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Flying Health Care: Achieve the 5th Millenium Development Goals Target 2015 Putri Kurniasari1, Annisa Putri2


Health Administration and Policy, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia


Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is one of the indicators of womens health degree. Decreasing MMR rate up to three quarters of maternal mortality numbers is the fifth of millenium development goals which will be achieved by 2015. According to the last survey of SDKI (Survey of Indonesians Demography and Health) in 2007, Indonesias MMR amounted to 228 per 100,000 live births, and it is still the highest level in Asia. In Papua, especially in rural areas, maternal mortality is a serious threat. MMR in Papua is 362 per 100,000 live births and is above the national maternal mortality rate which is 228 per 100.000 live births. The high rate of maternal mortality in Papua reflects the health gap between urban and rural areas. This gap is due to the difficulty of accessibility of health services, especially for remote communities. Papua is one of the islands in Indonesia which has an area of 317,602 km2. Seeing from the availability of health services, Papua has health centers, hospitals, and village health unit. However, in 2008 there have not been health care facilities and health care personals available in the villages yet. Even, to reach health services it needed 1 to 22.8 hours. That is why a lot of mothers had to give birth in shamans. Seeing the condition in Papua, one right solution is by implementing "Flying Health Care" or moving health service. The purpose of "Flying Health Care" is to reach remote and border areas by using aircrafts, cars, and boats. The team of "Flying Health Care" consists of doctors, nurses, midwives, and other medical personals. The implementation of "Flying Health Care" should be run continuously so that people in remote areas can take the advantage of health care services.

Keywords: Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR), Remote Areas, Accessibility, Flying Health Care

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