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day 1 2009-06-22

Negative feedback system

• body temp going up to kill infection once the right temp is received

the temp will maintain or go down


• Hans Selye

○ Used rats

 The rats had the same reaction to the stressors

 He coined GAS

 Alarm stage

• Fright, Fight or Flight

○ Chemical

 Stage of Resistance (Adaption)

• Are you going to do something about this

• Hormones (Fright or Flight)

 Stage of Exhaustion

• When body cannot cope and cannot get

back to homeostasis
• Where bad things can happen (disease,


 Psychoneuroimmuology

 Looking at how all the systems are connected

 Much research

• What have we found out?

○ How the body responds to stress

 Look to diagram

 Stressor

• CNS activated and sends message to


• Can also send a message to SNS

• Hypothalamus sends message to

○ SNS, Anterior Pituitary and Posterior


• Sympathetic Nervous System

○ Norepinephrine

 Increase BP

 Increase Pupil dilation

 Increase gastric secreation

 Etc

Other Hormones

• Endorphins

○ Natural opiates

○ Can be released in pleasure (exercise)

○ Can be felt during overwhelming pain (coping)

• Growth Hormones

○ Released from anterior pituitary

○ Carbohydrate metabolism

○ Good when Under surgery and During exercise

○ Can cause a problem with chronic stress

 Will not develop properly

• Prolactin

○ Breast milk (lactation and breast development)

○ Ante-pituitary

○ Adaptive response (when pregnant and need to prepare body

to feed baby)

• Oxytocin (childbirth)

○ Both men and women during orgasm

○ Also during stress like childbirth

○ Increase bonding with child (social attachment)

• Sex-steroids

○ Testosterone

 Chronic stress decrease in testosterone

 Veterans get shots of Testosterone

• Unintentional and intentional injuries

Genes – cells the code for specific traits

• Locusts

Mutations – What happens when our DNA goes wrong

• Base pair substitutions – A-C and T-G

○ At some site along the chromosome instead of T-G it is A-C

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