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Konsep Pemasaran dan Perilaku Konsumen

Anggriawan Sugianto
EKMA 4111 Pengantar Bisnis

1. Konsep Dasar Pemasaran 2. Marketing STP 3. Perilaku Konsumen


EKMA 4111

Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.
Albert Szent-Gryorgyi

EKMA4111 Pengantar Bisnis

Konsep Dasar Pemasaran

Konsep Pemasaran
Pemasaran Proses dari perencanaan dan pelaksanaan konsep yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya, penentuan harga, promosi dan distribusi ide, barang dan jasa untuk menciptakan pertukaran yang dapat memuaskan tujuan individu dan organisasi.

Marketing The activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.


EKMA 4111

Analisis Pasar
Consumer behaviour Competition Brand competition (local + international) Substitute product Macro-environmental factors Political Economic Social Technological


EKMA 4111

Riset Pemasaran
Tahapan riset pemasaran: 1. Analisis situasi 2. Pemilihan metode riset Observasi Survey Focus group Eksperimen

3. Pengumpulan data 4. Analisis data 5. Laporan Riset

2013.10.06 EKMA 4111 7

Marketing Mix


EKMA 4111

Being the best is great, you're the number one. Being unique is greater, you're the only one.
2013.10.06 EKMA 4111 9

EKMA4111 Pengantar Bisnis

Marketing STP

Segmentasi pasar Proses pemilahan pasar menjadi sekumpulan konsumen yang memiliki kebutuhan dan keinginan yang sama Variabel penting dalam segmentasi: 1. Geografis lokasi 2. Demografis usia, jenis kelamin, penghasilan, pekerjaan 3. Psikografis gaya hidup, nilai 4. Kegunaan produk aktivitas


EKMA 4111


Target pasar Menentukan segmen pasar mana yang jadi sasaran pemasaran produk/jasa Strategi penentuan target pasar: 1. Single-segment (Spesialisasi pasar) 2. Multi-segment (Spesialisasi selektif) 3. All-segment (Spesialisasi produk) 4. Full market coverage


EKMA 4111


Penentuan posisi Bagaimana perusahaan menanamkan citra produk di benak konsumen Positioning strategy: Product positioning
attribute, brand

Price positioning
high price, low price with quality

Competitive positioning
market leader (#1), category leader


EKMA 4111


Customers can't always tell you what they want, but they can always tell you what's wrong.
2013.10.06 EKMA 4111 14

EKMA4111 Pengantar Bisnis

Perilaku Konsumen

Consumer Behaviour


EKMA 4111


Buying Decision Process

Problem/Need Recognition
Internal stimuli External stimuli

Post-purchase Decision

Information Search

Rational motive Emotional motive

Purchase Decision

Evaluation of Alternatives

Attitude Involvement level


EKMA 4111


Pasar Organisasi
Pasar Organisasi (B2B) Pasar industri Pasar penjual (Reseller) Pemerintah / Institusi non-profit
Problem/Need Recognition

B2B vs B2C Permintaan derivatif Permintaan tidak elastis

Post-purchase Decision + Evaluasi vendor

+ Spesifikasi produk/jasa

Information Search

Purchase Decision

Evaluation of Alternatives + Kualifikasi vendor


EKMA 4111


End of Module 6

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