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Stephanurus dentatus Metastrongylus spp. Muellerius capillaris Ascaris suum Toxocara vitulorum

Intermediat e host


snails and slugs

Predilection site in intermediat e host Final host Predilection site in final host

body cavity

body cavity

pig, rarely cattle kidney, peri-renal fat

pig lung or pulmonary blood vessels

sheep lung

pig, cattle, man small intestine

cattle, rarely sheep small intestine

Presence of bursate Other remarks

Yes transport host: earthworm, 3 modes infection, ingestion L3, ingestion earthworm with L3, percutaneous penetration, L4 go to liver in blood, from intestine via portal vein, from skin, final moult, pierce capsule, migrate to peritoneal cavity, form cyst, cyst communicate with renal pelvis lumen or ureter or by fine connecting canal, encapsulation in lung, spleen, spinal cord, kidney, cirrhosis, thickened ureter, poor growth, nodules in skin

Yes , L3 release by digestion, to heart via mesenteric lymph nodes, to lungs via lymphatic-vascular route, L4 develop in lung, egg cough up respiratory tract, catarrhal bronchiolitis, bronchitis, pneumonia

Yes , route in final host same as , heavy infection cause secondary infection

No large roundworm, thick shell egg, disinfectant cant kill eggs, egg hatch in small intestine, L3 penetrate intestinal mucosa, to liver, to lungs via blood, to small intestine via bronchi, trachea, pharynx, L4 inhabit in small intestine, emphysema, milk spot liver, intestinal obstruction, obstruction jaundice, poor growth; man: contact dermatitis, asthma, abdominal pain, intestinal obstruction, vomiting, gut perforation, appendicitis

No ingestion of L3 with subsequent tracheal migration, break out of alveoli, to bronchioles, bronchi, trachea, pharynx, small intestine, catarrhal enteritis, intestinal obstruction, gut perforation, peritonitis, cholangitis

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