50 = f = 54.375 seconds, Overall: Thus the total iime token = 604 64.575 + b+ 16254 7.5 = 145.63 seconds, |.e. 146.43 - 137.5 = 8.13 seconds more than when no speed restiction applies. 19. Acceleration and constant speed stages Starting from rest on olhlete cecelerates uniformly to a speed of 10 m/s, and then continues at that speed, caverlng 200 metres in 22 seconds, Find the acceleration. Solution using Velocity-Time Graph flven: Time: t+ f= 22 seconds Eq. (i) Distance: 3+ = = 200 mairas Eq. (i), where: 5) = distance travelled during acceleration = Area OAC = *OOW h)=5h & = distance travelled at constant velocity = Aro ABCD=(0)(h)= 10h = From equation (fj: 54100 be 4005 fhe2he 40 Using equations (i), (li: b= 18, h = 4 seconds But: From Fig. 1 above, acceleration = a= 10/ h = 10/4=2.5 m/s Velocity Tan @= acceleration = a m/s? = 10/f, Fig. | Time 20. Cyclist travelling from rest to rest A cyclist has a maximum acceleration of 2.5 m/s, maximum speed of 15 m/s and maximum deceleration of 5 m/s*, Find the shortest time in which the cyclist can travel distances of 100 and 80 metres respectively from rest fo rest. Solution (a) s = 100 metres: Fig. 1 shows the Velocity-Time Graph for the motion. Information given: Time: fh + b+ fy = total time (fo be a minimum) Distance: #+a4+%= 100 metres Equotion (i). where: § = distance travelled during acceleration = Area OAC =’ S)( fi) = 7.5 hh & = distance travelled at constant velocity = Area ABCD = (18)(h)= 15h s = distance travelled during deceleration = Area ADE = % (18 hy= 75h But: From Fig, 1: Acceleration = 2.5 m/s = 15/h > h=6seconds = 4 =45 metres and Deceleraton=S5m/s = 15/h > h=3seconds = s = 22.5 metres == 100-45-23752327 5meres= bho f =2.1467 seconds => Total time taken=fti4h+h =643+4 2,167 = 11.147 seconds Tan #= acceleration = 2.5 m/s? = 15/t, Tan « = deceleration = 5 m/s? = 15/f, Fig. 1 (b) s = 50 metres Fram (a) above the acceleration and deceleration Stages alone will take over 50 metres. Therefore, to travel 50 metres in the shortest time involves only acceleration and deceleration stages (See Fig. 2). Veloci ity Tan @= acceleration = 2.5 m/s* =v/f, Tan «= deceleration = 5 m/s? = v/t, t t, Fig. 2 Fig. 2 shows the Velocity-Time Graph for the motion. Informoton given: Time: hh + fh = total time (to be a minimum) Distance: ats =50metres Equation @). where: & = distance travelled during acceleration = Araa OAB = iwi hp = le wh & = distance travelled during deceleration = Area ABC = 4 (vii ho= avk =>VVvh+bvb =Dowth+h)= 100 Equation gd But: Frarn Fig, 2: Acceleration = 2.5 m/s = wi fi = h = v/2.5 seconds Deceleration = S5m/s =v ho h= v/5 seconds =f+h=0.6 yEquaton (i). From Equations (0, fly (fh + 8)? =60=> h + fh = 7.745 seconds 21. Sprinter accelerating An athlete running with acceleration a m/s takes 12 seconds to run 100 metres, 11 seconds fo cover the next 100 metres. How long will It fake fo run the final 100 metres. Solution using Velocity-Time Graph . Tan é@= acceleration = am/s* = v/t, Velocity veutli2a Ve bccccescsecececesesesseenesaseeceesoeeenanunanaeeoas + lla +o, ¥ a p : ¥i,eu¢l2a+lla Vg [ore f : v,=u4l2a Bae : aN, 7 Fig.1 A | | | Oo Cc: E: G: Time $$ 12 11 f, In Fig. 1 the Velocity-Time Graph shows the motion. (Given): Distances: i4 First and second 100 metres disiances are represented by: Area OABD and Area BCDE raspectively: Areo OABD = 100s ’fu+(u+ Zon (2)=— 255 3u+ 18a Aveo BCDE = 100 = 4ifu+ Zo) +fu + 230) 01) > 200 = 22u4 o85a Use above equations to derive values of ua u= 7.938 m/s. a = 0.06585 m/s? Final 100 metres: Area DEFG = 100 = le((u + 230) +(u + 230 + ofh)) (hs) = 100 = 679.453 fh + 9.453 4 + 0.06588 2) > 0.05588 h?+ 18.906 h-200=0 => fh? + 286.984 4 - 3055.62 = 0 solving for fi gives: f= (286.984 + 307 41)/2 = 10.21 seconds (Note: & > 0) 22. Colliding particles Ball 4 falls freely under gravity from rest at point ©. One second after Ball A has fallen Boll Gis projected vertically downwards from point C. (Fig, 1). lf fhe particles collide hwo seconds ofter Ball A has fallen Gee Fig. 2), find the distance fram ¢ at which the collision occurs and the velocity oat which Ball 8 was initially projected downwards. Solution General equations: () s= ut+tar dj v=u+ oat Note: Collision occurs after Golls 4, 8 have travelled for 2, | seconds Ss respectively. Ball B a Ball A ra 8 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 so A (1) Motion of Ball A: Assume it falls from rest at time t= 0 Af time f= 2 seconds if will have fallen o distance §=O0(2}+ <9 (2¥ = 2g = Collision takes place after Ball A has fallen a distance of 2g (2) Motion of Ball &: Assume It is projected fram rest with Initial velocity ums After 1 second If wil have traveled a distance: $= uf1}+ ouy = Collision takes place after Ball 8 has fallen a distance of u+ +g > 2@g=u+ig>u=15gm/s > s=2g= 19.62 metres Ball is projected downwards with Initial velocity = 1.4g = 14.72 m/s. The collision takes place iwo seconds after Ball A has been dropped. ot 19.462 meres below C, 23. Lift and falling object A lift starts frorn rest at point A ond descends with acceleration of 0.6 m/s. When the lft Sate 25 metres below A, a loose bolt falls fram fhe shaft structure at A, Find the time taken for the bolt to strike the roof of the lift (at point C), the denth below A at which this impoct occurs and the speed of the bolt of impact solution Solution using the standard equations Q) The time taken for the bolt to strike the roof of the lift Time for lift to travel 25 metres : Use equation: s=ul+ laf > 25=0+3(0.6)F => Po F129 seconds Assume an additional time of T seconds elapses before impact. When the impact occurs ihe Whoand the particle will have travelledfor : Lift: T+9.129 fo reach oadistoance of h metres below A Bolt: Tseconds foreacha distance of Ametreas below A = = (OkT+9.129+2(0 AT+9.129/ = o)T+)ig)r" 5.477 422.147 => 0.3(T+9.1297 = 4,905 — 4.4059P -5.4777-25-0-> T= 7 -=3 $6conds A Bolt starts | | — faviin Lift ig 25 metres Shatt We .---e- h ‘lL c i -}------ Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 (b) The depth below A at which this impact occurs Frem above: b= % gF = 4.9053) = 44.145 metres (c) The speed of the bolt at impact The velocily of the bolt on impact is v=0+ of4) = 29.43 m/s 24. Two cars Car 4 starts from rest ata point Pand moves with constant acceleration amys*. Five seconds later Car 8 posses through P in the same direction with constant velocity u mis. fo) Show that Car 8 will just catch up on Cor Alfue 10e. (6) If u> Wetind the greatest distance Car 2 wil be ahead of Car A solution (a) Show that Car 8 will just cotch up on Car A if u= 100. Use general equations as before: @) $= ul + tar aij v=ou¢at Assume Cor 8 just cotches up on Car A after Car A has been travelling for Tseconds and Car 8 for T- 5 seconds. The distance travelled by Car Ain Tseconds &. from equation (i: s=O0()+> acgP= taP The distance travelled by Car Bin T- 5 seconds is, fromm equation @}: se= ufT- 5). If Cor dé cotches up with Cor Ai => Ses = > oF eut?-5)=> aF -2uT+ l0ue0 2ut ¥4ur -400u 2 But, if the Car 8 just catches up with the first, there is only one value of 7 = 4.F -4Qou=0 = (4uy(u -100) =0 = v=0, 10a (Note: The question states that u> 0 $0 that v= 06 neta volid solution) = w= 10a (b) If uw > 10a find the greatest distance Car B will be ahead of Car A. Lat O = greotest distance Cor & will be ahead of lhe Cor A= O= &- Ss Solving this quadratic equalion for T gives: T= 16 But, from above: D = u(T- 6) - +a F ap Differentiating D with respect to Tand giving the resulting function a value of 0 will detennine the ilme at which 2 is a maximum: = =-or=O0>Ts= > oo fy Sa ruy uiu—10a) Put th | i ti ‘Pay —|-id-| =>p-—e is value into equation (lil) US | 25 | = 5 ! = Greotest distance Cor @ willbe ahead of Car Als uiv= oo} 25. Train travel A train makes o three-stage joumey fram rest to rest with an average speed of = vimnfs. It Travels a distance 4 with constant acceleration am/s, a dstance & with constant speed vm/s and o distance = with constant retardation d m/s. Find expressions for the distance travelled at constant speed and the time spent at constant speed. Solution Total distance travelled = $= 44 4 4 (Distance Travelled ot constant speed = sp} Total time travelling = T= +h+ ht (ime spent at constant speed = &) fotaldistance § § +544, fotal time Fo feht+h Distance travelled at constant speed The Velocity - Time graph is shown in Fig. 1. ‘ a Given: average speed of v= Use general equations as before: (1) ¢= ut +> ar (jv=u+ot di)s=(u+ voy? O+vi) 25 v+0 25 5, =5-% haha. 5 = EO) oo t= 28, = Vb = ha StS+h | St ht 5, 8+8+5 3 : ~ hei +h 25 & | 2h a’ 3se3425 4 ATS) nn a | 3 & Z PHIL ES = Bt DS SS eG Time spent al constant speed Se find: Rie bv r'7T t+th+t, 23S 28 25+H4+25, 28 2 vv ¥ Two thirds of ihe total Journey and one half of the total time is spent traveling at constant speed, Velocity , oO 26. Journey from rest to rest A body starting from rest travels with acceleration a m/s? and then with deceleration b mis. fit comes to rest when it has covered a total distance of s metres show that the overall time for the journey, seconds, is given by f= las{ 2 + z| solution Consider the journey as having two Stages (Fig. 1). Stage 1: Acceleration from 0 to vim/s over a distance 4 metres taking h seconds Stage 2: Deceleraiion from v to O m/s over a distance » metres faking f seconds Total distance travelled = § + #=5 Total time taken=h+h =f Use the genera é@quations: W = 12 + 2as, v=u4 at Velocity Tan #= acceleration = am/s? Tan & = deceleration = b m/s* > Time Fig. 1 Mote +7or “Vio +fon, Oa -Fbm 2 2 >. asus tet Ui Lily. on Equation (i \ ao >] Veu+ oh v=O+ar, O=v-bt, > t=tet=~4%- 141) equation a Qg 6 a 6 . ; —_ [2s (1 1) ffi Putting ihe value for vintoEquation(in: t= l7 Ns f b) = 24 57 b| ab 27. Body travelling from rest to rest A body starts from rest at A, travels for 900 meires In a straight line and then comes to rest ot & The time taken is 40 seconds. For the first 10 seconds It has a uniform acceleration a m/s¢. It then travels at constant speed and Is finally brought to rest by uniform deceleration a m/s? acting for 20 seconds. (a) Find a. and a f(b) If the journey fram rest at 4 to rest at 8 had been travelled with no Interval of constant speed, but subject to acceleration ao m/s’ for ti seconds, followed by deceleration a m/s?for & seconds show that the Journey will take 30V3 seconds. Solution Use the general equotions: ()s=ut+ + af (i) v=u+ ati) v= + 2as (a) Find a and a Consider the journey In three Stages. See Velocity-Time graph (Fig. 1): Stage 1: Distance s irovelled in time ft while accelerating. stage 2: Distance & travelled in time f; while at constant speed. stage 3: Distance s travelled In time Awhile decelerating. (Given): 5) + 2+ m=900 metes ond fith+ h=60seconds Since f = 10 seconds, tf = 20 seconds > b= 60-10-20 = 30 seconds Velocity v O Fig. 1 hal0 t,=30 #220 "me Distance travelled = 900 metres = Area under lines in Fig. 1: = 900={2* “0 1 30V { * |(20)= 45v > v=20 mis 4, But: In acceleration stage: v=u+af=20=0+l0a>a=2 m/s And: In deceleration stage: 0= v-a,f, > O=20+20a, => a,=-1 m/s (b) When there is no interval of constant speed: Fig. 2 snows the Velocity - Time graph and the two Stages of travel: Velocity 0 , h f = Time Fig. 2 Using equation VW = w+ 2as f= OF + 2(2)s > 9 = O25: = = 2) me = 0.5 >H+¢n=A0-0754>v=20N3 Using equationv=ut+oatv=e@)t.O=v- (lk Total time token = f=h+ th=0.5v4+ve=15v=30V3 26. Two cors Cars A and 6 are travelling along a straight road in the same direction. At point Cc, A and B have velocities v, 1.4v m/s respectively and occelerailons Za, a m/s respectively. The cars ore side by side at two different paints Cand D. Show thar |CD| =3 ¥ a Solution Lise general equations: () ss ut +S offi) v= u+ at ForCarAlet s= CD, Initial velocity = v. Final velocity = vi Thus from equations () and (i: # = vi+ + Zar di} and vw =v+Zar ForCar Blet #= CO, Initial velocity = 1.5y, Final velocity = ve Thus from equations (} and (li: # = 1.4vt+ = ar? tv Assume ihe cas ore af C when f=O and ot Owhent=f => 9 =CD=8 = From equations (iil) and (vy): vt+ -<@ajP= 1.Svt+ = af >lor=-045vt >at=ev =t- ~ “ ag ya + Lea) ~| =2% a a _ F Putting this into equation (i): s, =|CO|= vt+te@ay? =¥ - N i Chapter2 Relative Motion 1. Cars crossing ot an intersection Car Als travelling North at 20 m/s while car 81s travelling East at 25 m/s. What is the yelocity of 6 relative to A? Solution Let the velocities of cars A and 8 be represented by vectors (See Fig. 1): WVasQl420/ we 2hi40/ | 25/+0/ I i Wee, = 257-20 / The velocity of 8 relative to A Gee Fig. 2) = vaa= Ve- va = (25/409 -(0 i+ 20) = (25-0) !-(+ 20) /=25/-20/=> magnitude = (257 +207 = 32.02 m/s and this vector makes an angle of: @= fan 2 = 38.46" south of east 2. Apparent direction of wind A boat is moving East af 6 m/s. A passenger feels a wind which appears to blow from tha North at 4 mys. What Is the true velocity of the wind? Solution Let the velocities of the passenger and ihe wind be represented by the vectors: Weasncer = Varat = O/ +0 / Let the true velocity of the wind = wns = «i+ y/ (x ynot known). But, (given): the wind oppears to blow from the North ot 4 m/s: Let the velocity of the wind relative fo the boot (and passenger = vevnowoan => Vownoig@oan = Vang - Vaoat = (N+ ¥/) - (0/40 )=&-6)/-G4/=0/-4] =x<-6-c0> s-60nd yo-4 >We di-4j Le. the wind is blowing at a speed of Je? 44? =7.211 m/sinadirection making an ri | angle @=Tan'= = 33.49" South of East Gee Fig. 1) — ee —=— se o Fig. | Ywinn ~ “eoat (6-4 (Oi-4) p “Vaoar (6/40) 3. Two cars The velocity of Cor Ais 10 m/s North, and the velocity of Car 8 relative to Cor Ais 15 m/s Que East. find the velocity of Car 5. solution Velocity of Cor A= Va=0/4+ 10) Velocily of Car 8 relative to Car A= Vas = 15/40) But: Vax = Va = Va Wa = Vea + Va => Velocity of Car 8= Ve= Vae+ Va = (15/40 +014 l0/=15/4+ 10; = Car B travels with spaed V15* + 10° =5¥13 m/sin a direction @ degrees North of East 10 2 where @= Tory!—= Tan! 15 3 4, Mon travelling in windy conditions A mon walks due East at 5 km/hr and the wind oppeors to come from North. He then cycles in a North-Easterdy direction at 20 km/hr and the wind now appears fo come from 30° East of North. Find the true velocity of the wind. solution Consider the man's travel in two different stages: (a) Man travelling east: Velocity ofthe mon = Vme5i+Q0/ Let the true velocity of the wind = Vwexle+y/ Gi) But velocity of the wind relative to man = Vw = Vw -Vm As the wind appears io come from the north it will hove a component of velocity only: assume that Vwi =0/ - Pj where P= magnitude of the velocity of the wind= 0 /- Pje(x-—S)i+(y-Olf/— w=5, y= -P (b) The man cycles in a north easterly direction at 20 km/hr: vm =10f2 i+ lov? j Gil} Vwexle+yj tiv) The wind appears to come fram a direction 30° East of North: Assume that Vin has magnitude of &: 43 i => Vwim= Wwe Vim = -@$in30°s- @Cos30°; = -@) | tv) 2! From equations (ill),0v); Vwm = Vw- Vm== be rods ely 1048) (vi = Using equations (v), Wi): -o{ 31-8 (x-10V2)i+(y-10v2}j >-1Q=x-10/2 = Q@=20/2-2x ond 8 = y-10v2. = QV3 = 20,/2 - 2y But the true velocity of the wind is constant and from (a): x= 5 => @ = 20,2 - 2/5) = 20/2 -10 But from abve : 2y = 202 - V3 = y= 2(20V2 - (202 - 103} Therefore, the true velocity of the wind Is given by, Vw xl+ yf=5i+d0v2 -10V23 + 573) ) <5 /- 1.69) Le. 5.278 m/s ino direction 18.48° South of East. 5. Two cor approaching crossroads 21 Two roads intersect at right angles at @ Car A heads South towards © at 60 km/hr and cor & heads West towards O oat 100 km/hr, When car 4is0,.5 km from O. car Bis 1 km from ©, Find the minimum distance between the cars during the subsequent motion. Solution Cara vis Fig. 2 2 Va Ve Vs -V, Oo o CarB Va The space diagram in Fig. 1 shows the initial car locations (and indicates the velocities of cars And 8 V. and Vi respectively. Fig. 2 shows the velocily diagram. Given: Va=O/-460) Ve=-100f40/ subtracting Vs from both velocities gives: Velocity of car A= Va - Va =O, Thus cor Ais stopped a7 co-ordinates (0, 0,53, Velocity of car 6 relative to A= Vas = Va- Va=- 1007+ 40 /along 8D Car Bis closest to car Awhen of point C. Le. where AC L 8D = closest distance = AC. Car Btavels clong 82, containing polnts 8CED. From Figs. 3. 4: Fig.3 D Fig. 4 (to larger scale) fang = = =0.6> @= 30,904" > @ = 59.036" OE OA+AE O5+AE lané=-3-—oa 1 =06= AE=0.1 Sina = a _ — = 0.8575 = AC = 0.08575km = 85,75 metres 6. Closest approach of two cars At time f-0, Car 4is at © ond arives off at 20 m/s ina direction 30° East of North. Car 6 is 200 metres East of C and heads towards OC at 25 m/s. Find: fo) Their distances from © when the cars are closest fo one another. (6) The distance betveen the car when they are closest to one another Solution (a) Their distances from O when the cars are closest to one another. Fig. | shows the initial location of the vehicles and their velocities. 22 Car A: Velocity = Vs = 20 Cosd0° i+ 20 3ind0°sJ =10 f+ 10¥3 | Core Velocity = Va=- 25 / Fig. 1 Fig. 3 initiollocationsof =A B Closest approach of Aand 8 oO 300 mn Con and a = 10/4 10V3J Vig = 351+ 10W3 j Vay = a5 + lay re A Fig. 2 | -——-—=— > | -V,= 25) ° Velocity of Car 4 300 rn falatve to Card Velocity of A relative to B= Ves = Va- Ve =10/4 10W3 f+ 2of=35 | + ioW3 J (See Fig. 2). The magnitude of this velocity is: 39.05 m/s The closest aporoach occur at point ¢ (ee Fig. 3) where AC L Ac 9 tang - 1O%3 _, 9 = 26.33° = Cosa - 0.096 - BO - AS & ac - 268,88 metres 3 AB 300 Time token fo cover this distance = — = 6,685 seconds In 6.885 seconds Car A travels 20 » 4.8485 = 137.7 metres from OQ and Car 6 travels 25 x 6.685 = 172.125 metres fowards O and therefore wil be 127.4875 metres from oO. (b) The distance between the cars when they are closest fo one another sing = = ~ 0.4435 > BC = 133.06 metres *. Closest approach of two cars At time f=0. Cor Ais at point O (at on intersection) and drives off with a velocity vy m/s Ino Northerly direction. Car #ls ata distance D metres East of O ond heacing towards OQ with a velocity of ums. Find: (a) «= The time taken for the cars to reach thelr closest approach (Bb) Their distances from GO when the car are closest fo one another. Solution Fig. | Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Initialpasitions of Yolocity of Car A Closest approach of Aand 8 relative to Car 8 Cars A and 8 Vaa= Uh ed (a) The time token for the cars to reach their closest approach Fig. 1 shows the initial positions of the vehicles. Fig. 2 shows tha velocity diagram: Car A: Velocity = Va= 0 /+ vi Cor & Velocity = Ve=-u/i+0; 2d Velocity of A relative to 8 = Vea = Va= Vo This resulting velocity has a magnitude Ju'+ andis directed along line AC (which makes an angle 4 with the xonxls). To find ihe shortest distance behween the cars, draw a line from Bio a point C such thai BC 1 AC. | a | = shortest distance. See Fig. 3). fang = vs Casé = u - -* > AC = _. = Time required to u Vee + CS a cover distance AC at speed i +Vo=f= pew seconds War uty (Bb) Their distances from O when the cors ore closest to one another. Cars 4A and i. ae at the following distances fram © after time t seconds: f . Car A (v) 22 |= metres Car 8: D- of? )-23 Fon 2 metres 6. Swimmer crossing a river Aver is flowing with speed u m/s and a swimmer who has o maximum speed of vim/s seis out from O to cross the river, fo) What ls the minimum volue of v Ova) which will permit the swimmer to reach the opposite bank ot a paint A directly opposite O (See Fig. 1) (b) If v< van, Ond the swimmer reaches a point 8 on the other side of the river, find the minimum ratio of AB to OA Solution Fig. 2 Velocity downstream Cc D Velocity across . river Fig. 3 oO (a) Reaching point A from point Oo To reach A the swimmer must head upstream at an angle @ io GA, such that the resultant velocity of ihe swimmer is in the direction of OA. (Gee Fig. 1). Furthenmore, for the swimmer to reach A then Ge@< 90°. uti Sing = vet ond 0 < Sin @< 1 from the limits placed on # Vo Wivtirg u = 0<—< 1S UK any S Vay > U Vian (b) Reaching point 8 from point C: lfv< vihen the resultant velocity of ihe swimmer makes an angle aon the downstream of OA Gee Fig, 2). The resultant velocity component of the swimmer across the river is v Cos@ Therefore, the total time spent in crossing the river is: 24 distance Of ‘= ttme=- ———_ = speed vCos # 0) But the resultant downstream component of the awimmer’s speed is given by u - vain # inthe CD direction (See Fig. 3): = distance downstream = AB =(resultont downstream speed) = t . oA AS _., downstream distance => AB = to sin #]—_— But —— = ratio: ——_— ——_—_—__———————— = AB=(u-vsind} = But Ga = fatio: th of the river AB u-vSine . = —— = ii) OA ywCosé The value of @ which gives a minimum value of the ratio is found by alifferentiation: and dRoatio) (vCosay- vCos#)- (u- vSiney- vsineg) 0 de Cos? - ; = -v'Cos'@ + uvSine— Sina =0 = uvSine = v'|Sir’e + Coraj=V=V voy _ . = Sing = wou for minimum value of the ratio [- it Sin@= == Cose = UY Substituting into equation (i: U fv) uf u-y~| — = Minimum value of Ratio, 28 - te - —U__ = vinv jue wir v ul Li 9, Crossing 0 river Shortest path and shortest time A rlver of width £ meires is flowing with speed nu m/s and a swimmer who has a maximum speed of ums sets out to cross from © to cross the river. If m <1 in what direction must ihe swimmer head and how much time is required to cross the rlver: (a) By the shortest path (0) In the shortest fime solution Velocity downstream ce D Velocity across fiver Fig. 2 oO (a) By the shortest path. The shortest path is OA. To reach A the swimmer must head upstream at on angle # to OA, and have a resultant velocity in the direction OA. Gee Fig. 1}. But: 25 Sin# = nu nfelj>é@=Sir'n Thus, the time taken i L L L L ~ §peed componentaiong OA uCosa — qi Wu—ru? ) wir Seconds i Uv (b) In the shortest time Toe cross by ihe shortest time Ihe swimmer must minimise the time taken (S66 above). The value of @ which gives a minimurn value for time taken found by differentiation: Lo diTimetaken) (uwCoase¥0)-(L{-uSing) ulsing = ———— =0 ucose da (uCosey’ (uCosay’ => ¢@=0° > Swimmer swims In the direction OA, His resultant veloctty is In the direction Time token = OD (making an angle e'with OA) (See Fig. 2). = Time taken = =“ seconds Li Lt uCox0) 10. Crossing a river: Shortest path and shortest time Alver of width - meires is flowing with speed nu m/s and a swimmer who has a Maximum speed of um/s sets out ta cross from © fo cross the river, Fin = 1 in what direction must the swimmer head to cross the fiver and how much time |s raquired to cress: (0) By the shortest path () In the shortest time Solution (a) By the shortest path. The shortest path ils OA. But u< auso the resultant velocity of the swimmer makes an angle aon the downstream of OA (See Fig. 1). The resultant velocity component of the swimmer along OA is u Case. distance _ L (i speed uCos But the resultant downstream component of the swimmer's speed is given by nu -usin @ inthe CD direction (See Fig. 2): = distance downstream = AB = (resultant downstream soeed) = f => the total time soent in crossing the rlver is: f= time = Zz Velocity downstream Cc D Velocity across Fig. 2 nver oO a uCasé | The value of @ which gives a minimum value of alstance downstream will give the = AB = (nu- using | (iy AB) (uCosei|-uCosé)—(nu— using (using) _ 0 de shortest poth across the river: : = cose 26 = -u' Cosa + nu? Sind -u Sir?a = 0 = nif Sing = uF |Sin?e + Cos’) = Qs uv" => Sing = tor minimum value of |AG = @= sin'{2) = direction of travel Pa if Sind=1= Cosa=*7"' — From equation): Time taken = = Pt n n UCOS? yn? -1 (b) In the shortest time To cross by the shortest time the swimmer must aim ta minimise the time taken (see above). The value of @ which gives a minimum value for time taken is found by differentiation: lime taken = t uCasé dilimetaken) (uCose@¥O)—(Li-usina) ulsing _ de (uCosey luCosey => #=0° > swimmer heads in draction OA. > time token= t seconds, 11. Swimmer crossing fiver Aswimmer copable of swimming at a maximum speed of 4m/s must cross a 100 metres wide river flowing of S m/s. Find the time taken to cross the ver by ihe shortest path Solution Assume the swimmer heads at an angle @ to the upstream benk and has a resultant velocity ym/s atan angle § to the downsirearm (See Fig. 1). The shortest time to cross will occur when the angle # & a moximum, The equations of motion ore: Porallal to river: 5-4 Cosa@=vCosf (i) Perpendicular to river: 4 Sin a= v Sin 6 (ii). Using equations () and (ij) => = = fange= —e (ili) = i f > mis f 100 m | | Am/s\. | vinis 0 When the value of Tan fis a maximum, the angle A will be o moximum. To find the maximum value of Tan 2 differentiate it with respect to a difang) (5-4 Cose{l4 Cosa) — (4 Sinall4 Sina) | 0 cer (5-4 Cose¥ = (5 - 4 Cosa\(4 Cosa) = 18Sin?@ = 1641- Cas*a) = 20 Cosa - 16Cos’e = 16 - Cos’) = 20 Cosa =16 27 => Cosa = 2 = Tang ls amaximum when: Coser = 7 => Angle J is a maximum when: Cosa = 2 But. whan: Cosa = i= Sing= Z qn | By ley oy te I io | pe J = Fram equation gi: maximum value of Tang = | = = Sing=2 ond Cosf== From equation (if: 4 Sin w= v Sin f> v=3 m/s The octual path followed by the swimmer across the river 6 OF But: O8 Sin # = O4 = 100 metres. 500 => O8 Sin P = 100 gives: O8 = =100> OB = —— = leometres ; distance 125 = Time to cross by shortest path §==————— = —~= 4].6? seconds ¥ velocity a 12. Motorcycle and cor at intersection Two straight roads intersect at A. Af time t=0, a caris at point A and Is travelling due North at 25 m/s while a motorcycle is 200 meres West of A and [5 favelling East ar 20 mis. fo) Find the velocity of the motorcycle relotive to the car. (6) Calculate the least distance between the vehicles (c) Show that the vehicles are closest in ? < 4 seconds Solution = ¥.= Fig. 2 728i (a) Find the velocity of the motorcycle relative to the car Fig. | shows the space diagram. Fig. 2 shows ihe velocity diagram. Laf velocity of car= Ve =0/4+25/ Let velocity of motomcyclé = Vm = 20/+0/ => velocity of the motorcycle relative to the cares Vme= Vm -Ve= 20i-25) Equation (} Thus, fa the car dilver, the motion of the motorcycle relative te him is Identical to that he would see if hig car was stapoed at A and the motorcycle was travelling with speed V(20F + (25) =32.016 m/s alona &C ie. in a citection whose angle to the horizontal is 28 (b) Calculate the least distance between the vehicles The motorcycle is nearest A when the line joining A to the position of the motorcycle (at DO. sayo.e. AO ls such that ADL BC. (ee Fla. a3 5 5 AD AD Tet sat Jai AB” 200 => AD = 156.17 metres (c) Show that the vehicles ore closest in t< 4 seconds The time faken to reach the least distance = the time taken for the motorcycle to travel from Blo & The distance BD is AB Cos #= 200(0.4247) = 124.94 metres Since Vine = 32.016 m/s. then the time token for the motorcycle to reach its least distance from the car is: 124.94/382.016 = t= 3.9 seconds Tang = 25 Sing = 13. Interception of a ship At time f=0, a ship af point Ols steaming at 8 m/sin a airection 30° North of East anda patrol boat capable of moving at 15 m/s is at point ¥, 5 km East of © Gee Fig, 1). fo) Find the minimum speed with which fhe patral boat con intercept (he ship (6) Find the minimiurn time in which the patel boat can intercept the ship solution (a) Find the minimum speed with which the patrol beat can intercept the ship At t=: The ship is ai CG: ihe patrol boat ls at * If the patrol boot |§ to Intercept the ship with minimum speed it must travel the shortest distance Possiple Le. along line ¥ OShip Patrol boat a 5,000 m XY where XY 1 OX to intercept at X% Since OX ls at GO° to the horzontoal. X¥ must lie of an angle of 60° with the horizontal, (see Fig. 2). Lat the ship move with velocity Ve= 8 m/s to X and the patral boot travel with velocity Veen to X. Thus, when interception takes place at X The time taken, ¢, for the ship to travel from © to X= the time token for the patre! boat to travel fom to X Thus: t- 24-43% og 5 Vaan Fram qeomery See Fig. 2): OY = 6.000 metres, X¥ = 2.500 metres, OX = 4,330 metres. But the ship con travel at o speed of 6 m/s = from equation (} the minimum speed with 4.390 2.500 8 Viens (6b) Find the minimum fime in which the patrol boat con intercept the ship For interception in minimum time the patral boat must travel of its maximum speed of 15 rs. Assume thot, travelling at 15 m/s, it can intercept the ship at 7 (See Fig. 3): which the patrol boat can Intercept the ship = => Vin, = 4.62 mys To find the direction of travel: The ship toavels from QO along OX at 6 m/s. The patral boat travels from ¥ along ¥Za7 15 mis. Assume that the interception occurs at Z after time f then the vertical distance #2" con be expressed as a function of the speeds of both the ship and the potral boat. Resolving horizontally and vertically gwes Vertically: Potrol boat: 22*= | 5Sing (1) Ship: 22= 8$in30°(} = 4t - 15 Sine(#)= 4t = 15$ine = = = 9 =15.47° Horizontally: OF+27'¥=5000 metres (given) = combined distance travelled horizontally by both ships in time * =BCosi0°’t+15Cosi 5.477 (tH) > 5.000 = 16.928 +14,457) => Minimum interception time = t= 233.6 seconds 14. Plane travel A jet capable of travelling ot V m/s flies from airport Ato alrport A x metres North of A. Just before landing fhe jet is diverted to airport C, x metres East of 8. A constant wind, W m/s, 6 blowing towards the direction @ degrees East of North. fo) ~—s Find the directions (in terms of #3 in which the jet nvust fly from A fo 8 and from & to ¢ to reach these destinations in the shortest times, fp) Find the ratio of the times taken for flying the Journeys AB and BC. Solution (a) Find the directions in which the jet must fly to arrive in the shortest times. Let the jet depart from Ain a direction at an angle of e degrees west of north, and set out from 8in a direction at an angle of degrees east of south Gee Fig. 1). B VeesuLTANT 2 c Fig. | Flying fram_A to & The velocities of the wind ond the plane can be represented by the following vectors: Vw oe (CW Sin #5 74+ 0W Cos e570) Voe-(VSinadl+ (VCose)! id To make this joumey in the minimum time, the resultant velocity of the jet must lie along the line AB, Buring this flight the resulting velocity of the jet (Versurann) is: Versa = Ww + Vo) = (4 Sin @- V Sin a) + (Cos #4 V Cos a) (lil) But Versurant must be in a Northerly direction only 50 it has anly a / component => Fram aquation (lil): (W Sin @- ¥ Sin a) i= 0) W Sin és ¥ Sin 30 _ W Sine => Drection of flight is at on angle a West of North where: a = Sh {iv} Flying from B te C. The velocity of the wind Is unchanged: Vw = ( W Sin #)/4(W Cos #) Let the velocity of the jet be: Ve=(V Sin #)!l-(V Cos f)] tv} The résulling velocity of the jet is: Veesutant2 = Vw + Vioe (MW sin @+ WV Sin #9 7- (CW Cos @-V Cos $i Wo To make [his jourmey in [he minimum time, the resullant velocity of fhe plane must lie along the line CO > Vasnwn: hos an / component only: = From equation (vi): (MW Cos @- V Cos A) j= 0 | = W Cos @= V Cos § = B= Cos| EOP (vil) (b) Find the ratio of the times taken for flying fhe joumeys AB and BC Let |A8| = [BC] =x: But: (velocity)(time. f) = distance travelled = x. Thus: For | AGI: Voesurasn = (WW Cos @+ WV Cos a /o (WoCos @+V¥Cosm@ tax For | 8C |: Veesuvant = (W Sin é+ ¥ Sin &) i= (W Sin &) + (V Sin Bk = x But: |AB| = |BC|—= (W Cos 6+ V Cos ah = (WW Sin #4 V Sin Bt _. a _ WV Sing + V Sin ff i WCosé+ V Cose But, from equations (iv) and (vil): W Sin é=VSing@ and WCos@=V Cas B _, Ae ¥ Sing + V Sing _ Sina+ Sin 8 i; VCosf+VCosae Cosa+ Cosf 15. Plane on o retum joumey Bis located ao metres North of A. 4 plane files from Ato Band back to A (without landing) with soeed Vin/s During the flight there is a wind of Wim/s blowing from a point 30° North of East. If the complete journey takes I saconds, find the distance a. Solution W we af f ly uy A Vv 2V wig b Vv 1 2 y 4 lé / ff ’ ‘ !) vay? —3v? Soe Ww A Fig. 1 Fig. 2 A Fig. 3 Consider the journey as foking place in hwo slages: (a) Journey from A to B: To reach & the plane must travel in o direction ¢ degrees East of Novih so that (from Fig. 1}: 3] wa WW Cos 30° - ¥ Sing —— J = av wis _ V Sing = Sine = — aw" 2V Ifthe plane travels at Vin/s, @ degrees East of North, then its resulting velocity North, uy, (Le. along Ad directly towards 8) can be expressed os: Thus, see Fig. 2° Cos@ = 4yv° awe ow u = VCose-WCoseo? = vAS a Oy = > Av? — 3We — -w) ay 2 9 => Time taken To travel to B: Distance fram A fo 6 a 2a SS) eS Se seconds Resultant speed along AB ou, Jay? _3y?—w (b) Joumey from 8 to A: On the retum journey to A the plane will travel in a direction ff degrees East of South (See Fig. 3) so the resultant velocity South can be found by: w3 ws fav? —3W? ¥ Sing =W Cas a0" = = Sin f= Thus: Cos f= Ifthe plane travels at Vim/s, @degrees ‘Cost of South, then the resultant speed directly towards 4 is up where: ih = Vos fh+ WCosa0? = oo JA? —ane + +> Lu, = vay" = +W qd zd = lime to frovel from: Bto A (|BAl = mis = seconds uy fav? aw + Total joumey Therefore the total time taken to fly fram A fo 8B and irom B back to A ik r 2a + 2d _ AdJ4v* - 3" seconds Jav?-aw?-w JVav?-awe+w AV? -3W")- We Hav?-aw?} ov? -we) metres Oar sue lay? — awe 14. Two ships moving at sea Aminesweeping ship, initially at point M. is steaming due South at 25 km/hr. An aircraft caniér capable of travelling at 40 km/h is located ot point A a distance D metres North-East of this position, and [5 ordered to fake up and maintain o posifion 2 km North of the minesweeper, If the alrcroft carier orives af a position 2 km Narth of the minesweeper in 20 minutes, find the orginal distance, D, separating ihe ships. Solution The initial position of both ships is shown in Fig. |: the aircraft carner ts at A while the minesweeper is at M. The final positions are shown In Fig. 2: the aircraft carnler is at & whila the minesweeper is of N, Assume the co-ordinates of the initial position of minesweeper = (x, yj) = (0, 0) = position after 20 minutes is (0, -8.33) = position of aircraft carrier in 20 minutes = (0. -6.33) 32 But. aircraft camer travels at 40 km/hr = in 20 minutes it will froavel 135.33 km. A Alrcrott carer Minesweepe 4 Fig. 2 " Aircraft carrier f-{ Minesweeper WN ‘ Initial position of circraft corer is ot A. of coordinates =. D W242, | 2 2 a 3 oO ; § p ] 5 = 13.33 = (2-0 ‘ 2. +633| = ssf =|-2-0 (+033 a?) *lyates3] = BR) *( ates] > D'+8.95D-137.42=0 Solvinggives: D= 8.08 km = Original deiance separating snips = 4.08 km 17. Closest approach of two planes Plane Ai travelling North East at 200 km/hr when, at noon, its radar detects Plane & 14 km to the South East and travelling at 400 km/hr In a direction 22.5° East of North. Fired: (a) The closest distance between the planes (6) The time taken to reach this distance Solution (a) The closest distance between fhe planes Fig. | shows the initial positions af noon: Plane “A Velocity: Plane Ais of O and |s travelling ot 200 km/hr in a North-East direction, |ts direction of travel is 45° East of North. The velocity of A can be expressed as a vector Va wher: Va = 141,42 /+ 141.42 | Fiane A’s position: at O, Le. (0.0) Plane B Velocity: Plane Bis at x, a distance of 14 km South-East of ©. 81s travelling at 400 kmi/inr Ina direction 22.5° East of North, The velocity of 8 can be expressed as a vector Ve 33 where: Va = 153,07 + 269.55 / Van é i Va f vi ? Vy ee Fig. 2 ¥ Plane 8's position (in x y co-ordinates) at X = (16 Sin 45°, -16 Cos 45%= (11.314, -11.314) Fig. 2 shows (he velocily diagram, The relotive velocity of to A= Ves = Ve- Ve giving Vox = 11.65 (4 226.14} This resultant velocity is of magnitude 228.43 kri/hr and isin a direction 2.92 East of North. See Fig. 3. Fig. 3 shows the approach to finding ihe time when the planes are closest and the distance then separating them. Vas Indicates the direction of travel along line AY. The shortest distance between Planes Aand 8 occurs at point Y where the line joining O and Y is perpendicular ta the line joining X and ¥. The shortest distance = | OY! = ON Sin (45°+2.92°) = 16 Sin 47.929 = 11.876 km (b) The time taken to reach this distance Time taken to reach point ¥= Time taken by Plane # te travel from Xto Yoot a velocity XY OXCosd7.92° 10,723 Vay=— =- =: - = 0,0469 hours = 168.9 seconds Via 228.43. 228.43 18. Mid-air interception Ina light patrol plane travelling at 192 km/hr the radar detects a helicopter at a distance of 184 km in a direction 30° North of East which 's travelling due North at 128 kimn/f. How quickly can the plane intercept the helicopter? Solution See Fig. 1 for initial locations. Plane Velocity: The plane is ot Aand is Tovelling at vw = 192 km/hr. Tne direction in which the plane must fly to intercept the helicopter a3 500n a8 possible must be four. Helicapter Velocity: The helicopter is at ©. its velocity in km/hr ist vn =O f+ 1287 Add -v to the velocities of the plane and helicopter, Helicopter resulting velocity = vu = vi = 0 = Helicopter is “stopped* at O, Piane: The relative velocity of the plane to the helicopter = vey = ve - vs = resulting velocity. 34 But. If the plane is fo reach the helicopter in the shortest possible time its resultant velocity should lle olong the stralaht tine Joining Ato O (where the hellcoptetr “stopped". But. (fram Fig. 3) using the Sine Rule gives: Ive] _ EM] _, 192 _ 128 —— — = ir el, rr = = 7 an, = 34.74" Sin120° Sina 0.846” Sing UN = OS778 = @ = 95.20" = B 192 Voy| _ gd = —_—_ l= 92.79 km/hr = Minimum tine =— = 1.98 hours Sinl20° Sin2a7ae fir = Min! | 92.79 19. Mid-air interception Two ships can only communicate by sgnal lamps which have a maximum range of 15 kn. Ship 4 ls 60 km que North of Ship 8. Ship A is travelling South West at 25 ken/nr ond ship 8 is tavelling due West at 15 km/hr. Find the total amouni of time during which the ships Can communicate By signal larg. Solution The velocities ore shawn in Fig. 1. va =- 25 Cos 45° j= 25 Sin 45° / = 17.678 |= 17.678 | vwe=-15/+0; 35 Adda velocity "-v “ (Le. 15/40) to the velocity of each ship (See Fig. 2). The result is: The velocity of ship A relative jo ship B= va - v= van = - 2.678 | - 17.678 | It con be seen that ship A will proceed on the llné OD. Note that this line mokes an angle of 4 =Tan 'C17.678/2.678) = 6.41° with the North-South axis (See Figs. 1 and 2). Also, magnitude of Vas = 17.88 ken/ hr, ve-ve= 0/+0/ (1.2. ship Bis “stopped” at point 8) Fig. 4 (Notto Fig. 5 (Not fo same scale) oO same scale) Are of Draw an arc of radius 15 km centred on 6 (See Fig, 3). The two ships con communicate by lamp when Ship 4 passes between paints Cand Das C, Dand all points between them are within a distance of 15 km from &. Using the Sine Rule in triangle O8C: 15 _ [60 —— > Sing =0.5> @ = 30°.150° = f =180°-8.67 -150° =21.39° Sin Bb Sine From the Sine Rule intlangle CDs; 8) Jeo (CO) = 25.98 km = => = Sin 30° = Sin 120° ; 25.98 km => Time over which signalling can occur = — — =],45hours “_ 17.88 km/hr 36 Chapter3 Projectiles 1. Projectile on horizontal plane A particle is projected at an angle @ to a nerzeontal plane (See Fig. 1). If u m/s is the intial velocity ef projection and there Is no oir resistance, find expressions for: (1) Horzontal and vertical components of velocity after ime r (ity Horizontal and vertical components of displocement after tirme t (i) = =Maximum helghl reached (iv) Total time of flight fw) Horzontal range (vi) Viaximum range possible solution ¥ x The components of velocity are shown In Fig, 1] where the xonis represents the horzonial plane and the sons, ine vertical plane: (J) Horizontal component of velocity = v.= u Cos ¢ Vertical component of velocity = 4 = u Sin @- of (i) Horizontal component of displacement = x =v. f= ut Cos ¢ Vertical component of displacement = y = uf Sin @- + gf (iii) Maximum height reached: At maximum helaht vy =0 = u Sin é- gt=0 u Sing = Time elapsed to reach maximum heighi = > 76 calculate maximum height, put this expression for tinto the expression for yin dt above. u Sing sna-Jo{ une) = var => maximum helght = uf D 2g (iv) Total time of flight AT maximum helght the particle has travelled half its total time of flight. Thus, the total een). 2usiné a time of fight can be expressed as: 2 x a af (v) Horizontal range Horlzontal range = (horzoantal component of velocity) = otal time of fight) 4 =(uCose) 2using |= Lr Sin2@ gq | g (vi) Maximum range possible This is achieved when the horizontal range has & maximum value Le. when u Sine isa moximum, This occurs when Sin 2@i3 a maximum, |.e. when Sin 2@= l=>@e4° > moxmum range = uw 2. Projectile on horizontal plane Using the same symbeob as oboave, derive an expression for y In terms of xand @ only. Solution After time tin flight the dsplacements are: =utSiné-Lof, x=utCos@ = t=—= y=urSind-sgP, x=utCos# = t=—-—— \ ne? =, = using | <—|-2 | = xfane -—_* _ " uCosé 29 ucoasé | 2ur Cor 4 3. Horizontal range of a projectile Show that. in general, a particle can be projected at two different angles to reach a given hoarzontal range. F. Solution Where @ = angle of projection and uv = initlal velocity then the range, is given by p =U 028 _. ginag = = But: Sin2e = Sin(80° - 20)= Sin290" — @) = Two possible angles of projection are: 4.90° - # When @ = 45° the range is a moximurm and there is only one value of @ possible. 4. Greatest Height reached Express the greatest height. H, reached by o projectile in terms of the time Trequired to reach H, Solution When the projectile reaches its greatest height, its vertloal component of velacty = 0 => Ww=O=uSin# -of => t= Tay) =(u Sin A/a Bul, Maximum helght is as follows: H = uf- 4gF u Sin @ 1 fusing) uSin’e =H=Maoaximum height = u siné-—g|—— | = iy a a 2g 38 => H=(gDAf2g = 4gr 5. Maximum range achieved Express the maximum range reached by a projectile in tems of Its maximum height, Guring its flight. Solution _ uw Sin2e Range ond Maximum Range occurs when: Sin 2é is a maximum. Thisoccurs when Sin2@=1 Le when: @=45° = Maximum range = < usir@ our @=45° =mayimum height = H= Dg = Maximum Range = 44 6. Displacement! of a projectile A ponicie is projected trom © ot an angle é@ with initial velocity u m/s. Affer time t seconds the particle is at point 4, a horlzoental distance od metres and verical height h metres fram the polnt of projection. (oa) Find the two possible values of for this cisplacement (say, h and fe). (6) If d= hv3, show that fib =4h/g solution (a) Find the two possible values of tfor this displacement (say, fh and #). From Fig. 1 the folowing equations can be written: d=ufCosé@ ond he uf Siné-2 gf > uf Sing =h+2 gf = d +(h+4 gf fh = (ut Cosa} +(ut sina? =(utl (Cosa + Sinf'e)= (ut? =u? > o +(n+i gf f =u cd +tr + gh ZF =u f whichcanbe expressed as: = [Z| +lon-w) P(e +)=0 4 Solving for F glves: F = tants vine] afi +r) 2 a9 => fhas two values => thas two values, § and t. say and 42-2 ah) 2Vlgn— vf - ol +H} (D) ifd=h/3 show: th =F MOTE: Finding r t" will Glow @ simpler expression fo be Gerived: (i -onf -2[lan-v7f -(@ +17) - 7 =H = 7 A , og ; > a 4 er] = Gilet + oft? ~ anus ~ ght — ut + 2ghu + P(e + Fl} =f - 2m But (given): d=nW3 > tf = a 7. Particle thrown from a cliff A boll is thrown out to sea from a point C on the edge of a cliff which is 30 metres high. The boll reaches a maximum helght of 20 metres above the sea level before hitting the water ata distance 100 metres irom the foot of ihe cliff See Fig, 1), Find the angle at which the ball was thrown. c 100 m B solution Consider the curve GA, The maximum helght above the horizontal inrough O attained by the ball is (80 - 30) = 50 metres. If v= initial velocity of the ball, then the maximum height is ($ee Question 1): tal SINE _ 59, 2 - 1009 2g y = xTand ~ 2 = xTang-—_ 9 _ ucos'6 9) costa Sir? @ | x Tanta From Question 2? above : Sirf e Cosa => yo x Tone - - xTond - But. if x= 100 metres. then y= -30 metres (given) = -80 = 100 rang — 0900 Ton" 4 = -80 = 100 Tane - 80 Tare => 50Tor’ #-100Tong-30=0 ie Ton’ #¢-2Tang-0.6=0 Solving for Tang: 2¢y4+24 2¢2,53 ? ? Bul: #20, — @-66.17" = fané = = 2.265, -0265> ¢-66) 7", -14.84° 8. Stone projected over vertical wall A stone is projected with velocity um/s at an angle 45° from a point on the ground a distance d metres fram the foot of the vertical wall of height A metres. If Ihe stone just clears the wall, show fhat h= d- & where 4 is the greatest height reached. Solution Assume the stone passes over the fop of the wall when t=iime elapsed after initial projection (in seconds). Then: x= d= uf Cosé y=utsine— sg? Substituting : f= into ihe equation for uCosé ad" ves v= dfanée-———— 8 eu Cos*@ As the stone just posses over the wall, of height 4, then: ga” ¥=h=-dlona- i au’ Cosa v But @ = 45° (given)= h= d- ae But (from Question l) A= greatest height reached = using : or ue, ‘ He H=— ie, uf edgH= h= d-— 2g 7 Ag He ans a AH 4) 9. Projecting a ball over the wall A balls projected with velocity um/s at an angle @ from a point O on the ground so as just to clear a wall of height a metres, at a distance of ametes from O. Find the possible angles of projection, maximum height and maximum range. Solution ¥ Wiling y= xlond—- gx where Y=QN=a gives: 2ueCose a= aTane- oo => 2u' Cosa) = 2u*Cos'Kalana- go = a= 2" |sinecose— Cos'@}= value of ais a maximum 00 “9 Gg ~» ED _ 20" (cose — sinte + 28ine Cose)=0 dé g = Cos¢ - Sir a+ 25ing Cosé#=0 Letting Cos# = x and Sing = ¥1- x ™ - = 2 = 0-9 +2 ¥ =0 = 2x7 ~1=[~2xv1- x’ | "i md ~~ f = Ax 49 41248 4x01 = Bx a +1205 ¢ = 2282 = w= 0.9298,0.3827 = Possible angles of projection = @ = 22.5°, 67.5° Sire O.427u" = Meximum height = (até = 67.5°) Sine for either value of @ g ol? 10. Particle projected from cliff A particle is projected ot initial speed u m/s fram the top of a cliff of height A metres. The porticte strikes the seo of a distance co metres from the foot of the cliff See Fig. 1). Show that if u=,/gh the maximum value of dis hWv3 Maximum range = 4? Solution Lsing the factthat when y=-fhx=a itcan be written that: d=utCos# and -h=utSin@-2gF = From above: a“ =u'FCos*é. [Saf -h| =u'f Sin’ Py o = + |Z oF - n| = UP sirte + uF Coxe =P Z SP +igt—(e+gnf+r=0 >Pa=(rsgnf-2 far The value of dis a maximum when a? has a maximum value. The maximum value of d orn be found by fist determining the maximum value of d?. This value occurs when: 2 — )- 9 (+ gh) t-g'P =0> 2+ gh)-gf =0 7 2 (uu + gh) a g =f gives the flight time for maximum value of a a 4 ae = Maxmum value of d* = (2 + ghi2 anh ¢ (ato) _k g 4 ¢ _2 (san po ui +2u¢gh g g => Maximum value of d= i? + ghf - Llu? + gh? - r - of ae metres But, (given): u= gh = Moximum value of d= h/3 metres 11. Direction of projectile A panicle of mass mkg is projected with initial velocity um/s at an angle @ = Sec'Va to the horizontal. Find Its minimum kinetic energy during its flight. Solution Initial value of kinetic energy=- mu" Joules IF velocity at time tseconds is y m/s then the velocity components are: w= horizontal component of velocity in metres = u Cose v= verlicol component of velocity in metres = u Sina — gt =V=vvo4+v> => v surCos'a + u'Sin’'a + oF - 2gtuSing >veurgP -2gtusing (i = The value of kinetic energy =— mv" Joules Buh a= sec Ja = Cosé = a (given): Ja The minimum value of kinetic energy of the particle occurs when vis. a minimum. This occurs when the value of v* fasin equation ()) is a minimum: tal =0+2g't-2guSing =0 = minimum kinetic energy occurs after time, t= using seconds g i : 2 . : >vrou+rg sn -2ugSin o{ eSne | , og =u +u' Sif @—2u' Sif @-u -u'Sin’'a-u° Cosa- “ ae . re jl = Minimum kinetic energy =tmv" = 3m = 7mu' *) Joules ‘ ! i = Minimum kinetic energy = [3] x (Initial kinetic energy} 12. Angle of projection A particle projected at um/s at an angle of 30° to the harzontal lands 6 metras short of the target, When projected af u m/s at 43 * it lands 10 metres beyond the ta rget (see Fig. 1). Find the corect angle of projection to hit the iarget. Solution Assume the corect anglé of projection = @ Then the desired horizontal range ls: R= ur Sinz (i) é= 20° >horzontal range = usin on” = vss =R-5 (given) di gy Hy @é=45° =horzontal range= sone - = =R+10 (given) (ill) Equations (1) and di} give: ures 2a 5) glR+10)> 292-10g= gv/3R+10gV3 = R= oss =101.96 metres ~W Putting this value into equation (i) gives u = 33.14 m/s Putting these values for F and u into equation () gives the correct angle of projection = g= 32.8° 13. Two particles projected in perpendicular directions Two particles. A and 8, are projected simultaneously frorn o single palnt at the sarne speed at ongles @ and 4+ 90° respectively (See Fig. 1). A strikes the ground First. show that while both particles are in motion: fo) The slope o7 the line joining A, Breamains constant during the flight (bo) The distance | A€! increases o5.o function of time, t fc) Find 8's horzontal displacement when A strikes ihe ground. solution (a) The slope of the line joining A, & remains constant during the flight ¥-OXI5 | Locations of particles A, B y-oxis alter time f Fig. 1 X-GXIs Fig. 2 ~ §0e Fig. 2 for detalls of how slope of line Is derived. Lat the co-ordinates of Aand Bat any time fhe Ox, ya) and Gs, ya) respectively. where: x, = utCos@, y, = utSin#-2 gf and x, =utCose+90°} y, = utSin[e+90°)-19% The slope of the line joining Aand Bi: ts He _ lutSine-! gf )-lutsinla+90°)-!oF } sine sinle +90") - (ulCos#)—lutCosla+90° || ~ Cosé—Cosla+90°| __ Sin@-|Sin@ CosG0° + Cosé Sin") _ Sind - Cose ~ Cosé-(Cosé Cosi0° - Sina SinG0"| Cosé + Sing = The slope remains constant for any value of # (b) The distance | AB] increases as a function of time, f 7. 2) Distance |AG = y(x,-%;) +l¥,-y,F Fromequation()): = uty! (Cosa + Sina) +(Sina- Cosel = ut/2lsir'e+ Cosa) = url? Gil) = |AB increases as a function of f. (c) Find 6's horizontal displacement when A strikes the ground. Assume A strikes the ground after time Ts hen: Time of flight of A= 7, = 2using But horzontal distance travelled by Bin fine |, is x, where: x = utCose + 90°) = 4 — Joos + 90°) = —2u Sire Note: minus sign as 8 travels in the opposite direction to A 14. Two particles projected simullaneously Two particles, A and 8, aré projected simultaneously from a poini at angles e@and ato the horizontal respectively. Snow that the line joining A, & fa) is unaltered In its direction throughout the mation (b) Mokes an angle of slé + co) with the vertical SsOution Let the positions of A and B after a time tbe as follows Gee Fig. 1): A: (xa, Ya) = (uiCos @, usin a@- Lot *) B: Gs. ye) = (utCos a utSin- + gt?) (a) The line joining A, Bis unaltered in its direction throughout the motion The slope of the line joining A and 8 is given by: slope = Yan Ys - lursing — } gf }—(utSina - | gt*} __Sind - Sine Xy = % utCosé = ufCose Cosé - Cose = for any given values of @and @ine sope remains constant throughout the motion. (b) The line joining A, B makes an angle of +A + ¢) with the vertical From (3): . Sind Sine 1 f Cosé- Coser Tan é = -Slope = Cosa— Cosa Sosa | But: fan # = Tané \ Sine-Sing ] Let @=%+Vie =X¥-V2X=(#@+e)= X= 3(@+a) = Cosd- Cosa = Cod X + ¥)- Cod x Y) = -25in.xsin¥ = Sing Sing = Sin.k+ ¥)— SinkX— ¥)= 2Cos xSin¥ _f Coase - Coser | _ 2SinX Sin¥ Sing — Sing 2CosX Sin¥ = Magnitude of angle made by line joining A Band ihe vertical is: # = 2(¢ +a) = Tan f= = TanX = Tan{!(#+ @)) 15. Collision of two porticles A mass MV) of m kg ls projected from palnt O with velocity um/s at on angle & to the horzontal. Simultaneously, a mass Mb of Sm kg ls dropped fram a point A. The masses collide at Mi's greatest height, (point 8). coalesce and fall te the ground at paint D. (See Fig. 13 (oa) Find | AC] fp) Find the time of flight between & and D fc) Find | GD | Solution (qa) Find | AC | see Fig, 1, Assume the masses are projected and dropped respectively at time t=0: Assume the callilsian occurs at tne f= fr Given: As the collision occurs at greatest height reached by Mit occurs at 8 when M hes been in motion for half of its total flight time a3 a projectile: using u'sin@a ou Sing Cose Le.t= and x= -————. 0 29 ag in? |BC| = greatest height reached by Mi = usin" ci 29 In time t Mb mass folls a distance | A8|. Using the standard equation: s= uf + of 42 , =|AB| = O+igfF -7g ne _ ore 4/ Rfe Fig. 1 Fig.2 lf there isa collision, then both masses must be of the same height: ee ur Sine g ur Sire (Bb) Find the time of flight between & and D Af the polnt of collision, the velocity components are: Mi hos a velocity with horizontal component only, v, = uCasé u Sing Mb hos a velocity with verical component only: v,=u+ gt=0 + gt=g =udind To find The speed and direction of the new mass of énr Let the 6m mass have a resuliant velocity v with horrontal and venical velocity COMPONENTS Vio ANd Voor WEE V=qfVaw” + Vy The herlzental and vertical components ef momentum will be conserved: an Horizontal component 4vriv,..}= muCosd => Vio = cll) Vertical component éniv,J= 5mu Siné => v,,, _ Su susno Time taken for the 6m mass to hit the ground: 5u Sind Verical component of speed at instant of colligon = ur Sure From equation (lf) above: Height above ground = | BC| = 48 Using the general equation: s=ut+itgm where s=|BC [ao = usin'@ — =uft+tigf = [ee t+igf= = (from equation a) oe. » P45 Susie Sina -0 , dg ar = Su Sind 25ur Sin’ a . Au Sin'é _,;-_39 $e g yc Busing , usiney6l _ usinalyel ~ 5| mt-0 W ag dg ag (c) Find |OD| Horrzontal détance travelled offer the collision: 468 equations (ii) and (iv): yx +-( cose) usindv6l- 5)) _ ose sinalvéi— 5) wv) Aa 6 / 30 ~ \ } 18g => Total horizontal distance travelled [5 ¢ from equations (} and tv) }: “Distance travelled before collision” + ° Olstance travelled after collision” _uSin@ Cos? _uPCose Sina|J61-5)_u?Cose Sinall3 + ¥6l) a 18g 189 16/17. Particle projected up an inclined plone: A lane is Inclined at an angle «A particle is orojected up ihe plane with velocity u m/s atangle ff ta the plane. See Fig. 1. Find: (a) The total tine of flight, T (6) The rangé up the plane, F fc) The maximum range up tne plane, Raax (a) The time to reach maximum perpendicular height above the plane, Ti (2) The moaxmum pependicular height obove the plane, H (> Two ongles of projection to obtain any given range on the Inclined plane (9) The angle which the direction of motion of particle makes with the plane when the particlé strikes the plane 16. Approach 1 (using Horizontal and Vertical velocity and displacement components) Solution 49 (a) = The total time of flight, T Horzontal velocity component at time f= vs =u Cos(a+ fh Vertical velocity component at time f= vy = usinta + 4) - gi Horzontal displacement component at time f=xe ul Cos(a+ Vertical degaiacement component at time f= y= ulSinge + f) - =gf Eq. 0) Fig, 1: Att=— Tone = oe = = => y= xTona =ulCode+ Siiang Eq. fi) Using equations ¢f), (li): ulSinge +f) - +gF =[ulCos(e+Mione => uSinger + By - = QT =(uCos(e+ #))Tone 2ut Site + fiCosea — Coste + pisine | _ 2u Sida + f-a) 2u Sing a) Cosa g Coser g Coser (b) Find the range up the plane, F OA _ (Total time of flight \Horzontal velocity) = f= see Fig. 1: k=——_ = 9 Cosa Cosa f oom ucostes Bl , op? => f= eee Coser + 8B) Sint} Coser ,gcorea I le + B)Sing) (c) Find the menximum range up the plane, Riaax our -| 7CoFa = |(Coste + B)Sing) Burt: Cosle + A)Sing = Cose Cosi Sing - Sine Sin’ 8 = 1|[SineCos? f + Case Sin? B)— Sine|= 2|Sine@ + 28)- Sine => R= nae [site +28)- Sina| Usually: u, # are known => Rhasa maximum volue when Sina + 2) has a maximum value Le. wnen Sin ta + 28) = 1. : ls then posite to re-wilie fe Rvsax = |< I Sina |= [4 ne _ | u (l= Sine) _ ue gCosa q@l-Sir'e|) | ofl—SineY1+ Sine)) ofl+ Sine) (qd) Time to reach maximum pempendicular height above the plane, Tu When the particia is at the moximum perpendicular height above the plane, H. then its velocity component perpendicular to the plane = 0. Thus, the direction of its velocity (Veceutanr In Fig. 1915 parallel to the inclined plone, Thus, veeswanr [is inclined at an angle « to the horizontal plane. vy _ USine + B)—- hs. , _ uSinler+ B)-uCosde + #)Tane Pe 4 — —————— => Tane = % uCogdea +) 3 =| Scone gCose ; (srlap B)Cosa- Cosa + §)Sina)= \ |sirfa + f-a) using . I= Sing = Note: %,=47 7 cua) "6 gCoser Oe i= 9 (e) Maximum pempendiculor height above the plane, H See Fig. 2; Using the terminology of the previous section: H=(H,...-., ose uSingt qcosa uw’ Sing8inia+ 8) ur sir p gCosa = 2gCos’e _ ur Coda + p\sing 7 gCose Vertical height of particle above horzontal plane at tine t= In = Ss Avemca + Oncune = U Ta Sinner + 4) - +9 fra? = a a But: Hivcune = x Tan a= (uCosle + pi) ane \ tf But: = Avesnca, + Aivcume > Avcencar = 8 - Hc iese Sina + ssing _ ur Sint 8 _ iu Code + s\Sing = Ayentica, = acesa 2gCosa gCose _ 2u'Sina+ A\sinBCosa __u'SiV ft _ 2u'Cosa + B)SinBCosa 2qCoF a 2qCora 2gCos er = USingLeSirfa + B\Cosa— SinB- 2Cosa+ B\Cosa] _ u'SinA2SInB - Sing] | nacese ; 2qCos a a 3 | : Docoea But: H= (Hypnca Cosa = H= eee () Find two angles of projection to obtain any given range on the inclined plane f ur . _ _ IgCosale ycora |sirta + 2/f|- Sina) = Sinla +28) = — a In general, there willbe two solutions for (er +29): ( +29). 180° -(@ +2) (g) Angle éwhich the direction of motion of particle makes with the plane when the particle strikes the plone From above: R= + Sine 2u Sint Time of flight = *= T= — Direction of motion = @ = Tan'— My gq Case ¥, ol oe | v, =uCosa+ flv, =usinle + f)- a soo = uSiniar + p)-| 5) nlcr + ff) 4 USI | = tana +P Cosa) _ 28m Si« piCose uCode + §) Cosa + f)Cose If particle strikes at 90° fo the inclined plane: From Fig, 3: If the particle sirkes ihe plane at 90° inen 7 = @ Bul @ + p = 909 Coda + f)Cose 2Sing - Sina + #\Cosa = 2SinaSing - SineCosadsinja + 8) = Cos aCcade + f) = 2SinaSing = CosalCosa + B)\Cosa + Sida + )Sina]= CosalCoda + §- a) => 2Sinesing = CosaCoss > 2Tanetang = 1 If particle strikes the plane horizontally (.¢ O° to the horizontal plane}: From Fig. 3: lf thé partcle strikes the plane ate then @ =O Sef Se + lees =O = 25inf —Sinla + AkCosea =0 = 2Sin§ = Sing Coss Cosa + Cose Sing Cosa => 2Tang = Sina Case + Cosa Tang= 1Singa + Cosa Tang 2Toneg lane + Tan 1+ moe le(; i vane Fon la a => Tone + Tang = 2Tang4 Tarretang => Tane — Tang = 2Tan‘eTang = 8 +a =%P=> tongs —|— = Tane= loner = fond = = 2fanf = > 17. Approach 2 (using parallel and perpendicular velocity, displacement components) Solution The velocity and displocement can be resolved Info components as follows: Parallel to the inclined plone: The velocity at time tis, vo... =uCos#-(gSina)* Equation (i) The displacement at time tls: «= (uCosg)t-Llg Sine)P = Equation di) Perpendicular to the inclined plone The velocity at time tis v, =uding-(g Cosa)t Equation dip The displacement at time tis: y= (uSing}t-i(g Cosa)P Equation (iv) Ace = gSin a co ali weer * i ‘ Ace Fig. 1 Veet! u i E oe \ vo’ \ qj RESULTANT 1 ‘ ° Viewpend x 52 (a) = The time of flight, T The paricie’s fight ends on impact with the inclined plane: when y = 0. Thus, time of «Le gs . 2uSin# flight is: O= using T-LigCose} fF = T= Equation g BT-2(g ) gCosa © Ww) (b) Find the range up fhe plane, F R= displacement along plane at time t = T 2uSingt | \ i Busing R=u — |Coss— v, = using -(gCosa)f, = 0 = using = (gCosa)T, = Ty = a (- | () Maximum pemendicular height above the plane, H Attime t= h, = oe = y=Maximum perpendicular height above plane =H > an. ; (g) using | fusing | using using ufSin'g = H= (us | -sloCose | = - = (using lgCosa) * g \ gCose gcosa 29Cose 2gCose Angle which the direction of motion of particle makes with the plane when the particle strikes the plane From Fig 1: Tané = =) _ = {using ~(gCose)t) aut: po T= usin v, uCasfi—(gSine)t gCose lcs using = Tang = [sn 90080 cose -_ NF - neal 2uSinB) — CosB—2Tanasing ucosf (gSina| gCosa If particle strikes at 90° to inclined plane: = Tand =. => 2faneSing - Cosf = 0 => 2Tana lang = 1 If particle strikes ihe plane horizontally (7-4 O° to the herzanteal plana): ang Cost - 2Tonesin# = Cosf lane = 2Tane lane Sing = Sing Divide across by: Cas = Tane -2Ton'e Tang = Tang = Tone - Tang = 2Ton e& Tong => @-¢2> foné@= fone > fone = 18/19. Particle projected down an inclined plane A particle ls projected with velocity ums ot an angle # down o plone which is inclined at an angle «to the horlzontal (ee Fig. 1). Find the: 53 (cy) Honzontal and vertical velocity and displacement components of the particle at Time i. (6) Time of flight down the plane (c) Range, & along the plane In tine f (4) Maximum range, Mua. along the plane (2) Two angles of projection to obtain any given range on [he inclined plane (fF) Time taken to reach its moximum perpendicular height above plane (9) Maximum perpendicular height obove the plane 18. Approach 1: using He“zontal and Vertical velocity, displacement components Solution UVERTICAL = sin f-gt Fig. 1 — , oO: Uvorizontal & =uCosf (a) Horizontal and vertical velocity and displacement components of the particle at fime f Consider the previous cases where there was no inclined plane. see Fig. | above. The exoressions derived for the horizontal and vertical components of velocity and dissocement were as follows: Velocity Hozental component =vw=uCos f Equation (i) Vertical component = ws uSinf#-gf Equation di Displacement Hozental component =x=utCos 8 Equation (iil) Vertical component =y =utSin ff - gf Equation dv) (b) The time of flight down the plane, T From Fig, |] we can see that Tang = = = = Equation (¥) Using Equations (lil), dv) and (v) we get: y= utsing - + l9t=uCosfiana + using tet 2u/ Sina Coss + Cosa Sn) _ 2uSinta + B) a Cose gCose (c) Range, &, along the plane in time T. From Equation (lil) the Horzontal dsplacement component = x= ul Cos # a4 Intime f= x= | GA|= | AB! Fram Fig. 1: Cosa = AB x travelled in time Fo pe AB — ulCosf OA Range,R Coser Coser = p_ UCOSP { 2uSiars f)) _ 2u2Sita + pICosp — Cosa | gCose |= gCos'« (dq) Maximum range, Ruax, along the plane _ 2uFSifer+ B)Cos6 _ u*[Sine +2/5)+ Sine This i | qCos'a qcosta is a maximum value f when: Side +28) is omoximum => Sina +28)=1l—> a+ 2p=5 > B= 1 5-2 op. .vb+sine] ufl+sing] — v[i+Sine] WAS“ aCosa gll-Sinta| gil-Sina\l+ Sine) gli- Sine] (2) Find two angles of projection to obtain any given range on the inclined plane = p= 2 Sinla+ A\Cosf _(_2u' |g, => R= Coke (= Jn fsa aco aur ya, “| score Jl Sila + 28)+ Sina) - (—. =oda | sie-+26)+ sina) => Sinker + 24) = lacos'al_ sy, Ingeneral, there vwaillbe two solutions for(@ + 24): tr +29), 180° -fa@ + 29) (ff Time taken to reach its maximum perpendicular height above plane, Tu When the particle is af is maximum perpendicular height above plane then its velocity component perpendicular to the plane = 0. Thus, ihe cirection of ifs velocity is parallel To The inclined plane, Thus, Vesa MUST be inclined atan angle “-@~ to the horlzental plane, -Sne vv, uSsing- gf uCosoSsing + using lose = Tonl=- «@)=-fo = = t= =f= A ee) ra) Cosa Vy, uCosf gC ose => t= ar }sinacosa+ CosfSine) = rr ; sila + B)=> t= ae sine + 8) (g) Maximum perpendicular height above the plane, H see Fig. 2: Cosa = = HelH,+ H,)Cosa ya + Wi Vertical height of particle above horzontal plane at time f= usinla + §) oCose u? Sin fSinke +f) uP Sir’ (a@ + (3) gcosea 2gCor a Hie = x Tan a= (ucosp| SAe= PI) eon oie Iss Hi = ulSing - 2 gf? = fone = — 2uSinda + B)\SingCosa u'Sirtla+ 8) 2u°CospSinla + s)\Sine = Ay t Aye = 2qCare 8gCosa . 2gCore 2gCose _u Sink + S\2Sinla + §)- Sine + 8] uf Sir(a+ B) at - 2gCosa §gCose But H= (Ho + Hz }oose yy VSI (a + 8) 2gC ose Fig. 2 4 Pog 9 oO} a-- 2] h 19. Approach 2: using Parallel and Perpendicular velocity and displacement components solution Upenmpend. = uSin(a +2 Uperaliel "=e = uCos(a +f) Fig. | (a) Displacement and velocity of the particle at time f Parallel to the plone: The velocity at time tis: v, = uCosla+ B)+(gSing)t Equation (D The displacement at time tls: x= ufCos(a + 8}+ L(g Sing] f Equation dp Parpendiculor to the plane The velocity at time tis v, =uSinle+ f)-(g Cose)t Equation (ii) The displacement is: y = utSin(a + 8)-5(g Cosa) F Equation iv) (b) Total time of flight, T Atte T yeO=> y=urtSina+ §)-2(g Cosa) fF =0 = uSinia + 8) = 2(g Cosa) t 2usinla + fF) gCosa (c) Range, F, travelled down the plane at time, T R= distance travelled parallel to plane in tlre, 7. Substitute Tin Equation fir): R= (2A) Coda + f)+ -(g Sing] [2uSela + o T= oCose gqCosa _f 2uFSinfe + By + Ble Sinter + 8))' - [ee | Code + £)+( Sing) [a } _{ 2u"Sinja + f) 1 . at [ee cod B)Cose +| Sina)Sinte = 8) ) _ 2u'Sinla+ PiCoda+f-a) 2uSina+ P\Coss — u'(Sinta + 28)+ Sine) - gcore - gCore - gCos a (d) Maximum range, Ruax, along the plane FR ls amaxy when: Sinja+24\s a max ie. when: Sina +28) = . Va Note: Maximum range occur when: a+2f = 5 => fis * > e| 1, / = Rang = u[l+ Sina] _ ur [l+ ao ur acose gll-Sirfa) gil-Sing] (@) Find two angles of projection to obtain any given range on the inclined plane From above : #= en |e + 2ff}+ Sine) => Sinle +2,8)- lacosaR . a Ingenaral, there willbe tvo solutions for (a +24): (@ +25), 180° -(a 4 28) (f) Time taken to reach its maximum perpendicular height above plane, Tw The maximum height above the plone is achieved when vw =0 and t= Iv = v, = uSina + §)-(gCose)f, =0 > usina + 8)=(gCosa)i,, uSindar + 7) gCosa (g) Maximum perpendicular height above plane, H The displacement perpendicular to the plane is: y = ufSina + 6)- 21g Cosa) F = Meoximum perpendicular height = _ f eSinla + 8) |sinta-+ )- Ha Cosa )( Sela) =>f,= = T, = 3 {Totaltime of flight, Tl= 57 | gtose gcose _ Sin’ (e+ 8) USintla+ #) Ww Sin’(a + 8) qcose 2qC asa 2qC 05a 20. Particle projected up inclined plane of A parilcle ls projected from © up a plane which is inclined at an angle ata the horlzontal. The direction of projection makes on angle of 60° with the inclined plana, o@@ Fig, 1, fa) Find the value of @ lf the particle strikes the plane at right angles. (b) Show that the total energy at the end of the flight is tne same as the Initial energy Solution (a) Find the value of il the particle strikes the plane at right angles Consider the velocity of the particle perpendicular to this inclinéd plans. This & Vy=uSinet® -(gCosel tf Where - 9 Cosa is the acceleration perpendicular to the plane, the perpendicular distance of the particle from the plane is Sy =utSiné0° -2(gCose) Pip When the particle strikes pane again (at A), Sy = 0. Thus. from @quation (iy: =>O0=ulsiné0° — iigCosa)y 2u5inag® = t= T(say)= Cosa timeofflight (ili) Consider the velocity of the particle parallel to the inclined plane. Volone soy, at time T (Le. when the particle strikes fhe plane). Given: the particle only has a velocity component perpendicular => Volane = 0. Vejone = u Cosé0° — 9 Sine = u Cos60° — gSina(2u Sind0") -O gq Cosa => uCos60? = 3u Tane Sindd° =0 = tu-eutane ¥3 9 => Tone - | 9s Tar? lL (Ww) 2 2 2/3 aya This Is the value of aso the portcle strikes the inclined plane ot right angles. (b) Show that the total energy at the end of the flight = initial anergy The energy of the particle af any polnt = its kinetle energy = Its potential energy. Initial energy (i.e. at O) Ifinitial velocity = u = Initial Kinetic Energy= +m (where m=mass of porticla). Assume initial potential energy (at point of projection) = 0. = Initial energy = =i mu +O=2mu" Final energy (1.2. at A): Final energy of particle = Kinetic Energy + Potential Energy = imyv + Potential Energy (gained by particle), (where v= final velocity) Kinetic Energy at A But, the final velocity has only a component perpendicular to the Inclined plane: From equation () the final velocity = v = uSindo* -(gCosa)t (wv) From equation dij: Fe Zur Putting this value inte equation (v) alves: gCose => Final velocity = - uSiné0° - “us => Kinetic Energy = 2 use = Smut (v1) Potential Energy at 4 Potential Energy gained = mgn where 4 = perpendicular height reached = AB From inset in Fig, 1: Sina = 2 = n= RSina 2u7 SindO? Cos{a0° + ec) she 2uF Sind0° Coslate + o|Sine Range == - = gcor ea gcore 2/3 1 ue From equation (vo; Cosa - ——, Sine = => h= — J13 V3 ag on amu® we dm Fram eaquations (vi) and (vil): Final enardgy = = + m8 5 =— = armur = Initial energy of particle = Final energy of particle. Chapter 4 Circular Motion 1. Car moving on circular track Find the acceleration of a car moving ata constant speed of v m/s around a circular track of radius r metres. Solution As the speed is constant there Is no tangential component of acceleration. The ecceleration towards ihe centre of the circulor track is ¥ rrfs2 fF 2. Poricla moving ina circle Find the speed of a porticle moving in ao circle of radius r metres with an acceleration towards the centre of the circle of am/s*. Solution v a=— =>ve=Jor m/s 3. Particle moving in a circle A particle of mass mkg ls connected by a light inéxtensible string of length rmetres 10 a fixed point. If tha particle is performing X revolutions per minute about the fixed point, find the tension in the string, fF Solution Lat: revolutions per minute = rom and revolutions per second = ips. Then: x QnX aX me ; | aX\ ai = mg = = rod/sec = T= =metro Tam r Newtons PM= Fy 'PS= "ag = gg [Gsec= a en ap 4. Motion In a horlzontal circle Two particles, A (ono smooth table} and 8 (beneath the table), each of mass mkg are connected by 3 string which passes through 2 hole In the table, Gee Fig. 1). If particle 4 peronms 59.8 ravalutions per minute in a radius of r metres and particle 8 remains at rast. whotls the value of r? Solution The forces in Newtons involved are shown in Fig. 2: For particle A: Tsmietr For particle & 7 =mag Therefore: mg = mw rforne movement of particle 8 to occur. =g=a'=> w?=3 => “m= jg = - radians/second But: w= 2aF where f= frequency In revolutions per second GSlyven: f =a fer = 0.99547 revolution per second (= 89.4 revolutions/minute), gf Fi) i oy =f = —=0.99667 = — = f= ——— RM — = 025 metres ar 2 4c7(0.99667F an —————————o ~~ ji T mw @r r T E B Fig. 1 Fig. 2 mg 5. Motion of o conical pendulum A mass nt kg is suspended from a point © by oa string of lengin ©. If the particle is perfoming circular motion with constant speed with the string inclinéd ot ongle @ fo the vertical (See Fig. 1). find: (a) The linear speed of ihe particle, v (in m/s} (ob) The angular speed, «a in roadians/second (c)) The angular speed in revolutions per minute Solution Let AB = ametes, OF = sting length = L metres, m= Particle mass af Bin kg (a) The linear speed of the particle (in m/s) The forces in Newtons acting are shown In Fig. 2: Vericaly: 7 Cos@=omgG Harlzontally: T Sine = me (Ip awl T Fig. 2 mg PSN? _ tang = —G- =“ = 4 =09 Tong v=JagTané mis TCoseé mg ag (b) The angular speed in rodians/second The relationship between linear and angular speed is given by: v= wer = gy = % = NOgTaNe _ jgfane rodians/second a a \ a (c) The angular speed in revolutions per minute (7pm) (otane ofand Let: f= revolutions/secondf = oo L joo (ps = 0 jgrane rom ee 2H a \ oa 6. Motion of a conical pendulum A moss mk is fastened to a string of length ; metres and Is made to descilbe a horizontal circle with sneed v m/s Gee Fig. 1). fa) Find the tension of the string. T. and @ its inclination ta the vertical in terms of wv. 4. ol (ob) lfr=1 metre for what value of v will the Inclination to the vertical be 30°? Solution (a) Find the tension of the string, TF (Néwtons), and & its inclination to the vertical. 86 Figs. 1 and 2, Let @ be the inclination of the sting to the verical and T= Tension of tne string The forces acting are: Hoontaly: TSsing= mm él) Vertically: Tces@=maq tl} From the above equations: me ; Tone = fané@= i = vo TCosé mag al put: sine =4 = = Sine = Tone = 2 =§_“ _ = site =“ cose r Cose grsing ov Since: Sin'@+Cos@=1then Sin'é=1-Cos'é¢ = " + Wwe =>1-Corée = —Cose => Core + —Cose-1=0 gr gr [4 ) vag? jor | 2gr MO mg _ omer Cosé —-VaJvt4ee -vaiv +4? 2or Solving we get: Cos#= + ts Fr ‘ But, from equation(i) T= dil) 2gr (b) If r= 1 metre for what value of v will the inclination to the vertical ba 30°7 If r=] mete and # =30° then cosa = S.-Y Ao" POAT NB ov a Fag = | + ga} = vi + 4g =v +29v8/3 43g? =v + 4g? = 2g = g? = v= i mis fo, facawt and angle of inclination to the vertical @ = Cos" eater (iv) * é2 7. Motion of a conical pendulum A mass i kg rests on a rough horlzontal table with coefficient of frictlon gf =0.5. A string. which passes ihrough a smooth hole in the table ot © links masses rm and me. Gee Fig. 1}. (a) If m2: describes a horizontal circle with a uniform velocity v and mi Is just about to slip find the radius of the circle, r, and the length of the string below the table, L. (bo) lfrnsdre=mkgandy= 1 m/s findrand i solution The forces In Newtons acting are shown In Fig. 2: F=Frictlon between table and mass nm, [= Tension of string, F = Reaction between mass mm and the table. mg. meg = Weights of mn and morespectvvely (a) Find the radius of the circle, 7, ond the length of the string below the table, L Let OB =L BC =r. Consider m: inclined at angle @ to the vertical OC When the particle is on the point of sipping: For mass mi: resolving the forces gives: R=nng. T=F= p= smg= > ct) For mass m2: resolving the forces gives: Vertically: TCos @=ong G2. Horzontally: T Sine = (iii) Using equations @ and (ii: rosé = “i! Coso =mg=> Cosé= te : | Am2 m2 —dme But Sno = {i-Cove = 1-5 = mash qv) and Mm im equations (I) and Gil} give: 2 ame : - ; Ising = OG |M — Am,” _ I ame = MY = p= 2M _wy 2 mM, é r sim? - 4m, 2m But, from equations (iv) and (): Sing=4 > p=! = gym’ — 4m" 2mm,v" L Sin@- fn? ~ Am, g \ m) (b) lf mm =3 me = mkg and v= 1 m/s findrandl im » 1 . 211, 4 3 \ y 2 From (a) above : r= = = metres gym, -4m" gym? — 2 o's PIT Lage 2m 1 - ammv 3 k y _ 2m From f(a}: b= = g g ag metres &. Motion of ao conical pendulum A small ting of mass 2 kg is threaded on a smooth lighi flexible inelastic string of length 1.2 meres. The ends of the string are aHached to A and 8 with da distance of 0.8 metres vertically below A. The ring cescribes with constant speed a heérizontal circle about & Find the tension in the sting and the speed of rotation Gee Fig. 13. Fig. 1 0.8m — So a oe Solution Assumé the particle is travelling with speed v m/s in a horizontal circle. The forces acting on the particle are shown in Fig 2. From geometry : |AB = 0.8 metres (given) ond = |AC) +|BC) = 1.2 metres given) = (0.87 +/aC =|AC)* ond |AC =1.2-|BC] = (0.8F 4/8) = (1.2-|Bc]P = (1.2P +|ecy* 2.418 = |aq| =" ay — 8)" 0333 metres JAC =0.867 metres 0 333. 0.8 sing = 2285 -o384 cosa = 28-0993 = ne 08ST GOSE 0887 Resolving ihe forces vertically and horlzontally: Vertically: TCos@ = mg fi}, Horizontally: T+ Tsing =— iid Fe ; mg 29 From equation 7}; J=—=—=2,16/9 Nevtons q 0 Cosé 0.928 g me [acy =>y= er ‘a + Sing= 0.4342. 167901 + 0.384) + 0.384) - 9. A From equation jj: T+ TSing= = constant soeed of rotation: v= 2.21 m/s 9. Motion on intemal surface of a sphere The smooth inside surface of a bowl is a segment of a sohere of radius r metres, the height of ihe segment being x meires. $6 Fig. 1. The bowl rotates about Its axis, OC. Find the greatest velocity of the bow If a particle of mass m kg on the inside rim of the bow (at A) con remain at rest relotive to lhe bowl if: (a) x= rf2. (oj wa AfS Solution (a) x= 7/2 Lef the porticle have mass m kg and be at 4, a distance o metres from the axis, O8. (266 Fig. 2: the dotted lines are provided to assist development of equations). The forces in Newtons acting when the bow! is spinning are shown in Fig. 3: R= Reaction between particle and bowl and fis directed towards 0 mg= Welght of particle Resolving these forces horzontally and vertically: 65 (} Horizontally: @ Sing = av where v= velocity of particle and a= | AG] (0 Vertically: 2 Cos @= mg RSINE _ tang - mv ov = = =— {ill RCosé amg ag cD V3 1 But. fromfig.2: Cos#= 2- -05>¢- 00" = Sing =", Cos@ = 5 nso: sno~ snerr - 8-2 9- ws (iv) f = Using equations (iil) and (iv): Tang = fanéo° = ve wavi= v= Sar og” ora \ 2 = Speed necessary to keep particle at rest relotive to bow! just within rim Is ye mis (b) x= f/3 Fr a a rs 2 lf x=—.Sind-{sa=rSine and Cosa-i*£-—4-4 4 r r r 3 a — Sind = jl (2) -# ~ at! | tang 0-35 _ VS a 3 ag 2 6r 2 a _ ¥ _v5 oer _ os ~ ag 2 =vi= oS = speed necessary to keep porticle at rest relative fo bowl just within rim is |e mis 10. Fixed Point and Sliding ring A) A particle mm of mass 1 kg at Cs attached by two light inelastic stings CA and C8, each of length 1 mete, to fixed points A and 8. The line A8is vertical. The particle and strings rotate about A8 with constant angular speed @ = 10 radians per second. (a) Show the forces acting on fhe particle (6b) Calculate the tensions in the two strings. B) Suppose the end of the string Céls attached to a ring of mass 0.4 kg of 8 which 6s free to side on a smooth vertical wire A. If the particle and strings rotate about Ad with constant angulaorspeed w = 10 radians per second. (¢) Show the forces acting on the particle and on the ring (a) Coalculote the tensions in their two strings. Solution A) fa) Show the forces acting on the particle Forces acting on Particle: (note: mm = 1 kg) (i) Vertical forces: f Sin @= fe Sin @+ mg (i) Horzontal forces: T; Cos @+ Cos =m w’? | CDI ; C C Since Cos@ - A = Ie =|co (b) Calculate the tensions in the two strings ~ equation @) becomes: (f- ])Siné =(IMg)= (h- §) = Sing and equation (i) becomes :(7+ RICO = (ie |CO > f+ h =w =1x10° = 100 Sie pee q 0.59 0.59 _ (9 = 2 = Sj 2 T=1l00-T = we Equation (i)-(i) gives: -27 ana loo = T Sing ;=100-7 0+ a B) (c) Show the forces acting on the particle and ring soe Figs. 3 and 4, Forces acting on Particle: Vertical forces: i Sin@= Sin #+img (i) Horzontal forces: Cos @+hCos@-m a |CD| a Co Cc Since Casi = [eo _ [co =|cq Ag = Equation () becomes: (7, - 1, Sing =lg (7 -B)= a5 and dil) becomes :(7, + LYCO = 1e*|CO = T+ f, = w = 1x10? = 100 Of 0.5¢ 045g qi E ti -E ti in: -2?7, - = -] , = -—— ai E= quation (i)}-Equation (li): -27, tind 00 = T = 60 Sing (ll) and — = 80+ sn9 Forces acting on Ring: The forces acting on the ring are shown In Fig. 3: Vertical forces: b Sin @=meg=O04a tv) Horizontal forces: R= Cosa (v) {d) Calculate the tensions in the fo strings. Using the expression for Sing from equation(iv}: Sin 9-28 In equation (iii): = 0.59 >UG=%- 04g =>h=2222 Newtons = f=77.78 Newtons r 11. Motion in a vertical circle A mass of mm kg at point Als attached by a sting rmetes long to a fixed point 8 and Is given a herizontal velocity u m/s so that if begins to describe a vertical circle around 8. (See Fig. 1). Find the: (a) Minimum value of uso that the moss just reaches D (6) Mininunn value of uv if the particle describes a circle without the sting becoming slack, Solution D Fig. 1 Fig. 2 ¢ cose Cc t h A mg (a) Minimum value of uso that the mass just reaches D The mass ls projected fram A wilh initial velocity u m/s. Lef v be ihe velocity of the mass ot a point C. When the mass is at C it hos dsen a vertical height, A where: h=r-rCos@=r(1-Cos#) (See Fig. 2) Lat: Kinetic Energy = K.E. and Potential Energy = PE. From the Principle of Conservation of Energy: Total Energy at Point A = Total Energy at Point ¢ —> K.E.4+P.E, fot Point A)=K.E. + PLE, fat Point C) KE. of the massatpoint4=+mu PE. ofthe massat point A=mg(0) Gay) K.E. of the mass of point C == my P.E. of the moss at point C = mah => imu=ime+mgh (li) From equation (): wsv4+2gh=V +291 -CosM@—= VWau'-2gcl -Cos& cil) If tha moss is fo have the minimum velocity to reach D assume that v=O0 at @ = 180° From equation dil). Q=iwe-2gql+ij)> w=49r> u= 2 Jor (b) Minimum volue of uil the particle describes a circle without the string becoming shack. If the particle is to complete a full revolution the string must remain tout, this means that the tension in the string must be >0. At point C: = T- mgCosé = a“ tv} lf the string is just on the point of becoming stack at ts highest point D then @ = 180°, Cos @ =-1 and, from equation (iv): = g< < =Vogr W = using equation (li): gre u’-2gnl-Glj Sgr =u>J5gr to prevent slackness In the string 12. Motion in a vertical circle A particle of mass m=3kg hangs freely from the end & of a light inextensible string of langth r= 1 mete attached to a fixed point O. The particle § then projected horzontally with speed u= 2 m/s. At point 8 the particle has a speed y m/s ond line OB is Inclined af an angle ¢# to the downward vertical. (a) Find v and the tension, T. in the siting in terms of @ at point B. (6) Find the values of @ and fhe tension in the string at the point the paricla comes to on instantaneous rest. Solution o Fig.1 oO Fig.2 r | u=2m/s | F cl—-—bB A i! d im mg (a) Find v and the tension, fT, in the string in terms of @at point B. When line 08 is inclined at an angle @ to ine dewnward veriical, the forces acting on the ponticle are shown In Fig. 2: Let OB=1 => T- mgCoso = ™ = r= mgCosa + ™ f From the Principle of Conservation of Energy: Total Energy of particle at A = Total Energy of particle at 8 = mu’ =imv +mgtr—rCost) = u* =" + 2gn)- Cos) >Veu=-29n1l-Cosa) dd From equation @: T= mgCose+ mv = mgCose+ - cot Cos6) dil) Putting in values: m=Skq.r-imetre,u=2m/s wegert: Equation (Ij becomes: - =4- 2Ql- Coss#j= ve 4 -2@)- Case) Equation (iii) becomes: T = 3gCos#+ 3/4-2911- Cos = 3gCos@+12-4g{1- Cose) = T=9gCos#+12-4g=848.3Cos¢-46.9 Newtons (b) Find the values of & and the tension in the sting af the point the particle comes to an instantaneous rest When the particle comes to instantaneous rest = v=0=> v =0. From equation cil}: v=0= yu" -29n1- Cosé) = u* —-29r+2grCosé =0 2or-ur _ 2g-4 qr 2g The panicle comes to instantaneous rest when: @= 37.24°, At this point the tension in the W=3%9.81x0.796+0- 23.42 Newtons = Cos# - => @= 37,24 string, T. is, from equation (): T= m@Cese + mn 13. Motion of a pendulum One end of a light inextensible siing of length r(r= 1 metres) is fixed at point ©. The other end is otfoched to a mass Mi of 1 ka which & held at polnt A (Qvhere A is level with 0) and allowed to fall (See Fig. 1): (a) ~=- Find the speed of Mb when It has fallen through on angle ¢ and is at point 8. (ob) = Find also the tension of the string at point & fc) If Mi collides and coolesces with a moss Wh of 2 kg ot resi ot paint C. The combined masses rise to polnt D. Find the vertical height of D above C (ee Figs. 2 and 3). faim =Im Fig. 2 Fig. | M,+M, Fig. 3 c ia = 1 egy — wy M,= 1 kg Solution (o) Find the speed of M when it is at point &. Let Kinetic Energy = K.E. and Potential Energy =P.E. From the Principle of Conservation of Energy: Total Energy at Point 4 = Total Energy at Polnt 8 70 = KE. +P, (at Point 4)-K.E. + PE, fat Point & (fh) At point A: KE. of The mass of point A= 0 P.E. of the mass at point A = Mi gtr) (say) = Total Energy of M. at Paint A = Migr (i At point B: After falling through angle @, speed = vand energy is K.E. of the moss af point B=2 Mv P.E. of the mass at point B=Migtr-r Sin & = Migr] - Sin & = Total Energy of Mi at Point 8 =+ Miv® + Migr] = Sin & Burt Total energy at point A = Total Energy at point & => Migr=4+Mv + Mignl - Sin => v= J2grSing Bul: r=1m> v= J2gsine mis (b) Find also the tension of the string at point B. When Ah hos fallen through an angle # the forces acting on the particle are: Kd T-M sing = Mv where v= speed of particle Gee Fig. 2) Pulting in values: M,=1Tkg. r= 1 metre: moe on 1 ()gsine = Mi iWiegsne} : =2gSiné > T=3gSine Newtons (c) Find the vertical height of D above C (see Figs. 2 and 3). Al ihe lowest point, C. @ = 90°, Mi has a speed of v= Jzgsing = J29 m/s. Ma Then collides with Vb, of 2 kg: the masses coalesce into a combined mass (Mi¢ Mz) = 3 kg. Using the Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum: Mivi+ Meve= (Mi + MV where V= yelocity of combined mass after collision at C. Thus: if Mi=1kg. Me=2kg. vi = 2g m/s. v2 =O mys =v. 20 rns The combined mass will rise until It reqaches point D. Then: Total Energy at point C = Potential Energy at highest point D But, at point C the Potential Energy = (Mi) + Mbjgrt] - Sin @ and @ =90° => Potential Energy =0 => At point C the Total Energy = K.E. = =(M, + MV" At point D. the velocity v=0 (> K.E.=0) and PE. = (Mi +Modgh where 4 =vericol distance between C and Dp f 2 = 3(M, 4+ MV* = (M4 Mjgh=> 10) 22) =(3)gh> h= ; mete = maximum vertical helgnt reached by the combined mass. 14. Porticle sliding on a spherical surface A particle of mass m kg sides from rest down the outside of a smooth sphere of radius r meres until it leaves the sphere. (a) Find the value of angle # where panicle slides fram rest at point 8 and leaves sphere at point O Gee Figs 1 and 2) (6) Find the value of angle # where panicle slides fram rest at point ©, ata vertical height of r/2 metres obove O and leaves the sphere at paint E Gee Figs. 3, 4). fl In fhe case of (b) above, find: fc) = Horizontal distance between F and ihe verical ovis. OB and vertical distance between Foand ©. (see Figs. 3 and 4) (cq) The particle's distance from vertical axls OB when It strikes the ground of F. solution (Assume potential energy at x = 0) (a) Particle slides from rest ot point 6 and leaves sphere at point D The panicle is initially at 8 (given). See Figs. | and 2 Fig. 1 Tofal Energy of parlicle af any point = Kinetic Energy (K.E.3 + Potential Energy (F.E3 At point 8 ine particle is at rest and its energy = Potential Energy (PE. only: PE =mge A (where mg=welght of particle) @ At paint O. the particle is moving with velocity v = The energy of the particle ot D= mv + mar + rosé) (ii) = fram equations 0) and (i): 2mgr= temne +mo(r+ rCosé) = 4or= +29r4 2grCose > V = on?-2Cose) Gil When the particle is af point Dit is moving with velocity v and the forces acting anit are shown In Fig. 2: R= Reacton between particle and sphere = mgCase - f= a fy) Putting the value for v derived In equation did Into equation (lv) gives: Pe mgCos@- R= ly (gn2- 2Cosé)) = R= mgCosd-2mg4 2mgCase = 3mgCoso-2mg é Particle leaves sphere when R= 0 > 0 = 4mgCos# - 2mg> Cosé = is 8= Cos'2 (b) Particle slides from rest ot point C and leaves sphere oat point E The pariicie is initially at C where 48 = 40 = 1/2 (given) (where A and C are In the sarne horzontal line). See Figs. 3 and 4. The Total Energy of the particle at any point = Kinetic Energy (K.E.) + Potential Eneray (P.E.) At point C the particle is at rest and its energy = Potential Energy (P.E.) only: PE. = mgllOg - |Aa))- mgr+tA=2mgr (where mg= weightofparticle) (v) Atpoint & the particle si moving with velocity v: => The energy of tne particle at F= imv +more cease) (vi) 72 => from equations (anddi: 2 mar = +m + mcr + rCos#)= or= + 2grCose =v =gnl-2Cos@) (vid Whenthe particle isat point € itismoving with velocity vand the forces acting on it ore shown in Fig, 3: R= Reaction between particle and sphere = mgCos# -R= =~ (vill) From equations (i) and Gi}: Putting the value for v derived in equation (vil into equation (vii) gives : \, mgCos#-— R= [7 (or -2Cos#)) = R= mgCos#-mg+2mgCosé = ImgCose- mg “ Particle leavas sphere whan R= 0 > 0 = amgCosé - mg=> Cos@= i> @=Cos'+ (c) Horizontal and vertical distances between D and the vertical axis, OB and O respectively. 3) 3 7 (2) _ Bef? o Fr From above: Cose --> a= 3 == = the panicle leaves the sphere when It is of a vertical height of 5 meres 2r2 above ihe cenie of the sphere ond =z metres from the vertical axis, O8, (d) When the particle strikes the ground ct E find its distance from axis OB. B “1 Fig. 3 L [GF] When the particle leaves the sohere at Fit travels as a projectile Gee Fig. 4). Assume that the particle leaves the sphere at time f=0 and strikes the ground at Fin time f. eal Fram (c) its Initial distance from vertical diameter O8 at f=O0ls L =———_— metres _— (ix) From equation i) the speed of fhe particle when If laaves the sphere is Y= af 1-2 )| -£ov- {Zo wihere vis perpendicular to OF. The components of v are: Horzontal component = v= v Cos @ Vertical (.6. downward) component = 4 = vSin @ + of The horizontal distance travelled in time tiram &= | GF) = wf tiwhere G 6s veriically below &). In time tthe vertical displacement of the particle = sf 73 But, the vertical component of displacement of the particle = vt Sin @ + gf 2y2 Le. vertical component of displacement = vt Sin #+ L gf = vi +2ofe= er , , AJ? ir), 8 - = Re- writing gives: f 4 _ it-=)-o0540.3474,/rh-02718-0 ag ava NV 5 a9 4 ——_-?> 7 O.347é/r 2 y(O.3476F f+ 40.27 18 7 2 Using equations (x) and (xi: Horizontal distance travelled in time, t= | GF = vet = |GH = 5} ¢b3787V7)- 0.226r => Distance from vertical oxi§ = 1+0.2286r =0.94d28r+ 0.2240 = 1,149 =f =O.3757/r (for f>0) (I) 15. Particle moving in vertical circle A panicle of mass m kg ls moving In a vertical clicie on the end of a siring of length 0.9 metres. See Fig. 1. If the maximum siting tension permissible is 8mg Newtons find ihe maximum and minimum velocities of the particle, Solution Let string length = L metres and maximum sting tension permissible = Te The maximum tension o¢curs in the sting at point A while the minimum tension Gecurs of point B: (See Figs 2 and 3). These tensions are: Vp B Fig.1 [ 6 Fig. 2 a oO L vy Am A mg A mvs" 2 Iaay — TO= = Tay = =“ +mg=8maq=> v, =,/7gl = /6.39 =7,861 mis Energy of A=Energy at 4 Energy at A=Potential Energy (= 0,say)+Kinetic Energy = nv" Energy at 8 = Potential Eneroy + Kinetic Energy = 2mgl+ mvs = imvy,” =2mgl+imy’ > vy" =v," -4gl = 26.487 > v,=5.15 mis 16. Particles sliding over pulley A sting with two particles each of mass mkg at each end lles over a smooth fixed pulley, At equillbtum each panicle Is level with the centre of the pulley (see Fig. 1). Panicle 1 is slightly displaced. (a) Find the reaction exerted by particle 2 on the pulley al point A (b) If the particle leaves the sphere at point ¢ find the value of & (See Fig. 3) Solution (a) Find the reaction exerted by the second particle on the pulley at point A Total Enérgy of particle at any point = Kinetic Energy (K.E.) + Potential Energy f4 (P.E.). At equiliarium, fas shown in Fig. 13. the two particles are at rast. Therefore, the Total Energy of the system consists only of Potential Energy > Total Energy = Potential Energy = mafar+ rCosd5°) per particle « 2 particles = mgté+ 4/2) i When the sécond particle is at its highest point, A, the Total Energy of the systern i KLE. + P.E.1 + K.E.2 + P.E.2 (866 Fig. 2}: => TatalEnergy = imv/ +maar}+ + mv" +ma4dr But the particles are connected = v, = v, > TotalEnergy = mv +7mar (iD But the Principle of Conservation of Energy holds that the Total Energy remains unchanged = (6 4 2 \nar = mv + 7mgr whichgives: v = on? - 1 (ill) f= Reacton between particle and pulley fat point A say) my = mg-R= ™ = R= mg Using equation dl) we have: f= mg- - grl'2 -1| = m2 -2 (b) If the particle leaves the sphere al point C find & Assume the line CO makes an angle of @ to the vertical OA. At point C the particles are moving atv m/s and the forces acting on the pulley are shown in Fig. 3. To find when the second porticle leaves the pulley, consider it of angle # from the verical (see Fig. 2 my a). The forces acting at point C are: moCos#- R= R () Particle | Pane | 7 45° | 45° 5 B Fig. 1 Fig. 2 ar Energy of this system af this point is (K.E.1+ PLE. 0} (of mm} + (KE. 2 + PE. 3 (of m:) $My, PE, +i my + PE, = mv’ +PE, +PE, (asm=m, =m) Total sting length=.r metres INFig.1. the total string length in contact with the pulley = = metres fo In Fig. 2, ine total string length in contact with the pulley = = metres In Fig. 3, the total string length in contact with the pulley = > -ae AC = 5 -(fadius x angle in racions) = 37 _ 7 String length not in contact with pulley = =e > siningienginnen ct with pulley = |OF = =| Fan |= Tag ferry) => PE, = md 8r-| Liao, | | and PE, = m@i3r+ rosé) = Total energy of systemis: mv’ 4 me 3r rCost+3r—a4 a) ond this is equal to the Initial energy of n system, mari + 2| = mgdé+J2)= mye *+mgq 6s Cose—( @ ‘igo } im me 2 forme morn? = mv + morose — rn (= =>" =or/? |- grasa But the particle leaves the sphere when f¢- 0 — from equation (iv) moCose= "Mi | vy = onCosé => 2grCosd = on? +| SF) = 2Cosé = 2+( 7 | r 180 180, | 7 . . = Cos@ = —.4 = Solving for é#: @ = approximately 23.8" V2 '6 Chapter5 Collisions 1. Change in momentum of a mass A mass of 2 kg 8 moving at iO m/s. A force of 6 Newtons acts for 4 seconds in ihe same line as the cirection of motion. Find the resulting velocity of the mass and the change in Its momentum. Solution Resulting valochy: miv- uj/f= mas Fro Fe dtv- W0Vv4de6> v= 18 m/s Change in momentum = mv - u) = 3018 - 10) = 24 kg.m/s 2. Change in momentum of a mass A rmiass of 10 kg is moving at d m/s. Aforce F acts for 6 seconds opposite to its direction of motion. If ihe resulling velocity is -— 2 m/s. Find the magnitude of Fand the change in momentum. Solution Resulting velocity: miv- uj/f= mas F:> Fes 10f-2 - 3/6 =- 8.333 Newtons (minus sgn Indicating that force Is cpplied in opposite direction te original motian) Change in momentum = axiv- u) = 10(-2 - 3) = - 50 ko.m/s 3. Change In momentum of a mass A mass of 6 kg ls accelerating at 4 m/s, Find the force F which is acting and the change of momentum after? seconds. solution Resulting velocih: m(v- ul/f= mas Fo F=d&(v - ut = (6x44 = 24 Newtons Change of momentum = m(v- uj = Fr= (24)(7) = 168 kg.m/'s 4, Change In momentum of o mass A mass of 10 kg falls from a height of 4.905 matras. If acceleration due to gravity Is g= 0.81 m/s? find the momentum of the body when it hits the ground. Solution Initial velocity = u=0 Lisa general equation: / = ve + 2as: v= 0 4 2(9.819(4.905) = v=9.81 m/s => Momentum on hitting the ground = my = (109.81) = 98.1 kg.m/s 5. Impulse A bullet of mass 0.015 kg Is flreed Into a block of wood with a velocity of 650 mis, It comes fo rest in 0.01 seconds. If the resisting force of the wood is constant find the magnitude of this force and Its impulse. solution Fr= mtv — vu) > Impulse = Fl = mtv - uf = 0.0150 - 650) =- 10.5 kg./s = AD.OD=- 10.5 = F= 1,050 Newtons 6. Impulse A drop hammer of mass 50 kg stikes a rock with a velocity of 10 m/s and does not rebound. Find the impulse on the rock, fe Solution Fr= mtv - u) > Impulse = Ft = 500 - 10) = - 800 kg.m/s 7. Impulse A ball of moss 0.06 kg strikes o surface with o velocity of 20 m/s and rebounds veriically with a velocity of 12 m/s. Find the impulse on the boll, solution Fi = mv - u) > Impulse = Ff = 0.04¢- 12 - 20) = - 1.92 kq.m/s 8. Impulse A ball of moss 0.5 kg travelling at 20 m/s is struck and sant back at 32 m/s in the oppose direction. Find the impuse on the ball. Solution Fro m(v- uu) > Impulse = Fr=0.5¢ 32 - 20) =- 26 kgum/s 9. Impulse Ahammer af mass ? kg travelling horizontally at 6 m/s hits a place of timber and rabounds horzontally with a velocity of 2 m/s. If the Impact lasted for 0.01 seconds find the average force exerted by the hammer on the timber block. solution initial Fig. | Fig. 2 motion, Final u a meme [| ém/s ——— Note: vond yore In opposite directions. Assume u's direction & negative. Using the general equation for impulse: Ff= mtv - vu), where:, vs2 m/s, t= 0.01 seconds = F(0.01) = 7(2 - C6)) = 56 Nis > F= 5.600 Newtons 10. Impulse A Ball of mass 1 kg falls frorn a height of 5 metres onto a flat salld surface and rebounds to. a height of 4 metres. If the duration of contact between the ball and the suriace was 0.1 seconds find the impulse of the force on the ball. Solution Om/s C) Fig. 2 Om/s Fig. 1 : OQ | 5m A __ 4m: vi0g M/Sy oe L_v8o m/s __ speed of Dall before Impact (See Fig. 1}: Using the general equation of linear motion: vw = vu? + 2@os where: ucOm/s. d= 9-59.81 m/s. s=5metes= v= 10g => v= vOl0g) Note: Letv = Uscrorne below 78 speed of ball after impact (ee Fig. 2): Height reached = 4 metres. Final velocity = 0 m/s. a= g=- 9.81 m/s Using the general equation of motion: v = uw + 2os => U.e0+8g = u=v(8g) (Note: Let us vane below} Assume downward mation ls the negath.e direction. Use the General equation for impulse: Fr= miv = vu} = m(varir - Uneron) where: m=1 kg. u= Uberore = V(109) m/s, v= veren = V(Bg) m/s, f= 0.01 seconds = Impulse = 10v(8g) - -V(10g))) = 18.76 Ns 11. Force acting on a body Atforce of 100 Newtons acting on a body for 3 seconds Increases its velocity from & m/s to 20 m/s in the Girection of the forces. Calculate: fo) The change in the momentum of the body (6) The mass of the body (c) Change In kinetic energy of the body (d) The distance over which the force acts Solution Use the equations: Fe miv- wand Fse my -% mi (a) The chonge in the momentum of the body Fi= m(v-u) = change in the momentum = m{v- wv) = (10003) = 300 kg.n/s (6) The mass of the body miv-u) =300=m (20-8) => m=25kg (c) Chonge In kinetic energy of the body Change in kinetic energy = % mv - % mu? = % (2520 = 4 (25)(8)? = 4,200 J fd) The distance over which the force acts Fe= Vem -% m= 4.2700 => 1005-4200 = s= 42 metres 12. Resisting force An armour-piercing bullet of mass 0.03 kg stikes a steel plate which [6 0.05 metres thick an penetrates It. The striking velocity ls 800 m/s and the ext veloctty is 50 m/s. Catculate: (a) The change in momentum of the bullet (6) The loss in kinetic enérgy of the bullet (c) The resisting force (assume constant) fd) The time taken fo penetrate the steel plate Solution Lise the equations Fr=mv-u) ond Fs= mv -\e mu (a) The change in momentum of the bullet Change In momentum = miv- vu} = 0.03650 - 800) = - 27.5 kg.m/s (b) The loss in kinetic energy of the bullet Loss In kinetic energy = Initial kinetic energy - Final kinetic energy = % mur - & mv = % @.03)(800}- = 4 (.03 50" = - 9,562.5 J (c) The resisting force fossume constant) Foe ‘om -% me 2 = - 9.662..5 = F005) = - 9,562.5 = Fe- 191,250 Newtons 79 (d) The time taken to penetrate the steel plate Fro mtyv- us - 22.5 > - 191,250 t=-272.5=> '= 00001176 seconds 13. Bullet fired into block of wood A bullet of mass 0.015 kg Is fired into a block of wood of mass 5 kg. If the bullet remains embedded in the block and gives it a velocity of 3 m/s. find the initial velocity of the bullet. Solution From the Principle of Conservation of Linear Momenturn: (+ Mv = muy + ML, But: (given) m =O.015kq. im =Skg and wy =Om/s, ved mis = (0.0154 538 =0.01 u)+ XOj— u= 1003 m/s 14. Railway wagons in yard A wagon of mass 5.000 kg moving af 5 m/s catches up on and shunts Into another wagon of mass 2,000 kg which Is moving at 2 m/s (in the same drection). Find the common velocity of Ihe joined trucks. Solution Fram the Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum: (7, + Tv = Ts + TEU, Bul: (given) m =5.000 ka m, =2000kgand u=S5m/s w=2mn/s = (5,000 + 2.000 = 5.000%5)+ 2.00002) — 7,.000v= 29.000 > v= 4.143 en/s 15. Railway wagons in yard A wagon of mass 6,000 kg moving af 5 m/s collides with another wagon of mass 2.000 kg which is moving ot 2 m/s (dn the opposite diraction). lf the two trucks remain joined after the collision find their cormmon velocity. Solution Fram the Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum: (m+ Tv = Ty + UL Bul: (given) m = 5,000 kg m, = 2000 kgand uw=Sm/s, uw =-2 m/s => (5.000 + 2,000 = 5.0005)— 2.00K2) => 7,.000v = 21000 = v= 3 m/s 16. Roilwoy wagons in yard A wagon of mass 6,000 kg moving at 2 m/s catches up on and shunts into another wagon of mass 3,000 of rest. IP lhe relative velocilles of he wagons ofter impact is 0.9 m/s find the velocities of both wagons after impact and the loss of kinetic energy due to The Impxact, Solution From the Principle of Conservation of Uneor Momentum: MLL, TU, = TY, + ITV But: (given) m = 6000 kam, = 3.000 kgand w= 2m/s uv, =Om/s = B8,000(2)+ 3.000(0)= 8,.000v,+ 3.000v, = &8u43v, =16 > Also: v.-¥,=0.9m/s [As vy, > Vv) Solving these simultaneous equations: v,=1.209m/s v,=2.109 mis Kinetic energy before impact: imu +i mu, Kinetic energy before impact = imy, +imv," Loss in Kinetic Energy : imu’ +imu," -imy" -imy,’ = (p,000%2)" + 4(3.000K0F —1(8,000\1.209)° — 4(3,000\(2, 109 2 =34615 J 17. Two masses colliding A mass of 1 kg travelling with a velocity of 2/-5/ collides with a moss of 2 kg travelling with a velocity 6/+ 6). If both masses coalesce after the callision find the magnitude and direction of the combined masses’ velocity and the loss in Kinetic Enérqy which COOCuUn. Solution From the Principle of Conservation of Unear Momentum: Horizontal (i.e. /) velocity components: mu, + mu, =(m +m), Vertical (ie. velocity components: mu,.+ mu. =(m,+m,}v,. But: (given) m =1kg. rm, = 2kg ua=2 U-=6 u,=-5 uy, =8 m/s Horizontally: Horizontal (i.2. i) velocity components: mu, + mu, =(m+m, 4, => (IN2b+ (206) = 4+ 2lv. > vy = 2 m/s Vertically: Verlical (ie. /) velocity components: mu,,+m,u,, = {m+ mM, vy = (IX- 5)+ (248) = (I+ 2)v, = v, =f m/s Combined moss=1+2=2kg Velocity of combined mass = V= vy, i+v,/= Ried) mis Magnitude = Jf" +l" = 5.935 m/s i Direction : rorr{ = 98.16 with the i-direction au 16. Impulse Find the mognitucde of the impulse which will cause a mass of m kg moving with speed ums to travel with speed u m/s at an angle of @ to its original direction. (See Fig. 1) 81 Fig. 1 ums Initial motion u m/s Final motion é Solution Initial velocity = u/i+O 4 Final velocify = u Cos @ isuSsiné | Impulse = (Final velocity) - mi dnitial velocity) = mtu-u Cos @) /4+mO-usin a | Impulse = yirlu —uCosoy) + mf (0 -uSine? = J2nfu%0 — Cose) =imufal- Coss) Newton - seconds 19. Bullet fired Into block of wood A Bullet of mass 0.015 kg Is fred into a block of wood of mass 5 kg. If itis embedded in the block and gives it a velocity of 1.5 m/s. find the initial velocity of the bullet. solution From the Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum: (m,+ mv = mu + mu, But: (given) m =0.015ka. m, =Skg and uw =Om/s, v=2 m/s = (0.015 + 62 = 0.01 8u)+ 30) > v= 668.7 m/s 20. Bullet and Timber block A mass qm kg is travelling at speed um/s strikes a mass mm kg at rest on a smooth table. lf the bodies coalesce, find the speed of the combined masses, V, and the loss of kinetic energy due to Impact. Fig. 1 m+m, Fig. 2 cae ol um/s || Om/s EA Vin/s solution Mass mi has Initial speed uim/s. Mass mm has initial speed 0 m/s. From the Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum: mu ée m0) = (ane me (Vs velocity of combined mosses after impact v= rm i m+, Initial kinetic energy =fmar 82 z fom (muy Final Kinetic Energy = £(m, +m. )(vP = +(m, +m, = J ay ( i 2 NIV) ( 1 Nintm) 7 2 mh +m, 2 i Loss of kinetic energy = mu? -+ (mu) = 1 mur) 1- m Z " mM, + MMs Z Mm, + M7 mm, +07, — mM MT -imu'| 1+ IMs ‘}~{ pitts | om+m, mm, +m, 21. Bullef and Timber block A bullet of mass m kg moving with soeed u m/s strikes, and becomes embedded in, a siotionary block of timber, of mass Af kg. The combined mass then moves along a rough table where the coefficient of friction = 4. Gee Fig. 1). Find the distance travelled by the combined mass before it comes to rest. Solution M Fig. 1 M+m Fig. 2 —e um/s | | Om/s > Vmi/s r, | |} yr, (M+m)g The situations before ond offer impact are shown in Fias. 1 and 2 respectively. From the Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum: m7 mut MO)=(M+mv o> Vs u (0)= (M+ m) pole © The forces acting on the combined mass In Newtons are shown in Fig. 3: (M+ mg = Weight of combined mass. Ff = Reaction on surface, F= Frictional force FromFig, 3: Verticalforces: R=(M+ oq Horizontalforces: -F (Note ‘the fictionalforce Fopposesthe motion). F= wit= wiM+ mg Horizontally (M+ mikAcceleration) = -F =-s{M+ mg Ms mpg _ = (Acceleration) = —HtM> rg _ (M+ im) Hg Using the standard equation: Final velocity’ = (initial velocity)’ + 2/Acceleration\Distance travelled) where : Final velocity =0, Initial velocity = V = lu rifs it} Asim ‘ we get: Distance travelled = —— = ——_ ws) ues metres 22. Bullet and Timber block Atimber block, of mass Mi kq, Is suspended from a fixed palnt by a light inextensible sting of lengih LA bullet of mass m kg moving with soeed u m/s strikes, and becomes embedded in, the Block and sets the combined mass inmotion, Find the vertical height, h metres, reached before ihe combined mass comes to rest. (Assume A< 1) Solution Fig. 2 j Om/s iL — Kesnsstee ie af um/s Om/s Vm/s The situations before and offer immact are shown in Figs. 1 and 2 respectively. From the Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum: m m = [4+ mil yy =| —— | u+ MO) = [ v= (7 mH u () Consider the energy of he combined mass just after impact and when it comes to rest: (See Fig. YD Initial Energy = Potential Energy (P.E.) + Kinetic Energy (.£.) Assume Potential Energy in this position = 0 m neue u) == N+ om é Mam = Initlal Energy = KE. = + (M+ miv = {M+ m When combined mass comes to rest: K.E.=0 Final Energy =P.E.4K.E.=P.E.=(M+ migh But: initial Energy = Final Energy me, fy = -—— = ——_——_—_ =| Emig 2 Mam 2o\M+ mr metres 23. Direct impact: fo spheres moving Sehere 1, moving with velocity 2u m/s Impinges directly on sphere 2. moving In the same direction with velocity um/s, Both soheres have mass m kg. Find the resulting velocities of the soheres ond show that ifu= 1 and coefficient of restitution between the spheres, = 0.5, ihe impoct causes a loss in kinetic energy of =m Joules v,—- _ ve Fig. 1 Sphere | (4. ym 2 Solution Fig. | snows the spheres’ velocliies at moment of impact. Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum: => my4my = mi2uj4+mub=3mus> wew =Su From Newton's Experimental Law := v,- Vv, = -a2u— uj=-eu (iD Add equations (i) and di) > 2v, =u(3—el— v= 5 (3 el => = 58 +e) The loss of Kinetic Energy (K.E.) caused by the Impact can be calculated as follaws: Initial K.E = 1 mu? + mu,* = t(2u)’ + time? = Smut 2 ¥ Final KE.= my? +}mv," = 1m (3-2) +2 (+e) = tmE (18 +26") —a = Loss in K-E = Initial K.E.-Final KE. = mu — 2m (18+267] Joules |S, fe ‘ 2 a” = prm|5-[182 22°) me{ 2-128 |= gma{ 2-22") 4 ° 4 ] 4 _mufi-2) pri} 1—0.5°) _ Sm Joules 24. Diract impact: Two spheres moving in opposite directions Two smooth spheres of masses mand 2m kg and centres Ci and C» collide directly when moving in opposite directions with speeds ui and ue m/s respectively, (See Fig. 1). lFthe heavier sohere Is brought to rest by the impact find the coefficient of restitution, 4. Yi v,=0 — Fig. 1 u, —— i—- y 2 solution Fig.1 shows the initial and final velocities in m/s along the line joining Cics, From the Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum: my, + 2m0)= mu)-2mlujo> y=u-2u @ From Newton's Experimental Law: v.-¥, =-e@lu-(-ujl=> v =-elu su.) dd As equations (i) = equation (i= u,-2u, =-elu+u,) > o= { 4-24) Mi é 25. Three balls colliding Three balls each of mass m kg are shown in Fig 1. If Ball 1 is released from rest and strikes Ball 2 which then strikes Ball 3, find the velocity of each ball after the second collision has occured. The coefficient of restitution Is 2 =0./5, Beall | af. Radius, r= Figg. 2 Fig. 3 r i mere Ny Boll2 Bal3 = Bali Ball? Ball3 Ball] Bol? Balls Fig I~ OM > en ee ee B c Ba c Cc 85 Solution (a) For Ball 1: (See Fig. 1) Total Energy at 4 = Kinetic Energy at A+ Potential Energy of A But the ball is at rest > Total Energy at A = Potential Energy only = mgr The velocity reached by Ball i at point 8is v(say) = Total Energy at 8 = Kinetic Energy at &¢ mv®)+Poteniial Energy at 8 (0) = 4 ma But: Total Energy at A = Total Energy af 8 => mgre Ameo v= 2gr= v= /2gr: Bui r= 1 (given) = v=2g i) (b) First collision (between Ball 1 and Ball 2 at 8): (See Fig. 2) Ball 1: initial velocity =un = J2g fromequation®. Ball 2: initial velocity = 0 From the Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum => my,+mv,=mu+mu, = m/29g+0=mj2g>y+y.-/20 WD Fram Newton's Experimentallaw:,-,=-elv-O)=-O.75/2g (iid Adding equations (7) and Gi) we get: 24, = 0.25,/29 >Yy,=01 25,/2g =v, = J2g9-(0.125)/29 =0.875/29 from equation (il) Thus Ball? has oa velocity of Da7s 2g when it collides with Ball 4 (c) Second collision (between Ball 2 and Ball 3 at C): (See Fig. 3) From the Principle of Conservation of linear Momentum: 3 = final velocity of Ball ?, ve = final velocity of Ball 3 mvs + mva = mM (initial velocity, Ball 2) + m dnitial velocity, Ball 3) mv, +my¥, =m 0.87529 +7) > vty =0.675,2g (wy and from Newton's Experimental Low : Vy -v, = -00.875/29-0)—> viv, =-(O0.750.875)/20 (wv) Adding equations (iv) and tv): = 2¥, = (O.25)0.875)/29 =>4,= (0. 125N0.875L/2q and v, =(0.875)/29 -v, =(0.875)/2g - (0.125)%0.875)/29 = (0.875) /29 => Resulting velocities are: After first collision Gall] and Ball 2jvelocities are: Ball 1:0.125,/29 = 0.554 m/s. Ball 2:0.875,/2g = 3.86m/s After second collision Ball 2 and Ball 3), velocities are: Ball 2 :(0.1250.875),/2g = 0.484 m/s,(Ball 3): (0.875) 2a = 3.39mm/s 26. OBlique impack one sphere at rest A sphere of mass Af kg moving with speed u m/s collides obliquely with o second smooth sohere, of mass m, atrest. The direction of motion of the moving sphere Is Inclined at 45° fo the line of centres ot impoct, and the coefficient of restitution is 6 $e@ Fig, 1, Ater impact the diréction of motion of the spheres are ot right angles. (a) Express the velocities of the two spheres ofter impact in terms of u fb) Express min tens of M fc) Find the kinetic energy lost as a result of the impact. 86 Solution (a) Express the velocities of the ho spheres after impact in terms of u se2 Fig. 2. Let. wo be the components of velocity along the line of centres. CiCs. for Spheres 1, 2 resoectively. Fram the Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum: i ht Sphere 1 Sphere 2 z yl M m ue Cas 45° usin ay a wf rf Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Note: The components of velocity 1 CiC: are not altered by the impact. My.+mv, = MuCosd+ m0) But: @= 45°(given) => Mv,+ mv, = 3 (i) Wi From Newton's Experimental Law we have: eu V2 Also, multiplying equation (i) by m gives: mv—myv, = oa ai v,-¥, =-eluCosé#—O) and since @= 45° > vj-v. =- cil) Add equations () and (il) to eliminate v, = (M+ m)y, = aM em) u f M-em) ~ Bl Mam | ™) = V) ey ufM-em) eu Putting this value inte equation (ij: v= v +#— = — \ — a . V2 Bl M+m) 4/2 - 1 HN = v= (Mom u {M+ eM wv) = + = = ‘ol M+tm —) 2. Mem | (b) Express min terms of M The velocities after impact are at 90° (given). Now the final velocity of Sphere 2? is along liné of centres, C\C;, (ee Fig, 3) Thus. Sohere 1] must have a final velocity with a component . line of centres Cicz only. => v,=component of velocity of Sphere 1 clong CC, =0 uf M-em) _ ] eu => V5 o> m= 3 M—= Rewilte equationtvj as: v,= i * 2 Mam) (c) Find the Kinetic Energy lost as a result of the impact a7 Initial kinetic energy = imu Final kinetle energy = M | =iM nf 22) = Mi + wee 3) => Loss In Kinetic Energy = ; Mur - pad - a Mure = 7M —@) 27. Oblique impact with stotionary sphere sphere A of mass m kg travelling at uv m/s collictes obliquely with stationary sphere 8 of equal mass, See Fig. 1). The coefficient of resiltulion, & = 1, (a) Show that the paths of the soheres after collision are at night angles. (6) Prove that there is no loss in kinetic energy. Solution AB A uSin@ Fig.1 m m Fig.2 4 e (a) Show thal the paths of the spheres ofler the collision are ot right angles Let sphere A have a velocity u ot angle @ to line jolning ihe centres CiCs. The components of wore: v Cos# along Cics and u Sin@ L to CiCe Let vi and v2 be the components of velocity along the line of centres, CC», for Spheres A and & respectively. Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum: my +imv, = muCosé+ m0) > vo + ¥, = uCose (i} From Newton's Experimental Law : vy -v, = -auCosd—-D)= —WuCos#?-O)=> v,-v, =-uCose (ily Adding equations @) and (0 gves. 2vi =O > vi =O > wa uCos @ The velocity components after collision are: A along Cite 0 2 Ces wing B along Cie wlos : L Cis usin é@ => ofter impact the final velocities of Soneres A ond 8 make aright angle fo each other, (b) Prove that there is no loss in kinetic energy (K.£.) [nitial K.E. = 2 mwé Finalk.€. -emusine? ++mluCosey - 4mu? = no loss in KE. 26. Two spheres in oblique impact A sphere of mass 1 kg moving at 34 m/s collides with a sphere of mass 2 kg moving at 4mis. The directions of motion of the soheres moke angles of @ = Tan” (3/5) and a= Tan -' (1) respectively, with the ling of centres, both angles being measured in ine sane sense. The coefficient of restitution is 0.8. (a) Find the spheres’ speeds and directions of motion after impact and 88 (2) Calculate the kinetic energy lostin the collision. Solution The directions of the spheres before impact are shown in Fig. 1: 3.838 m/s 5 m/s Sphere 1: lkg Sphere? 2kg (a) Find the spheres’ speeds and directions of motion after impact From the Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum: MV bv = MuCosd + mu Cosae 5 1 x Bul: uCos@=y34x———=5 and u,Cosa=4x—~=2,2 4 V34 ° v2 >My 4¢2¥, =1x5+ Qx2y'2 =5+ 4/2 = v, +2V, = O44 Ay2 a} From Newton's Experimental Law : V,-v, =-e(uCos@—u,Cosa) = -0.8[5- 2V2)> v,-v, =-d41.6V2 (lp Add equations @) and ? « (i) to get:> 3v, =-347.2/29 = v,=-1l4+2.4y2 = 2.594 => Vv, =v, 4+4-1.6/2 > v, =4131 The resultant velocities and directions of motion of the soheres after impact are shown In Fig. 2 (note: components of velocities 1 C&C: are unaltered by the impact). (b) Calculate the kinetic energy bost in the collision. Initial Kinetic Energy (K.E) = (yaa +432 (4) = 33 Joules Final K.E = 2 (13.838) + 2(2)(5.007)" = 32.43 Joules = Loss inK.£ = 0.4 Joules approx. 29. Oblique impact tro moving spheres A smooth sphere A colides obliquely with another smooth sphere 8 of equal mass which is atrest, The direction of motion of A makes angles with The line of centres at Impactot @ and § before and after impact respectively. (see Fig. 1). Ifine coefficient 2Tone of restitution is @, prove that: Tan f = ane Solution 89 u Sine Fig. 1 u Cosa Let initial velocity of A = u, Let initial velocity of B =0. From Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum: MV, 4+7hv, = Ml,+7,t, But: ms=m=mGay, Uw=ulose, u,=0 > my4+my, = muCose+ TO) = vy+v, =uCasa (i) From Newton's Experimental Low ; vy - Vv) = -auCosa—0)=-euCosae > v-v,=-euCosa (ji) Add equations @)and (i):= 2v, = uCosa{I-e}=> v, = ucosa\ u Sine u Sine 2 fone Bult fans = — ne tend = p vy, uwCosatl—) A f—el 2 30. Two spheres, oblique impact Two smooth spheres Pand Q of mass 2mkg and m kg respectively, colide obliquely and the coefficient of restitution for ine collision is 0.25. The velocity of P before impact $3v/+5v/and the velocity of &) before Impact ls -Iv/+3v/ where /polnts along the line of ihe centres of impact, (Cs. Find: (a) «The velocities of the spheres ofter impact (6) The loss in kinetic energy. Solution (a) «© The velocities of the spheres ofter impact The directions of velocities are shown in Fig. 1: [rutically: ForP voedvi+ovy = Velocity along Cites au Velocity L CiCe ov For Gt Wo =-4v/+avj> Velocity clong Cice -4v. Velocity L Cites: dv After impact Leh Woo Viet Wee () where: Wop = Resultant velocity cornponent of Patong (ics Woo = Sv, Le.) resultant velocliy component of P perpendicular to C) Cris unchanged. Solution Len Vas View Veg OD where: Woo = Resultant velocity component of & along CiC: (.e. “horlzontal” component. Wa ody = resultant velocity component of @ perpendicular te Cis is unchanged. From the Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum: (Mass Fjvie + (1085 GAvng = (Mass Pav + (Mass ah- dv) => 2a? Mivad= 2mv) + m-4o=e0 2 eine + Vag 2 4v CMD) From Newtean's Experimental Low vag - Veo = -6{3v- (lv) > Vee - ving = - O25 (Fv) (iv) Adding equations (i) and (iv) => Svie = -O.25 vo, =O08I3v => v,, = L.B834y The directions of ihe final velocities are shown In Fig. 2. (b) =‘ The loss in kinetic energy (K.E.) initial KE. =im,v," +imyy,? = L{2mIavF + (Sv) }+ Aml(avy + (avy = mv (34)+ mv 2) = ov |= = amv [93)= 465m Joules / Final KE.=im,v,?+imyv,’ = Lamilo.oasavy + (Sv) +L (milit.a3avF + (vF | = mv (62.37) = 31.187 Joules = Loss InKE, = Initial KE - Final KE. = mv'(46.5-31.187)=15.3lmv Joules 31. Oblique impact hwo moving spheres spheres A ond 8 of equal ste and masses 3 kg and | kg and velocitles 47+ 3 m/s ond 2 ims respectively collide on a smooth horizontal surface. Ife = | find the soheres’ velocities immediately after the callision, Solution Glyven: mm=3kg. me=)ka@. uw =Sm/s, we =2 m/s The directions of motion of the spheres before impoct are given in Fig. 1: wi=Sm/s, uw Cos#@=4) using =3) w=2m/s. uw Cos#= 21 woné@=0/ From the Principle of Conservation of linear Momentum: 71 Fig. 1 3k -_ 4i 2i MV, +Thv, = MUCOSA +ITLLLCOsa (Note: a =O) = 3(v)+ lv, }= (94) + (2) = 14> 3v,4y, =14 @ From Newton's Experimental Law: v, - v, =- alujCosé+ wCose) = v,—v, =—-W4-2)= 2 (i) Add equations i) and (i) = 4v,=12 > v= 3m/s > v, = Sms Velocities of A. 8 offer impact Gee Fig.2): v, = 3" +(3)° =4243 m/s, v, = Sms 32. Two smooth spheres, oblique collision Asmooth sphere of mass 2m and velocity u collides with another sphere of mass m kg which is af rest as shown in Fig. 1. if ihe coefficient of restitution is 0.5 find the spheres’ velocities after the collision. Find the angle, a made by Sphere 1's final velocity with the line of centres, C)Ce, Solution The component of ubetore impact are shown in Fig. 1: 2m m JV Pa C, ™., . “G “, . uCosd y . 7 V5 / Fig. | Fig. 2 Along line joining CC: uCosé = un! Perpendicular toline Cc: uSing = This 6 unaltered by the impact. From the Principle of Conservation of LinéarMomenturn: lf and ve are the components of velocities along CiC: after Impact then: u 5 mO)=> 2v.¢¥,=u () 2m + my, =m From Newton's Experimental Law : v,-v, =-e(uCosé—(u, }) vi-w=-5[$+0]=-2 = V-v)=-5 (it) Adding equations (i). (i) to eliminate v, = 3v, = = =>¥= F (ill) ee Fig. 2) Also, from equation (i): vy = v, +F = 5 Thus, the velocities after impact are Gee Fig. 2) Schere |: Velocity v, = , along C.C.: Velocity we Loc. im Sphere 2: Velocity v, adlong GC, See Fig. 2). Thus: # = Tan ead = Ton (2,3) 33. Boll falls onto inclined plane A, ball falls a height of 4 metres fram point 4 to stike a plane which is inclined at 45° to the horizontal at point 8 (See Fig. 1). The coefficient of restitutlon & @ =0.8. Find the distance fram the bottom of the Inclined plane at DP te — the paint at whleh the ball rebounds. Solution The speedof the ballat 8. v, is, fromequation: “ =u +208 where: u = initial velocity — 0 §-—dstance lrayvellad - 4 metres a=acceleration, g => v= Jao =2?/2g mis Consider o ball striking a horizontal plane at 45°, See Fig. 2. The components of the velocity con be spilt into: A component perpendicular to plane (heading Into the plane) = vee, = -vCos 45" =- é a = -2$9 (Note: ” -" sign indicates direction of component) A component parallel to plane = veune = v5IN 45° = aoe =2/9 The Bell will rebound with speed vwiwhose components ore (See Fig. 3): A component perpendicular to plane (heading out of the plone = e(vee)= 1.4/9 A component parallel to plane = vere = v5iN 45° = Therefore : v, = (Voce F + (Vouancl => = VU-dJa] +l2/g] = 8.02 m/s ! and: Tang = Yet = LOVE _ g 2 38.66 = @= 6.34? Ve ANE J/g Using this information, it can be seen that the ball will rebound from the inclined plane oa projectie wih components of velocity as shown In Fig. 3. But (given) Cis 1S metres vertically below 6 so that the ball wil reach &in the time It tokes fo travel vertically downwards the distance &C 9A Fig. 1 If :|2C) = 1.6 metres and initial velocity in downward direction = u, where! u= 8.02 Siné.34°)= 0.886 m/s > v? =i +2g9s= (0.887) + (249.81)1.5) = 30.2 =>v=5.5m/s= velocily in downward direction after falling 1.5 metres Horizental distance travelled In 0.47 seconds: CE =horizontal velocity x time Horzental velocity = 4.02 Cog4.34° = 7.97 mis => |ce =7,.97x0471=3.75 metres But: CD = LSometreso DE =3.75-1.5= 225 metres 34. Ball within cylinder An open-ended steel cylinder is placed on a horizontal table wilh its eylinarical axlsin a venical plane. Its horzontal diameter = line AC. An elastic ball is projected fram polni A on the inside of a steel cylinder of radius r with Initial velocity u m/s at an angle @ to AC, It strikes the cylinder wall at point 8 and rebounds to strike point C (See Figs 1, 2, looking vertically down). Find the magnitude of coefficient of restitution, @. Solution (Draw OB where OC = centre of cylinder and | O8/ = the radius. Angle “ CAB=¢@ (glven)> 4 A8O=8 Also. angle 4 CBO=/ 800s a But from Fig. 2: 24+2?a@=180" > @+a@=8" Draw: 801 OB=>/ CAD = Before impact at point 8 the ball travels fowards 8 ond its velocity has components Gee Fig, 3): ()} Perpendicular to plane BO: vee =u Case along O8 (towards 8) (li) Porallel to plane BE: uv eu, = u Sin @ olong BD heading towards D After impact the ball travels towards C with velocity components (ee Fig. 4): () Parpendicular to plane BD: @ upe= ev Cos?’ (towards O along OF). Note: direction is reversed. (i) Parallel to plane BO: uv evan = u Sin @ along BD heading towards D But the resulting direction of motion must poss through ¢ = Tanz CBD = Tang = SUES = 8, a= Tar’a using ~ Tane 94 B fig.1 = Fig. 2 35. Ball sinking a wall A ball is thrown from point A with a speed of 19.42 m/s at an angle of 45°. It strikes a yverical wall 9.8] metres away at polnt 8 rebounds and strikes the ground at paint C. if the coefficient of restitution between the ball and the wall, e = 4, find the distance between 4A and Cc. Solution The ball will behave os a projecile launched at @ = 45° fo the horizontal = offer tavelling a harzontal dstance of 9.81 metres the following will apply: (i) Distance travelled herzontally: x=98l =ufCos@= p= — 281 L\ v2 (19.62) — | v2) (i) Vertical height reached In this tine, ¢ seconds r1y VY TY ald) = y=ulsing-19P - (19.42) ela |-8 s\ <5 = (9.81) = 2 1/2 v2. lo) WZ) Ay At time of impact (li) Horizontal velocity: v, = uCos@ = 19.64 |= 9.42 mis 4 # 1} 1) 981 (lv) Vertical velocity: v, = using = gt= 19.69 —~ |\=[9.81))/ — |= mis 9 J2 LV? V2 The direction of the ball after impact are shown in Fig. 1. The components of the velocity at impact are shown in Fig. 2. Fig.1 Fig.2 Let the ball rebound from the wall with velocity Yat angle a@ to the horizontal: VCosa = ev, = 0e98l¥2; V Sing “yo Tang = 2a 3 —_________ 9.81 > 7 ig v= leo.aw2 -9,81/£4—=981) ~ \' I i 2a) V9 2 Via Now, consider a particle projected with velocity Vat angle @ to the horizontal from point & where say, (x. ¥) = (0,0), and hitting the ground at a paint C with co-ordinates if mar y= «Taner —- et) Use the following equation (See Chapter 3): gx _ OF (ent) = 9 reap aWicosa one ag lsec’a} sTaver oe 4+ Tea a| gane|e(3) 3) ‘3 = |es0- 45 I|- 2oai"('3 Z ma) =|-[3]9s0=0 20.81;| 75) | @ = 9 -A9.8Dx- 39.81) =0 > 3x - 9.8 Dx- (9.817 =0 Solving this equation: x=9.8] metras(For x20) => Point Cis located at Point A= distance |AC) =0 (3) s) -¥ = |-|—|(9.81}= 2) -[Z}80 > aah 36, Particle falls onto inclined plone A particle ls dropped from a height of # metres on fo a smooth plane inclined of an angle a (= 30°) to the horzontal. The coefficlent of restitution, @ = 1. If. after the impact, the particle has a velocity with a postive vertical component, find how far dawn the plane its next point of impact (see Fig. 1) Solution After falling a distance h, the particle speed is: W@ =0+29ho= v= J2gh 7 see Fig. 2, The components of the velocity of A can be spilt Into: Sah 2 A component perpendicular to Slane = ver = -vCos a= — o A h t Fig. 1 Fig. 2 (Note: -* sign Indicates direction - In this case. into the plane) | A A component parallel to plane = Veune = vSin a= = Consider the velocity of the particle offer impoct, See Fig. 2. Let AD be 1 to plone AS. Let the particle rebound with velocity Vat an angle ff to the plane: The components of V are: Perpendicular to plane (out of ihe plane) = -e(vrre) = - { - [22 n [a Poroallel fo plone = veo = = [3gh 2 1. a u I ————_—— 4 o i —— = 0) ’ = a0) = fang - af an ana 5 i ef 2 Now, consider a particle projected with velocity ¥ at angle (40° - 30°} = 30° ta the horizontal from point (0,0), and hitting a point 6 with, say, co-ordinates (x ) = ($y3, -S) on the inclined plane AB Note: |AC| = 5. From Fig. 1: A sin ao? = ee =0.5 But |A8l = Range = Range = 2|AC] = 25, (say) ise the following equation: ax 1 asd FF og _@ _, _gisgfgt _ -g=s-> 35 2255 822h aVCosa = 22h hho > Range = 2$= 4h = distance down plane to next point of Impact Y= xTane — oF Chapter é The Laws of Motion 1. Resistance fo a boots motion After iis engine is switched off, a boat of mass mkg dows af a constant rate from a speed of ums to rest in a distance of smeatres, Find the resistance to the boat's motion. solution Using the standerd equation F = ma (Force = mass x acceleration), gives: Fe-f where F = Resistance; The "-" sgn indicates Ihat the boat Is dowlng. R => Mma=-k=> a=—-— m Also, use the standard equation for linear motion: v= w+ Zos where v=0 if 1 2 =>O=ur +a -— sari Newtons im) 25 2. Force acting on a mass Find the magnitude of a force F Newtons which acts on a 1] kg mass, accelerating it frorn 2 rn/s to S m/s In 4 seconds. solution Yous o> S-2+0)> @e=0.7%5 mss) Fomoa> fF = 10.75)-0.75 Newtons 4. Multiple forces acting on a mass Four separate forces acl on a body of mass 10 ka (Fig. 1). If the body Is cecelerated vernically downwards at 2 m/s? as a result find forces F and P. Fig. | oN 10 kg isN™ | en Solution Given: no hornzontal motion = F- 168=0=> Fe 15 Newtons Giver: Net vertical force downwards = P- 25 = ras = otceleroation => P25 = (1002) = 20 > P= 45 Newtons FN 4. Force exerted by car engine Find the minimurn force necessary to accelerate a car of mass 600 kg uniformly from 0 - 20 m/s while travelling over a distance of 40 metres. solution Lising general equation: vw? = vw? + 2os = 20? = 07 + 2(an(40) > a= S m/e Using equation: F=mas F=mo = (60015) = 3,000 Newtons §. Braking force fo stop a train A broking force of 50 kN slows a 70 Tonnes train from 30 m/s to 0 m/s. How far will the Train travel before stopping. Solution Using equation: F= ma - 50,000 = 70,000(a) = a=- 5/7 m/s? 38 Using equation: v = vt + 2as > OF = 30 + 2¢- S/T7)(s) > s = 430 metres 6. Lifting force Find the force required to litt a 150 kg steel beam up a lift shofi with an accelaration of 0.25 m/s’. Solution The sketch shows the forces acting on the steel bearn: Acceleration = 0.25 m/s? | F — —. 0 | 0 Fig. | mg N The forces in Newtons acting on the mass are: Horzontally: E Fae = 0 Vertically: © F yes = F- mg >F-mg= mo >Feomg+ mo= 15009.81) + 150(0.25) = 1.509 Newtons 7. Acceleration of a mass A mass of 1000 kg is suspended on the end of a steel cable. If he mass can be accelerated form 0 m/s to 3 m/s over a distance of 8 metres find the force exerted by the cable (= tension 2 when the mass is (a) ascending (6b) descending. Solution Acceleration Acceleration = am/s* rT = am/s* T Fig. 1 mg Fig. 2 mg Ascending Descending Ascending Use equation: v= w+ 2as=> 2 = 0? + 2fa8) = a = 0.5625 m/s? Wise 6Quoten F= ma Vertically: © Fysecs=T- mg Net force, F = E F yvres => f-mg=ma= T=mg+ ma= 1000(9.8134+1000(0.5425) = 10.473 Newtons Descending Use aquation v= w+ Zor 2 a OF + AaB) = a = 0.5625 mis Use equation F=ma Vertically: EP Fyves=mg-T WNetforce, F=X Fyas = mg-T=ma => T=mg- ma= 1000(9.81) - 10000,.5625) = 9.248 Newtons 6. Escalator moving vertically up and down Aman of mas 90 kg enters an escalator. Find the reaction exerted by the floor on the man when the escalator ls: (a) Stationary (b) Accelerating down at 2 m/s? 2 mij/s* mae | [mat | | Fig. 1 Fig. 2 mg mg (@) Stationary (see Fig. 1) Vertically: © Fyes=mg-R=0> R=mqg = (90)0.81) = 682 SNewtons (b) Accelerating downwards at 2 m/s Vertically: © F veces = mg - R= mae (9O)(2) = 180 Newtons = R=mg- 180 = (019.81) - 180 = 702.9 Newtons 9. Person in litt A person of moss 40 ko 6 standing Ina lift. lqnoring the moss of the lift itself, find the reaction on the floor of the liff whan the lift is: (a) Ascending with acceleration d=5 m/s fo) Descending with acceleration a= 5 myss¢ Solution $e6 Fig, | for both cases. The forces acting in Newtons are: Mo = Force accelerating lit, R= Reaction on floor of lit, Mg = Weight of man (a) Ascending with acceleration a=5 m/s? Equation of motion: Ma = R- lig => 80a =? - 80g = €&0(5) = 400 = F- 80g = R= 400+ 60g= 1,184.8 Newtons (6b) Descending with acceleration a= 5 m/s? Equation of motion: Ma = Mg- R > 800 = 60g- R= 400 Newtons => R= 609-400 = 364.8 Newtons a i] — f Acceleration Mg | a 10. Mass on weighing scales in lift A mass of |] kg is placed on a weighing scales which sits in a lift which is being occelerated upwards See Fig. 1. Ignoring the mass of the lift itself, find the acceleration if the reaction. & between ihe mass and the welgnhing scales is 10 Newtons, & m R a ae! Acceleration Fig. 1 solution Fig. 1 shows the forces in actlon. The forces acting In Newtons are: ma = Force accelerating lift upwards R= Reoction between mass and welghing scales 100 mg = Weight of mass on welghing scales The equation of motion is mas -mg > a= Rom _ a2 -0.19 mis mM 11. Mass on spnng balance in lift A mass of mm kg with o true welght WW) is placed on a spring balance ond appears to welgh Wo where We = 0.9 WW) Ina moving if, Ignorng the mass of the lift itself, find the occeleration of the lift. Solution As We < Wi. the lift must be accelerating downwards Fig. 1 snows the forces acting In Newtons: mas Force accelerating litt T= Tension on sping of the spring bolance W = Weight of mass carried on spring balance The equation of motion is) mg-T=ma, But, Wi =mgoand T= We => W ~ Wy =ma= a=" Wea= by) = 0.94 0.1 2 = —L Jt og = LO i eh ms Wa g Ww g 9 i Fig. 1 | T Acceleration yw But: W=mg— m=“ a g 12. Mass on spring balance in litt A spring balance carrying amass mkg is placed in a lift. When the litt is accelerated upwards ata m/s: the reading indicates a mass of 10 kg. When the lift is accelerated dewnwards at a rate 2a m/s, the reading indicates a mass of 7 kg. Ignoring the mass of ihe lit itself, find m and a, Solution Fig. | shows the forces in action. The forces in Newtons are: ma= Force accelerating lift, T= Tension on spring of the spring bolance mg = Weight of mass on weighing machine Traveling up: The equation of motion is: T- mg= ma— l0g- mg= math Travelling down: The equation of motion is: mg - T= m (2a). giving: 101 mg-?7g=2ma_ di); Adding equations (+i) gives: Ig=3ma= a= 3\o Put Info equation): 10g-mg=g> m@g=9g> m=9kg and a= 5 m/s° Fig. 1 t | 7? r Acceleration my mg | 20 13. Vehicle travelling against resistive force The engine ina vehicle of mass m= 2.000 kg provides a tractive force T= 3,000 Newtons. There is a constant resistive force & of 2,000 Newtons. (a) If it starts from rest on o horzontal surface find its velocity after 100 metres (Bb) if the angine 6 then switched off how far will the vehicle travel before stopping? Solution (a) If it starts from rest find its velocity after 100 metres Let: a, = acceleration inmy/s’, u=Initial velocity = 0, v= velocity after 100 metres => Using: VW su'+2as— V =0+(240.5)100)> v=10 mis (b) If fhe engine Is then switched off how far will the vehicle travel before stopping? Let: a, = acceleration in m/s*, u = initial velocity = 10, v= final velocity = 0, Tractive force =O Newtons, Resistive force = Newtons ,; . =-R =2,000 : t f Motion: = f-f=- =—s= - = =] “ Equation of Motion : ma, R=-R=> a, mm = 000 mys Lé. its sowing down, Use the equation: v= uf + 2ars = 0 =10° +2/-Ils=> s= > = 50 metres 14: Truck travelling up and down inclines A truck of mass 10 Tonnes travels at constant velocity up an incline rising at 1 in Lb. The constant tractive and (opposing) resistance forces are §,000 and 3,000 Newtons respectively. It reaches the top of the Incline and begins to travel down a similar sope (see Fig. 15. Find its acceleration down the Incline. Solution The forces acting (in Newtons) are: N = Force delivered by truck's engine, © = Resistance force, @ = Reaction between truck and horizontal surface Mg = Weight of truck 102 Truck travelling up incline Fig. I Truck travelling down incline Tuck travelling up incline The forces in Newtons acting perpendicular to and porallel to the incline respecilvely ore: Ese 1 R-MgCos@=0 Esarn : N-@-MoSiné@ Sliven: truck travels at constant velocity = N= @ + Mg Sin @ = 6,000 = 3,000+10,000g{1) => L = 49.05 Tuck travelling down incline The forces In Newtons acting perpendicular to and parallel to the Incline respecilvely Ore: Teepe : R-MgCos@=0 Tea, > N+Mo Sind -@ = (QO + Mg Sin @) + Mg Sin 8 - O=2Mg Sin @ > Ma=2Mg Sin @=> a=2935in# >a=2¢t/=20¢ L}=04 m/s 15. Runaway train A train of mass M = $0 Tonnes rolls from rest down an incline of sope of 1 in 100 fora distance of 1,500 metres and then continues rolling along ao horizontal track, If it faces a constant resistance force of @ = 2,500 Newtons throughout the motion, how far will fhe train travel on the horzontel track before stopping. Solution The forces acting on the train on the incline are (Fig. 1): Perpendicular to incline: Erm : R- Mg Cos @=0 Parallel to incline: Essar : Mg Sin ag - @ Leta = acceleration down the Incline = Ma =Masing-G MgCos 8; F _ MgSing- @ _ 50.000¢4,5,)- 2.500 MO 50,000 Using generalequation: v =u +2as—> v =0* +2/0.0481)L> v=12 m/s The forces acting on the train on the horizontal track are (Fig. 2): Vertical: Sve: M-MgCosé@st) Horizontal: fuar : -Q—= Mare -@ Let a2 = acceleration on the horizontal track — =0.0481 m/s* 103 GS 2nAl) a= )=— spon 7-008 mis Using general equation; v = ur +205 = OF = u* = 210.05) s where! uf =144> 0° =144-2/0.05)s = s=1440 metres 14. Work done by force A force — Newtons is applied fo an object of mass m ka ond is opposed by a resistive force of 7.5 Newtons. If fhe force moves the object through a distonce of 10 metres find the work done by the force. Solution Fig. 1 R 7.5 FN Mg The forces acting are: Vertlool: Evo: R- Mg =0 Horizontal: Eeres: F- 7.5 => applied force must be 2 7.5 N to move the object => Work done = (7.5)(10) = 75 J 17. Energy gained by a mass A force F Newtons acts on a mass m kg changing Its velocity from u to v m/s with constant acceleration as it revels a distance ¢ metres. Find the energy gained By m. solution . . of F2masa=— ond: ¥ =U +205 v =u +2) m Mm = mv = mu’ + 2Fs => Fs= (mv - me) = Enérgy required fo accelerate the mass - Energy gained by Ihe mass 16. Lifting a mass Find the work required to lift a mass of m kg is lifted up a distance of x metres. solution _¥. L mf |] m mg Force = mg Newtons, Distance = xmetes > Work done = Force = Distance = mga Joules 19. Cycling a horizontal distance A cyclist con exer! a force of P Newtons. Find the minimum work done to cycle a bicycle of mass 100 kg for 1,000 metres against a resistance © = 15 Newtons. (See Fig. 1) 104 Solution The forces acting on the bicycle in Newtons are (Fig. 2) mg = Weight of mass m (Newtons), &= Narmnal Reactlon, & = Resistance force, P= Force exerted by cyclist. Fig. 1 Fig, 2 i” & P Dy — od — ¥ Mg The forces acting are: Vertically: Ben: &@-Mg=0 Horizontally: Ener: P- @ For motion to occur the force exerted by the cyclist overcome the resistance = P= Q > Ps 5 Newtons. Minimum work input achieved when P= 15 Newtons > Work Done = Px = (15)(1000) = 15,000 Joules 20. Mass sliding down a smooth slope A mass of 10 kg ot rest at the top of a smooth slone Inclined at Tar'(0.75) to the horzontal begins to slide. Find how far it has slid down the sope when It has a velocity of & m/s. Solution The energy is conserved: Initial P.E. + KE. = Final P.E. + KLE. Initial P.E. = (103gh Initial KE. = 2 (4ve=% 4) Oy =o Initial PLE. + KE, = lO0gh J FindlP.E.=0 Final KE, = & (ave = % (4) (yr = 14d J Final P.E, +#K.E.= 144) = lOgh= 144 > hf = 144/10g = 1-47 metres But: Tan @= 44 > Sin @ = 3/5 But: Sing =AfL=> Lo Af/Sin@=5h/a=2.45 metres Fig. 1 21. Driving up on incline Find the minimum energy consumed by the engine of a car of mass m= 2000 kg, which is driven x= 2,000 metres up a surface inclined at = 30° to the horzontal against oresstance © = 400 Newtons. Solution The forces (in Néwtens) are shown In Fig. 2 mg = Weight of mass m, & = Nornal Reaction, = Resistance force, P = Applied force exerted by engine 105 (a) Derive an expression for the minimum energy consumed Forces porallel to the surface: Sras= P-@-mgSina@ Equation i) Forces perpendicular to surface: Erase =R-mgCos@=0 Equation (i) The minimum force required is when: P- Q- mg Sin@=0-> P= 64mg Sin # > Minimum anergy consumed (= work done) = Px = (G4 mg Sin x = (300 + 2,0009f0.5) ) 2,000) = 2.027.000 Joules 22: Force in direction of motion Find the power exerted by a force of 6 Newtons acting over o distance of 10 metres for a period of 1S seconds, Solution Work done by the force = (6)(10) = 40 J Power exerted = rate of doing work = 60/15 =4 J/s=4 Watts 23. Force acting al an angle fo the motion A force of 40 Newtons acting G60? to the line of motion of an object fora distance of 4 metres over a period of 20 seconds. Find the power exerted by the force. solution Force acting along line of motion = 40 Cos 60° = 20 Newtons Work done by lhe fores = (4098) = 140 J Power exerted = rate of doing work = 160/20 = 4 J/s = 8 Watts 24. Power of an engine A car is travelling at a constant speed u = 35 m/s. If the resistance to motion is @ = 700 Newtons find the power being developed by the engine. solution mg The forces ore: Vertical: Iven: @- Mg=0 Horizontal: Keo: P- & For motion to occur P> © Newtons > P= 700 Newtons. The minimum power consumption occurs when the force is a minimumi.e. when P = 700 Newtons => Engine Power = Force x Velocity = Pu Watts = (7000035) = 24,500 Watts 106 25: Fire hose Firemen crop the suction end of a hose into a pond and then pump woter fo o heighi of f= 10 meres above the pond level of a rote of k= 10 Iitras/s. If tha woter laqves the nozzle at o velocity of v= 20 m/s find the pumping power being used. Solution NOTE: water Is being lifted from the pand as well as being accelerated 50 on energy approach wil be used: Energy of woter prior to being pumped: Potential Energy = 0. Kinetic Energy =0 > Total Energy = 0 Volume of woter being pumped = K iitres/s = 10 I/s. As 1 litre of woter has amass of | ka the mass of water being pumped per second = k kg/s = 10 kg/s. Energy of water after being pumped: Potential Energy (applies to k kg/s per second) = kgH Joules/s = kgH Watts = 400g Watts. Kinetic Energy (applies to kkg/s persecend)= Ve kv Joules/s= Ve ev Wolts = 2.000 Watts = Total Energy = 4,943 Watts 26. Driving up on incline Alocometive can pull a train of total mass M = 100 Tonnes along a horzantal track at a constant speed of w= 10 m/s against o constont resistance & = 100,000 Newtons. fo) Dare on expression for the power of ine locomotive. (6) lf the locemotive, producing ihe same power, then starts up on incline (at an angle of @= 5° fo the horlzontal), find the maximum speed achieved. Solution (ao) Derive on expression for the power of the locomotive. The arrangement is shown in Fig. 1 and the forces are shown in Fig. 2: Fig. 1 Fig. 2 R P _LJ_. 8° ° mg The forces are: Vertical: Even: R-Mg=0 Horizontal: Baca! P- &) For motion to take place the force exerted by the engine musi be able to overcome the resistance > Pe GQ Newtons. If the speed 6 constant then the minimum value of P = @ Newtons = 100,000 Newtons. Power = Force x Velocity = Qu = (100,000)(10) = 1,000,000 Watts = 1 MW 107 (b) If the locomotive, producing the same power, then starts up an incline (atan angle of @ = 5° to the horizontal), find the maximum speed achieved. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 The forces (in Newtons) are shown In Fig. 2 mg = Weight of mass m, & = Normal Reaction, 2 = Resistance force, P= Applied force exerted by engine Forces parallel to the surface: Feas= P-@-mgSind@ Equation (i) Forces perpendicular to surface: Free = R-mg Cos é@ =0 Equation (Ip When the train is travelling at maximum speed (v m/s. say) = acceleration = 0 => Upward force = Downward force = P- Q-mg sing =0> P=Q+mg5ine = Power = Force x Velocity = Py = (@ + mg Sin #iv But, from above: Power = Force x Velocity = Qu Watis. The power output of the locomotive is constant =(@) + mg Sin @yw = Qu Ga (100,000 410) = = = 5359 mis @+ Masing 100,000 + (100,000)9{0.0872) f = 27. Maximum speed down an incline A truck travels through three stages of a journey - on a horkontal surface, up an Incline (at an angle @ = 5° to the horzental and down an Incline (at an angle @ = 5° To ine horizontal). See Fig. 1. The power output ofits engine and the resistance to motion are constant throughout the journey. If tha maximum speeds during the first two stoges are u=&m/soand v= 5 m/s respectively derive an expression for ihe maximum speed win/s Gown the incline. solution The forces (in Newtons) are shown in Fig. = Mg = Weight of mass m, ® = Normal Reaction, G = Resktance force, N= Applied force exerted by engine Stage 1: Truck travelling along horizontal surface The forces acting are: Vertical: Eve: R-Mg=0 Horizontal Buss: P-@ If rmaximum velocity ls ums then this velocity occurs when the horzontal acceleration sQ>P-@-=0> P= 2 Newtons = Power = Force = Velocity = Pu Watts = Gu Watts Equation (i) Stage 2: Truck travelling up incline The forces in Newtons acting perpendicular te, and parallel to, ihe incline respectively are: nme : R- Mg Cos¢@ Hear: N- @)- Mg Sin @ Siven: If maximum velocity is v m/s then this velocity occurs when the acceleration parallel fo the plane =0 = N= G+ Mg Sine Power = Force = Velocity = Nv Watts = (G+ Mg Sin & v Watts Equation (ii) 108 MgCoas 8 Mg Stage 3: Truck travelling down incline The forces in Newtons acting perpendicular to, and parallel to, ihe incline respectively cre: Tecep : R= fig Cosa =0 Leap } W+ Mog Sin é@=-@ isiven: If maximum velocity is w m/s then this velocity occurs when the acceleration parallel to the plane =0 > N= &- Mg Sin é@ Power = Foree = Velocity = Vv Watts = (@)- Mg Sin @ w Watts Equation (lip Fram equation (i: @= Power From equation (i): mgSing = wer -@ox rower - “wet From @quation (ili): w= mening = @- maine ~ Power | Power Power\" Bycu= 27 OS u v ue 28. Motion on an inclined plane A moss mkg is projected of initial soéed u m/s from point Aup a plane inclined at an angle @ to the horizontal. (a) Ifthe plone & smooth find the maximum vertical helght, h metres, reached before the mass comes fo rest on the plane af point 8 (6) lithe plone 6 rough and hos a coefficient of friction yw, find the maximum verical height reached when whe mass comes to rest on the plane and the loss in energy of the mass ot this point. solution Figs. 1.2 show the forces acting on Ihe mass in cases (03,05) respectively: (a) The plane is smooth Let occeleration up the plane = am/s (ao <0 05 moss & decelerating) > a=- gain é Buti v= uw + 205 (where § = distance travelled along surface of plane) => W= LF +205 = Le + 26g Sings . . ue But final velocity, v=O020=.F -25g3in 8 S= ut firecal v ity, v=O= sqsin a= Igsine But: Sin g = Moximum vertical height reached _fl $= us py 5 § 2h 2q (b) The plane is rough The forces acting on the mass are shown In Fig. 2. 109 The fictional force - F- wR Equationof motion: ma=-F-mgsineg=-pR-mgsing and R=mgCost > mMa=-ymgCosée-magsinée > a=-p gCosé#—- gsing But wae +208=> =U + 2l-wgCose#— gSine)s When the mass reaches its maximum vertical height, 4, then v= 0 uw ; ur Sing $= ——_______. But: f= 9Sine) => h= —————_____. 2(u gCosé + gSing) 4siné) 24 gCosé + gSing) Energy af A = Potential Energy of A+ Kinetic Energy at A Assume Potential Energy af A=O0 = Energy at 4 = Kinetic Energy af 4 Energy af & = Potential Energy at 8 + Kinetic Energy at 8 Kinetic Energy at B= 0 (as v= 0) > Energy at 8 = Potential Energy at 8 Energy af A= amu Joules Energy at G=mgh Joules GeeFig. 2) Loss of energy =imu?-—mgh which gives, Gubstituting for nh): a | Cosé Loss of energy = £mu*| —* ————— | Joules Cos + | 2?. Motion of hwo connected masses Two masses, A and & each of mass m ka. ore connected by a ight sting of length 8 metres. A is initially held of rest in a position micway between two fixed pegs Xand ¥ and is at the same level as J and ¥. 8 hangs vertically below particle A See Fig. 1). IA is released find: (a) The vertical distance below #Y at which fhe masses colide (>) The relotve velocity between ihe masses at the point of collision. solution The dimensions of the system when at rest are shown in Fig. 2. The dimensions at the point of collsion are shown in Fig. 3, (a) Where the masses collide When the masses collide the length of the strings between the masses and the pegs will be equal > 4 = length = & metres = lengih = 2 metres. (See Fig. 3) It can be seen that the collison will occur at a distance v3 metres vertically below A's initial position, 110 Im im lm im lm Im <——— > + > <~—<— >=. x A ¥ Xx A ¥ A. po Tay pommel Agen fom f 4 ! \ he, ‘ f \ / ar m2 me! Wf m 1 1 wee ‘ i 3m) ‘3m JB m a oe ‘ ; ‘ F ‘ gh i 7 ‘ f 4 i ‘, ij 1 i \ Fi 1 fF \/ Fig.l Fig. 2S; Fig. 3 é . \ 7 . BY B x ’ B (b) The relative velocity between the masses al the point of collision. The total energy of the system is unchanged, so: Initial Energy = Final Energy. Initial Energy As the system is at rest there will be no kinetic energy component only o potential anergy component, Assume the potential energy of particla 6 at its initial point is 0. The potential eneroy of particle Ais: mgh = mg 8 Joules Final Energy = Kinetic Energy + Potential Energy Kinetic Energy Note: paricles are connected so theli speeds at the point of collision will be the same. Assume eoch particle has a velocity of ymetres per second of the point of collgion. Then the relate velocity of the particles wil be 2v. Bul the kinetic energy of each particle willbe 4 mv => the kinetic energy of the system = 2 x (4) mv“) = mv. Potential Energy The potential energy of each pariicle at the point of collision is: mg v8 - +4) = Total potential energy = 2mg (v8 - 13) = Final Energy = mv? + 2mg (8 - V3) But: Initial Enargy = Final Energy => mgvwS = nme +2mg (W8-va) => owe =V+2g08-.3) => ¥ = 2/3 - gV8 = 2q)/3 - 29,2 = ve 29/3 -29qV2 = Relative velocity = 2v=2/2qv3-2gV2 mis 30. Travelling along a slope A mass of m kg ls projected up a rough slope (inclined at an angle @ to the horlzontal which has a coetticient of friction ys: fo) Find its oeceleration. (b) = if the sarne mass Is sliding down the slope. find its acceleration. solution The forces acting on ihe mass in Newtons are: Mag = Weight of mass, F= Frictlonal force, F= Reaction on plane Fig. | snows the forces acting when the mass |s travelling up the plane. Fig. 2 shows the forces acting when the mass is travelling down the plane. Wi R y . Fig. 2 R Direction of motion Direction of motion, ' ee Fig. | we ee. (a) Find ifs acceleration Upward motion: (See Fig. 1) The forces acting are: Parallel to plane: ma= -—masind - F Perpendicular to plane: R= mgCosé But, Foyk=> F=smogces? > mas —mgsing-»mglase => d= —gSing = sf gCose (b) If the same mass Is sliding down the slope, find its acceleration. Porallalia plane: ma= m@sine-F Perpendicularta plane; R= mgCos# Bul, Fe pee pmgcosd = mo= mgsing -zmgcos! = a= goind- »,acase 31. Travelling along a slope When a cart ls traveling down o rough soape (Inclined af an angle & to the horlzantal) it experiences a resistance to its motion of & If fhe cart travels up the slope with initial speed umn /s find how far lt travels before coming to rest, where: (4) P= mgsing (6) P= % mgsing. Solution R p fig.1 Fig. 2 Directions =~ of motion _ The forces in Newtons are: R= Reaction between slope and cart, P= Resisilve force, mg = Weight of cart (a) P= magSing Downward motion: (ee Fig. 1) Parallel to the plane: ma= mgsing-P = mgSing - mgsing = a=0 Uoward motion: ee Fig. 2) Parallel to the plane: mds —mgsing- P= —magsing — mgsing => ma=—-2mgsing > a=—2g5ine Initial speed = u, Final speed= v= 0 (given) >using v=u +2as where: s=cistance travelled by cart ' “1 ; ; ur before coming to rest > ur = 2{[2gSind|s = 4gsSind => s= dgsind (b) P= '%& mgsiné 12 Downward mation: Parallel to the plane: ma= mgSin#- P= mgSiné -+mgSine = L mgsing Jowaord motion: Parallel to the plane: ma = -mgSing - P= -mgSiné — > mgSing = -2 mgSing > a=- sine Initial speed=u, Final speed = v=0=> using: v = u* +2as i —— u ue = 22 oSiné@ls = 3qssing = s = ——— = u? = 2{5 gsing)s= 3gssind = 3qSine 32. Single Pulley Two masses, m,andm, kg (where m,>m,) are connected By a light Inextensible string and suspended from a pulley as shown In Fig. 1. Wiite down the equations of motion of the masses and find the acceleration, am/s*, of the mosses and The tension in the string, TNewtons. (Assume no friction). Fig. 1 R Fig. 2 | r r T r @ mo omg MON MOY Solution The forces in Newtons acting on the system are shown in Fig. 2 where: T= Tension in the string Ra 27 Force supporting the pulley system mg. meg = Weights of masses a= Acceleration of mand m, in m/s? The equations of motion are: Form: mg-T= mo Equation @). For m,:7-m.g=m.a Equation dip Adding equations () and (i) gives: mg- mg= ma+ ma Thus: (m,- m,)« g=(m,+m)xa2a=G2=™. 9 mis m, + Mm, But, equation (i) gives: T= m,a4 mg 7 T= I i ge MAM MID T+ MIM _ 2MMET Newtons (Th + MT rT + MS Mh + My Mh + My 23. Multiple Pulleys In fhe pulley system shown in Fig. 1, pulley Afoas oa mass of MMs kg. Panicle C hos ao ress of Mc kg. Pulley 8 is fixed in position but free to revolve. Assume there is no friction involved. Write down the equations of moiion and find the accelerations of Ma and Mc (if Me > Mi) and the tension. [Newtons of the cord, 118 solution The forces in Newtons acting on the system ore shown in Aig. 2 where: P=Tension iin the sting Re 2s T= Force supporting the pulley system Mag. Mcg = Weights of pulley and particle respectively. a, = Acceleration of Pulley A a. =Acceleraton of Particle © The equations of mation are: For A: 27-Mig=M.a, ¢) For C:Mo-T=Ma (li) Adding (and 2x di): 2M.g-Mog=Mla,+2Mea. iii) But the distance moved by pulley A is half that moved by pulley C Fig. 1 | toy M.g =>20,=q0. Equation (ili) can be rewntien: 2M. - Mx g= Mia. + 4MLa, eg ons a. = owe rmifs? Mi, From equation (i): T= x(a, + og) >, = _M[(QM-M)). |. M[OM.-Mogs(M,+4M)g]_ IMMg STS [err a)+a] 2) M, +4M. M+am, Newrons 34. Pullay ond Mass on smooth table A pulley system consists of a movable pulley of mass rr, kg cround which posses a cord with one end fixed of point 8 and the other connected fo mass mm. If the fable on which mi rests Is smooth. find the accelerations of tha mass and pulley, A and am/s. raspectively, and the tension of the card, I. Solution 114 Fig. | Fig. 2 mg The forces in Newtons invelved are shown Fig. 2: i? = Regcton between mass m) and the table T=Tension in the cord Mmng. Mag = Welghts of masses Also: A= Accelerotion of mass im m/s? a= Acceleration of pulley nme mis? Distance Travelled by pullay = 4 distance travelled by mass in same time > A = 2a m/s The equations of motion are: Form: T=mA @) Form: m,g-2T=ma WW) Adding 2 xequation () fo equation 0) gives: mg=2mA+ma=4ma+ma> mg=d4m4m) (lip 5g — TF mye? A= 2 m/s? = T= mA= 2 Newtons 4m, +m, 4m +m, 4m,+m, 35. Two masses In the pulley system shown in Fig. 1, mass mz kg hangs over a pulley and is connected By o sting to a mass im kg which moves on a table. Find the acceleration, am/s, and tension, T Newtons, in the system when the tote is: (a) Smooth (.e. when there Is no friction) (6) Rough (assume that the frictional farce which Is acting as rn is pulled jowards the edge = F Newtons where the coefficient of friction, y= > solution The forces in Newtons involved are shown in Fig. 2: T=Tension in the string. &=Reoction between mm and the table, F = Fiictlonal force mig. Mg = Welghts of masses Abo: a= Acceleration of rm and rm in mis The @quations of motion are: Form: T-F=ma() For m:mg-T=ma (ib 5 m,9 Fig.1 =m, Fig. 2 msg Adding equations (} and (ij to get equation (ii: mg-Femarma (ii) = m,g- f= am+m,)~ a= 2o—* But F= yk where w= coefficient of friction : g= Meg AM _ (mi, = am) mis" (ry) m +m, m, + ™, From equation i: Tension inthe system, 7. is: T=ma+F= mga same = man (i+) Newtons (¥) For the two cases specified in the question: (a) When there is no friction: Using equations dv) and (v3: FeOtheny=0=> a= eS ms? and T= ATE Newtons Mm + Mm, Mm, + = => F=ymg@—> Acceleration in the system (b) When tha coefficient of friction, y = = Ag wT ites a= git = TM) _ g mis? m= Mm, my, m+ iT, 4 Also, using equation (vj: T= ae (mem) my Acceleration, a= =mg Newtons 34. Three masses and rough table A particle of mass 2 kg resting on a horzontal table is attached by two inelastic strings io particles of masses 3M and Mkg hanging over smooth light pulleys at opposite edges of the table (See Fig. 1). When the system |s relecsec fram rest, find the systern’s acceleration, a m/s, tensions in the strings and the distance, s, fallen in one second, where the table is: (a) Rough and the coefficient of friction between particle and table is v= (6) Smooth i.e. there is no fietion Solution The forces in Newtons acting in the sysiem ore: & = Reaction between 2M particle and tha table, f= Frictional force, f, = Tensions in the stings. Mg, etc = Weights of particles 116 Also. a= Acceleration of the particles in m/s a f- 2M fig. 1 3M iM (a) Coefficient of ficton between paoricle and toble is y= a Fig. 2 shows the forces acting on the particles. The equations of motion are: For 3M 3Mg-T=3Mea For: -Mg=Ma dp For 2M: f-%,-F=2Ma dil But F =u and R= 2Mg = F=—(2Mg) =~ Mg = Lo f, ~7Mg = 2Ma (iv) Adding equations (i). (2) and (iv) gives: 3Mg~ Mg; Mg =6Ma= ; Mg=6Ma= a= 9 js? => Equation () gives: | = 3Mg-3Ma= ae Newtons equation (1p gives: = Ma+ Mg= oa Newtons For 3M particle: Inttial velocity = v= Omifs Distance fallen in time ft seconds ; lf o\qe_9@ =seut+lofe=lofos=-|=|if== metres z = a\a |r B (b) The table is smooth |.e. there Is no friction When F=0 the equations of motion become: (Vv) For3Mi3Mg-f=3Ma (vi)For MM: i-—Mg= Ma (Vli} Por 2M: f-h-O=2Ma Adding : equations (v+(vi+(vip: 2g =éMa> o= g mis* => | =2MgNewtons, i = = MaNewtons and s= | oF = ; metres 37. Two masses on rough double inclined plane Find the acceleration and tension In the pulley system shown In Fig.]. where two masses (Mi > Mz Both in kg) réston the rough sufe@ces of a double inclined plane. Solution The forces acting on the system In Newtons are shown in Aig 2 (note: increased scale of diagram): &%= Reactions between 4, Mand inclined planes respectively, Ff, A, = Frictional torces, T= Tension in the sting, Mig (etc.) = Welghts of mosses VW? Mig Sin wand Mig Cos a= components of Mig acting parallel and perpendicular to the plane respectively. Similar reasoning aopies for Mag. Also: a= Acceleration of the masses in m/s? But: R= MgCoseand f= gk and R, = MgCosfandF, = ph, =>FepMgCose and & = pMgCose The equations of motion are: For M: MgsSing —T- pMigCosa = Ma (i) For M,: T- M.gSing' -— pM,gCosf = Ma (i) Adding equations (7) and (ii): Mgsina ~ wMgCosa - M,gSinB ~ yl,gCosf = Ma+ Mo MaSing — yCose)— NMoSing + wCosi) mys? M+ M, => = Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Punting this value of ain equation (i) it can be shown that: _ MME being + Sinff)- fCose — Cosf}] Newtons M+ M, 38. Two masses on a wedge The pulley system shown in Fig. 1 consists of amass, Vi kg, connected by a sting fo a mass Mi. The string passes over a pulley at the vertex of a fixed wedge, and M) lies on the rough Inclined plane of ihe wedge where ” = coefficient of fietion. Find the acceleration, am/s*, of Mi and the Tension, TNewtones, in the string. solution The forces In Newtons are shown In Fig ?: ff = Reaction between Mh and the Inclined plane F = Fictlonal force T= Tension In the string Also: g = Coefficient of fiction, Mig (etc.) = Weights of masses R= Mg Cos? and F= se so thot F= sMgcose The equations of motion are: For M: MgSiné-T- pMgCos@= Ma (i) For M4: T- Mas Ma (i) 118 Fig. 1 Xt Adding equations (i) and (lip: Magsing - Mg = sMgCosé = Ma+ M,a=(M + Mja _ Matsing — pCosd)— Mig mis? MM rT Mt, From equation (ik T=Moa+Mgo T= | ae loa + Sind - » Cosé) Newtons a 39. Multiple pulleys A light inelastic sting passes over a fixed pulley 8. connecting a particle A of mass 5M kg to alight movable pulley € (Assume nil mass). A secand light inelastic sting passes over pulley C connecting particles D and F of mosses 2M and Mkg respectively, Find: (a) The acceleration, ams, of porticiea 4 (b) Tand 5S, the tensions In the stings connecting A, Cand D, F respectively. (c) The acceleration, dm/s of particle OD relative to pulley C. solution The forces and occelerailons are shown in Fig.2 qeAcceteration of particle A and pulley C In m/s? d- Acceleration of particles D ond £ relative to pulley C in mfs* T= Tension in sting connecting particle A and pulley ¢ in Newtons 5 = Tension in string connecting D and Fin Newtons The equations of motion are: (I) For particle A: 5Mg- T= SMa (lj For pulley C (Note: this pulley has no mass): T- 28 = (Massa) = Owo = 0 (ii) For particle D: $ - 2Ma = 2Mila - a) (iv) For particle &: 5 - Mg = Mta+ a) From equation (i: T= 25 Adding equation (ii) to 2x equation (iv) gives: 35-4Mg=4Ma |e. 65- Si4g= 6Ma tv) (a) The acceleration, ams, of particle A Re-write equaiion ( using relatenship in equation (i: 5g - 25 = Siva (vi Multiplying equation ivi) x do gives 15Ma—-465=15Ma_ (vil Adding: equations (v}+ (vil: 7Mg = 23Ma=> a= a gq m/s (b) Tand 5, the tensions in the strings connecting A, C and D, Erespectively. To find $ re-write equation (v) to get 305 - 40Mg= 40Ma (wilh 119 and ré-write equation (vl) to get 40Mg-165= 40Ma (ix) Adding equations (vill) and (ix) gives: $= - Ma = 2 Ma => $= = M3 jo- 58 Newtons From equation (lj: T=25= a Newtons ra (c) The acceleration, d m/s, of particle D relative to pulley C. Fram equation (iil); for particle & § - 2Mg = 2M (a - a) It can be deduced that: d= ~ a om/s® 40. Pullay ond Mass A moss of 44 kg lies on a smooth table and & connected by alight sting to a second pulley of mass 3 kg over which hangs another light sting which canles masses of M and 2M kg. Find the common acceleration A m/s of the 44 and 3M masses and the common acceleration am/s of the Mand 2M masses relative to the 4M mass. solution The forces and accelerations are shown in Fig 2: $= Tension in the string joining the 4 and 34M masses in Newtons T= Tension in the string joining the Mand 2M masses in Newtons, Mag fatc.) = Weights of masses A= Acceleration of 4M and 3M masses in mys? a= Acceleration of Mand 2M! masses relative to the 3M mass In m/s. 120 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 HA AM Mg 2Mg a The equations of motion are: () For 4 mess: § = AMA Gi} For 34 pulley: 3g 4+ 2T- S=3MA Cli} For Mimass T-Mg=Mia-A) (iv) For 24 mass: 2g - T= 2MéMia + A} Add equations 0) and (i) to get: Sg + 2T=7MA Wv) But, adding 2 = equation (ii) to equation (iv) gives: T= 4Ma Thus equation (v) becomes 3Mg + ia = 7MA ivi} Also equation (v) becomes 2Mg —- 4a = 2Mia + A) Le: 2g - 2MA = 6a til Using equations (vi) and (vil) it can be shawn that: a= = agm/s*, A= te gq m/s? 4]. Multiple Pulleys In the pulley system shown in Fig. 1, pulleys A and ¢ ore fixed. Pulley 8has a mass of M ko. Panicle C heas a mess of Meg. Assume ihere 6 ne friction involved, Two masses, mm and 3m kg are connected by a light Inextensible string which also passes over pulleys A and Cond under pulley 8 If the system Is released from rest: () Show the forces acting on the system (i) Express the tension in the string. 7. in terms of m. Mand g. (i) Show that if M=3m then pulley B remains at rest while the two masses are in motion. Solution 121 lL LLL LRLLLLEILE LLL LLL Fig. 2 The forces in Newtons acting on the system ore shown in Fig. 2 where: T =Tansion In the string. @ = 27 = Forces supporting pulleys A and Cc. mg. Img. Mg = Weights of and particles and pulley respectively. q, = Acceleration of particle of massm = o,,,=Accelerotlon of particle of mass 4m ao = Acceleraiion of pulley of mass M The equations of motion are: Form: T-mg= ma, Equation () For dm:amg-T=3ma,, Equation (i) For Pulley: Mg - 27 = Mt o (a, - on) Equation gil} , ; - femg amg-T From equations (i) and Gi}: a, a, =— m 3m e-write equation (iil): Mg-2T - a(5 ma J-[-3% “})- Mpa gq Newtons 4T— re 3mM } T= m 3m 2 |. "|= ana mJ re-write equation (il): Acceleration of Pulley = (a, — hon = 5 | Mes 9 | - [ am) lg 2, M+ 3m M+ 4m) => lf M= 3m tnen acceleration =0 => Pulley will not move 42, Pulley system In fhe pulley system shown in Ag. 1, the smooth pulley has a mass of 2m ko. Particles A and B each sit on a rough surface and ore connected by a light inextensible string. They each have a mass of m kg. The coefficients of friction between particles A and 8 and their support surfaces are vw and 4 respectively. (i) Show the forces acting on the system (i Express the tension In ihe sting. Tin terms of m and g. (ii) Find the minimum value of ¢ to préevent any movement of particle A. Scaution () The farces in Newtons acting on ine system are shown In Fig. 2 where: T =Tenson in the string R= Reaction Force on mass = mg mg. 2mg = Weights of particles and pulley respectively. Fa, Fo = Fiction forces acting on panicles A and Brespecilvely 122 Note Fa=wR=mg Aol @= amg R R A BF F, é mg 2m Fig. 1 Fig. 2 amg (i) Express the tension in the string. 7. in terms of m and a. Accelerations are as follows: a, (mass A). a, (mass 8. a (Pulley) Assume that in a given time, * Particle A moves o distance x (to the right) and Particle Bimovesa distance y to the left. > The pulley moves down by a distance 4’ ix4+y) > @ = (a, +a,) The equations of motion are: Horizontal martian: ForA: T-F, = ma, => T-ymg= ma, Equation d) For #8: T-& =ma, > T-/mg-= ma, Equation (ii) Vertical motion for pulley: 2mg - 2f = 2ma => 32mg - 27 = mas + Moe Adding equations (i) and (li: 27-wmg-pmg=ma,+ma, Gil) * 4 4 => 2mg-2T = 2T-pmg-img> T= 4[ Fma+ uma |= [se ! Cli} Find the minimum value of w to prevent any movement of parce A. Forno movement of particle A: a, =0—> T- amg=0> T= ymg _, (° + Ay 16 \mg Newtons / B| uo Jmg=umg = 9+4u = lou => ua = 43. Mass on rough horizontal plane A moss Mi kg rests on a rough horizontal plane which has a coefficient of friction «7 and angle of fiction 4 and It is acted upon by a force X Inclined at an angle # to the horzontal as In Fig. 1. Find the value of ¥ in terms of # and Alf the mass Just moves. ASinG XSi | o gp XCose eae XCosé . Mg . Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 123 solution The forces in Newtons acting are: A= Force acting on Min Newtons (¥ Cos # and X Sin @ ore its horzontal and vertical components respectively) R= Reochon between Mand plane in Newtons F = Frictional force opposing motion in Newtons = wie Sir Cosa When the mass is on the point of moving the forces are (See Figs 2, 3 Vertical forces: Mg= "+ XSin@ => R= Mg—- XSin@ = Hornzontal forces: F= XCos ¢ Buf: Fo pR=> wf= XCosé => wflMig—-MSin#i= XCore wu =Coefilclent of trictlon, 24 =Angle of fiction where » = land = (cost wvig= AtCosé + pSin#)= X= ee = — Gosh) Ma Cosé + pSing Cosé + Sind Sing Cosa MagsSina Sina x= Sees = ig CoséCosa+SindSind Costa-@) 44, Mass sliding on wedge A body of mass ka rests on a rough plane inclined at # degrees fo ihe horizontal See Fig. 1), Fired: (a) The value of the coefficient of fiction, yw, if the minimum force acting downwards along the plane, which will not move the mass, is OD Newtons (6) The minimum force, U Newtons, which acting along the slope of the plane, will just couse the mass to move upwanrels. (c) The values of gand Vif M= 1 kg. O=0.1g Newtons and @ = 30” Solution Fig. 1 Fig. 2 (a) The value of the coefficient of friction, sy The forces in Newtons acting on mass Mare shown in Fig. 2: 0 = Downward force, # = Reaction between Mand the plane, Mg = Weight af M MgCos @ and MgSin @ are the components of Mg acting perpendicular and parallel to the plane respectively, The forces parallel to the inclined plane are: = O+ MgSin @ =F But: F = l= Mg Cosé = D+ MgSing = yMgCosa = yp = 2£M@iN® MgCosé (6) The minimum force which acting along the slope of the plane, will just cause fhe mass fo move upwards. Lei the leas! force acting upwards along the inclined plane be U. Then the forces acting on mass Mare shown in Fig. 4. Thus: 124 These forces are shown In Fig. 2 Lei [a5] = |ac] =f é Take moments about Afor AB: mg Sin =| + ¥ Sin#lé)= Xt Cosé ! = mg Sing +2Y Sing@=2X Cosa () Take moments about C for &C: fe Ma : Sina + X€ Cosa = ¥iSinag > Mg Sina + 2X Cosa = 2Y Sine (li) 2) Also: Honzontal forces: H=™% Vertical forces: Mg = ¥ Fig. 1 Burt, from BC we can see that: H= Xond Y= Mg > equation(iljbecomes : Mg Sing + 2H Cosa = 2Mg Sing = 2H Cosa= Mg Sina > Tone = i ond equation becames: mg Sind + 2Mg Sind = ?HCosé = Sindimg+ 2Mg)= 2H Cose 2H _ Tana = om+2M Tang = ———_—_—. = ~ mg+2Mqg — fané M 6. Two hinged rods Two rods AB, AC each of mass Af kg and lengin ¢ metres are hinged togetner at A as shown in Fig. 1. 48 is hinged at 8 and C (at same level as &) is supported by a light string which is kept vertical by the application of ao horzental force H Newtons. If the system is in equilerium ond the ongle between the rods is 2@, find the value of 4 Solution The forces In Newtons on the rods are shown In Fig. 2: Xi, ¥i= Components of the reaction at hinge 8B. T= Tension in the string. xX, ¥ = Components of the reaction af A. 133 ry Mg s Cosé+ Fl Sind = SL Cosé > MgCoséd +2F Sin@ = 25 Cosé Les 25—Ma 5 2FTand = 25= 2F Tiong =25-M Fes = Ma+ ~ d= Tange ?Tfane © . 5 ] 5 From equation (i): &=——=+ = quation ) 2fane BSS H 2fand 9 3) 6 oy = The ladder is on the point of dipping when py = = (b) Find the tension in the string in fenns of Mg If y= 1/2 and a vertical sting ls attached to a point a quarier of the ladder’s langth from point 8, the forces acting are shown in Fig. 3: Taking moments about A for Ag: A rcoso| =) + Mg=Cose + FLSind = $LCosé@ = 37+ 2Mg-4Frand@=45 {il} But T+Mg=S$ @) oandF=yS=25 Wv) From e@auation( and the factihat long = .we canrewrite equation (dil: => 37+ 2Mg+ 254 = 45 3T+2Mg=25 (Wi) Subtracting i(vi)- 2x(iv) we get = P= Mage O27 T=dMg Newtons 10. Two hinged rods Two uniform rods AB, BC of length D and L meires and mass m and M kg respectively ore smoothly hinged together at & They stand in equilibrium with the end A resting on rough horzontal ground and the end C resting against a smooth vertical wall. AG, aC make angles of fand 30° respecilvely with the horizontal (See Fig. 1}. Fired: fa) The value of @ (6) The coefficient of fiction, wv, at A solution R R Y, c ox MM iM g x 8 g mg ¥ F § Fig. 1 Fig. 2 A mg Fig. 3 F (a) The value of ¢ The forces in Newlons ocling on (he rods ore: 135 Take moments about Afor AC: => Maz Cos6d” = XiCesi0" (Note: fromabove : ¥ = 0) = Mg} =2x, B 0 x, - Me Therefore, at © Horzental component = 2 Vertical component = %=0 (b) Case 2:: @ = 90° In this configuration, AB has the same length, L 8C. and AC nave lengths of — v2 Fig. 1 For Ab 3Mg=Mg+2¥i> 2Mg=s2¥icMg=¥ i) For Ac: ¥ = Mg + ¥2 But Vie Mg= =O Take moments about 4 for AC (See Fig. 2): 1a? = Md > |=] Cos 45° = X,LCos45° = Mal 5 Therefore, at Horizontal component = —~ x. Z OE Vertical component = ¥=0 ss Mg 2v2 12. Two hinged rods Two rods AB BC of equal length, £ metres, but of mass Mand 2M ka respectively, are freely hinged together at 8. They stand in equilifrium in a vertical plane with the ends A and Con a rough horizontal plane as shown in Fig. 1. Find: fo) The volues of ihe reactions at Aand ©, (o> Which of the rods will slip first. (c) The coefficient of friction, wv, if one rod is on the point of sipping. Solution The forces In Newtons acting are: x YMA 2= Reoctions at hinge & ke. § = Reactions between rods and ihe ground at A ond c. Fi, Fo = Frictional forces at A and c. Mag. 2Mg = Weights of masses |48| = |8C| =L |AC| = Lv2 (a) The values of the reactions at A and ¢ Considering the systam A&C in Fig. 2: R#+$=a3 Mg Fi * f = moments about C: Aiv2)= Mg = 2 + aMd « Wl? 4, Z : 3} fl) Sifg _ #Mg (b) Which of the rods will slip first Bu FoyR Fayed Froomtajyweknow that S> R= F > & = rod Ag willslip first (c) The coefficient of friction, w, if one rod is on the point of slipping For Ad: Take moments about 6 for AB: = (Mah Cos a5° + FLCos 45° = RLCos 45° = Mg + 2f =2R= 12 Mg=> f= =Mg @) But R= R= Mg => 5 Mg= 22 Mg = 2 138 r jong (i) Fig. 4 shows the forces acting an each rod separately: For AB: Horzontal: +S Cosa@=X8 G) Vertical R= ¥+ 8 Sin dip From Fig. 3: Tange = z = b= For the overall system: 2h =MgoR=% Mg (iv) For the disc: 255in w= Mg (vy) Equations fi}, (v7) and (v) show that: Y= 0. ¥ x F Fr BD Fig. 4 Takingmoments about B(for Ag): XCosa(b)+ RSinela+ b)= TCosala+ b) (vi) => t= 6 | + Rrane rin a+b Tokingmoment about Afor AC: XCosaia) = §o+b)=0 But, from equationty): XCoseta) = Mg (a+ b) (o46) 2Sing Mg + x 6 ~“*Tsinacosa Oo Mg of) b | Mg Equation (vijbecomes : T=————_ — fan = Equation (vi) Qsinacosa, a \\aib) 2 ° r= [ee | M8 tone ZOOS Os ur 2 . r r But, Fig. shows: lane =— => b= o rs fane Mab |) Mg Major ' P= | ———————_ | + — fone = = - Fon. = | Zauinecosa |* 2 eG | aire oo lfo=Srond b= 2r=> T=% Mg Newtons 142 16. Two rods in equilibrium Two rods, AB and &D, of equallengih L meires are freely jointed at 4 If they are placed standing vertically with ends 4 and Con a smooth surfoce with horizontal forces Pand @ applled to And C respectively (See Fig. 13. Find Pand & tor equiliorfum conditions I (a) Both rods have equal mass M kg, (0) Mass of CD is increased to 2M kg. solution (a) Both rods have equal mass M kg Fig. 1 Fig. 2 The forces In Newtons acting on each rod are shown in Aig. 2. x. Y= Horzontal and Vertical Reactions af 8 #4= Normal Reactions between rods and floay P.4) = Horzontal forces being applied, and Mg = Weights of masses Forframe ABC. #+S=e2Mgand &= 5 fasframe bsynmetico) = fas= Mg Taking moments about Ator Ag: Mg Cosas*| =) = tl Cos45° + ¥Cosas°)= SP = x4 ¥ {i} Takingmomenis about Cfor BC; Macosas"| = | = ix Cos 45° - ¥ Cosa5") > — =K-¥ = Framequationsd)and(i}; X= “ Y=0 Considering each rod separately : Rod A&: Horzontalforces: X- P> P-0.5Mg Rod BC: Horzontalforces: A= & => G=O.5Mg (b) The mass of 8D is increased to 2M For frame ABC: #+S=3 Mg = ; Takingmoments about Afor ABC: Slv2 = 2mig| 5 \w2 + Mg "Ni j ar = 7 4 = $=-M R==M 7Ma =R=—Mg Takingmoments about Bfor AB: mgcosas"| =) = tleCosas* — PCos45° | Mgl || § Pp 4 3 = —= = —= Il —-— |= P=—Mo> X= ae aja Mo-yg |= P= go> X= Ma 143 Taking momenisabout Afor AB: E(OSine = 2Mg; Cose+ Mg = Cosd = Mat Cost Takingmoments about Bfor AB: T,(D8ine = 2Mg5 Cosa + Mg= Cos# = Mgt= Cose ? Mgt go o88 ho RMOSina _ RCOSine pg emeg — Ts 9 4 cose Fig. 1 2Mg 2M Me 21. Rods suspended by strings A light rod Aa |s suspended by two strings of equal length, 6 metres from 4 point O such that G4 and O8 form anghi angle. lf two weights Ws, M4, (where We> Wa), are placed ot Aand srespeciively, find the rasulling angle # which the rod will make wilh the horizontal ee Fig. 1). Solution As £ AOBIs aright angle and | OA] = | O8| then 4 OAB= 4 OBA = 45° 14? Sphere |: Forces Sphere 2: Forces R, R. op ~ R R, 74/2 Fig. 2 9 Ry The container width frf2 = r+ nCosdé+ rnCosé+r=3r+29Cose (Geeafig.} if -2F =! ory 2rCose = Cosa = 2 35 sing 2? 2 2F 4 4 From equation (il): 2, Sin é = mg= R, = ae = * -> From equation (ii): R. = R,Cosa => R. = “9,9 _ 9M9 c ¢ c JT 4 JT amg From equation tv): &, = kCosé = h,Cosd = ij N Fram equation (vy): @, = mg+ hSin? = mg+RSin@ = mg+ mg=2mg 6. Rod and Cord A light rod A8 of length L metres is pivoted at A and caries a load M kg in mid-span (See Fig. 1). A cord is fastened from C to &. If the cord makes an angle e with the verical, and the rod makes an angle A with the vertical, express 7, the tension of the cord, in terms of M. Jand Solution The fortes acting In Newtons aré (ee Fig. 2): Re, y= Horlzental and vertical components respectively of he reaction at 4. T= Tension in cord, Mg = Weight of rec Draw line 6D 1 AB ond draw a horzontal line £8 through 8. see Fig. 3. The angle “ CBD =@+ 8 Taking moments about A fer AB: Mo; Sin § = TiCoslé@+ f)—= Main § = 21(Cosé Cos 8 - Sin€ Sin g) Bulsinee:@+8@=90° = Cosé@=Sing ond Sné= Coser Mag Sin = Mg Sin B= 21Sina Cos B- Cosa Sin B)=27|Sinle-s\j> T= 2 Sine — B) Newtons 152 Sliding ring Sliding ring * d/2 d/2 te Se Fig. 1 Toke either ting: We have: R= T Sine gy F= TCose an a F 1 9 d A tf tia I}, | : =—_= SST SS ur from equations (1. (i: 4 Ro Tanée I: } 2 JP Wa) 42, 11. Mass on a rough surface A cube of mass Mkg and side | metres ls placed on a rough surface. The coefficient of fiction between the cube and surface is yw A slowly Increasing horzantal force, 4 Newtons, acis at a palni a distance x metres up one side of the Cube as shown In Fig. 1. Determine whelher the cube slides or topples over for ihe cases: (Q)e=8L OO) x= UL L —_—_ Vr H H L ix i x A Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Solution The forces In Newtons acting on the cube are: P= Normal Reaction, F = Fictional force, Mg = Weight of cube, H = Horzontal force If the cube slides: The forces in Newtons are shown in Fig. 2. Resolving the forces: Horizontally: #=F = Vertically: & = Mg Bul F= y= uMig > A= peg If the cube topples over about point A: The forces In Newtons are shown in Fig. 3 (note: block Is shown at a slight angle to the horizontal for illustration only. In equilibrium the cube wil remain fiat on the plane}. Taking moments about point A: Hx = Ma= fa)x='el For siding: 4 = wig For toppling: He = Mos => H= Mg Whichever value of His reached first will couse an impact on the cube. Therefore, for any value of v< 1 the cube will slide rather than topple, 156 (b) x=%L at 2 For sliding: 4 = wg For toppling: H= = Mg>> H “3 Ma Which value of His reached first? For any value of “ the cube will side rather than topple. If ye > “ the block will topple before it slides. 12. Mass on o rough inclined surface A rectangular block of weight W Newtons, height #metres and width h/2 metres is placed on a rough plane hinged at A, (Fig. 1). The coefficient of friction between the block and plane is wv. The plane is slovdy swivelled about A (See Fig. 2). Determine wiiether the block sides or topples over for thé cases: (a) y= 0.45 (6) w= 0.55 solution With the plane inclined at angle @ io the horizontal, the forces in Newtons acting are: P = Normal Reaction, F= Frictlon, W= Weight of block nf2 Fig. 2 A Fig). 1 lf the cube topples over. At ihe moment of toppling over, W acts hrough the centre of moss. C, through point A, H A a (Fig. 33. Fram geometry: Tong = < =0.5—> @= 245457" = The block will topple over when @ reaches a value of 26.577, If the cube slides: The forces in Newtons are shown in Fig. 4. Resolving the forces: Porollal to plane: F = Wing th Pemendicularte plane: R= Woes? (ih Bur: Foy ow = fond => @= Torr ‘ys (a) v= 0.45 The block will begin to slide when: @= Tan! 0.45 = 24.2". In this case, the angle is smaller than that whieh will cause toppling so the block wil slice before ftopoling. (b) w= 0.55 The Block begins to dide when: @= Tan' 0.55 = 28.81° so toppling occurs before siding 13. Rod and Chain A light rod A8 of length 5 metres pivoted a7 A caries a mass of 500 kg at a distance v= 2 metres from 4. A chain connects B to C Gee Fig. 1). The chain is priced at Euro 0.1/Nm (wher: m = chain length in metres and N = Tensile strength In Newtons). Find: fo) The fansion in the chain in Newtons 15? 10g 10g Atpoint Cc: Vertically: E Cosis° = 7, Cos45°+10g => 0.96597, =0.70717,410g dv} Horizontally: 7, Cosd5° = §, sind? > 0.70717, = 0.25887, = 7, = 0.3668 tv) Putting this into equation (iv): = T =138.74—> & = 40,78 Putting values in équation (ii): H = 1.2247138.74)+ 49.05 = He 216.95 Newtons 15. Three Cylinders Fig. 1 shows three Identical cylindérs, ach of radius r metres and mass m kg. Each cylinder isin contact with the other two cylinders. The coeticiant of fiction between cylinders, and between cylinders and ground is w. Find the smallest value of w for the evylnders to remain in @quiliprium, solution The forces in Newtons acting on the cylinders are shown in Fig, 2: = Reoction between cylinders, F= Fictlonal force between cylinders GS = Fictional force between cylinders and ground, S= Reaction between cylinders ond ground, mg = Weight of each cylinder Fig. 1 Fig. The cylinders’ axes are a distance of ?r from each other Thus 24 =60° > @ = 30" (See Fig. 3). Consider the forces on the cylinders (Fig. 4}: Forces acting on cylinder 1: Resolving vertically: 2R Cos 30° + 2F Cos60° = mg => R39 +F = mg (i) Consider the forces on cylinder 2: Moments of the fictional forces: Fr=-= Gro F= 6 159 Resolving horizontally: @ Cosé0° = F Cosg0° + Ge F Cosa0° +F = F F =>R=FY¥I+2F => R=AV34+2) = —=—— But: —=">y=0.268 R (942) R This ls the minimum volue of yfor the cylinders to remain in equiliprium. 14. Three Cylinders Two cylinders of radius ; metres and mass m kg lle on a rough table with the centres a distonce 3 roport. A third cylinders placed in contact with ihe hwo cylinders (see Fig.1). If the frictional forces are just enough to keep the cylinders in aquilitrium, fired: (a) The least coefficient of fiction between Upper and lower cylinders, yr (b) The least coetficient of Tictlon between lower cylinders and the ground, pe solution The forces in Newtons octing on the cylinders are shown in Fig. 2: R= Reaction between cylinders, F = Fictional force between cylinders G = Fictional force between cylinders and ground, $= Reaction between cylinders and ground. mg = Weight of each cylinder Fig, | indicates how @ can be calculated: Sing - — 0.75, Cosé- vey toy - “= M175 _ 6 wata The forces involved are shown in Flas 2 and 3: 160 Let |OG| =xmetres=> | OD] = are metres The forces in Newtons acting are shown in Fig, 2: R= Reaction between wall and hemigphere, T= Tension in string, W= Weight of hémisphere Fig. 4 {not jo same scale as other figures above) Is shown for clarity: As AF and FSF are right angle tiangles then: Angle # FBF=90"- «& Angle # EBA = But: ~ EBA + 4 GBF + @ = WP = 7490 -a+e@ =97P => f=a-o But: “ DAO = ff = # DBO=a-@ Equilisriurn is achieved when the moments of the forces Tand W are equal: WCosa|OG) = 1CesgOD, But: Resolving forces vertically gives: W = ICos? => WCosa|OG = W 3 3 3 Alsa: |OF = FF. OF = grvlOG= arr poa-d 3, Cosla-—a}/3 = WCosa a! = W— oso | |= 5 r+ ox] i} 3 oD) (Bees) 4 lang = Tania - 6) = Oa . = x= fora -é@}-—r Cosp) Coso fig2 7 | = Equation () can be re — written: 3 Costa —a)/3 3 Cosla -— 8) Wit —Fr= WwW —_| — I —8)-——r | = W——— Fi —é@ ose t ao lat *trare } 5 a Tanta — 6) 3 Sinle = a) _, = WCosat =Wr———_ Co 8 3 cosa Cosé = Sinla- #8) => —Cose Cosé# = Sine Cose-Cose Sine Dividing across by Cose Cosa : — go | todo] o3 = Tone —Toné = Tone = Tone +2 163 19. Rod inside Bowl Two particles of mass mand M kg respectively are carled on the ends of a light rod of langth £ metres. If ihe rod is placed inside o smooth hemspherical bowl of radius r metres with m resting ot the rim at A, while MM rests at 8 find the ratio m/M in terms of L cred Solution The forces in Newtons acting on ihe rod are shown in Fig. 2 and ore: ff .Reaction at A between rn and the bowl, directed towards O. fy = Reaction of 8 between M and the bow!, directed towards OQ. Mg. mg = Weights of each particle Construct OF so that OP bisects ABiLe, AP = PR= = | pe | t? F: | pa Cos@=—, Sind=-+———, foné@e= or Fr Toking moments about 8: maglCosea = & Ling 164 Taking moments about A: MglCosé = &, Ling mg mal Mag Mal => fe =. = ond fe, = = ' Tane 2 “ fane 2 But, resolving forces horizontally: = 2 = R,Cos2¢ = R,(Cos’@ - Sin'@) and.replocing R, R, by the values above Boo LF () (r=-—) | L i> - i, ge yr ar A a Fr a ., [2 -?) Maa -F] , ; — Moe V4 Jo AJ m2) 24 > Fr r Mo 2r f-— 4 20. Rod, Hemisphere and Floor A uniform rod of langth 3 metres and mass 20 kg Is smoothly hinged at one end, A, loa rough homental floor. The rod rests on the smooth curved surface of a hemisohere of mass 10kg ond radius | metre. The rod is in equilibrium inclined at 45° to the horizental wien the hemisphere 6 on the point of moving Gee Fig. 1). Fine: fa) =s The reaction between the rod ond the nemisohere, (6) The coetticient of fiction between the hemisphere and the floor, yw fc) «=e The reaction between the hemisohere and the floor Solution (a) The reaction between the rod and the hemisphere The arangement of rod and hemisphere are shown in Fig, 2: |AG = metre, [BC] = 0.5 metres, |CD| = 1.5 metres The forces in Newtons acting on the rod and the sphere are shown In Figs. 3 and 4 respectively: 20g = Weight of 20kg mass, R = Reaction between rod and sphere. fi, Ra= Reaction components af hinge, Mey = Reaction between hemisohere and floor, F = Frictional farce For the rod: Vertically: i +R Cos 45° = 209> M1+F J = 209 él) J2 Horizontally: = R Cos45° > m=R ae (il) J2 Taking moments about A: (KR) = (1 SW20g)Cos45° = 309 _. p_ 20g Newtons J2 We => From equation (above: R= 20g- ee =Sq Newtons h 165 (b) The coefficient of fiction between the hemisphere and the floor But =u F 15g _3 = = > f= Rew 250 o For the hemischere: Horizontally: F=RCos 45° = =1l5q % (c) The reaction between the hemisphere and the floor Vertically: Ruy = Rh Cos 45° + l0g=> Ry, =l5g+10g=25g Newtons 21. Rod inside Sphere A light rod AB of length 0.8 mates caries a mass Mkg at a distance of 0.3 moitres from one énd and rests in équiliorium inside a smooth hollow sphere of rocius ., making an angle # with the vertical. Gee Fig. 1). Find expressions for: (i) @ interns of F ip The reaction at A (=, say) in tens of 5, Mg Solution In Fig. 2let Rand 5 be reactions between the rod and sphere at A and B respectively. These are directed towards 0. Mais the weight of mass M. Drow OC such thal OC 1 AB= OC bisects AB olving GC=0.1. AC = CB&=04 Consider tangle OCA: |oc{’ +047 =r =|Oc/’ =P -0.16 Consider triangle OCG: |Ecy +|Oc =|OGP = |OG* =0.7 +(F -0.16)= F -0.15 > |OG = vr -0.15 =... But fromFig.3: Cose= 25-81 =@=Cos'—°! _= sine- ee OG JP-o15 JP -0.15 Vr -0.15 Toke moments about & 166 CL JF -0.16 Fr ie -0.16 MABSin.ZOAB}= MgGASing where Sir R= —<$ = Noe ~0.15 — i -0.16 ” Oar 0.15 i 22. Column of discs A column of n discs each of diameter D metres and thickness Tmetresis placed ona table. If the column is tilted from the vertical such that the centres of gravity of the discs lia along a straight line which makes an angle @ with the vertical, find the maximum value of @ for which the dises will not fomple over. Solution The tilted colurnn of discs is shown in Fig. 1. Assume that the ecdige of each disc Is disnaced a distance x meires from ihe dise below It. See Fig. 2. Let the centre of gravity of the discs be Cel (for first disc), C2 (for second disc), etc. If there are two dics only, the centre of gravity for the two-disc column will be Ctoc (say) and It will lle along the line joining C61 and C62 (and ithe other disc centres of gravity). CGc wil be displaced a herzontal distance 3 metas from the vertical through CG (.e af ©). See Fig, 3). The honzontal distance irom CGc to the edge of the first disc (la. at £) will be =- metres, If there are n discs, ihe centre of gravity for the column will lia along the line joining O61 and CG2, Cec, will be displaced o horzontal aistance (n- DS metres from CG1, See Fig. 3). The horzantal distance from the centre x of gravity of the column, Cc, to the edge of the first disc will be >" (n-1 > meires. 16? When the horizontal distance between a vertical line through Oto a vertical through column's centre of gravity exceeds = metres the column wil topple. But when the horzontal distance benween a verticd line through © to a vertical column's centre of gravity exceeds = metres then D x D x D —-(n-1lj—=0> —=[n-ll—=> x= 7 -I5=0 > Fath; (a-1) Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 nth disc Vertical A | Lo a ; A a 8 3rd coin a andcoin | CG tL Ist coin | | ¢T c6r *CGe =k Ge oO E E | ae E | ++ 8 or | D ex——} n/2 D/2- x/2 But, the angle @ at this polni can be determined by considering the polnts CG1 and CG? os: D x (in=1 D lone = ———- = — —— = “oT TTT oy 2 2 2 2 = Angle atmaximuminclination te ihe vertical = # = ror} | n — 23. Hemisphere on rough slope A hemisohere of rodius r metres and weight Wi Newtons is kept in equillbium ona raugh inclined slope wilh its place foce horzontal by a weight We Gee Fig. 1). Delve an expression for the coefficient of friction gin terns of Wi and W. solution ming -rsind om! 168 The slope be inclined at an angle @ to the horizontal. The point of contact between slope and hembohere be at A. The forces acting ore shown In Fig. 2: 44 = Weight of hemisphere, Wo = Weight at mlm of hemisphere, F = Frictional force, & = Reaction between hemisohere and plane Resotving These forces horzontally and vertically gives: Horizontally: RSin@=FCose@ = wa i Tang {i} Verlicaly: Wi+We=RCos@4+Fsinég ap Taking moments about A (See Fig. 2). Wi tr Sin = Wotr-r Sin CD From equation (ili): (V4 + Wé)Sind = W4 = Sing = _ Me (Ai + M4) ig. 3: We From Fig. 3: Tan@ = = = pr VME + 20M Woe W, W, Fig. 3 (iW) + Wy)? -+t y 149 Chapter9 Motion of a Rigid Body 1. Moment of Inertia of o Thin Rod a. Thin Rod (Axis through centre). Consider the case of motion of inertia of a thin uniform rod, AB, about an axis (Axis 1) through lis centre, ©. and perpendicular to its length. 2b metres. Assurne fhe rod has a unifom density 4kg/m. (ee Fig. 1): 2L —$<$<$<—$—$—$_—__'”*>n Fig. 1 | Axis 2 | Axis | =y oO : ax Solution Length = AB=2L centre at 0. Conder an eament ax ata distance « from ©. The mass of the element = Ad». The axis is pempendicular to ihe rod and passes through the centre of the rod: .i=Moment of inertia (Adxbe of elament about y 1 =Moment of Inertia of rod AB about the axis of y= [a dx = af x dx , i — i= A x = gat 3 -t fs . ME 2 But mass of rod= 4(2L)= M— I= = kgm b. Thin rod (axis through one end) Find the moment of inertia of rod about an axis perpendicular to AB, passing through A, (Axis 2), ee Fig. 1). solution We get, from the Parallel Axes Theorem: i, = ve + Mo? where: a= distance from orginal axis = L A =}, = st Me =5ME kgr c. Thin rod (axis parallel to rod's length) Find the moment of inertia of rad about an axis parallel to AS and a distance H metres from it, (Axis 3). Gee Fig. 1). (= MHP kgm? 2. Moment of Inertia of circular disc Find the moment of inertia of a disc about an axis pemendicular to its plane, Axis 2, passing through its centre ©. Assume the rod has o unifonmm density ¢ kg/m 170 Fig. 1 Solution Conder aring whose width 6 of (See Fig. 1}. Moss of ring = (2m) oie. Its moment of inertia about an axis x through Ois lo = 2aRe( dk) IFracius of the disc =; then fo = moment of Ineria of disc about If axis, OX r r t * = lo= | 2c dR = 2a] RP dR= 200) a = jo=2x0| ©) = mr & a \ “0 4 But mass of disc = M= arr =1o= Me kgmn* 3. Moment of Inertia of rectangular lamina a) Axis through centre Find the moment of inertia of a rectangular lamina about an axis perpendicular to its plane, Axis y, Possing through Its centre ©. Assume the lamina has unlfomm density « kg/m’, See Fig. 1: AB=2b, AC = 2a, Cente =O Consider a stip of width dx lenglh 2a at a distance x from axis Oy Mass of stip=2adxe Moment of Inertic of stip about Oy = 20 dye x => Moment of inertia of rectangle about Oy = [2a daa x = loy a h 4 => bes = 2a0 [x xy = 207 (ef = ae -£ Total mass offamina= 4aber = M= f,, = we => Using the same approach: Ox = I, = nn alae 3. om Fl D Fig. 1 4. Angular Motion A particle of mass mkg at paint Ais acted upon by a force F Newtons at a distance r fron its axis of rotation through © ond perpendicular to the plone of rotation, The resulting torque rNewton-metres produces an acceleration a rodians/secands’, Increasing the angular soeed of the pariicle frorn a radians/secend at Ato ap radians/second at point 8 in a time of fseconds during which time the particle turns Thraugh an angle & (See Fig. 1). (a) Derive expressions for the motion of the particle. () Derive expressions for the angular velocity, angular acceleration, torque, angular momentum and kinetic energy. fc) Ifa body of mass M kg consists of particles of mass m kg behaving os above find its Torque, angular momentum and kinetic energy. solution (a) Derive expressions motion of the particle. The equations of motion which apply to angular motion are analogous to those for linear mrmatan: @-a@ tet Pea ttieh, a =a 7+ 208 (b) Derive expressions for the angular velocity, angular acceleration, torque, angular momentum and kinetic energy. Angular velocily If] AS |= x= x= ré => Differentiating both sides with respect to ae = Kinetic Energy of body consisting of particles of mass m= is mira? = 507 me =F lo lsince : j= [ mr) 5. Parallel Axes Theorem Lat the moment of inertia of a rigid body about on axis through its centre (and perpendicular to the page) of gravity = ls kg m+. Find the moment of inertia of the bony about an axis through O parallel to the axis through its centre of gravity and a distance ad metres from thls omis. solution Let: G = Centre of Gravily of the body d= Distance in metres between axis through G and parallel axis through O M = Mass of body in kg m=Mass of one particle of the body inkg ls = Moment of Inertia of body about an axis through G in kg me oO Fig. 1 Consider a ponicie of the body of mass m at point A Let ihe dimensions be os follows: J|OAlsr |GBl eq, |OG|=d |AG| =s |AB| =t The moment of Inertia of the particle about an axis through G is: | =m s* Moment of ineria of the body about on axis through Gis is= { Fdm The moment of Inertia of the particle about the axisat Oils) mre 174 beis+me=mel+ mle (where mo is the moment of inertia about a horizontal axis through centre of gravity at G) = Using equations () and di): r= mg@lL= be=(nc’'+mB)a > g@lL= lo + Ee d'@_d’a_ gl 2 df df (a + ) This is simple harmonic motion of the form : = = oe _ gt oy we oO +BY But: = a lo + 2] by by => Period = T= > gl = 2 ot (i= 2a Vee) (a) «= The length of the equivalent simple pendulum Comparing equations (} and (ii) a smple pendulum of length (e+e = | = The length of the equivalent simple pendulum: eed *. Solid Sphere Prove that the moment of inertia of a unifonn solid sphere of radius a. and of mass m about oa diameter is 2ma solution Let o be the density of the sphere in kg/m? Divide Ihe sphere into circular slices, each of thickness d & perpendicular to Ox. Consider a gice a verical distance x trom ©: Volume of slice is: ela’ - 2 }dx Massof slice is: pala? - x” jax The moment of inertia of the sice about Oris: Limossc? =x?) = 3 (pa -x?)ax (o? -?)= 1 (pala? eFax Moment of inertia of sphere about Oris : | sorfe? 2 Fdx= 3 (px) (°F x= Hon) (at -20%< + x4 4x 176 J fort oty- 20% & . _) pp lor 2 3. S|) U2 Bom 4 2 + 3 => Is 15 But the massof the sphere = m= >a ap = t= = ma" kgm Fig. 1 &. Rotating disc A Uniform circular cise of mass m kg and radius r metres rotates about a fixed norzontal axis through a point A on its rim perpendicular to its plane (ee Fig. 1). If the speed of its centre, C, when AS (1s vertical (Le. with A above &) is v find ihe minimum value of v so that the isc will peronm complete revolutions. Solution Moment of inertia of disc about its centre = mr Mamient of inertia of disc about A=imr4mr =3mr Energy when AB is verical (4 above &) = Energy when Ag is vertical (8 above A) (AX vear Assume baseline = for A 2r potential energy calculation Fig. 1 5 Veo Energy when ABis vertical (A above 8): The fatal energy has two components: Potential Energy + Kinetic Energy Potential Energy: Assume Potential energy in this position is 0 Kinetic Energy: Speed=vi/s Buh v= ar i 42 livy if3 .¥vy 3 3 Kinetic Energy =—! = mr || =m = Total Energy =~ mv - 3 LF alo |r) -4™ > sya ym @ VF? lo2n where: Wi=m+dm=4m oh . +dnen Sor F h=Dlstance f centre of gravity t Ig oe slance from centre of gravity to axis adm Em ef = fs @r aay. 20) | asad 2 Veg 10. Trapdoor A trapdoor. of dimendons DO» DO metres and mass m kg !s making small oscillations about a horizontal axis YY See Fig. 1). Lét the trapdeer's céniral horzontal axis be XN. Find the periodic time. v Mament of Inertiaqof door about XX = uni) ey ! 4m ' r Moment of inertia of door about axis Y¥ = —_ mp? + +o = me kgm 12 2 Axis y¥ D — -—- XX D Fig. 1 Ta find the period of small vhiven where : D Mom h=Distance from centre of gravity to axis = 3 = T= 2 |———— seo) =22/22 seconds Jaen?) 11. Uniform rod and disc A uniform rod A8 of lengih 3. metres is attached to the rim of a uniform disc of diameter Lmetres with centre at C (ee Fig.1). The disc and the rod are both of mass m kg. Find: fa) The moment of inertia of the compound body about an cos through A perpendicular to the plane of the cise. (>) The perlodic time ifthe compound body makes small oscillations in a vertical plane about A (c) The angular speed of C when AB is verical if the compound body Is released from rest with AS horzontal 179 Fig.1 Fig. 2 Position where ofential Energy of disc = 0} Solution (a) The moment of inertia The moment of inertia of the rod about an axis through A perpendicular to - Z the Plane of the dist i hoa == (mn =) =4mE kgm 3 The moment of Inertia of disc about axis through A. perpendicular to the plane of the " , . disc is t,,. = =n = Ly 4 | = - 2 ime kgm 6 Pendulum: The moment of Ineria of fhe pendulum: Lencuium = Orme + = me = = me kame? (b) The period of motion of the oe Period of motion of pendulum = T=2xr 2 earn where : MW= Combined mass = 2m BL iy ti ; h=Centre of gravity of pendulum from Axisat A= 2,2 == 1123 _ os t ral = T= or |8 5 = Oi seconds |2mg, \ (c) The angular speed of C when A8is vertical if the compound body is released from rest with AB horlzontal Energy of pendulum when Aéis horzontal = Energy of pendulum when AB is vertical. sé6 Fig. 2. (Note that when AB is vertical, rorenn Energy of diss = 0), Energy when AB is horizontal: mgh,,.4 + Many... + 2 looncnerttl™ 7 7 57 a dee = 5 “ = Energy = /m@gl+0= /mgl 180 Energy when Ab is vertical: mgh,.. + mgnh,,.. + A bewnen nent neg = tok 2b. Poxe = 9 = Energy = 2mgl +044 ati = 2mgl+ cue = Tmgl = 2Mgl+ Heenruuml” = Ipencsunact” = VOmgl » l0me@l lOmagl 8g [80g >see -— = 7a aap MWe radians beeckatim e mit 123L \ 123L 12. Pendulum A pendulum clock consists of a thin uniform rod AC of mass Mkg and length él metres where |AB| =4Land | BC | = 2t Gee Fig. 1}. Auniform circular disc of mass 4M kg and radius £ is tigidly cHached at Band C. Find: fa) = The moment of inertia of the pendulum about on axis fhrough A perpendicular to the plane of the disc. (pb) The angular velocity of B when ABs vertical if the pendulum is released from rest with AB horzontal. Fig. 2 Position where Potential Energy of disc =0 (a) Moment of inertia (See Fig. 2) Disc: The mament of Inertia of disc about axis through A perpendicular to the plane of the disc is: J. = +(4MIP + (4M(5LYP =102MPkgrn? Rod The moment of inertia of red about ax through A, perpendicular to the plane of the FOC IS! Soo = 5 Moty =12ME = The moment of inertia of pendulum about thisaxis= 114M kgm* (b) The angular velocity of B when ABis vartical Let As verlical height above potion of 7610 potential energy, Energy when AC Is horizontal: Math + Mg. + 2 bsencuuenl H,, = 5LA,.,. = SLe=0 > Energy = $Mgl+ 20Mgl+0 = 25MéMagl 181 Energy when AC is vertical: Mgh.g + 4IMghy.. +f leendihant” Pied = 2b Phegse = 0 = Energy = 2Mgt + 0+ J Hrerctahunrdt = 25Mgl = 2Mal+ ar Penadyeary | _ gf . OMgL _ 46MgL 23g [239 = = = J— radians/sec lrenamm V4ME S7L VSIL nf 13. Dumbbell Asymmetical dumbbell consists of two solid spheres each of mass m kg and rodius r meires joined by a narrow uniform rigid bar of mass m kg and length 2; metres so that the centres of the spheres are a distance 4r metres apart (See Fig. 1). If the dumbbell is freel-pivoted about an axis through point O perpendicular to BE a distance 3 from its centre so that it can perform small oscillations in a vertical plone. (a) Find the Moment of inertia of the body about the axis of rotation () Find the period of oscillation Solution (a) Find the moment of inertia of the body about the axis of rotation Consider the dumb-bell as being mode up of four components Gee Figs 2.3) * 133 5 a0) nr 4 Sohere (iv): About 8: =m About D: 2 mit + mS) i, ‘ Totol moment of inertia = sum of above = 899 ar 2 (b) Find the period of oscillation. Consider the durmb-bell when ifs making an angle @ with the vertical. The moment of the restoring force about Dis: kgm =m - Sind + mas Sing = me sing -mg‘y Sing = 5 marsind aa (° mgring ae <—— But: @ ssmall= Sing=@ de (amar | -_ ade / 3mer /3mgr == 4 => This is in the form: —; = a = ,|/—— = SF (oe |= Seon Peon rs > Period = T= © 229 |! i \3mgr [ea PEO eal . (2)(593 mr-) joear Using the value previously calculated for |: Fe a gO) = 27 |—— seconds Smgns0) 450g 182 Fig. 1 o wd «a vw 14. Rotating rod A rod has mass M ka and length 21 metres. The rod is free to rotate In a vertical plane about a fixed horizontal axis at A with o particle of moss 4M kg attached to Its other end (See Fig. 2). The system is released from rest with the rod vertical. Find the angular speed of the rod when the particle reaches point 8 (ts lowest point), solution 4M B ~ fee Fig. 2 A L IM L _._/ ___ Al FL | | L it | | Potential Energy | t C | of4Mmass=Nil © ¥_ 4M 4M The moment of Inertia of the system Ih ODOUut A = = M2Ly = < Mie lomo BOUT A = (AM(2LP = 14Me oe =I about A =< ME +14ME = Me kere Svar 183 Energy at any polnt See Fig. 2= Potential Energy + Kinetic Energy Energy af A: = (Mot + 20) + (4Mjg(2l + 22)+ iw? = 19Mol Gince w = Energy até: = (Moot) + (4Myg(0) + ee = Migl + I a? But the energy is unchanged > I9M@L = Mgl + lato Mogi =f at a? -30Mgl _ 36Mgi _ 108g _ 722 radians/second Ba SOL Tal 3 15. Rotating Rod A rod AB is Tee to rotate In a vertical plane about o fixed honzontal axis af ©. The mass and length components are shown In Fig. 1. The system is released from rest with the rod horizontal. Find the angular speed and kinetic energy of the rod when & reaches its lowest Point Solution The moment of inertia of the system is i 3L L 3L > <—_—__. > | <+—____+ t I AG BB nitci position “4S —___® Mi 3M Mi 3M t L i J i I i ' [ Fig. 1 | Fig. 2 ! 1 i } ! ' Final position Potential Energy =O__!__. 4 fLy ome 1.(AC)about C= 4 5| _ Me a(ACjabou aM 5 3 2 fay im] laa (CBabout C = = Mi - = — = OME => bere ADOUt C= = Me kgm? Lats Energy at any point (See Fig. 2) = Potential Energy + Kinetic Energy Energy at Initial Position = eM9CD +%/ a= 12Mgl Gince w =0) Energy at Final Position = yal 4 at SL | 4 | +onad | + flew? 2, 2. BM@l _ BMgLG3) _ 24g _ log l2Mal=8MeaL<+1] = __ = |/=e = TEMES OMSL + I Os ame BL VTL and Kinetic Energy whan 2 is of its lowest point: 2 lar= 7~ {3 2) - 4Mlg Joules 14. Hollow Sphere sphere | of radius FP metres and density ¢ kg/rre’ has o spherical cavily (Sohere 2) of radius pmetes, See Fig. 1, Find ihe moment of inértia of the body about Its symmetrical CxS OF. Sqalution 164 The moment of Inertia of o body about Of e moment of inertia of Sohare 1] cbout OZ - moment of inertia of Sonere 2 about OF Vis of Soherel= Me= Moment of inertia of body = 2 =p \e - =| Sar |r = ol - } But: (Volume) @ = Mass _ MassofSphere1! = MassofSphere2 MassofBody(ie. M-M, = M - VolumeofSohere] VolumeofSpher? Volume of Body (la. Val, - Val.) M, M, M MM p= qa. 45 4, 4, 475 3 gm gar ga ae ane Pr} = Moment of inertia = © 7 (g—°)=2 (W-°*) _ “7 -r) 5 (?-r 17. String wound on rim of disc A light string is wound around the rim of a uniform dise of radius rand mass m kg and one end is attached 10 2 fixed paint above the dise (See Fig. 1), When the disc Is released at time t=0 seconds from rest If falls vertically as the string unwinds. After time fseconds the centre of gravity is a distance x metres below Its orginal position. Find the vertical acceleration of the disc and the tension in the string. Solution The forces in Newtons acting on the system ore Gee Fig. 2): T=Tension in the string. Mg = Welghi of disc Al time ft. the centre of gravity. G, 5b .a distance x below ©. The distance x can be thought of as a segment of the circumference of the disc. The segment has a lengih r? = x= 18. Gee Fig, 3) Approach 1: linear and Angular acceleration 2 2 Linear acceleration of disc = o where : m= =mg-T @ and 185 -sers- Fig. 1 Fig. 3 | | | x | O (( et fnote: f= mement of inertia of disc = =mr (il) } d*x) { dx) from equation(a: 7 = mg mn <2 Bul: Torque = fr= mgr-m *) ci} But : Torque = /<2 where : cd? x cle f=moment of inertia and © — =angularocceleration Also: — = r— aT dr dt daw I{d*x' = Torque = at = | a fw) Using equations gid and tiv): hdex) tf d’x) d?’x mgr — 2mgr => Mmor-mM — |=—_{,= LsiINg equation cil “4 mis 9 lar |= i =| df ame ame ee = 59 2 From @quotion (i): P= m{g-52)- ml g-F9] = > Newtons Approach 2: Energy approach Total energy of disc al any poin? = Potentlal Energy + Rotational Kinetic Energy + Linéar Kinetic Energy Energy of initial Position at point A = (mgt) + 4 fw s+ meas mgx Gince v. aw =D) Assume that after falling a distance x (Le. fo point 8) the Potential Enérgy = 0, then Gee Fig, 2° Energy af point 8 = Rotational kinetic Energy + Unear Kinetic Energy Angular velocity of the disc = a rocians/secoand Speed of disc = v m/s Energy at point 8 = lle? +m" Bur vewr and = >mr 186 since: initial energy of system = final energy of system ir ? = max= | mv {5m Y) - Imvove 4& mis 2 2\2 if A 3 But, using the standard equation: v = vf + 20x where: v=0 => a =7Ox> 08 <9 m/s’ (Asin Approach 1 above) => Tension, | willbe asin Approach | above. 18. String wound on rim of disc A light inextensiple string Is wound oround the rim of a uniform dise of radius rand rnass Ma which can rotate treely about its fixed horzantal axis og. One end of the string & attached to the rim of the dise and the other end is attached to a particle P of mass Mp which hangs vertically (ee Fig. 1). When the system is released from rest P falls varlically and thé string unwinds. Find the velocity of P after it has fallen a distance w. a r Xx ee B Fig. 1 Fig.2 Fig.3 Solution Consider the system at time t=0 The forces In Newtons acting on the particle are: F=Tensionin sting, Meg =Welght of the particle Assume the cise follsa distance x while it turns through an angle e@, Approach 1: ineor and Angular occeleration Linear occelerotion of particle = ox where: M atx =Mog-T @ df far ® (note: j= moment of inertia of disc aM ii} } tx From equation (0): f= M,g—-M, —= . \ a fe i | But: Torque = Tr = Torque = Mgr— Mid = (iil) \ i Burt: Torque = is where :!= moment of Inertla of disc and 187 Initial Energy = slo 24 7mv Final Energy = Potential Energy only (as object has come To rest) = mgh => Zlo%s x mv =mogh (i Fig. 1 Fig. 2 a 2 h late | mv TP + mv ~ +m But: R= = R= 228 i) ve wr R= 2 4 ality Sine magsing mgsing 2mgsing sing equation gi) and the moments of Inertia In kgm? o§ glven below the values of 7 ore os follows: me aye Wheel (i.e. disc of radius ry: |= —— R= —e g ) 2 Agsina i H f -j=me R= oop fof radius r) osind 5 - Solid cylinder (of radius j:1-™ op 5 SY 2 4osiné amr iw Solid soehere tof radius ry: |= — R= ——_ Phere {or radlus 1): =" logsing 20. Objects rolling without slipping A circular disc, hoop and salid sphare each of mass M kg and radius r meres are rolling down a rough plane inclined af an angle a to the horizontal with o speed of vy m/s parallel to the plane (See Fig. 1). Find the minimum value of wz for each objectin omer that no slipping takes place (ie. abject keeps rolling instead of slipping}. 189 solution When the object is moving at vm/s assume it has an angular velocity of @ radians/second The forces in acting are shown in Fig. 1: Mg = Weight of object. ? = Reaction between object and plans, F= Frictional force Equation of motion parallel to inclined plane: ax ox NW}, = MgSine - F > F = MgSina -M— { df gene = SON OE ® Equation of motion perpendicular te Inclined plane: R= MgCesea ii) Ginee there is ne motion in ths direction) But: Torque = fa= Fr (ij where a= angular acceleration of object Assume that object tums through an angle ¢é in tlme ft, then: a9 déx dw oda lee aP 'aP xo ff and —-=f Fram equation di}: F = — = —— = —— _ {iv dr dF q ai) r r r ) "x . , d*x dF But, wing equation dt): F= MgSina -—M =— geq i) Coiner dF 2 2 1 é j = Mgsina = S2{ M+) = S¥ = Moshe From equation div) df r d [ Me | 4 my IMgSine ae de | | lt — -te_'ar ‘ae |’) imgsine f Fr r r I Mar IMagSine Fo t+ Mp | yy But: Fas =—= =|——= | Tan BS ESR MaCose \f+Mr | “ The minimum values for coefficient of fiction which vall allow rolling without slipping are; Clrewlar disc: /= 5 Mri y= z Torte Hoop: f= Mr > => Tana Solid Sphere: j= = Mr? => ue = < Toner 190) Chapter10 Hydrostatics 1. Relative density Define relative density (also caled specific gravity). Solution Relative density of a substance = ratio of the density/mass/weight of a given volume of the substance to the density/mass/welghi of an equivalent volume of water (at 4°C) 2. Metal alloys Ametal 4 has a density a. = 2 kg/m and metal 8 has a density ~: = 3 kare What proportion of Aand 8 by volume will give an alloy whose density is p= 2.8 kg/m? ? Solution Let masses and volumes of Aand B used be ms, Vaand mms, Va respectively. Let the moss ond volume of the alloy practuced be m kg and V rr. =>VaeVaeV (1) ond ™.+Mmem Bul: fa = foe ond = Ve while m= pV > pa + Va pV at subtracting: Equation ()-(es )( equation (1): Le. Go,.Va+ poVe= po V)- GoaVa + paVa= pa) This gives: Gon — pa )Va=(e- pa ¥ Inserting The values above gives. @-2)Ve=(@2.68-2)V¥ > Ve=O.8V > Va =O0.2V 5 propoanion By volumes is VeiVa = 14 3. Mix of two I[quids lFequal volumes (Yim of two Iiquids, A and 8, are mixed the relotve density of the mixture is 4. lf equal masses (M kg) of the two liquicts are mixed the relative density of the mixture Is 3.5. Find the densities of the liquicts. Solution Let density of liquids 4 and A= pu, as respectively. Equal volumes Use the information given to derive the quantities - (ii below: volume Density kg/m! = Relative Density pav ci) v 2 po ‘000 (id ae piv (lip | 2V dv) (ei Veer Voi (a1 VW teo V2Y (01,000) = 4 = 2 tw) _pitp2 = 8,000 (vii) Equal masses Use the infomation given to cderve the quantities 7) - (vil) below: Mass = Volume Mip a M (il) | Mipe Mixture | 2M Gi) | MO /ait)fp2) QML |p +1] 2) i (iv) = 2/0/70 4lio) = Vie +i /o = 1/1750 191 From above: p, +p, = 8,000 auction (i) 1d ] Pt Py Also: —+— = —— = 750 Pj * p, 1750 arr Py ~ 1750 m5 760 7 750A + #2) = Pps => 1750/8,000)= ae, = pp. = 14,000,000 Equation fi Using these equations: p,. 9, = 2,585.6, 5,414.2 = fin any order) 4, Mix of three liquids Three liquids A, & C have relative densities Rs = 142, Re= 14, Re = 1.6 respectively. If 1 rm of iiquid 4.2m, of liquid B and 3m of liquid Care fully mixed in o vat whatis the relotive density of the resulting mix. Solution Let densities of liquids A.B, C=), 92, ps respectively. Use the Infomation given fo derive the quantities 7) - (vil) below: —— -Gxes) (| —_ fe + Op: 3 d(v) ee) 100 (iv) 5. Mix of three liquids Three vats (ats 1, 2 ond 3). each of volume V, are holf filed with liquids li, bs, ts respectively. The liquids h, ts, is have densities mi, p. ps respectively IF liquid Lo & poured into Vat 2 until it is filled, Then this mixture (Mixture 1) is poured into Vat 3 until it is filled. Wihot is the density of the final mix (Mixture 2) in Va#t 3. Relotive density =1,516.7/ 71,000 = 1.517 (vil) (vi) Solution Characteristics of resulting mixture in Vat 2 Use the infomation given to derive the quaniities (i) - (vill) below: Uquid Mas kg | Volume m? | Density kg/m? kL! ay) | = | They @) lav Pe | Mixture 1 | ¥ Vai too) Gil) |W (vy) | 2 Vos +p2)/ V = els +2) Characteristics of resulting mixture in Vat3 Use the infomation given to deve the quantities @) - (ill below: Liquid uC Kg Yolume nm! | Density kg/m: ve Oo — ee eet v1 +y09 hau? 2 Bey Vn “ + yn) ———————EE G i we av +2 =a (oi tye + ili The density of the final mix (Mixture 2) in wr oi 2 z a +yh + 2p). 4. Pressure ino vessel 192 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 U Plane 10. Masses floating In water Awooden cube of volume Vim? and mass Mh kg floats in water (Assume = 1,000 kg/m) with one quarter above the surface. A mass vb kg is placed on top of the wooden cube, causing to sink until its top is level with the surface of the water (See Figs. 1 and 2). Find Ab in terms of Mi. Solution hfad M, sufface esenssessecsecenees [eatesteesesensereed cosesneee _ Mg ahi h t . F Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 s Mass Aa: The forces acting are shown In Figs. 3, 4: Mo = Weights of masses, fa = Buoyancy forces Buoyancy force = A = Mug But: & =(volume of immersed solid}(censity of liquichia) 3 3 4g M 4 f= —Veg> —Vpg=Mgo V¥=— EF =-— m Masses fei, iM: A'=(!M+ Ae But: &*= (volume of immersed solididenaty of liquich(g) => f= Veg = Vpg=(Mit Migs SM = SOM ia, > Mh = kg 11. Connected cubes submerged in liquid Two cubes, ldentical in dimensions with volume 7 om? but of rass M) ond Ab kg respectively (where Ml > Mb), are connected together by a light string and submerged In water. Find the sum M+ Mb if only half of the cube ils submerged. (See Fig, 1). 195 solution The forces acting on the masses are: T= Tension in the string Mg= Weights of masses F = Buoyancy forces surface h/2 hf2 Massi4: Mg=T+F,, But: f, =Veg> Mg=T+Vag> T=Mg-Veg (0 hal il Vv Vv ; Moss Mig =Mjg+7 But: f= pgs seg=MgtlslT= pg Mg Gi) Using equations @ and Gi); T= Ma veg=xe9 Mg => M+ M, = vy But: V=lmetgiven) and» =1000 kg/m’ > M+MéM=1500 ka 12. Mass lowered into tank A cylindrical tank of diameter D metres Is filed with a liquid of density p kg/m! fo a depth h metres. See Fig. 1. (a) Find the thrust on the base of the tank. (b) Ifa solid of mass Mkg and denaity ps kg/m’ lslowered on a wire until immersed in ihe tank. find the thrust on the base (See Fig. 2). Solution (a) Find the thrust on the base of the tank. Initial Thrust on base = Pressure of base = Area of base 196 3 = Buoyancy force on rod (acting through @. midpoint of Bc), R+FesVW and, toking moments obout a gives W Sind5° x ad = & SindS°* ae= 6 SindS"(ac+ ce) = Ws ae (ble 532 ))-af | i+ v2 l {| v2 >We pa) 5 |>n-m".) =R=W-R=W Wag Min (b) The relative density of the rod But: =Volume of water displaced by rod= density of woter x 9g => — =(Volume of rod under waten, 1.0 The rod is uniforn => If L weighs WW then be (=langth of rod under water) = | v2=1 weighs v2=1 _ 2 V2 Burt this is equal to: (Volume of tod a water, Vj x (density of rod) x g-= yee [9 - > Vj ' = > rar cil 4 — ] = Pro nae V2 | Cher = 1+ J2 Weight of Relative density of rod -——__“/e'gntofrod Weight of equal volume of woter From above: y2- } \ J? Mio _ Pros _ relative density of rod = ————- = =~ VP vctor — Parator a4 | V2 44/2 14. Rod partially immersed in woter A uniform rod ab of length L metres and weight 4’ N in equilibrium is inclined to ihe yerical with one quarter of its length immerned under water and Its upper end, a, supported by a vertical force F. (Assume density of water = p= 1,000 kg/m*). (See Fig. 1). Find: (a) =The magnitude of F (ob) The relotive dansity of the rod Solution (a) Find the magnitude of F The forces in Newtons acting on {he rod are (see Fig. 2): W = Weight of rod, acting through a. the midpoint of ab Fa = Buoyancy force on rod, acting through a, the midpoint of bc F= Vertical force on rod, acting at a Taking moments about a wssing =F = sing Satya w= 198 Let the length of cylinder beneath the surface of the iquid ot equilibrium = h Then, for 2quiliprum: Weight of cylinder = Weight of liquid which is contained in a cylinder of cross- sectional area A ond height h Le. (AlU(plig) = (A\A\2p)g => b= 2n= h= = = the cylinder floots with half its tangih under the liquid. If the cylinder |s displaced downwards through a distance x then the buoyancy force will be greater than the weight of the cylinder Gee Fig. 2): mg = Downward force = Weight of cylinder = Alo g Fs = Buoyancy force = Welght of liquid of density 2 contained In cylinder of cross sectional area A and height A+ x=(Allh4 x2 eq > Resultant Buoyancy force = i - mg = (AN + 420g - ALag => -mg= (ANA + X29 - Ane pg ={2A pg) x => Resultant Buoyancy force = (2Apao)a Le. the upward force « x 2 = max = -2 Apgx= thrust on the cylinder =) (b) The period of oscillation when it is released In this position Equation 0) is an equation for simple harmonic motion of the form: dx > ax 2Apg 2Apa 2g , 29 2g — = a —} = ES EF a =—— = ->— de dF Alp pe or L Bul ihe perlodic lime: fF =—-> [=r i— seconds a 429 17. Rod partially immersed in water A unifarm thin rod 48 is of length Lmetres and weight W Newtons, The rod & partly immerned in water with it lower end freely pivoted jo a fixed point ata depih La metres below the surface of the water, (See Fig. 1). (Assume density of water = p= 1.000 ko/m?). lf the rod rests in equilifvium at an angle of 40° to the vertical. find the relative density of the rod. 200 Solution The inclination of rod to the vertical = 60° Gee Fig. 2): L Cosao® = —__3_ ~ Lengih of rodunder waiter — +a] — Length of red under water = AC= = = Lengih of rod above water = Ca = 6a [oir The forces in Newtons on ihe rod are (See Fig. 3} F = Upwards force of support A We Weight of rod, acting through £ the mlapoint of AB Fa = Buoyancy force acting on réod acting through D the midpoint of AC { L [Ac =9 (AQ = 5 Equating the forces for equillbrlum gives: F+ f= WW Taking moment about A gives: F.Siné0°| AD] = wSing0°|Ag| > f= - Ww 3 3 ZS BMS But: # = (Volume of water displace by rod} x density of water = g e Volume of rod under water x @ weet G2 V Pered = A = ws = Via © For The rod: Lengin L weighs Wo => length = Lweighs = W => =W = (volume of rod under water) x (density of rod) x g 2 Ww -s2wevp,.g @ But: YPoe Por 2 3 VP von Pwarar 3 Ww 2 = Relative density of therod = 18. Timber block floating in oll/water layers A cube of timber (density of 600 kg/m?) of side 0.1 metre floats in water. Oil of density 900 ka/m? is poured on the woter until the top of the oll loyer is 0.03.5 metres below the top of the block. (Assume density of water = p= 1,000 kg/m). Find: (a) The depth of the oil layer, L 201 (b) The gouge pressure at the lower face of the block Solution (a) The depth of the oll layer (See Fig. 2) Let depth of ollloyer=L Assume that, below the loyer of oll, the remaining depth of timber is r Thus b+ 7=0.065 = (i) Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 In equillorium, the downward force must be aquivalant fo the upward force: Downward force = Weight of block = (Volume of block)(Densily of fimbeng ={0.1% 600g Newtons Upward force = Buoyancy forces for oll and water Buoyancy force (for oll} = (Area of block )(Depth of block in oll(Density of oljg = (0.17 900g Newtons Buoyancy force (far water) = (Area of block)(Depth of block in woter)(Denaity of wateng = (0.1°¢7,000 g Newtons = (0.1) 600 g = (0.1) L 900 9 + (0.1) 791,000 g => 9L4+10T=0.6 (i) Now: subtracting equation dj fram 10 equation gk} L=0.06 and T=0.015 Thus, the layer of oil is 0.05 metres deep. (b) The gouge pressure at the lower face of the block (See Fig. 3) jo get gauge pressure: (le. neglect aimospheric pressure Pa) P= pressure ot surface of oll =0 P, = (0.05 jpg Py = Py + (0.018 jo ome 9 = P, = (0.0500 g + (0.0159,000 g = 60.9 = 588.6 N/m? 19. Board partially immersed in water A uniform rectangular board abcd of weight W Newtons floats in a tank of water with the diagonal ac on the surface of the water, the lowest corner b being attached fo the bottom of ihe tank By a light Inelastic string as shown in Fig. |. (Assume density of water == 1,000 kg/mm), Fire: (a) = The relative density of the board. (6) = The tension in the string. Solution (a) = The relative density of the board The forces in Newtons acting on the board are shown In Phos, 2 ane 3: 202 T= Tension of string, W= Weight of board. fa= Buoyancy force on board d SJ BE T Fe Fig. | Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Lei 6 be the midpoint of diagonal ac and f be the centroid of triangle abe Let be = L—=> b= =! Rasolving forces vertically for aquilibrium: T+Fa=W fi} Taking moments about by We get: f Sina|bt| = W Sino|be| = & = Wi = 3 But: fe = (Volume of water displaced by board) = (density of water) x g = (Volume of board below water pu g= A, = Vevg = = il) But, the weight of the board below water Is: (Volume of board below water x (densiy of board) x g = Ve.g= a fill) Vo. _ weight of board Thus: = eee —eeeSO Vag weight of equal volume of water => Pb = : (from equations (1) and (i) = relative density = x vr (6) The tension in the string WW since F =. T+W=h=> l= Newtons 20. Cones submerged in liquid Two right angle cones, A and 8, each of diameter and vertical helaht a, A metres respectively and mass mkg are held submerged in a tank of water to a depth of x metres by light strings connected fo the base of the tank Gee Fig. 1). Find the fension in each string. (¢ = Density of water = 1,000 kg/m:*) Solution The forces in Newtons acting in both cases are: mg=Welght of cone, T= Tension in string, & = Buoyancy force 203 Cone A: Aa=mg+fof=h-mg But: & =(volume of conexpyg) = oF rhipg=> T=" Php g- mg Newtons Cone &: AFyo=mg+ToT=h-mg F, =(Volume of coneXp)a)= <7 hp — 57 rhpg—-mg Newtons => Tension in string is the same as that for cone A. 21. Submerged hemispheres Two solid hemispheres each of mass m kg and radius a metres are held submerged ina liquid of density 9 kg/m. They are held at a distance 2a below the free surface by light strings as shown in Figs. 1 and 2. For each hemisohere, calculate the: (a) Buoyancy force (bo) Force exerted by the liquid on the plane face fc) Force exerted by the liquid on the curved surface fq) «Tension In the string. T Solution The forces in Newtons acting are: mg = Weight of hemisphere, & = Buoyancy force, T= Tension in sting Heamis rain Fig. 1, See Forces In Fig, 3. (@) Buoyaney foree = (volumevdensily of Ilquid}g =F, = <7 gr QQ (2) Force exerted by llquid on place face area = Downward Force = (Pressure on plone foce)(Area of plane face) = (og(Za))(mo0") =2apga° di} (c) As: Force exerted by liquid on curved surface area = Upward force and Buoyancy = Upward force - Downward force > Force on cured surface = Buoyancy + Downward force => Using equations (1) and (il: Force on curved surface = =" ga +2 ga = 7” ga (co) Tension In strireg: T+ mg= f= =n p gd = T=Enp go? -mg Hemi re in Fig. 2. For nm Fig. 4. 204 (a) Buoyancy force = (volume)(densiy of liquidjg = 5 = =F apg (6) Force exerted by liquid on ploce foce area = Upward Force = (Pressure on plane face)(Area of plane face) = (ogisa)(aa") = Japga" fe) AS: Force exerted by liquid on curved surface area = Downward force and Buoyancy = Upward force - Downward force = Force on curved surface = Downward force = Upward force - Buoyancy = Force on curved surface = 3xp ga" - = ap ga’ = Zn gar (a) Tension In string: Tamg=h == pgd = T=<2pga-mg Note: Tension is the some for both strings 22. Floaling sphere A light hollow sphere of mass = M= 10 kg and V = volume = 1 mls connected to the bottom of a tank of water by a light string (See Fig. 1). If the submerged portion represents 90% of the sphere’s total volume find the tension in the string, TNewtons. (Assume water density of a, = 1.000 kg/m) Solution The forces in Newtons acting on the sphere are: Mag= Weight of sphere, [= Tension In sting, Fs = Buoyancy force These forces are shown in Fig. 2 R=T+Mg=T+ l0g=>T=F- 109 @ But: Fa = (Density of liquid}(Volume of supmerged portion of object}ig) = (90.99 = €1.000)0.9}9 = 900g > From equation (i): T= 890g Newtons 205 Mass of block = Welant/g = 10/g kg Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Spring Balance I Ty ; Water t Mg Mass Mg F, 25. Suspension in ail A solid metal ball (of volurne V = 0.001 m? ond density a4 = 8.000 kg/rn*) is suspended from a soning bolance in ail (density = 900 kg/m*) and half of the ball ls submerged. (ee Fig. 1). Find the reoding on the boatonce (7F in Newtons. Solution Fig. | “ettneutece Spring Fig. 2 Balance The forces in Newtons acting area shown in Fig, 2: Mg = Weight of ball (in air), T= Tension in spring balance, Fa = Buoyancy force From Fig.2:7+Fsa=Mg = T=Mg-F (1) But: Mz=(Qaa(V)=8.000¥ kg => Mg=8000Vg Fs = (Density of liquid)(Volume of submerged objecthg) > R= OO0(0SWMg = 450Vg > T= Mg-F o> Vof8.000 - 450) = 7.550Vg = 74.07 Newtons 26. Suspended block submerged in water ond another liquid A block weighing 10 Newtons is suspended from a spring balance and Immersed (in seporale operations) in a beaker of woter and o beoker of Iquid. When the block is Immersed in ihe water ine spring balance reads 7.5 Newtons. When immersed in ihe liquid the spring balance réads 5 Newtons. Find the relative densities of: (a) The block. fb) The liquid, Solution 207 Chapter 11 Differentiation and Integration A. Notes: Indices The power to which a number is raised is indicated by its index. The rules for incices ore: 1 1) aft ee a a _ roe ymin (a")a")= 0 ad a= 1 (ofa ‘ee LL rm 7 1 P iif jab)" = a"b" ar | =@=q=a a°=yq" la") = a® = ae , os / B. Notes: Natural logarithms (Note: log, v= 1 y) log. (ab) = log.o)+ log {bp} iog,| 2 = log.(o)- log CB) x=Ly =@y>e > y=e ‘ Poe y=e™ o(lyl=onleloly=ax Lx =nlx x= l * a] =i] ~ + Ifa) a ‘ ao C. Differentiation yeux" = oY kx” | y= 4iné = < = Cos? y= Cose=> at = -Sin¢ dy du yo u dy Woe ay uv — = y¥— + =— — = —_— we “dx dx Ox y vo dx v dy i dy a] dy nx’! pn = i, —_ Ss i — | Si = i x — = — vein % ~ ax x y= fy OX ~ ax ax x yen ~ ax x x dy dy = =a" =e Lyb= ad! el= Ly =axr> — = ae y=@ou ¥ = tl,y}s adlel= Ly >= D. Integral calculus (Note: Constants of integration are not shown) |. Solve Jere “_ 2% Solve [-ax- Lx 3. Sove [e™dx= . +1 x ag 4. Soe ix ax: Using substitution: bet u= a+ bx > W_ ps dx = 2 a+ Ox ce Bb 1 4 au | Re — wife : ob os — =I = +, a+ bx Sha Ex lale -| u | ” i 5. Solve {/- lax: Using substitution: Let u= a+ bx = 24 = p= ax- SY 4 Vo4 “sr ax 5 1 4 du | 9. 9- 3 Re — wrihe : x = 2 =—~fF =—Jyus e-write flere as ee 5 5! u au uF = ou = a+ bx 211

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