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KisiKisi Materi SOAL CPNS Berstandar Resmi Pemerintah

dilengkapi Pembahasan Jawaban



Sejak tahun 2008



01. The man has been here .. 1990. a. after b. in c. for d. on e. since

JAWABAN : E. since Pembahasan : option (e) kalimat the Present Perfect Tense diikuti tahun. Option (a) setelah, (b) pada (untuk The Past Tense), (c) selama dan (d) pada.

02. The school year in Japan from April to March. Summer vacation last about six weeks. In addition to national holidays, school children also have two weeks off at New Year and two weeks break in the spring, between the old and new school year. How many weeks do students have holidays in a school year in Japan? a. six b. two c. eight d. ten e. twelve

JAWABAN : D. ten Pembahasan : Liburan siswa Jepang terdiri dari liburan musim panas 6 minggu, 2 minggu di awal tahun dan 2 minggu sebelum tahun pelajaran baru dimulai. Option (a), (b), (c) dan (e) jelas salah.

Bidang Bahasa Inggris 03. Tom : Hi, Bob, are you OK?

Bob : Not bad. But i'm thinking of my father who is seriously ill now. Tom : .... a. i'm sorry to hear that b. i'm sad to hear that c. congratulation d. well done e. good day

JAWABAN : A . i'm sorry to hear that Pembahasan : (a) untuk menyatakan simpati, (b) ungkapan yang kurang baku, (c) untuk menyatakan "selamat," demikian juga (d) dan (e) selamat berpisah.

04. Amir : Have you heard that our badminton team won the competition? Hasan : Not yet ... a. of course b. sure c. congratulations d. terrible e. what a pity

JAWABAN : C Pembahasan : Option (c) merupakan ucapan selamat atas kemenangan tim bulutangkis. (a) dan (b) ungkapan yang berarti "tentu," (d) jelek sekali dan (e) kasihan.

05. If the insist upon being stubborn, we will have to settle this on court. "Stubborn" means..... a. generous b. indignant WWW.CPNSONLINE.COM 2


Bidang Bahasa Inggris c. abject

d. gauche e. obstinate

JAWABAN : E. obstinate Pembahasan : "stubborn" berarti keras kepala yang bersinonim "obstinate". Option (a) baik hati, (b) marsh, (c) hina dan (d) kaku.

06. Professor Baker is a co-worker of ProfessorAyers. "Co-worker" means ... a. constituent b. confident c. contender d. colleague e. conqueror

JAWABAN : D. colleague Pembahasan : Option (d) berarti teman sejawat, (a) berarti pemilih, (b) yakin / percaya diri, (c) pesaing dan (e) penakluk.

07. As soon as the board of elections "officially declares" the list of candidates, we will give you a complete report. The words in quotation mean ... a. refuses b. deviates c. promulgates d. instigates e. contemplate


Bidang Bahasa Inggris Option (c) berarti mengumumkan dengan resmi,(a) menolak, (b) menyimpang, (d) menghasut dan (e) merenungkan.

08. Here are the twenty one words that Sir William Osier read in the spring of 1871 twenty-one words from Thomas Carlyle that helped him lead a life free from worry : "Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand." The word,"dimly" has a similar meaning to ... a. brightly b. smartly c. faintly d. easily e. happily



Pembahasan : Faintly berarti dengan tidak jelas, yang merupakan sinonim dari "dimly. Option (a) berarti dengan cerah, option (b) berarti dengan pandai, option (d) berarti dengan mudah dan option (e) berarti dengan gembira.

09. Bali Bird Park is fortunate to have been involved in captive breeding program of endangered species such as the Bali Starling found nowhere else on earth. Based on sentences above people can catch the Bali starling is a/an a. island b. flower c. statue d. place e. animal

JAWABAN : E. Animal Pembahasan :



Bidang Bahasa Inggris Animal berarti binatang, karena "starling" adalah jenis burung sedangkan option (a) berarti pulau, option (b) berarti bungs, option (c) berarti patung dan option (d) berarti tempat.

10. Gideon Webb is a man with the man of a child. Rised in rural South Carolina, his aunt could no longer keep him when she re-merries. Gideon is placed in the closest institution that can look after him a retirement home for the elderly. Which statement is correct based on text? a. Gideon is a child b. Gideon re-merries c. Gideon lived with his aunt d. Gideon stayed in a retirement home e. Gideon has a wife

JAWABAN : C. Gideon lived with his aunt Pembahasan : Gideon lived with his aunt. (Gideon dulu tinggal atau dirawat tantenya). Option (a) Gideon anak kecil, salah karena dia orang dewasa (aman). Option (b) tantenya yang akan menikah lagi. Option (d) Gideon dulu tinggal di rumah pensiun. Ia sekarang bukan dulu tinggal di rumah itu. Dan option (e) Gideon punya istri.

11. Blue Bird started out with just 25 taxis, yet we have grown to include more than 8,000 employees responding to 5,000 orders daily 24-hours-a day, and serving two million passengers a month with 4,000 air conditioned vehicles. How many passengers go with Blue Bird in a years? a. 20,000 b. 17,000 c. 2,000,000 d. 24,000,000 e. 25



Bidang Bahasa Inggris JAWABAN : D. 24,000,000 Pembahasan : Blue Bird melayani 2 juta penumpang per bulan berarti setahun 24 juta penumpang (a), (b), (c), (e) jelas salah.

12. The island that make up Japan stretch out for a distance of nearly 4,000 km. The point farthest north is at 450 north latitude and the southernmost point is at north latitude 200 The word "nearly" has similar meaning to ... a. more than b. above c. least than d. over e. almost

JAWABAN : e. almost Pembahasan : "nearly' dan "almosY' adalah sinonim yang berarti "hampir". Option (a) berarti lebih dari, (b) berarti di atas, (c) berarti kurang dari dan (d) berarti di atas.

13. "Make great efforts" for excellence. The words in quotation mean ... a. force b. strive c. enjoy d. envy e. challenge

JAWABAN : B. strive Pembahasan : Option (b) berarti berusaha dengan keras, (a) memaksa, (c) menikmati, (d) cemburu dan (e) menantang. CPNSONLINE INDONESIA WWW.CPNSONLINE.COM 6

Bidang Bahasa Inggris

14. The examination will begin "exactly" at eight-thirty. The word quoted means... a. briefly b. exceedingly c. consequently d. lately e. precisely

JAWABAN : E. precisely Pembahasan : Option (e) berarti dengan ringkas, (a) dengan tepat, (b) melebihi, akibatnya dan (d) akhir- akhir ini. (c)

15. City taxes are based on an estimate of the value of one's property. "Estimate" means.... a. appraisal b. forecast c. diagnosis d. outline e. decrease

JAWABAN : A. appraisal Pembahasan : Option (a) berarti perkiraan/taksiran, (b) ramalan, (c) perkiraan penyakit, (d) garis besar dan (e) penurunan.

16. The constitution guarantees that private homes will not be searched without a written "authorization". The word in quotation mean ... a. receipt b. warrant c. prescription d. accomplice CPNSONLINE INDONESIA WWW.CPNSONLINE.COM 7

Bidang Bahasa Inggris e. description

JAWABAN : B. warrant Pembahasan : Option (b) berarti surat jaminan, (a) tanda terima, (c) resep dokter, (d) kaki tangan dan (e) penjelasan.

17. Professor Black had us ....... compositions every Friday. a. to write b. written c. write d. wrote e. writing

JAWABAN : C Pembahasan : Option (c) pola kausatif/menyuruh (S have/has/had objet Verb 1), Option (a) To Verb 1, (b) Verb 3, (d) Verb 2 dan (e) Verb + ing.

18. If it .... rain tomorrow, we'll have to have a picnic. a. wouldn't b. doesn't c. didn't d. won't e. isn't

JAWABAN : B. doesn't Pembahasan : Option (b) The Future Conditional Sentence (If S V1/v S.. , S will Verb 1)

option (a) auxiliary Verb 2, (c) Auxiliary Verb 2 (d) Future Auxiliary dan (e) "it isn't rain" pola ini salah bentuk negatif dari "V+S" adalah "doesn't".



Bidang Bahasa Inggris

19. You ... your visa extended before it expires. a. had better to get b. had to get better c. had better get d. had better got e. have got better

JAWABAN : C Pembahasan : Option (c) pola Had better diikuti Verb 1. Option (a), (b), (d) dan (e) jelas salah.

20. I have no idea .... a. what does this word mean b. what this word means c. what the meaning of this word d. what kind of a meaning is this word e. what word does mean

JAWABAN : B. what this word means Pembahasan : Pola anak kalimat di belakang kata tanya adalah pola kalimat pernyataan biasa ) wh ... S V ... ( Jadi jawabannya adalah (b), Option (a) dan (d) adalah pola kalimat tanya, option (c) dan (e) pola yang salah.



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