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Classroom Management

Meeting the Goal

Students have the opportunity to receive positive reinforcement throughout the school year. The positive behavior will be rewarded by students moving a clothespin up on a pole divided into several colors. Each time a student moves their clothespin up, they will place their name on a Caught being good slip for a drawing at the end of each week. Several students names will be pulled each week for a tangible or non-tangible reward.

Positive ways to move up on the pole:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Going above and beyond classroom expectations Helping another student Going out of their way to help the teacher Returning important papers Staying on task

Reminders will be used as a consequence in the class. Students may receive reminders for consistently forgetting to complete or return homework, interrupting class, or being off task. The first offense will be a warning, the second offense the student will walk 5 minutes of recess. If a student receives 3 or more reminders in a day the student will walk 10 minutes of recess and complete a behavior form listing the classroom rule they broke and the more appropriate choice that should have been made. This sheet will be sent home to be signed by a parent/guardian. **Keep in mind students who receive reminders, still have the opportunity to move their clothespin back up throughout the day!

Parent Communication
Each day a color will be marked in the agenda to let you know how their day went. Please look this over and sign it daily. If it is a serious offense, a phone call will be made. All students will start over the next day with a fresh start! The following is the color key and a copy will be stapled to your childs agenda for reference:

Behavior Color Key

Clothespin pops off = Outstanding day! Pulls from treasure chest and fills out slip All students start on green EACH day and may go up or down depending on their behavior = Great Day! = Good Day! = Ready to Learn = = 1st Warning = 2nd Warning and walking 5 minutes at recess = Loss of 10 minutes of recess and parent contact

Please keep track of your childs reading minutes on the reading calendar. These minutes will be used to help your student receive awards as well as help Starside reach our school-wide reading minutes goal. These reading calendars will be sent home the first of each month and returned at the end of each month. I will have the students write reminders in their agendas of each months upcoming due date. We want to express the importance of having your child read at home. We have requested that each student read a minimum of 20 minutes per night. This will help to improve your childs reading fluency which will, in turn, improve their instructional reading level. Please take the time to total the reading minutes and sign your childs log before sending to school.

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