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‫‪Tariq Ibn Ziyad: The Opening of Al-Andalusia‬‬


‫الحمد ل رب العالمين والصلة والسلم التمان الكملن على سيدنا‬

‫‪.‬محمد وعلى ءاله وأصحابه أجمعين‬
‫﴿‬ ‫أمّا بَعدُ‪ ،‬يقول ال تبارك وتعالى‬

‫﴾ الحزاب‪٢٣ /‬‬ ‫‪.‬‬

‫‪.‬ومن هؤلء البطال الفذاد الصادقين الموفين بعهودهم طارق بن زياد‬

‫من هو طارق بن زياد؟‬
‫ُولِدَ طارق بن زياد في سنة ‪ 50‬للهجرة‪ ،‬قال بعضهم أنه عربي لكن‬
‫الرجح أنه كان من البربر‪ .‬أسلم على يد مُوسى بن نُصَير وهو أبو عبد‬
‫الرحمن بن نُصَير اللّخمي صاحب فتح الندلس‪ ،‬كان من التابعين رضي‬
‫ال عنهم وكان عاقلً كريمًا شجاعًا ورعًا تقيًا ل تعالى‪ ،‬لم يهزم له جيشٌ‬
‫كان طارق بن زياد من أشد رجاله وأشجعهم‪ .‬ولما فتح موسى طنجة ولّه‬
‫عليها‪ .‬في سنة ‪ 92‬للهجرة جهّز موسى إثني عشر ألف مقاتل وولى طارقًا‬
‫قيادتهم‪ ،‬فاقتحم بلد الندلس فاتحًا غانمًا‪ .‬توفي طارق بن زياد سنة ‪102‬‬
‫‪Praise be to Allah and may Allah increase the honor and raise‬‬
‫‪the rank of our Master Muhammad sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam.‬‬
‫‪Thereafter, Allah said in the Qur’an:‬‬

Verse 23 of Surat-ul-Ahzab means: “There are men among the

believers, who were honest in the oath they made to Allah, some
have died and some are still waiting to follow the same path,
and they never changed their oath.”
Among those truthful unique heroes who fulfilled their oaths
was Tariq Ibn Ziyad.
He was born in 50 AH, it was said that he was an Arab but most
likely he was a Berber. He embraced Islam by the call of Musa
Ibn Nusayr who was from the Tabi^in (followers of the
Musa Ibn Nusayr was a generous, brave, and pious individual,
who had never lost a battle. Tariq Ibn Ziyad was the strongest
and the bravest man in Musa’s army. When Musa opened
Tanjah, he put Tariq in charge of it. In the year 92 Musa
mobilized an army of 12,000 under the command of Tariq, who
thrust into Andalusia and opened it victoriously.
Tariq Ibn Ziyad died in the year 102.

‫لمحة عامة عن تاريخ الندلس‬:

‫طنَ تلك الديار قبل الفتح السلمي‬َ ‫لم يُع َرفُ على وَجهِ التحديدِ من َق‬
‫وإنما كانت هناك روايات وأخبار من قبيل الظنيات أوردها المؤرخونَ في‬
ّ‫ ِإن‬:‫مؤلفاتهم فقال الديب المؤرخ إبن النظّام والذي كان من أهل قرطبة‬
‫أول من سكن الندلس على قديم اليام فيما نقله الخباريون من بعد عهد‬
‫الطوفان قومٌ يعرفون "بالندلش" أو "الندليش" أو "الندالش" وبهم‬
،‫ وهم الذين عمروها وتناسلوا فيها وتداولوا مُلكها دهرًا‬،‫سمي المكان‬
‫ فكان عدة ما عمرتها‬.‫وكانوا مفسدين في الرض ثم أخذهم ال بذنوبهم‬
‫هذه المة البائدة مائة عام وبضع عشرة سنة فيما يزعمون‬.
It was not known precisely who resided that area before
Muslims opened it; however, there were some tales and stories
about it.
Ibn an-Nadham, who was a historian and a linguist from
Cordoba “Qurtubah”, mentioned that: The first people who
resided Andalusia (al-Andalus) after the great flood were known
as “al-Andalush” or “al-Andalysh”, or “al-Andalish” and it was
named after them. They were the ones who built it, ruled it and
had off-springs in it, Allah destroyed them for their corruption.
It was said that they lived there for over one hundred years.
‫ فنزلوا الندلس‬،‫ثمّ بعث ال لعمارتها الفارقة وهم قو ٌم أجلهم ملك أفريقيا‬
‫وتوالدوا فيها ونصبوا من أنفسهم ملوكًا عليهم وكانوا على ديانة من‬
‫قبلهم في الجاهلية واستمر ملكهم مائة وسبعة وخمسين عامًا إِلى أن‬
‫ ثُمّ صَار مُلك الندلس إِلى عجم روما وملكهم "إشبان‬،‫أهلكهم ال تعالى‬
‫ ثم‬.‫بن طيطش" وبإسمه سميت الندلس إِشبانيا وهو الذي بنى إِشبيلية‬
‫دخل على هؤلء الشبانيين أمةٌ يُدعونَ "البشتولقات" وملكهم "طلوبش‬
‫بن بيطة" واستولوا على مملكة الندلس قبل أن تدخل عليهم أمة‬
‫"القوط" الذين تغلبوا على "البشتولقات" وتفردوا بسلطانهم واتخذوا‬
‫ من طليطلة دار مملكتهم‬.
‫وعلى هذا مدار بحثنا لن الثابت َأنّ المسلمين دخلوا الندلس على دولة‬
‫هؤلء "القوط" الذين بلغ عدد ملوكهم ستة وثلثين ملكًا ءاخرهم‬
‫"لُذَريق" وكانت مدة أيام ملكهم بالندلس ثلثمائة واثنتين وأربعين سنة‬.
Allah sent after that the Africans to rebuild it, who were exiled
by the king of Africa, they had kings and off-springs there and
followed the religion of those who were before them in the era
of Ignorance (Jahiliyyah). Allah destroyed them after they ruled
that area for 157 years.
Then Ishban Ibn Taytish, the king of the non-Arabs in Rome
became the king of Andalusia. It was later named Ishbania after
him; he was the one who built Ishbiliya. Another nation called
“al-Bashtulqat” with their king “Talubish Ibn Baytah” seized the
Kingdom of Andalusia before another nation called “al-Qut”
entered it and defeated them. “Al-Qut” then ruled it and made
“Tulaytilah” as the capital of their kingdom.
And this is the point of our presentation here because, it is
confirmed Andalusia was ruled by “al-Qut” when the Muslims
opened it. The kings of “al-Qut” were 36; the last of whom was
“Ludhariq”, they ruled Andalusia for 342 years.

‫حُكِيَ أنَّهُ كان في طليطلة بيت مغلق عليه عدة أقفال وُ ّكلَ بِهِ قَو ٌم من‬
‫ فكلما قصد منهم‬،‫"القوط" لئل يفتح وقد عهد الول في ذلك إِلى الخر‬
‫ملك أتاه أولئك الموكلون بالبيت فأخذوا منه قفلً وصيّروهُ على ذلك الباب‬
‫من غير أن يزيلوا قفل من تقدمه؛ فلما قعد "لُذَريق" أتاه الحراس‬
‫ ول بد لي‬،‫ ل أفعل أو أعلم ما فيه‬:‫ فقال لهم‬،ِ‫يسألونه أن َي ْق ِفلَ على الباب‬
‫ وتناهوا‬،‫ إنه لم يفعل هذا أحدٌ ممن قبلك‬،‫ أيها الملك‬:‫ فقالوا له‬،‫من فتحه‬
ّ‫ ففض‬،‫ فلم يلتفت إِليهم ومشى إِلى البيت وظن أَنّهُ بيت مال‬،‫عن فتحه‬
‫ فأمر‬،‫ إِل تابوتًا عليه قفل‬،‫ فألفاه فارغًا ل شئ فيه‬،‫القفال عنه ودخل‬
‫ فألفاهُ أيضًا فارغًا إِل لوحة ُمدّرجة قد صورت فيها صور العرب‬،‫بفتحه‬
‫ رافعي الرايات على‬،‫ متقلّدي السيوف‬،‫عليهم العمائم وتحتهم الخيول‬
‫ "إِذا‬:‫ َفقُرِئَت فإذا فيها‬،‫ وفي أعلها أسطر مكتوبة بالعجميّة‬،‫الرماح‬
‫ظهَرَ ما فيهِ من هذه‬ َ ‫ت وَفُتِحَ هذا التابوتُ َف‬
ِ ‫سرَتِ القفالُ عن هذا البي‬
ِ ُ‫ك‬
‫ فتغلب‬،‫الصور فإنّ هذه المة المصوّرة في هذه اللوحة تدخل الندلس‬
‫ َف ُوجِ َم "لُذَريق" وَنَدِمَ على ما فعل‬."‫عليها وتملكها‬.
It was said that there was a house in “Tulaytilah” which had
many locks, some people of “al-Qut” were assigned to guard it
and to make sure that it will remain locked at all times. The
outgoing king would entrust this matter to the new one. Every
time a king visits that house, he would give the guards a new
lock without removing the lock which was placed by his
When “Ludhariq” took over, the guards came to him asking him
to add a new lock. He said: “I will not do that unless I see what
is inside it and I would definitely open it.” They said: “O king,
no one had ever done that before you.” They refused to open it;
he went to that house thinking that there was money inside and
removed the locks. He found nothing inside except a coffin, he
ordered it opened and found nothing except a painting.
That painting had the image of the Arabs, who were riding
horses, with turbans on their heads, girding on swords, and they
had spears with flags raised on them. On top of that painting
there was writing in a non-Arabic language it said:
“If the locks of this house were to be broken, and this coffin is
opened, and the pictures therein are to be seen; then the nation
whose image is in the painting will enter Andalusia and
overcome it.” “Ludhariq” was dejected and regretted removing
the locks.

‫فتح الندلس‬:
‫كَانَتْ عادةُ ُملُوكِ الندلُسِ أنهم يبعثون أولدهم الذكور والناث إلى‬
‫ ل يخدمه غيرهم وكانوا يتأدبون‬،ِ‫مدينة طليطلة ليكونوا في خدم ِة الملك‬
‫ فلما ولي‬،‫ فإذا بلغوا الحلم أنكح بعضهم بعضًا وتولى تجهيزهم‬،‫بذلك‬
"‫"لُذَريق" أرسل إِليه يوليان صاحب "الجزيرة الخضراء" و "سُبْتَه‬
‫ فكتبت إِلى أبيها‬،‫ فاستحسنها "ُلذَريق" وافتضّها‬،ُ‫ ابن ًة لَه‬،‫وغيرهما‬
‫فأغضَبَهُ ذلك فكتب إِلى موسى بن نُصَير وكان عامل الوليد بن عبد الملك‬
‫على أفريقيا فاستدعاه إليه فسار إليه فأدخله "يوليان" مدائنه وأخذ عليه‬
،‫العهود له ولصحابه بما يرضى به ثُمّ وصف له الندلس ودعاه إِليها‬
‫فكتب مُوسى بن نُصَير إِلى الخليفة الوليد ابن عبد الملك بما فتح ال عليه‬
‫ خضها بالسرايا ول تغرر‬:‫ فكتب إليه الوليد‬،"‫وما دعاه إليه "يوليان‬
‫بالمسلمين في بحرٍ شديد الهوال‬.
It was the habit of the kings of Andalusia to send their male and
female kids to “Tulaytilah” to serve the king there; they did that
out of showing politeness towards the king. When the kids of
both kings would reach puberty, they would marry each other,
and the king would take care of the expenses.

Ulyan, the king of “The Green Island”, “Subtah” and other

areas, sent one of his daughters to serve “Ludhariq” when he
became a king. “Ludhariq” liked her and raped her; she sent a
letter to her father informing him of what had happened to her.
Ulyan was enraged and wrote promptly to Musa Ibn Nusayr,
who was appointed by al-Walid Ibn ^Abdul-Malik to run the
affairs of Africa; as a result, Musa set forth to meet him. Ulyan
admitted Musa to his cities, on the condition that Musa gives his
guarantee and word of honor to adhere to the conditions of the
treaty satisfying the requests and wishes of Ulyan and his
companions. Ulyan then described Andalusia (al-Andalus) to
Musa and invited him to it.

Musa wrote to the Caliph al-Walid Ibn ^Abdul-Malik giving

him the good news about the great opening, which Allah had
granted him. Al-Walid wrote him back: Engage the battle with
the detachments and do not put Muslims in a sea of grave

‫من هو الوليد بن عبد الملك‬:

‫هو الخليفة السادس من بني أُ َميّة كان كريمًا سخيًا يعطي العطاء‬
،‫ جعل للمجذومين نفقة وأمرهم أن ل يسألوا الناس ول يخالطوهم‬،‫الجزيل‬
‫ كان كثير البِ ِر لهل القرءان‬،‫ ولكل أعمى قائدًا‬،‫وعيّن لكل مُقعد خادمًا‬
‫ أعاد بناءَ المسجد النبوي في‬،‫وهو أول من بنى الجامع الُموي في دمشق‬
‫ توفي سنة ست وتسعين ومدة خلفته‬.‫المدينة وبيت المقدس في القدس‬
‫تسع سنين وثمانية أشهر ونصف وله من العمر تسعة وأربعون سنة‬.

Al-Walid Ibn ^Abdul-Malik was the sixth caliph of the

Umayyads, he was so generous. He set a special fund for those
who were inflicted with leprosy, and ordered them not ask
people for money and not mix with them. He appointed a
servant for the crippled ones, and an assistant for every blind
person. He was so obedient to those who recite the Qur’an, and
was the first one to build the Umayyads Mosque in Damascus.
He rebuilt the Prophet’s mosque in Madinah and Bayt al-
Maqdis, the mosque in Jerusalem. He died in the year 96 at the
age of 49, his caliphate lasted nine years and eight months.

‫طارق بن زياد يصل إلى بلد الندلس‬:

‫لما وصل كتاب الوليد بن عبد الملك إِلى مُوسى بن نُصَير‪ ،‬كَتَبَ بِدَو ِر ِه‬
‫إِلى طارق بن زياد وكان مُولَى لَ ُه على مقدمات جيوشه‪ ،‬وهو بطنجة‪،‬‬
‫يأمره بغزو بلد الندلس‪ ،‬فامتثل طارق أمره وركب البحر من "سُ ْبتَه"‬
‫إلى الجزيرة الخضراء في بر الندلس وصعد إلى جبل‪ ،‬يعرف اليوم بجبل‬
‫طارق‪ ،‬ومعه إثنا عشر ألف فارس‪ ،‬وكان ذلك في رجب سنة اثنتين‬
‫‪.‬وتسعين من الهجرة‬
‫خطَبَ بهم خطبةً بليغ ًة حَ َثهُم فيها على‬ ‫ب طَارق بالجَ َب ِل َ‬
‫لمّا اجتمعَ أصحا ُ‬
‫الثَبَاتِ والصدق والشجاعة فكان وَقعُها عظيمًا وأثَرُها فيهم بليغًا؛ ثمّ نَ َزلَ‬
‫‪.‬إلى الصَحرَاءِ وفتح الجزيرة الخضراء‬
‫‪When Musa Ibn Nusayr received the response from al-Walid Ibn‬‬
‫‪^Abdul-Malik, he wrote to Tariq Ibn Ziyad, who was the‬‬
‫‪commander of his front armies in Tanjah, ordering him to‬‬
‫‪invade Andalusia. Tariq obeyed and sailed from “Subtah” to‬‬
‫‪“The Green Island” in the land of Andalusia. He ascended to a‬‬
‫‪mountain known today as Gibraltar “Jabal Tariq” <named after‬‬
‫‪him, it means: The Mountain of Tariq> with 12,000 horsemen‬‬
‫‪and that was in the month of Rajab in the year 92. He assembled‬‬
‫‪his army and delivered a meaningful speech urging them to be:‬‬
‫‪Steadfast, truthful, patient, and brave. They were moved by that‬‬
‫‪speech, which had a great impact on the army. Then he‬‬
‫‪descended to the desert and opened “The Green Island”.‬‬

‫‪:‬طارق والعجوز‬
‫ج وكان متكلمًا‬
‫وحَصَل َأنَ طارقًا التقى عجوزًا فقالت له‪ :‬إني كان لي زو ٌ‬
‫بالحوادث وكان يُحدِثُنا عن أميرٍ ينزل هذه البلد فيغلب عليها‪ ،‬وذكرت أنه‬
‫وصف هذا المير ضخم الهام وأنّ في كتفه اليسرى شامة عليها شعر‪،‬‬
‫ف طارق ثوبه فإذا الشامة كما ذكرت‪ ،‬فاستبشر خيرًا هو ومن معه‬ ‫ش َ‬‫‪َ .‬فكَ َ‬
‫‪It happened that Tariq Ibn Ziyad met an old lady who said to‬‬
‫‪him: “My late husband was a soothsayer (one who talks about‬‬
‫‪things which will happen in the future relying on the stars and‬‬
‫‪likewise), he told us that an amir who will come to this land and‬‬
‫‪will conquer it.” She mentioned to him that this amir is‬‬
‫‪described as a full-bodied person with a hairy mole on his left‬‬
‫‪shoulder. Tariq then uncovered his dress and the mole was there‬‬
‫‪as she said, he felt great about the good news as his companions‬‬

‫‪:‬النصر في ساحة القتال‬

‫بَلغَ "ُلذَريق" غزو المير طارق لبلده فَ َعظُمَ عليه المر وأعد مائة‬
‫ألف فارس لملقاتهِ‪ ،‬ووصل الخبر إلى طارق بن زياد فأرسل إلى مُوسَى‬
‫بن نُصَير يستنجده أن يمده بالرجال والعتاد‪ ،‬فأمدّه بخمسةِ ءالفِ فارس‬
‫فاكتمل عدد الرجال ومعهم "يوليان" يدلهم على عورة البلد ويتجسس‬
‫لهم الخبار‪ ،‬فساروا يريدون "لُذَريق" وجيشه فأتاهم في جنده ونزلوا في‬
‫نهر "لكة" وباتوا ليلتهم في حرس إلى الصباحِ‪ ،‬فلما أصبحوا عَبّوا‬
‫الكتائب‪َ ،‬وحُ ِملَ "لُذَريق" على سريره وهو مُق ِبلٌ في غاية من البنود‬
‫والعلم وبين يديه المقاتلة والسلح‪ ،‬وأقبل طارق بن زياد وأصحابه‬
‫وعليهم الزرد‪ ،‬ومن فوق رؤوسهم العمائم البيض وبأيديهم القِسيّ العربية‬
‫وقد تقلدوا السيوف واعتقلوا الرماح‪ ،‬فلما نظر "ُلذَريق" إليهم قال‪" :‬أما‬
‫ل إنّ هذهِ الصورة التي رأيناها بالبَيتِ بِ َبلَدِنا"‪ .‬فداخله منهم رعبٌ‬
‫‪.‬وا ِ‬
“Ludhariq” was told that Amir Tariq had already invaded his
land; he got enraged and mobilized an army of 100,000
horsemen to confront him. Tariq knew about that and sent to
Musa Ibn Nusayr asking him for support, he sent him 5,000
horsemen. So, Tariq got the men he wanted with Ulyan guiding
them to the weak spots and spying for them; they went after
“Ludhariq”; who led his army against them until they reached
the river of “Lakah”. They spent their night there under heavy
guard, in the morning they prepared their battalions. “Ludhariq”
was carried on his bed advancing through a sea of flags with
weapons surrounded by his armed fighters. Tariq Ibn Ziyad and
his companions advanced with iron shields on their bodies,
white turbans on their heads, carrying Arab bows in their hands
girding on swords with the spears between their legs and their
camels. When “Ludhariq” looked at them he said: “I swear by
God that this is the image we saw in that house in our country.”
So he was frightened.
"‫ "هذا طاغية القوم‬:ِ‫فلما رأى طارق بن زياد "لُذَريق" قال لصحَابِه‬
‫فحمل وحمل أصحابه معه فتفرق الجن ُد من بين يدي "لُذَريق" فخلص‬
.‫إليه طارق بن زياد وضربه بالسيف على رأسه فقتله على سريره‬
‫ التحم الجيشان وكان النصر‬،‫لما رأى أصحاب "لُذَريق" مصرعه‬
‫ وصار القوط يستسلمون‬،‫لجيش طارق بن زياد في حربٍ دامت ثمانية أيام‬
.ً‫ل معقل‬
ً ‫بلدًا بلدًا ومعق‬
When Tariq Ibn Ziyad spotted “Ludhariq”, he said to his
companions: “This is the tyrant of their people.” Then they
charged the enemy and dispersed them, the troops left
“Ludhariq” alone, Tariq then approached him and fatally hit him
with the sword on his head while he was carried on his bed.
When Ludhariq’s army saw his death, the two armies went into
combat; the battle lasted for eight days which ended in a victory
to the army of Tariq Ibn Ziyad. “Al-Qut” then surrendered city
after city and stronghold after a stronghold.
‫ثُمّ سار طارق إلى مدينة "أستجة" متتبعًا فلول الهاربين َف َلقِيَ ُه أهلها‬
‫ومعهم من المنهزمين خَلقٌ كثيرٌ فقاتلوهُ قتالً شديدًا وثبت طارق ومن معه‬
‫فهزموا القوطيين هزيمةً شنعاء‪.‬‬
‫ولما سمعت القوط بهذه الهزيمة دَبّ الرُعبُ في قلوبهم وهربوا إلى‬
‫"طليطلة" وهنا أشارَ "يوليان" على طارق بن زياد أن ُيفَ ّرقَ جيوشَهُ في‬
‫البل ِد وأن يسيرُ إلى "طليطلة" ففرق جيوشه من مدينة "إستجة" وبعث‬
‫جيشًا إلى "قرطبة" وجيشًا إلى "غرناطة" وجيشًا إلى "مالقة"‪ ،‬وجيشًا‬
‫إلى "تُ ْدمِير" وسار هو ومعظم جيشه إلى "طليطلة"‪ .‬فلما بلغ "طليطلة"‬
‫وجدها خالية وقد لحق بها من كان بها بمدينة خلف الجبل يقال لها‪:‬‬
‫‪Tariq then chased those who were fleeing to the city of‬‬
‫‪“Astajah” where its residents along with those who fled fought‬‬
‫‪with intensity and vigor; however, Tariq and his companions‬‬
‫‪were steadfast and defeated them very badly in the end.‬‬
‫‪When the rest of “al-Qut” heard about the defeat, they got‬‬
‫‪frightened and fled to “Tulaytilah”. Ulyan advised Tariq Ibn‬‬
‫‪Ziyad to disperse his armies in the country and to go by himself‬‬
‫‪to “Tulaytilah”. Tariq then sent an army to “Astajah”, another‬‬
‫‪one to Cordoba, another one to Granada “Ghernatah”, another‬‬
‫‪one to “Malqah”, and another one to “Tudmir”. He headed to‬‬
‫‪“Tulaytilah” with most of his army, when he reached it he found‬‬
‫‪it empty, its people fled to a city behind the mountain called‬‬
‫فأما الجيش الذي سار إلى "قرطبة" فقد دلهم رَاعٍ على ثغرةٍ في‬
‫سُو ِرهَا فدخلوا منها البلد وملكوها‪.‬‬
‫وأما الذين قصدوا " ُتدْمِير" لقيهم صاحبها واسمه "تُدْمِير" وبه‬
‫سمّيَتْ كان معه جيشٌ كثيف فقاتلهم قتالً شديدًا ثم انهزم َفقُ ِتلَ مِن أَصحَابِهِ‬ ‫ُ‬
‫ن عليها‪.‬‬
‫خَلقٌ كَثيرٌ ثُمّ صَالَحَ المُسلِمي َ‬
‫أمّا باقي البلد التي وزعهم إليها طارق بن زياد فقد سقطت الواحدة تلو‬
‫الُخرى ولم يلقوا بعد ذلك حربًا بل توغلوا في البلدِ حتى استقامت الُمور‬
As for the army which headed for Cordoba, they met a shepherd
who led them to a gap in its fence; they entered through it and
controlled that country.
“Tudmir” was named after its ruler whose name was “Tudmir”,
he got a huge army, so he fought the Muslim army with intensity
and vigor, but he was defeated and lots of his troops were killed
in the fight; he then signed a peace treaty with the Muslims.
As for the rest of the cities, they fell one after another to the
Muslim armies sent by Tariq Ibn Ziyad; they defeated them and
advanced through the country without any fight until it became
under their control.

‫ب والفضة والجواهر‬ ِ َ‫غَنِمَ المُسلِمُونَ من تِلكَ البِلد غَنَائِمَ ِمنَ الذه‬
‫ فكانوا يجدون الطنفسة منسوجة‬.‫والثاث والخيل الشئ الكثير الكثير‬
‫بقضبان الذهب منظومة باللؤلؤ والياقوت والزبرجد ل يستطيعون حملها‬
.‫فيقطعونها نِصفين‬
ٍ‫ومما ُوجِدَ في الغنائِمِ مائة وسبعون تاجًا للمُلوكِ من َذهَبٍ مُرَصّ َعة‬
.‫بالدر وأصناف الجواهر الثمينة‬
‫وقيل أنهم وجدوا مائدة سليمان بن داود عليهما السلم ويقال إنها من‬
‫ وقيل في وصفها إنها‬،‫منهوبات " ُبخْتَ نصّر" لما خرب بيت المقدس‬
َ‫ لم ير‬،‫كانت مصنوعة من الذهب مرصعة بالدرّ والياقوت والزمرّد‬
‫جلً وَ َق ْد حُ ِملَت إلى‬
ْ ‫ وكان لها خمس وستون ِر‬،‫الراؤون مثلها في الصنعة‬
‫الخليفة الوليد بن عبد الملك مع غيرها من الذهب والفضة والجواهر‬
.‫ونفائس المتعة‬

The Muslims gained from that country spoil of: Gold, silver,
jewels, furniture, and horses. They would find the rags and the
carpets knitted with golden bars and mounted with pearls,
rubies, and aquamarine, they would cut them in halves because
it was difficult to carry them in one piece. They also found
among the spoils seventy golden crowns which used to belong
the kings. It was also said that they found the table of Prophet
Sulayman (Solomon) the son of Dawud (David) Peace Be upon
Them. It was said that it was looted by BukhtaNasr when Bayt
.al-Maqdis was ruined
It was said that it was made of gold mounted with pearls,
rubies, and emerald, nobody had ever seen like it before, it had
65 legs. It was carried to the Caliph al-Walid Ibn ^Abdul-Malik
.along with the gold, silver, and other precious spoils
‫صلَت الجيوشُ إلى أواسط بلد أوروبا وصارت جميعُ بلد الندلس‬َ َ‫ثُ ّم و‬
.‫وبلد شمال أفريقيا بيدهم‬
The armies then reached the center of Europe, thus; all of
Andalusia and the North African countries became under their

:‫دخول موسى بن نصير الندلس‬

‫خلَ مُوسَى بنُ نُصَير الندلس في رمضان سنة ثلث وتسعين في‬ َ ‫َد‬
‫ فساروا بِهِ إلى‬،‫جمع كثير والتقى مع "يوليان" الذي وعده بفتح عظيم‬
ُ‫سلَيم" فافتتحها عنوة ثم إلى مدينة "قرمونة" وهي أحصن‬ ّ ‫مدينةِ "ابن ال‬
‫ فأتوهم على حال المنهزمين‬،‫مدن الندلس َفقَدِ َم إليها "يوليان" وجماعته‬
‫معهم السلح فأدخلوهم مدينتهم فأرسل موسى إليهم الخيل ففتحوها لهم‬
"‫ ثُمّ سَارَ إلى "إشبيلية‬،‫ فدخلها جيشُ مُوسَى بنُ نُصَير وملكوها‬،ً‫ليل‬
‫ فحاصرها أشهرًا‬،‫وهي من أعظَمِ مدا ِئنِ الندلسِ بُنيانًا وأعزّها ءاثارًا‬
.‫وفتحها وهرب من بها‬

Musa Ibn Nusayr entered Andalusia in Ramadan in 93 AH in a

huge crowd; he met Ulyan who had promised him with a great
opening. They took Musa to the city of “Ibn as-Sulaym” and
entered it by force, then to the city of “Qarmunah” which was
the most fortified city in Andalusia. Ulyan and his men, who
were from the same people, pretended that they were defeated
by the Muslim army, so the people of “Qarmunah” let them in
with their weapons. Musa sent them the horses, so they opened
the city for them at night; the army of Musa Ibn Nusayr entered
it and it became under their control.
Musa then set forth to Ishbiliya, which was the city of the
biggest buildings, and valuable archaeological sites, he
surrounded it for months until he opened it and its residents fled
‫ وقد كان أهلها خرجوا إليه فقاتلوه‬،‫ثَمّ سَارَ إلى مدينة "ماردة" فحاصرها‬
َ‫ فلما أص َبح‬،ُ‫قتالً شديدًا فَكَمن لهم موسى ليلً في مقاطع الصخر فلم يروه‬
‫ فخرج هو عليهم من الكمين‬،‫حفَ إليهم فخرجوا إلى جيشه كعادتهم‬ َ ‫َز‬
‫واحدقوا بهم وحالوا بينهم وبين البلد وقتلوهم قتلً ذريعًا ونجا من نجا‬
‫ فحاصرهم أشهرًا وقاتلهم إلى أن فتح‬،‫منهم فدخل المدينة وكانت حصينة‬
.‫ال عليه فافتتحها ءاخر رمضان سنة أربع وتسعين‬
Then he advanced to the city of “Maridah” and laid siege to it,
its people came out to confront him and fought him with
intensity and vigor. Musa hid from them in the rocks
intersection, they were not able to see him. In the morning the
Muslim army advanced towards the city, they came out as usual
to fight them, Musa then ambushed them. The Muslims
encircled them preventing them from reaching the city; then
they killed a large number of them. Some of them escaped to the
city, which was fortified, Musa then laid siege to it for months
and fought them until Allah granted him victory, and he opened
.it in the end of Ramadan in the year 94
‫ثُ ّم إنّ أهل اشبيلية اجتمعوا وقصدوها فقتلوا من بها من المسلمين فسيّر‬
‫إليهم مُوسَى بنُ ُنصَير ابنه عبد العزيز بجيش َفحَاصَرَها وملكها عنوة‬
.‫وَقَ َتلَ مَن ِبهَا من أهلها وسار عنها إلى "لبلة" و"باجة" فملكها‬
Later the people of Ishbiliya gathered and headed to it, they
killed all the Muslims who were in it. Musa Ibn Nusayr then
sent his son ^Abdul-^Aziz, who laid siege to it and opened it by
force killing its people, he then proceeded to “Lablah” and
“Bajah’ and conquered them.
‫وَسَارَ موسى إلى "سرقسطة" ومدائنها فافتتحها وأوغل في بلد‬
.ِ‫الفرنج ففتح الُ عليه‬
Musa then advanced to “Sarqastah” and its cities; he opened it
and kept on penetrating deep into the European countries. Allah
ta^ala supported him with victory.

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