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Thank for the divine grace and His grace to me to complete this task well in time. Thanks to my classmates for their cooperation during the period to complete this taskfor not tired of giving assistance and information. Thanks also to the other partners arewilling to lend materials in reference to me in spite of the different classes. Not to forget my eternal gratitude goes to teachers who are always helpful and always gave me constructive criticism, Mr. Tingang Trang. During this assignment, I can collect more information on using resources such as technology at the fingertips of internet. I collect materials related to my work alone. I was also able to learn and experience how to use the internet and I mastered using MS Word and Powerpoint over me to make this work. I also learned how to manage the graphics properly. I also had to learn good values such as responsibility, punctuality ,patience, tolerance and gratitude during this assignment. I perform this task gives a various additional input on what is public speaking. This is my first experience writing public speaking. As a future teacher, I work for is very helpful but it seems not only to me but other friends as well as much new information that is useful to know, and obtained the completion of the master and expand the knowledge of English. To me, this task requires patience and a high responsibility in the process of producing it. I hope that I can use what I learned during the process of making this work.

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