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Fatigue - Project

Project The shaft of a gear, shown in Figure 1(a), is made of steel having the ultimate tensile strength Su = 1000 MPa and the yield strength Sy = 800 MPa. The magnitude of the gear forces are |Fx | = 250 N, |Fy | = 1000 N, and |Fz | = |Fy | tan 20 . The direction of the forces are shown in Figure 1(a). The diameter of the shaft is d = 16 mm. The shaft has a llet with r = 4 mm and is supported by a bearing with the bore D = 18 mm. The pitch radius of the gear is R = 0.125 m and the length l is 0.05 m. The llet of the shaft has a mirror-polished surface. Estimate the safety factor with respect to fatigue failure at the llet. Solution. The free-body diagram of the shaft and the gear is shown in Figure 1(b). The origin of the reference frame is at the center, O, of the gear and the orientations of the axis x, y , and z are represented in the gure. The gear force at the point P is F = Fx + Fy + Fz k = 250 + 1000 1000 tan 20 k At the point A, the center of the llet there is a force, R given by R = F = Rx + Ry + Rz k = 250 1000 + 363.97 k N. The axial force at A is P = Rx = 250 N. The position vectors of the points A and P are rA = xA + yA + zA k = l and rP = xP + yP + zP k = R k. The moment of the force F with respect to the point A is k k = rAP F = xP xA yP yA zP zA = l 0 R = Fx Fy Fz Fx Fy F z R Fy + (R Fx + l Fz ) l Fy k = 125 49.4485 50 k N m. MF A The torque at A is
F T = |MAx | = 125 N m,


and the total bending moment is M=

F MAy 2 F + (MAz ) = 2

49.44852 + 502 = 70.3218 N m,

Fatigue - Project

From Figure 2 with r/d = 0.25 and D/d = 1.25 the geometric concentration factors for torsion, axial, and bending loads are about ktt = 1.12, kta = 1.3, and ktb = 1.3. The stress components at the llet are 16 T 16 (125) ktt = 1.12 = 1.74076 108 Pa = 174.076 MPa, 3 3 d (0.016) 32 (70.3218) 32 M ktb = 1.3 = 2.27339 108 Pa = 227.339 MPa, b = 3 3 d (0.016) 4P 4 (250) a = kta = 1.3 = 1.61642 106 Pa = 1.61642 MPa. 2 2 d (0.016) = For steady-state operating conditions the torsional and axial stresses are considered constant and the bending stress is considered completely reversed. The equivalent mean bending stress em is em = or em = a a + 2 + 2 2

m + 2

2 + m

m 2


1.61642 1.61642 + 174.0762 + 2 2

= 174.886 MPa.

The equivalent alternating bending stress ea is ea = or ea = where a =

2 + R2 Ry z 2 2 = b + 3 a 2 + 3 2. a a


227.3392 + 3 (5.29279)2 = 227.524 MPa,

d2 /4

= 5.29279 MPa.

The constant life fatigue diagram for bending loads is constructed in Figure 3. The endurance limit of the test specimen, for Su = 1100 MPa<1400 MPa, is Se = 0.5 Su = 0.5 (1000) = 500 MPa.

Fatigue - Project

The surface factor is kS = 1 for mirror-polished. The gradient (size) factor is kG = 0.9 for 10 mm < d = 16 mm < 50 mm. The load factor for bending load is kL = 1. The endurance limit is Se = kS kG kL Se = 1 (0.9) (1) (500) = 450 MPa. The estimated Goodman line for innite-life (106 ) and for bending is shown in Figure 3. The equation of this line is: (I ) : ea = m em + Se = 0.45 em + 450, where m = (Se 0)/(0 Su) = 0.45. The operating point corresponding to the equivalent mean and altero o nating bending stresses (em , ea )=(174.886, 227.524) is represented on the diagram. o o A line is drawn through the origin and the operating point (em , ea ). The equation of this line is (II ) : ea = 227.524 em = 1.30098 em . 174.886

The intersection of this line with the Goodman line (II ) gives the failure point. For the failure point the equivalent mean bending stress is f = 256.998 MPa. em The safety factor is SF =
f em 256.998 = = 1.46952 em 174.886

Fatigue - Project

Problem The tangential, radial, and axial forces applied to a gear are given in Figure 4. The shaft of the gear is made of steel with Su = 1200 MPa and Sy = 950 MPa. The diameter of the shaft is d = 26 mm. The pitch diameter of the gear is D = 0.260 m and the length l is 0.06 m. The llet of the shaft has a ne ground surface. The geometric concentration factors for torsion, axial, and bending loads are about ktt = 1.5, kta = 1.8, and ktb = 2.0. Estimate the safety factor with respect to fatigue failure at the llet. Write a computer program for the calculations.

Fz Fy Fx D r



z k Fz Fy P


Mz My R y Rz Mx Rx A

O l

(b) Figure 1

3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 Kt 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0 0.1 r/d 2.6 2.4 2.2 Kt 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0 0.1 r/d 2.6 2.4 2.2 Kt 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0 0.1 r/d 0.2
nom =

r M D
nom =

d Mc = 32 M I d3



D/d = 6 3 1.5 1.1 1.03 1.01

r D
nom = A =

d P 4P


D/d = 2 1.5 1.2 1.05 1.01 0.2 r T D d Tc = 16 T J d3 T 0.3

D/d = 2 1.2 1.09 0.3

Figure 2


1200 1000 800 Sy

failure point

Se 400 f em


o em o ea

f ea


200 operating point



800 Sy

1000 Su

Figure 3

750 N 500 N 2000 N fillet


Figure 4


Apply[Clear,Names["Global`*"]]; Off[General::spell]; Off[General::spell1]; Su=1000; (* ultimate strength [MPa] *) Sy=800; (* yield strength [MPa] *) Print["ultimate strength Su = ",Su," MPa"]; Print["yield strength Sy = ",Sy," MPa"]; d=.016;Db=.018;r=.004; Fx=-250; Fy=1000; Fz=-1000 Tan[20 p/180.]; l=.05; R=.125; F={Fx,Fy,Fz}; rA={l,0,0}; rP={0,0,R}; RA=-F; MA=Cross[rP-rA,F]; Rx=RA[[1]]; Ry=RA[[2]]; Rz=RA[[3]]; Print["RA = ",RA," N"]; Mx=MA[[1]]; T=Abs[Mx]; Print["torque T = |Mx| = ",T," N m"]; My=MA[[2]]; Print[" My = ",My," N m"]; Mz=MA[[3]]; Print[" Mz = ",Mz," N m"]; M=Sqrt[My^2+Mz^2]; Print["total bending moment M = ",M," N m"]; P=Rx; Print["axial load P = ",P," N"]; Print["r/d = ",r/d]; Print["D/d = ",Db/d]; ktt=1.12; Print["concentration factor for torsion ktt = ",ktt]; kta=1.3; Print["concentration factor for axial kta = ",kta]; ktb=1.3; Print["concentration factor for bending ktb = ",ktb]; (*the stress components at the fillet are*) t=16 T/(p d^3) ktt; (*mega M =10^6*) Print["t = ",t," Pa" ]; t = t 10^-6; Print["t = ",t," MPa" ]; sb=32 M/(p d^3) ktb; Print["sb = ",sb," Pa" ]; sb = sb 10^-6; Print["sb = ",sb," MPa" ]; sax= P /(p d^2/4) kta; Print["sax = ",sax," Pa" ]; sax = sax 10^-6; Print["sax = ",sax," MPa" ]; (* mean stress *) sm=sax;

t = t 10^-6; Print["t = ",t," MPa" ];

Program sb=32 M/(p d^3) ktb;

Print["sb = ",sb," Pa" ]; sb = sb 10^-6; Print["sb = ",sb," MPa" ]; sax= P /(p d^2/4) kta; Print["sax = ",sax," Pa" ]; sax = sax 10^-6; Print["sax = ",sax," MPa" ]; (* mean stress *) sm=sax; sem= sm/2+Sqrt[t^2+(sm/2)^2]; Print["sem = ",sem," MPa" ]; (* alternating stress *) sa=sb; ta=Sqrt[Ry^2+Rz^2]/(p d^2/4) 10^-6; Print["ta = ",ta," MPa" ]; sea= Sqrt[sa^2 + 3 ta^2] ; Print["sea = ",sea," MPa" ]; "10^6 cycle strenght (endurance limits) Se=kL kG kL Se'" "endurance limit of test speciment Se'" "Se'=0.5 Su (for Su<1400 MPa); Se'=700 MPa (for Su>1400 MPa)" "bending, axial, torsion: Se'=0.5 Su " Sep=0.5 Su; Print[" Se'=",Sep]; "modifying factors for endurance limit" "surface factor kS" kS=1; Print["surface factor kS=",kS," for "size (gradient) factor kG" "bending and torsion: kG=1 (for d<10 mm); kG=0.9 (for <10<d<50 mm)" kG=0.9; Print["size factor kG=",kG]; "load factor kL" "bending and axial: kL=1; torsion: kc=0.58" kL=1; "endurance limit Se=kS kG kL Se'" Se=kS kG kL Sep; Print["Se = ",Se," MPa"]; m=(Se-0)/(0-Su); Print["m=",m]; y = m x+Se; Print["equation of Goodman line for N=10^6 (bending) is"] Print["(I): sea = m sem + Se"] y1 = sea/sem x; Print["(II): sea = ",sea/sem,"sem"]; y2 = - x +Sy; scomp=Solve[y1==y,x]; smmax=x/.scomp[[1]]; samax=m smmax +Se; Print["sm_max = " ,smmax, " MPa"]; SF=smmax/sem; Print["SF = sm_max/sem = " ,SF]; graph=Plot[{y,y1,y2},{x,0,Su},AxesLabel{"sm","sa"}, GridLines{{sem,smmax},{sea,s amax}}];

mirror-polished surface"];

y2 = - x +Sy; scomp=Solve[y1==y,x];

smmax=x/.scomp[[1]]; samax=m smmax +Se; Print["sm_max = " ,smmax, " MPa"]; SF=smmax/sem; Print["SF = sm_max/sem = " ,SF]; graph=Plot[{y,y1,y2},{x,0,Su},AxesLabel{"sm","sa"}, GridLines{{sem,smmax},{sea,s amax}}];

ultimate strength Su = 1000 MPa yield strength Sy = 800 MPa RA = 8250, - 1000, 363.97< N torque T = Mx = 125. N m My = - 49.4485 N m Mz = - 50. N m total bending moment M = 70.3218 N m axial load P = 250 N rd = 0.25 Dd = 1.125 concentration factor for torsion ktt = 1.12 concentration factor for axial kta = 1.3 concentration factor for bending ktb = 1.3 t = 1.74076 108 Pa t = 174.076 MPa sb = 2.27339 108 Pa sb = 227.339 MPa sax = 1.61642 106 Pa sax = 1.61642 MPa sem = 174.886 MPa ta = 5.29279 MPa sea = 227.524 MPa

10^6 cycle strenght Hendurance limitsL Se=kL kG kL Se' endurance limit of test speciment Se' Se'=0.5 Su Hfor Su<1400 MPaL; Se'=700 MPa Hfor Su>1400 MPaL bending, axial, torsion: Se'=0.5 Su


modifying factors for endurance limit surface factor kS

surface factor kS=1 for

size HgradientL factor kG bending and torsion:

size factor kG=0.9

mirror-polished surface

kG=1 Hfor d<10 mm L;

kG=0.9 Hfor <10<d<50 mmL

load factor kL bending and axial: kL=1; torsion: kc=0.58 endurance limit Se=kS kG kL Se'
Se = 450. MPa m=- 0.45 equation of Goodman line for N=10^6 HbendingL is HIL: sea = m sem + Se HIIL: sea = 1.30098sem sm_max = 256.998 MPa SF = sm_maxsem = 1.46952 sa 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 200 -200 400 600 800 1000 sm

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