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The Shia Ithna'asheri Madressa : Arabic Learning Grid

letter name Alef Ba Ta Tha Jeem Ha Kha Dal Thal Ra Zai Seen Sheen Sad

by itself

at the end

in the middle

at the start

letter name Dad

by itself

at the end

in the middle

at the start

A L P T X ` d e g j k p t x

B K O S W \ c e g j k o s w

J N R U Y a

I M Q V Z b

Toa Zhoa Ain Ghain Fa Qaf Kaf Lam Meem Nun

m r v

n q u

He Waw Ya

The Shia Ithna'asheri Madressa : Arabic Learning Grid

letter name Alef Ba Ta Tha Jeem Ha Kha Dal Thal Ra Zai Seen Sheen Sad

by itself

at the end

in the middle

at the start

letter name Dad Toa Zhoa Ain Ghain Fa Qaf Kaf Lam Meem Nun He Waw Ya

by itself

at the end

in the middle

at the start

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