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Understanding Quadrilaterals Level 2 1. Find the value of in the following diagram. 2.

How many sides does a regular polygon have if its each angle measures 162o? a. 18 b. 20 c. 22 d. 24 3. The measures of the adjacent angles of a rhombus are in the ratio 5:4. Find the measure of each of the angle. 4. What would be the value of the variables in the following figures? 5. If the diagonals of a rhombus measure 24 cm and 10 cm, what would be the measure of each of its sides? a. 26 cm b. 13 cm c. 17 cm d. 34 cm 6. Does a diagonal of a parallelogram divide it into two congruent triangles? Prove. 7. The sum of adjacent angles of a parallelogram is 180o. It is also a a. Rectangle b. Square c. Rhombus d. Trapezium 8. The measures of each exterior angle and each interior angle of a regular polygon are in the ratio 1:3. How many sides does the polygon have? a. 6 b. 8 c. 10 d. 12

Answers 1. 165o 2. b 3. 100o, 80o, 100o, 80o 4. a. 100o b. c. 70o d. 100o, 5. b 6. Yes 7. a 8. b



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