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Invitation for to meet the Olympians!

We invite you to meet the GB Olympic Rowing Team at Leander Club in Henley-on-Thames on Saturday the 12th of October!
Mark Hunter (Olympic Gold Medallist Beijing 2008, Olympic Silver Medallist London 2012 and two times World Champion) will speak about his to journey to Olympic Gold. He will be joined by the London 2012 Olympic Oarsmen and women who will reflect on their Olympic successes! David Drake (Consultant in Cleft Surgery and OMFS at Morriston Hospital)will also be speaking about charity cleft work he does overseas with the Northern Cleft Foundation.

Leander Club, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 2LP The meeting starts with lunch at 1pm followed by talks from the Olympians and David Drake at 2pm. Mark Hunter Lunch costs 50 for an adult and 25 for a child and this includes a donation to David Drakes cleft charity. Please bring your family and children they will find it inspiring! Please email me ( to book your place. Thanks for reading this poster I hope to see you at Leander! Serryth Colbert ( Cleft Fellow for South Wales and the South West David Drake

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