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WEEK 1: VACCINES HISTORY OF VACCINES: 9/10/2013 3:06AM ANIMAL ERA: 1. Small Pox Vaccine Developed by Edward Jenner (1700s).

. 2. Cow Pox Virus = was antigenically related with Small Pox. 3. Variolation or Inhalation Principle. 4. Vaccination could give infection but has a protection to small pox.

ENCEPHALOPATHY, SEIZURES and PARALYSIS. (Immune System Reaction) POLIO VACCINE: 1930s 1. John Kolmer 2. Maurice Brodie 1950s = SABIN 3. Used head of the monkeys, and spinal cords. TISSUE CULTURE ERA:

1. FIRST NOBEL PRICE: YELLOW FEVER VACCINE. (Weakened viral vaccine)

5. Last Case of Small Pox = Somalia 1977.


ANSWER: B RABIES VACCINE: 1800s 1. Method of Attenuation by Pasteure 2. The rabies virus was cultured on the rabbits spinal cords and dried. 3. ATTENUATION = Partial Killing 4. Myelin Proteins = That are contained on the spinal cords of these rabbits caused

1. INFLUENZA VIRUS GENERATION. 2. Antigenic Shift = Changes with time viral shape. CELL CULTURE:

1. Inoculating polio other than the spinal cords.


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