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Teacher: Wasko/Wissink Grade: 9th and 11th

What is Science?

Course: Science 1

Weeks: 5 Weeks

Unit Name: Unit description:

A brief overview of the scientific method and introduction or review of scientific thinking

Enduring Understandings/Big Ideas: Accuracy in measurement can be expressed through the use of significant digits, error tolerance, or percent of error. Every experiment provides useful results, whether or not the results match the hypothesis. Mathematical and scientific solutions should be accurate, reasonable, and use appropriate notation. Scientific investigations follow processes that require systematic and logical development, observation, and careful analysis. Scientific investigations generally lead to new questions. The foundation of scientific theory is replicable investigations. Through repeated inquiry, patterns emerge and theories are proposed. CCSS Reading Highlight primary standards CCSS Reading Standard 1 CCSS Writing Day One CCSS Wrtiting Standard 1a, CCSS Writing Standard 9 CCSS Writing Standard 2

Essential Questions: How are accuracy and reasonable precision of measurements determined? How does science help us answer questions about the world around us? What does it mean to question? What is scientific inquiry? Why do scientists conduct investigations?

CRS Science CRS 201 and 202

Content Specific Standards

Cognitive Skills Identification of parts and pieces of a graph Organization of data into data tables Ask appropriate scientific questions Developing specific and well developed (with research) hypotheses (In the form of If, then, because) Follow a basic procedure using precise laboratory techniques Determine the difference between and observation and an inference Compare accuracy and precision Identify the characteristics of a good piece of scientific writing Pinpoint the pieces of the scientific method within a scientific

Scientific Inquiry E1.1C: Conduct scienfitifc investigations using appropriate tools and techniques (eg. Selecting an instrument that measures a desired quantity with the appropriate level of precision) Scientific Reflection E1.2 A- Critique whether or not specific questions can be answered through scientific investigations. Content and Academic (Tier 2 and 3)Vocabulary Cause Centimeter Conclusion Constant Data Effect Generalization Gram Graph Hypothesis

article Complete the steps of the scientific method Transfer raw data into an appropriately formatted graphical representation Develop a scientific procedure that will precisely and accurately measure data Identify variable and how they are being changed during a lab.

Investigation Length Mass Metric Measurement Milliliter Observation Precision Prediction Temperature Scientific Theory Scientific Law Variable Volume Weight Control Group Controlled variables Controlled experiment Data Analysis Data Interpretation Data Presentation Density Measurement error Method of investigation Multiple Trials Peer Review Replicable experiment Research Results Scientific equipment Scientific Method Skepticism Dependent Variable Independent Variable Inference Qualititative Observation Quantitative Observation Assessments:

Formative Assessments: 1) Mystery tubes Lab ( 1 day) 2) Cricket Scientific Method Lab (3 days) 3) Open Ended Scientific Method Lab (3-4 days) 4) Why some liquids separate- Density Inquiry Lab (3-4 Days) 5) Close Reading Questions A Cool glass of Water: A Mystery Case Study (HW)

6) CRS Skills Qualtitative Vs. Quantitative Data (HW) 7) Daily Exit tickets Summative Assessments: 1) Formal Lab Write-up- What Floats your Boat? (Partners) (5 days) 2) Exam- Multiple Choice and Essay Questions Extended Text Day Three Short Literary Texts Short Informational Texts Melting Ice Density Case Study Qualitative Vs. Quantitative Data

Additional Resources Quia /glacier/scientific_method/index.swf

Weekly Learning Plan Week 1

Topic : Introduction to the Scientific Method Objective: Ask appropriate scientific questions Developing specific and well developed (with research) hypotheses (In the form of If, then, because) Every experiment provides useful results, whether or not the results match the hypothesis. Texts : Qualitative Vs. Quantitative Data Activities (linked to a standard) 1) Mystery tubes Lab Scientific Inquiry E1.1C: 2) Notes and Scientific Method Power Point-Scientific Inquiry E1.1C: Differentiation 1) Skill Grouping Assessments (Diagnostic, Formative, or Summative) Through what other evidence will students demonstrate learning? How will students assess or reflect on their own learning? How will you determine adjustments in your lesson plans? CRS 202- Formative AssessmentHomework 1-Qualitative and Quantitative CCSS- RI-1 Formative Assessment Homework 1-Qualitative and Quantitative

Accommodations & Modifications

Students that need additional help will be given a notes guide during note taking sessions. They will be paired with a faster working student in order to no fall behind.

Students will score an average of 75% on the reading for information section and be introduced to CRS 202 within data tables.

Week 2
Topic : Scientific Method and Graphing Objective : Identification of parts and pieces of a graph Organization of data into data tables Transfer raw data into an appropriately formatted graphical representation Determine the difference between and observation and an inference Compare accuracy and precision Texts: What Makes Crickets Chirp? Activities (linked to a standard) What Makes Crickets Chirp? (Putting together the scientific method) Scientific Inquiry E1.1C Graphing, Measurements, Units, Accuracy and Precision Teacher Directed and Notes Data Table Practice- Applying Mathematics Graphing Practice

Accommodations & Modifications

Students will work in small groups for the class practice allowing them to get help from peers Struggling students will work with teacher

Differentiation Decreased amount of questions Decreased amount of difficulty in the question stems Less questions on graphing and data table practice Assessments (Diagnostic, formative, or summative) Formative CRS- Graphing and Data Table Practice CCSS- RI- Applying Mathematics- Data Table Practice

Students will be 70% proficient at building data tables and 60% at creating graphs

Week 3
Topic Inquiry Based Science Objective: Ask appropriate scientific questions Developing specific and well developed (with research) hypotheses (In the form of If, then, because) Organization of data into data tables Pinpoint the pieces of the scientific method within a scientific article Identify variable and how they are being changed during a lab. Texts : A Cool glass of Water: A Mystery Case Study (HW) Activities (linked to a standard) Open Ended Scientific Method Lab Why some liquids separate- Density Inquiry Lab Differentiation: Skill based grouping Questions and wording in labs will be paired down Assessments (Diagnostic, formative, or summative) Formative CRS- 201 and 202- Students will use these bits of information to create and read the results to their lab. CCSS- Students will critically think and create an appropriate science question (claim) They will then have to write a procedure and hypothesis to use for the experiment. All analysis of these skills will be based on a rubric to grade their lab report. Students will receive 80% or better on asking questions, 65% or better on creating a fair science procedure. They will score 65% or better on creating a correctly laid out graph with correct information on it.

Accommodations & Modifications Students will receive many check ins from the teacher to check on progress of students. Assignments will be formatted to meet students needs in general.

Week 4
Topic Doing Science Objective Identify the characteristics of a good piece of scientific writing Ask appropriate scientific questions Complete the steps of the scientific method Develop a scientific procedure that will precisely and accurately measure data Identify variable and how they are being changed during a lab. Texts: Formal Lab Write-up- What Floats your Boat?

Accommodations & Modifications Some students will be given a question and procedure. They will then just be judged on how well the complete the general pieces of the lab.

Activities (linked to a standard) PROJECT: Formal Lab Write-up- What Floats your Boat? - Scientific Inquiry E1.1C, CCSS Wrtiting Standard

Differentiation Students will be given more teacher support throughout the process. Student will be given more time if needed in the form of Saturday School or after school Assessments (Diagnostic, Formative, or Summative) Summative CRS- 201, 202- Students will be asked to analyze their data by building data tables, graphs and picking out pieces of data within them. CCSS- W9 and 2-Students will be judged on several aspects of their writing including their questions, hypothesis, procedures, and their conclusions. 65% of students produce with many revisions a proper lab report according to the predetermined rubric.

Week 5
Topic : Finishing Up and Review Objective Review all material that has been taught and practices throughout the unit Prepare for and take unit exam Texts N/A Activities (linked to a standard) Finish PROJECT: Formal Lab Write-up- What Floats your Boat? - Scientific Inquiry E1.1C, CCSS Writing

Accommodations & Modifications Students who require exams on paper will be given exams on paper Students will be given

Standard 1a

Review Packet Unit 1 Exam- Quia Differentiation Students will be given different levels of exams based on their levels that will have been determined based on their performance on the formative assessments. Students will be given extra time if need be to finish project or exam after school Assessments (Diagnostic, Formative, or Summative) Summative CRS- 201, 202, 301, 303 CCSS- W1a Student mastery will meet or exceed 75% mastery on the CRS skills, 70% mastery on the scientific method, 50% mastery on reading and writing skills

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