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Country A and B are competing to claim Island Z because both countries are adjacent to the aforementioned island.

Island Z is a potential source of natural gas. Due this, the two countries are in conflict with each other. The population of Country D is in a war with Country E because Country D does not allow Country E to separate and exist in a certain strip of land found along the boundaries of the country. A certain Indigenous Group F feel neglected and discriminated because the Dominant Ethno Linguistic Group in Country G think that Indigenous Group F are behind the terrorist attacks in Country G. The people in Country H launched a coup d etat against the President J because he and his allies were proven to have used government funds for personal use. Most of the people in Country I are impoverished because less job opportunities are

provided by the government to the people. Prime Minister L became very controversial because he did not declare his assets, liabilities and net worth in his SALN (Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Net worth). Due this, Prime Minister L is placed under an impeachment trial. Two countries, Country M and N are competing against a Strip of Land O in between them. People are up until now, at war due this. State P is divided into the 28.5o parallel as an effect of the armistice (cease fire). In the present, the people of State P are still in war and are not amenable to unification. The high ranking officials in the Armed Forces of Country Q launched a mass resignation because of the unresolved corruption in the budget allocation of the uniforms of the soldiers.

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