Anda di halaman 1dari 10


s′ ゴア 2イ ′-250`ノ 992)

A difFerence in the proteins found in young adults of inbred

strains of D″ θsθ ′あilα ]“ ιJα agα s′ ι″Which correlates with
genetically‐ deterⅡ lined,long“or short life span


lD`ρ α″ ″′ぼ Lagα ′几イ′訪ι″ ttα 助 ルα 1/77Jυ sJrl Sc力 οοノげ ν メ タ″り ο ,

`777ι `,7b/clο `″ `r77`ル

7ο /cl・ ο, ffJ Jcρ αれ
2D"α ″′777θ rげ 二 ′
ψ グ β′ り ,772S″ た び Cα r″ ουαSε ″/r7rDお θαsc,動 ノ
ο 777お ′ ′s力 び″′ υ′rs′ rl
“ `ル “
S`力 ο
οノげ ノ レグ
12″ ′,ン ′αrs“ ο′ο,J9θ ノ ″α
3D"α ″′ θ″ `加Plrb′ ′εル α “′
′力,渋 力οο′ぼ んイ たαノ伽 ノ υα ク ,3ο S′ ′
″ノ ,政 力α″α sノ
`訪 `加 `,動

“ `グ
Kα″αgα ″α,259-Fゴ J¢ α″ ρ
4D9,α ″′ οgた α′Sι Jθ ″ε′s,「 /7′
了0/Bノ ο′ υ′″ Иイ
α々s,2θ θθ И″s″ α″α
711`″ C/77′ sノ
ヶ 9/N`lllε αsr々 ,Ⅳ ン
`ll Sο `力

YoNEMURA,I,OKANO,A,SHIMIzu,Y,HASEKURA,H and BoETTCHER.B 1992 A di∬ crcncc in thc

protcins found in young adults of inbrcd strains of D″ ο5ο ρ /α 771θ /α ″r7gas′
/1′ 、
VhiCh cOrrclatcs 、
genetically― detcrmincd,long or short lifc span ―
″′′ α ′′7:241-250 Lund,S、`/ vedcn ISSN 0018-0661

Rcccivcd January 30, 1992 Acccptcd July 3, 1992

0nc― dimcnsiOnal clcctrophorcsis was pcrformed on extracts of lies collected flom acrOss an agcs Protcin
gcl pattcrns wcrc comparcd for two strains of D″ ο,ο ′力〃αj77θ た″Ogα ,′ ′ r with distinctly long and short aduit
life spans that rcsult from diよ 、rcnt allclcs of 10ngcvity gcncs An inter‐ strain difFerence、 vas observed in the
changes in protcin pattcrn in thc 77 kDa rcgion in pcriod of day O、 5a■ cr cmcrging We propose that the
protcin involvcd is a prOduct of autosoma1 longcvity allclcs И′and И2 at thc■、?И locus and is rclatcd to
dcvclopmcnt o「 longcvity potcntials in the preimaginal stage

おα777″ y。 ″ε r″ ,Dψ α″7pld″ ′9/L′ gα /″ θ

グ′ ο
たJο ttα S力 ,た α ιう
,ル ″
● みοο′9/″ ′
清 ″ε,′ エイ5
力711α ,3″““ `171a,「 `iSて `′
ylr、 ′ ″ゎ ο.ル ● ο,′ ノ ′力ρα″

Gcnctic thcorics of agcing may gcncra‖ y bc than thosc prcsumcd by othcr rcscarchcrs Consc―
classincd into cithcr thc somatic mutation thcory qucntly,wc cxalllincd prOtcins in D 771 0f diffcrcnt
or thc progranl thcory(HAYFLICK 1985) Both agcs,varying from young, rcccntly cmcrgcd adults
groups of thcorics postulatc somc participation of to thosc rcccntly dcad ol‐ old agc(thC dCad on thc
gcncs 、 vhich 、vould producc changcs in protcin modal days of mortality pcaks)ProtCins fl・ Om two
synthcsis as scncsccncc procccds Ho、 vcvCr,Studies inbrcd strains,kno、 vn to posscss diffcrcnt J777 gcnCS
rcportcd to datc havc not found signincant changcs vcrc comparcd and a dimcrcncc、 vas obscrvcd in a

in protcin during thc coursc of ageing(VAUGHAN protcin in thc youngcst adult nics This dimcrcncc
and CALVIN 1977:WILSON Ct a1 1978:PARKER Ct appcars to bc rclatcd to thc intcr― strain dittcrcncc
al 1981:FLEMING Ct a1 1986) of lifc span Thc modc of inhcritancc of this
Rcccntly, adult lirc span in inbrcd strains of protcin has also bccn invcstigatcd
D″ οsο ρカメ
ル 771`/77″ οgα sr`″ (D777)haS bCCn bund to
bc contrOncd by autosomal and X― chromosomal
mttOr gCncs(YoNEMURA ct a1 1989,1990)ThcSC
PIIaterials and lncthods
longcvity gcncs wcrc namcd thc J/11(Ju― myO)SyS―
tCmS J772 genes have bccn shown to amcct thc D 797′ あ″οgα sr′ ″ ― TwO highly inbrcd strains of
dcvclopmental speed of D 777 in the prё linaginal D777 with diffcrcnt liた spans wcrc uscd hcrc as in
stagc,indicating that thcy havc a function around, prcvious studies(YoNEMURA Ct a1 1989;YoNE―
or bcforc,thc cmcrging pcriod(YoNEMURA Ct al MURA Ct al 1990)ThC ShOrt-l cd strain was
1991) tcrmcd Pl and thc long― livcd, P2 ThCy wcrc brcd
Thcsc indings suggcst that protcin changcs duc at 27・ Con food containing 8シ6 dry ycast Thcir
to Stt gcncs,if any,would occur at an carlicr stagc lifc spans arc controllcd by two pairs of maJOr
7(′ 9,2,

gcncs at autosomal, J47И , and X― chromosomal, liant bluc R-250(acctiC acid/isOprOpano1/Watcr,

J777二 10Ci,Which intcract with additivity(YoNE 10/25/65, v/v/V)
MURA ct a1 1989;YoNEMURA ct a1 1990)ThC J/27
gcnotypcs for Pl arc И′И′χf in malcs, and
И/И ′ X■χr in fcmalcs; and for P2, И2И 2Й 12 in
malcs,and/2A2λ「2Й f2 in fcmalcs И2 or X2 givc
longcr lifc span than cither И′ Or Й´ F and arc Protcin gcl pattcrns obtaincd frOlla 1 5シ 6 polyacryl―
dominant Thc χf anclc sho、vs a dosagc c∬ ect, amide gcl clcctrOphorcsis(15%SDS― PAGE)wcrc
giving longcr lifc to hOmozygous fcmalcs than to comparcd on poolcd samplcs fronl thrcc individu‐
hcnlizygous malcs X2 has no dOsagc cmcct as P2 als cach of thc shOrt_livcd(Pl)and thC 10ng― livcd
shows nO scx dimcrcncc in lifc span (P2)Strains c011cctcd on days O(S00n aftcr cmcr―
gcncc),5,10,20 and 30;also tcstcd wcrc samplcs
ノ72g θ 7'7`77′ ―
κ′ ′ ―Rcciprocal mating Of Pl
`″ of thc 10ng― livcd strain cOncctcd on days 40, 50,
malcs and P2 fCmalcs produccd thc Fl l gcncration
and samplcs of rcccntly dcad individuals on thc
and that of Pl fcmalcs and P2 malCS prOduccd thc
modal days of bOth strains
F12 gcnCratiOn Notation for gencrations f0110、 vcd
lntcr― strain dimcrcnccs、 vcrC ObScrvcd soon aftcr
that of our prcviOus rcport(YoNEMURA ct al
1989) In gCncral, thc Fl gcncrations havc gcnO_
cmcrgcncc in thrcc bands of 77 kDa, 45 kDa and
20 kDa Espccially, thc diffcrencc of a 77 kDa
typcs which includc thc И′И2Й「2 allclcs, and arc
prOtcin band bctwccn thc two strains、 vas rcmark―
long‐ livcd HOwcvcr, only thc F12 malCS havc
ablc, bcing thick in thc 10ng‐ livcd (P2)and VCry
ИfИ Ⅸ ■ (with nO X2 allclc)and havc a lifc span
intcrmcdiatc bctwccn thcir 10ng― livcd and shOrt―
thin in thc short― livcd(Pl)(Fig l)Thrcc individ―
livcd parcnts(YoNEMURA ct al 1989,1990) uals wcrc uscd for cach samplc ElcctrophOrcsis
was pcrformcd in duplicatc、 vith thc samc samplcs,
Thc Bl gcncration v′ as obtaincd by backcrossing
and idcntical pattcrns、 vcrc obtaincd Thcsc rcsults
Fll malcs to Pl fcmalcs This gcncration scgrcgatcs
appcar tO rcncct thc intcr― strain diScrcncc of lifc
two life spans in thc rati0 0f l:1, short livcd
span cOntro‖ cd genctically
(И ゴ
И′)and 10ng― livcd(И ノ
И_71,rcnecting thc di5cr―
Fig 2 shows gcl pattcrns of samplcs f10m malcs
cncc of J711И allclcs both in malcs and in fcmalcs
Thc lifc span(thc mOdal day ofthc mOrtality pcak)
(YoNEMURA ct a1 1991)
is 36 days for Pl males and 56 days for P2 malCS:
Prο ttθ lll α″αJl・ sな ――Adult nics wcrc Obtaincd at nics which dicd On thc modal day wcrc takcn as
diffcrcnt stagcs of lit,■ om s00n a■ cr cmcrgcncc scnilc dcad bodics Markcd difFcrcnccs,both quali―
to thc modal days of inOrtality Thrcc individuals tativc and quantitativc,wcrc obscrvcd bct、 vccn gcl
of thc samc agc wcrc poOlcd to obtain avcragc pattcrns of day O and day 5,although comparisons
data, with thc cxccption of thc cxpcrilncnt t0 0b― bct、 vccn lancs is difncult in Fig 2 as it is cOmposcd
scrvc individual dimcrcnccs Thc bOdics、 vcre storcd of scvcral gcls Thc most distinct dintrcncc bc_
at-20° C t、vccn thc strains vas a band of apprOxilnatcly

Protcins werc cxtractcd for elcctrophOrcsis as 77 kDa(arrOWCd a in Fig 2);it appcarcd thickcr
follo、 vsi nics wcrc hOmOgcnizcd in 0 5 n1l of chloro― in P2 0n day O and bccamc thin frOm day 5 0n ln
form― mcthanol(2/1,v/V)pcr indi duaL lipids wcrc Pl this band was thin frOm day O on Thc intcr_
rcmovcd 、
vith a nitcr papcri thc rcsiduc was strain dimcrcncc notcd in Fig l in t、 vo protcin
lyophilizcdi 25 μl of samplc bumcr(o125 M Tris, bands,45 kDa and 20 kDa,was not obscrvcd hcrc
pH 68: 2シ 6 SDS: 150。 glyccrol: 5シ 6 2-lllcrCap_ From day 5 to thc modal day of mortality, no
tocthanol:0001%brOmphcn01 bluc)Was addcd tO markcd changc in prOtcin pattcrns 、vas obscrvcd
thc lyophilizatc;thc samplc was hcatcd for 3 11ain in among thc dimcrcnt lifc stagcs and bct、 /ccn thc
a bath of bOiling watcr and was ccntrifugcd at strains, cxccpt twO protcin bands labcncd b
10,000× G for 10 1nin PrOtcins、 /crc analyzcd by (95 kDa)and C(88 kDa)in Fig 2 Band b bccamc
sodiun dodccyl sulphatc polyacrylanlidc gcl clcc_ distinct aftcr day 20 and disappcarcd in scnilc dcad
trophorcsis(SDS― PAGE)(LAEMML1 1970):10 μ l bodics in bOth Pl and P2 gcnCratiOns Band c
ofthc supcrnatant iuid was loadcd on cach lane of appcarcd aftcr day 10 and continucd to dcath on
10%or 15° /O acrylamidc gcl(80× 70× lmm) thc modal days, incrcasing with agc Changcs
and was clcctrophOrcscd at roOln tcmpcraturc at of thcsc t、 vo bands、 vcrc silllilar in thc t、 vo strains
25 111A fOr 90 1nin Thc clcctrophorcscd protcin AlthOugh no quantitativc mcasurcmcnt with a
bands wcrc staincd with O.005シ t Coomassic bril― dcnsitOmctcr was pcrformcd, bands b and c did
″ ″″
″α5′ ′
ιИ 243

15%SDS― PAGE Protcin samplcs(Cach poolcd

MW from three individuals)were takcn cvcry 4 hours
from soon aftcr cmcrgcnce to day 2 and, thcrc_
kDa aFtcr,atcvcry 24 hoursto day 5 Thc 77 kDa band
was prcscnt illlmcdiatcly aftcr cmcrgcnce,and was

毅 a dcnsc band,in bOth strains lt bccamc thinncr in
thc PI strain fronl 12 to 24 hours aftcr cmcrgcncc,
7■ 0_ and thcn bccamc markcdly thinncr in both strains
66.2_ Elcctrophorcsis in 10シ 6 polyacrylanlidc gcl
(10% SDS― PAGE)was pCrぉ rmcd in Ordcr tO
obscrvc thc 77 kDa band mOrc prcciscly Fig 4
45.0- sho、 vs thc changcs of thc band in carly adult lifc
Thc 77 kDa protcin band 、
vas found tO bc scpa―
ratcd into t、 vO closcly associatcd uppcr and lowcr
bands by 10° 。 SDS‐ PAGE Thc lowcr band
showcd a strain‐ spccinc changc ln thc Pl gcncra‐
tion,it was distinctly thinncr than thc uppcr band
at 12 to 24 hours of agc and disappcarcd by 36
25.7_ hours ln P2, On thc cOntrary, both bands wcrc
about thc samc thickncss unti1 48 hours, and thc
lo、 vcr band disappcarcd aftcr 3 days Thcsc data

suggcst that the protcin gcl pattcrns in young

adults from half a day to two days dimcrcntiatc Pl
and P2
Fcmalcs produccd rcsults all12ost idcntical to
thosc of malcs, cxCCpt lor an incrcasc of a 45 kDa
protcin band On,and aicr,day 2 or 3(ngurcs not
shown)This Was assumcd to bc a changc associ―
atcd with scxual ttaturity ofた malcs,and was not
invcstigatcd furthcr
ln an attcmpt to invcstigatc thc modc of inheri―
tancc of thc 77 kDa band, Pl and P2 Strains 、vcrc
rcciprocally matcd to producc thc hybrid gcncra―
tions Fll(Pl malcs× P2たmalCs)and F12(Pl
6.5_ ││││││││││││ fcmalcs× P2malCS): 10%SDS― PAGE was pcr―
formcd On sarnplcs cxtractcd from 20 malcs and 20
fcmalcs at 20 hours aftcr cmcrgcncc All samplcs
cxhibitcd thc t、 v0 77 kDa sub― bands of about thc
samc dcnsity, that is, thc Fl sho、 vcd thc samc
Fig.1. Protcin band pattcrns obtaincd frolal thc youngcst
protcin pattcrn as P2(Fig 5 shOws a part Of the
malc■ ics of D 171′ /r7″ Ogα ,′ ′r soon aftcr cmcrgcncc,cxam―
incd by 15° 。SDS― PA(]E Protcin samplcs 針oln thrcc data) ThiS is consistcnt 、
vith control of thc trait
individuals wcrc poolcd S=short lifё span strain L= (that thC thick,lowcr band rcmains)by an autOso―
long lifc span strain mal dolllinant allclc
To cxanlinc this proposition, thc protcin bands
wcrc also cxanlincd in thc BI(backcross to Pl)
not appcar di∬ crcnt bct、 vccn thc strains Thc Only gcncrations Fig 6 sho、 vs a part of thc clcc_
intcr― strain
dimcrcncc which cOuld bc rclatcd to trophorcsis data of singlc■ y protcins scparatcd by
digcrcnccs in lifc span Of thc gcnotypically di「 10%SDS― PAGE on 96 indi dual samplcs(malCS
fcrcnt strains vas
thc density of band a on day
、 and fcmalcs)takcn 20 hours aftcr cmcrgcncc Thc
O, obscrvcd in thc protcins cxanlincd by 15シ 6 long― livcd(L)andthe shOrt_livcd(S)nies scgrcgatc
PAGE l:l in thc Bl gcncrations Among thc pattcrns in
Fig 3 shows a part of gcl pattcrns、 vhich dcmon― Fig 6, thosc with a singlc band, or with a thin
stratc thc changcs of thc 77 kDa band(band a)by lo、 vcr band, 、
vcrc assigncd S, thc same typc as Pl,
s′ 77`′ 992)

∽口 一”︼一∽ o ′口 0〓 一 口 oo ′一〇0 口 “Q ∽ 0﹂〓 ● 一 oO口o■OL石O o〓 一 一oOd O﹄ o 一 ● o o工一 ∽● ′ ^口 一

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¨口慟 ﹄oEo ﹄oこ、 ∽﹄●。エ
為を″ ′
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246 1 YONEMURA ET AL ル″″
α∫″7r′ 992)

Hours aftcr emcrging




Standard 24 48 12

攣 t― ■1蝙 ■│― │‐ ― ―― ヤ ││││■ r`│■ ■11■ ド●摯゛│14弯 や寧弯■■ │,「




Fig.4. Protcin band pattcrns,sho、 ving changcs in thc 77 kDa protcin band in short― livcd(S)and 10ng― livcd(L)strains
of 0 711 in thc carly adult stagc,up to 48 hours(10%SDS― PAGE)
Thc same samplcs asin Fig 3、 vere analyzcd by 10 0。 SDS‐ PAGE Thc 77 kDa protcin band、 vas found to scparatc
intO twO sub‐ bands,uppcr and lo、 ver ln thc S strain,thc lo、 ver band、 vas thinner than thc uppcr fron■ 12 to 24 hours
aftcr cmcrgcncc and disappcarcd aftcr 36 hoursi whilc in thc L strain, both bands retaincd about thc samc density,
cvcn at 48 hours aftcr cmcrgcncc

and thosc 、
vith thc thick doublc bands wcrc as― outi thc thcOry of progralllincd aging,postulating
signcd L,thc samc typc as P2 and Fl Thc scgrcga― that gcncs control aging according to a prcdcter―
tion ratio, accOrding to this classiflcation, was lllincd progranl:and thc lllutation thcory,clailning
48:48 that cclls arc dcstroycd whcn thc accumulation of
From thc abovc data, thc pcriOd of disap― gcnc itturiCS rcachcs a thrcshold(aS rcvicwcd by
pcarcncc of the 77 kDa protcin lowcr band dc― HAYFLICK 1985)Thc prOgram thcOry propOscs
tcctcd by 10シ 6 SDS― PAC」 E in D 777 WaS rCgardcd that abnormal prOtcins arc produccd by scnility
as a quantitativc gcnetic trait, cOntrollcd by a gcncs, and thc mutatiOn thcory assumcs that in―
singlc mttor autOsomal gcnc,thc 10ng‐ lasting trait jurcd gcncs causc changcs in anlino acids and the
bcing dOnlinant to thc carly― disappcaring Thcsc clcctric chargc of protcins Both Of thcsc thcOrics
charactcristics corrcspond to thc c∬ cct of J772И ,
prcdict that somc protein changcs(prOgrammed or
autosoma1 longcvity gcncs cOntroling lifc spans.It nOt)ヽ Vil1 0ccur during thc latcr period of lifc
is prOposcd that thc 10、 vcr band of thc 77 kDa Thcsc hypothcscs havc promptcd many expcri‐
protcin is a gcnc product Of J777И mcnts to comparc protcins from individuals Of
di∬ crcnt agcs in various animals VAUGHAN and
CALVIN(1977)uscd Onc_dilalcnsional clcctrophorc―
E)iscuss10n sis to comparc band pattcrns and conccntrations Of
brain prOtcins frOnl lllicc of di∬ crcnt agcs Thcy
´ilanong thc many thcorics and mcchanisms to ex― obscrved striking prOtcin changes during fctal and
plain thc aging proccss, tWO main thcorics stand iuVCnile stagcs,but found no changcs bctwcen thc
″ α,′ ′
ιИ 247

Fl l F12
0 ? ?

‐鱚 瘍
,警 容ヾ,摯 零 fF,││● :■ 1写





Fig. 5, Protcin band patterns, showing thc 77 kDa bands(indiCatcd)in thC tWO Fl gcncrations
(rCCiprOcal hybrids of S and L purcbrcd strains of D 771)at 20 hours aftcr emergcnce(10%
F !=Pl malcs× P2 たmalCs F12=Pl たmales× P2 malcs All individuals, irrcspective of scx,
rcvcalcd uppcr and lo、 vcr 77 kDa bands ofthc samc dcnsity,rcprcscnting thc P2 phcnOtypc,L strain
Conscqucntly,this trait,、 vith thc lowcr 77 kDa band rcmaining until thc latc stage oflifc,is dolllinant
and is controled by thc autosomal J771 gcnC

young(17-36 wccks of agc)and thC agcd(127- Bascd on thcsc rcsults,thc above rcscarchcrs arc
134 wccks)WILSON et al(1978)comparcd the agrccd in thcir dissatisfaction 、 vith thc program
ncrvc tissuc of young (2-14 months)and 01d thcory, which assumcs scnility gcncs activatcd in
(21-24 months)ratS by two― dimcnsional clcc‐ thc latcr stagcs Of life,and also against thc somatic
trophorcsis of protcins labclcd with 14c_lccuinc, mutation thcory, which assumcs that mutations
and rcportcd that no diffcrcnccs 、 vCrC Sho、 vn in vith agc Thcy cmphasizc
accumulate in protcins 、
protcin pattcrns or protcin amounts, and no no‐ thc nccd fOr a quitc dimcrcnt thcory on thc mccha‐
ticcablc protcin synthcsis was dctcctcd in thc old nism of scnility
PARKER ct al(1981)comparcd protcins f10m thc Unlikc thc abOvc studics, cxpcrilllcntal rcsults
young(6 days post cclosion)and the。 ld(60 days) indicating signincant changc of a protcin during
D792 by t、 /o― dilllcnsional clcctrophorcsis, aftcr lit,causing scnllity,wcrc repOrted by FLEMING Ct
fccding thcm 、
vith 35s_llacthionine, and failcd to al(1986)Thcy labclcd D 777 With 35s_mCthioninc
nnd any Signincant dimcrcnces and comparcd protcins of flies from days 10, 28,
7`′ 992)










Fig.6.Protcin band pattcrns obtaincd from a D 772 tcst cross progcny(10%SDS― PAGE)
Thc rcsults sho、 vcd thc thick,lo、 vcr 77 kDa band to scgregatc as a donlinant trait
Fll(Pi malcs× P2fCmalcs)malCS WCrc backcrosscd tO Pl fcmalcs to producc thc Bl
gcneration 20 hours aftcr cmcrgcncc, 96 individuals wcrc analyzcd fOr 77 kDa protcin
bands by 10° 。SDS― PAGE Thosc 、 vhO gave double bands Of thc same dcnsity 、 vcrc
groupcd L,thc long livcd as parcnt P2:thOSc whO had a singlc uppcr band or a doublc band
with thinncr 10、 ver band wcrc grouped S,thc shOrt_livcd as parcnt PI Thc distributiOns of
L and S individuals in Bl gencration、 vcrc 48:48, agreeing with thc cxpectatiOn
″crg671′ α
s′ ′
ιИ 249

and 44, using two― dilncnsional clcctrophorcsis This protcin is found in abundancc in adults
Thcy found scvcn small polypcptidc spots on thc soon aftcr cmcrgcncc,and allnost disappcars aftcr
protcin gcl pattcrn fronl thc day 28 samplc,、 vhich a fcw days Thc ratc of dccrcasc of this prOtcin is
wcrc abscnt in gcls fronl thc othcr days Thcy also slo、 vcr in thc long‐ livcd strain than in thc short―
quantitatcd 100 polypcptidc spots and observed livcd. This charactcr is shown by thc prcscnt
scvcral changcs according to agc, and suggestcd study to follow Mendelian inheritancc, thc slo、 v
thc possibility that such changcs could bc thc causc ratc of disappcarancc bcing dominant There is a
of sencsccncc difFerence in life span in Fl malcs Thc F12 1nalCS
Thc abovc cxpCrimcnt of FLEMING Ct al(1986), (Pl females× P2malCS)uscd in thc prcscnt study
howcvcr, did not comparc multiplc strains 、vith havc an intcrmcdiatc lifc span sincc thcy lack thc
difFcrcnt lifc spans,and could not dcmonstratc that J“ χ2allclc(gcnOtypc И FИ 2χ ′ ), whCrcas Fl_1
stlch protcin changcs csscntially contributc to scnil‐ malcs havc thc ИfИ Ⅸ 2gcnotypc(YoNEMURA ct
ity ln contrast, our prcscnt study comparcs t、 vo al.1989, 1990).HoWCVCr, no rcmarkablc difFer―
strains with difFercnt lifc spans, and 、vc can con― cnce was observed among thc Fl progcnics in thc
cludc that thc 77 kDa protcin(Fig l and 2)may inheritancc of thc 77 kDa protcin changcs Thcrc―
bc a causc of intcr― strain di∬ erence of lifc span, forc,if this protcin is a product of J773 genes,it is
although bands b or c in Fig 2 cannot,sincc thcy not thc product of thc X‐ chromosomal Jη 2 gcncs,
show only changcs duc to tilne but not to intcr― but of thc autosomal J727 gcnCS(ノ И′ and J47
strain dimcrcnccs И “ morc abun‐
И2 allclc producing thc
O,thC J771
On thc other hand,rcccnt cxpcrilncntal data on dant protein Our prclinlinary data sho、 v that this
D771 prOVidc cvidcncc for ncw conccpts in mccha‐ protcin appcars in thc latc larval pcriod and dc‐
nisms of gcnctic control of longcvity crcascs rapidly in thc latc pcriod of thc pupal
Wc havc suggcstcd that lifc span of D ηz is stagc This pcriod agrccs 、vith thc prcsumcd timc
controllcd by a fcw mttOr gcncs(YoNEMURA Ct al 、
vhcn di∬ crcntiation of longcvity potcntial occurs
1986)LucKINBILL Ct al(1988)havc rCportcd that (YoNEMURA ct al 1991)Detailcd data on thc
mttOr gcnes controlling lifc span of D″ arc lo‐ cmcct of this protcin on adult life span, on thc
catcd on chromOsomes l and 3 changcs of this protcin in thc coursc of individual
Wc furthcr analyzed in detail the mode ofinher― dcvclopmcnt, and on its chcmical characteristics,
itancc of lifc span in D 777 and discovered an 、vill bc publishcd clscv′ hcrc Thosc studics also
autosomal and a scx chromosomal mttOr gene suggest that this protcin not only prolongs thc lifc
controlling lifc span of D 721,acting in a Mcndclian of the short― livcd strain but also that of thc long‐
way, and nominatcd thcm J/77 gcncs Wc havc livcd, if givcn in food as a supplcmcnt, whilc thc
dcnncd thc modal day ofthc mortality pcak as thc
othcr protcins dcvoid of thc 77 kDa protcin show
phcnotypic valuc of J47 gcncs(YoNEMURA Ct al
no cttcct on thc strains
1989)Thc dircct causc of dcath for cach individual D′ οsρ ρカノ″ larval serum protcin-1(LSP‐ 1)iS an
may bc classincd into diffcrcnt discascs, cg, can― interesting protein for us in relation to thc 77 kDa
ccr,disordcr of hcart and othcr organs,or suffoca‐ protcin Thcse two have some similaritics in thc
tion by food, ctc, but any of thcm could bc pcriod of appcarancc, thc molecular weight, or
attributcd to thc rcsult of scnility Wc rcgardcd thc localization Of their genes LSP-l is a polypcptidc
dcad on thc modal days in our cxpcrilncnts as of 78-83 kDa which is found in hacmolymph of
scnilc dcaths(YoNEMURA Ct a1 1989,1990)Our thc third instar larvac in largc quantity during a
cxpcrilncntal work dcmonstratcd that 3憔 gcncs short pcriod bcforc pupation lt consists of thrcc
also inttucncc thc prcilnaginal dcvclopmcntal spccd polypcptidc chains,α
,β ,and ν;it forms a hcxamcち
in thc stagc from latc larva to cmcrgcncc,and that it contains no lipids or carbohydratcs(RoBERTS
thc gcnotypic valuc,or longcvity potcntial,is dctcr‐ and EvANS― RoBERTS 1979; SMITH ct al 1981)
mincd alrcady at thc cmcrgcncc stagc(YoNEMURA Localization of its structural gcncs coding α
,β ,and
ct al 1991) νpolypeptides is shown to be on chromosomcs l,2
Considcring thc pcriod of dittcrcntiation of and 3, respectively, by standard genctical tcch―
longcvity potcntial innucnccd by J7,2 gcncs,it sccms niqucs and in situ hybridization (RoBERTS and
likcly that Jη 2 gcncs、 vould lcavc somc tracc of thcir EvANS‐ RoBERTS 1979; SMITH ct al 1981)Thc
function in thc youngcst adults soon aftcr emcr― function of this protein is not kno、 vn at all A
gcncc Thc prcscnt study has idcntincd a 77 kDa possibility is prcscntcd that it scrvcs as anlino acids
protcin as a candidatc for a J777 gcnC product storagc br cuticlc synthcsis(SMITH Ct al 1981)
250 1 YONEMURA ET AL ル rピ ´″ド ″ 7`′ 9物

Ho、 vcvcr, thc matcrial for the cuticlc should bc PARKER,J,FLANAGAN,J,MURPHY,J and CALLANT,J 1981
produccd mainly in thc pupal stagc whcn cuticlc 0n thc accuracy of protcin synthcsis in D″ α″ο―
οsο ′力〃α 792′ ′
″―-1イ ac力
gα s′ ′ Иgθ υ 761127-139
formation is most activc "gD′ RoBERTS,S 1979 The genctic and
Although littlc attcntion has bccn paid to thc cytogenetic localizatiOn Of thc three structural gcncs cOding for
thC m● Or prOtan of D″ 。
soρ カカ hrval scrum― G´ ″′
:cs 93:
carly pcriod of lifc― tilllc in prcvious studics on 663-679
scncsccncc, thc rcsults Of thc prcscnt cxpcrilllcnts SMITH,D F,McCLELLAND,A,ヽ VHITE,B N,ADDISON,C F
indicatc that invcstigation of changcs in thc carlicst and GLOVER,D ヽ( 1981 The molecular cloning of a dis―
pcrscd sct of dcvclopmentally rcgulatcd gcncs、 vhich cncOde the
adult stagc is likcly to omcr impOrtant indings in malor larval scrum protcin of D ′′ gα s`′ r― ―Cθ 〃 2子
thc study of incchanisms of senesccncc 441-449 “
VAUGHAN,` V J and CALVIN,M 1977 Elcctrophorctic analysis
of brain protcins「 lom young adult and agcd lanice― ― Gε ″

og), 23: 110‐ 126

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― G″ ″
ο ο/Dgy
72′ 2′ :426-433
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