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Child Developement Project

Molly Petersen

Birth Defects
Downs Syndrome: Genetic Defect where you have and extra 21st Chromosome Physical and Mental Limitations When you have this birth defect people can often tell by looing at you. Characteristics: o Short Fingers o Almond shaped eyes o Poor muscle tone o Short Legs Tay-sachs: Very deadly: average life expectancy is age 6 Characteristics: o Siezures o Body shots down o Become blind

Birth Defects
PKU: Stands for Phenylketonuria Treated with diet They have a tough time breaking down proteins in food Muscular Dystrophy: Muscles pull apart deadly: average life expectancy is 20 often use wheel chair because they become paralyzed Spina Bifida: Abnormal formation of the spin water in the brain is a common symptom difficulty walking or sitting therefore they often use wheel chair, chrutches, etc. have severe Latex Allergies

Male and Female Reproduction Systems



Teen Pregnancy

1 million teens become pregnant each year 250,000 or 1/4 have an abortion 250,000-300,000 die in a miscarriage 450,000-500,000 kids bor to teen moms each year Roughly 2% of teen mom's graduate from high school A teen mom with no degress makes on average $14,000$20,000 each year.

1. Abortion: ending the babies life before the baby is has a heart beat 2. Adoption closed: no contact between mother and child open: contact semi-open: recessive pictures/ updates

3. Parenting: the mother takes care of child till the child is an adult. Pro-Life: Pro-Choice: for adoption and legal until 9 weeks parenting Ex: Roe vs. Wade against abortion

Pregnancy Concerns


pre-birth-18 years of old a child costs about $750,000

Health/ Birth Defects Time: family, spouse, for yourself Housing Prepared: Are U ready?

Ferilization Ova or Egg: from ovaries, work toward fallopian tubes Sperm and Testicles: testicles produce sperm and work

towards fallopian tubes Once an egg is released: 72 hour window for pregnancy Sperm can live roughly 4-5 days in a women's body 7 day windo were women are extremely fertile 60% of fertility issues are male relates o Infertility: unable to have a baby invertro fertilization: fertilize an egg or eggs and place them back into the uterus artificial insemination: sperm injected into egg aka: "Turkey Baster"


Zygote: fertilized egg Embryo: 2-8 weeks Fetus: 9 weeks-36/40 weeks 25% of conceptions end in a miscarriage 36-40 weeks: full term 9 weeks:
o ultra sounds o heart beat

Warning Signs

"Morning Sickness": naseau Missed Period Food cravings Swelling: breasts become tender Frequent Urination Moody Tired/Burst of Energy Weight Gain Skin change: Clear or more acne Hair/Nails Aches

Week by Week Pregnancy Photos

Week 2
Egg meets sperm and become a zygote.

Week 3
The zygote splits into two cells, the placenta and the fetus

Week 4

Week 5

Yolk sac, amniotic sac, and the embyro form

The embryo is about the size of a sesame seed, neural tube formed and the amniotic sac now houses the embyro.

Week 6

Week 7
Eyelid, elbow joint, fingers, and tail bone form. The babies intestines are growing into the umbilical cord

Umbilical cord, upper jaw, lower jaw, arm bud, leg bud, heart bulge and eye spot form.

Week 8
amniotic and yolk sac continue to grow. Brain, hand and knee joint form

Week 9

Earlobe and shoulder form. While eyelid is still transparent.

Week 10

Week 11
The skin is still transparent letting the red blood vessels show through. The babies bones are beginnning to harden.

The baby has a high bugle from brain developement. The baby's fingers are now completely seperated and finger nails are forming. The womens uterus has now doubled and about he size of a pear. Lastly the yolk sac is now the liver.

Week 12
Eyelids are less transparent and eyes are moving closer together. Ears are closer. The mother may experience thickening of the waisth. Lastly the intestines have exploded in size and are growing into the umbilical cord.

Week 13

The baby's head is more proportional and is 1/3 of the baby's weight. The baby has it's own unique finger prints.

Week 14

Week 15
The baby starts to sense light. Lungs are starting to develope. The legs are now longer than arms. Lastly baby can move his limb joints.

The baby is now having brain impluses, allowing the baby to squint and frown. The baby's arm has lengthened and now proportional. Lanugo or hair over body has formed.

Week 16
The baby's circulatory system is working and the heart pumps about 25 quarts of blood a day. Toe nails forming. The head is more erect now but now head hair.

Week 17

The baby can hear. The baby's lifeline is now the umbilical cord and is growing stronger and thicker each day.

Week 18

Week 19
Head hair is forming. The baby is developing the 5 senses, such as vision, smell, touch, etc. Everything is proportional.

The baby's ears are now in postition and are sticking out from the rest of the body. You may get an ultra-sound. The baby is resless and kicking starts.

Week 20
The baby's skin is now covered in vernix caseosa, to protect it from the amniotic acid. The mothers uterus is now at the belly button. Lastly their is meconium in the bowel.

Week 21

The eyelid and eyebrow are fully developed. The mother may have enlarged veins in the legs because of her growing uterus.

Week 22

Week 23
The baby's skin is still red and wrinkled, the baby also is getting used to noises. The mother has swollen ankles and feet.

Stretch marks form and the mothers belly button pops out. Baby's skin is wrinkled, the lips are more distinct. The baby's eyes are developing but the iris is lacking color.

Week 24
Baby's taste buds are developing. The mothers uterus is about the size of a soccer ball. The mothers skin is becoming dry and itchy.

Week 25

The baby is starting to put on weight and its skin will smooth out. The Baby's hair is colorful and textured. The mothers growing uterus puts strain on her heart.

Week 26

Week 27
Your baby will begin to suck on its fingers and may get the hiccups, the baby's eyes can open and close and it will sleep in normal intervals.

The baby is starting to develop reaction to sound, if the baby is a boy the genitals are growing. The mother most likely will be experiencing back pain.

Week 28
The baby now has eyelashes and will turn its head regularly.

Week 29

The baby's brain is developing neurons, the baby's bones are hard now and need a lot of calcium.

Week 30

Week 31
The mother may start to feel contractions.

There is only about a pint of amniotic fluid around the baby. The baby can now distinguish between light and dark. Because of the baby the mother may feel clumsy or off

Week 32
The nails are fully grown in. Mother may experience some heart burn.

Week 33

The skin is becoming more normal, the skull is quite pliable but not fully formed.

Week 34

Week 35
The baby starts to put on about and ounce a day. The mothers uterus is about 15 times bigger than normal size.

The baby is using his fat to regulate body temperature. The baby can now survive outside the womb because lungs are developed.

Week 36
The baby is probably now is position for birth and the skin is becoming more normal.

Week 37

The contraction become longer and more uncomfortable. The mother may also have some discharge from the vagina.

Week 38

Week 39
The baby is growing mainly fat The amniotic fluid is decreasing and "the water may break anytime".

The baby has a firm grasp now. Your baby's eyes now have color but may change after birth.

Week 40
The skull is formed but the baby still has some "soft spots". The hair and nails continue to grow longer.

Week 41

The mothers cervix softens and the amniotic fluid is extremely low. The baby's skin may start to peel a bit because of the amniotic fluid.

Foods to eat when Pregnant Vegetables: helps build bones, teeth and eyes

o Ex: Carrots and sweet potatoes Fruits: forms baby's brain and nervous system and helps with "Morning Sickness" o Ex: avacados Grains: provide essential carbohydrates, your body's main source of energy and a good source of folic acid o Ex: bread and cereal Meat/ Poultry: crucial for baby's growth and development of brain and formation of eyes o Ex: Salmon Dairy Products: Helps babies bones and teeth

Vitamins and Minerals Take a multi-vitamin over many

supplements to prevent over dose. 3 main Minerals and Vitamins o Folic Acid: supports placenta and prevents birth defects of the brain and spinal cord Ex: Spina Bifida o Calicum: assists nervous, muscular and circulartory system o Iron: mineral that prevents low birth weight and premature birth Ex: fatty o-mega acids Warning: Doesn't replace a healthy diet but supplements it

Foods NOT to Eat While Pregnant

Raw meat/shellfishand lunch meat Unpasturized foods, specifically cheese caffeine Unwashed vegetables
o #1 lettuce o #2 tomatoes Raw eggs All of the foods listed above may contain bacteria, specifically listeria

5 Most Important Activities Walk

Run: be careful Stair climber or elipitical Swim Yoga

All of the following activities will supplement your baby's health and helps with natural birth. Most important activities include: walking and swimming.

Health Risks of Pregnancy

o 3 cups or less have no effect on the baby o 8 cups or more the baby has a higher chace of still birth Tobacco: babies may get cleft lip and are 2.5 times more likely to die of SID's Alcohol: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS): syptoms include: small body, webbeed fingers and toes o 1 in every 750 babies are born or 40,000 a year are born with FAS

Signs of Labor

Baby Movement "Water Breaking", amniotic fluid Heavy Bleeding Bowel Movements Euersetic Contractions: Timed evenly "False Labor" Brexton Hicks Contractions

Important Times while Pregnant

9-12 weeks: 1st ultra-sound 18-20 weeks: Find the gender of the baby At about 24 weeks: The Mother can feel movement 36-40 weeks: Full term

1.Car Seat Class and Inspection 2.Breast Feeding Class 3.Birthing Classes

3 Options for Feeding

Breast Feeding
o Pros: saves money, healthier, feed anywhere, special bond between mother and child, weight loss, sometimes can be used as birth control. o Cons: some kids can't, some mothers don't produce milk, you don't know how much baby actually eats, time consuming and only mothers can do it. Pumping (Breast Milk) o Pros: anyone can feed, healthier, know how much baby eats, costs less o Cons: bottles and pump accessories, time consuming Formula Feeding o Pros: anyone can help, know how much is eaten, convenient, makes babies full faster for longer, mothers diet doesn't effect the milk o Cons: makes babies gassy and spit up more, not as healthy, COST, washing bottles

Birth Plan

Options at birth
oNurse/ Midwife: focus more on natural birth oDoctor: focus more on pain management Type of Birth oNatural oLocal oEpidural oC-Section oEpisiotomy

More Options for Birth Plan

Who do I want in labor? Who do I want in the waiting room? Right after birth:

o Announcement o Sex announcement o baby on the mother o cleaned first Who is going to cut the umbilical cord? Are you going to save anything from birth? Stiches if you have tearing Postpartum Floor: o Own room o Shared room o guests, When? o Training, Which ones? o Is the baby going to sleep in your room or in the nursery? o Vaxinations or Immunizations o Food, games, etc.

Natural Birth

Definition: no medicine to help with pain. Options to help you with the pain and make the pregnancy
more comfortable: o Positioning o Birth Balls: designed to spread the hips o Water Birth o Tennis balls on back o Ice/Heat packs or Fan o Stirrups o Mirror o Towel and bar o Massage o Music o Meditation

Local Birth

Definition: Shot that lasts 3-4 hours, no pain for the mother from the waist down Child receives less drugs than an epidural
but more than a natural birth.


Surgical cut to help the baby out of the womb

Epidural Definition: lasts as long as pregnancy, feel nothing below

the stomach Slows down the pregnancy, the mother is much calmer Child ends up having more drugs in their system


Women has a surgical cut so ends up being in the

hospital for longer and home for longer because the recover time is more time consuming

Stages of Labor

1.Cervix dialates to 10 centimeters 2.Birth of Baby 3."Birth" of Placenta

Molly's Birth Plan

I would want a doctor. I want to try a natural birth. To help with the pain of labor I am going to bring Ice/Heat Packs, Music, birthing ball, tennis balls, and a fan. I want the baby's father with in the labor room and to cut the umbilical cord. I would also want my mother with me in the labor room too. I would like other friends and family members like my grandparents, my Best Friend and the god parents to be in the waiting room. I would like my husband to tell me the sex, then for him to tell the family and friends in the waiting room the time of birth, the name and the sex. I want the baby to be placed on top of me right after birth. I would like nothing saved from the birth. I want stitches if any tearing takes place. I would like my own postpartum room. Guests are welcome any time when I am in the postpartum room and both me and the baby are clean. I would like an extra breast feeding class with the baby. I want the baby to sleep in the room with me at night. I want any vaccination or immunization that are appropriate at that time. I want to bring healthy food, movies, and one board game.

Pros and Cons of Vaccines and Immunizations

Pros: Cons: can prevent diseases religious views if children that are side effects vaccinated and they do get a It should be your descision disease they normally get a have links with autism, SIDS milder case and brain inflation some schools make them can distroy your immune mandatory system prevent outbreaks of sometimes natural diseases immunity is better always being improved may contain harmful ingredients

Baby Items Checklist

footed type)

One-piece sleepers (gown or

Undershirts or "onesies" (onepiece undergarments with snaps at the crotch)

Onesies- $19.95

Daytime outfits Mittens (to cover the hands of

babies who tend to scratch their faces) Socks Bunting-$39.93 Hats Sweater or jacker for cool weather Bunting (hooded sleeping bag) or snow suit for cold weather Recieving blankets (small, lightweight, blanks in which a baby can be wrapped)
socks- $10


Day-time outfit-$32.95



Mittens $6

Diaper and Changing Supplies Cloth diapers: 2-3

dozen diapers and 2-4 Cloth Diapers-$18.95 pairs of waterproof for one pants per Disposable diapers: At Wipes-$5.99 package Waterproof Pants-$5.79 least a week's supply on hand (about 70 diapers) Baby wipes (unscented, Cotton balls-$1.69 alcohol-free) Petroleum jelly Petroleum Jelly-$3 Cotton balls or gauze Disposable Diaperspads $50.99 for one package Ointment for Diaper Ointment for diaper rash-$8 rash

Bathing Equipment

Plasticbabybathtub Soft washcloths and bath towels Baby wash or mild soap Baby shampoo Baby lotion and/or baby oil Baby comb Baby nail scissors

Baby nail clippers-$5

Baby comb and brush-$4 Baby washcloths-$9

Baby shampoo-$8

Baby bath towel-$27 Baby soap-$9 Baby lotion-$8 Bath Tub-$25

Feeding Equipment If breast feeding

o Nursing bras and disposable nursing pads 3 bottles-$14.99 o Breast pump o 2-3 bottles for storing breast milk Baby sterilizer-$69.99 If bottle-feeding Extra nipples-$4.95 o 6-8 bottles (8-ounce size) o Extra nipples and bottle caps o Sterilizer (if not using bottle caps-$6.99 dishwasher) Bottle Brush-$5 o Bottle brush
Nursing bra-$34.00

Disposable nursing pads-$9.85

Breast Pump-$237

Travel Items

Car seat Baby carrier, stroller or carriage Tote bag for supplies

Tote bag-$35

Car Seat and Stroller combo$120

Parenting Styles
1.Authoritarian 2.Authoritative (Democratic) 3.Parmissive 4.Uninvolved

Authoritative (Democratic)

Establishes rules and guidelines/limits willing to listen to child supportive/caring encourage indepence allows child to express opinions Ex: the truck is thrown, the truck is put away until the child can handle it PROS:
o want child to have fun but also safe o have guidelines CONS: o child may not always understand their punishment


Favoring or enforcing strict obedience to autority at the expense of personal freedom Ex: if a child asks a question about a rule the parent might say "because I said so" PROS: o held to high standards and accomplish well in school CONS:
o may not be able to make choices for themselves

Uninvolved neglectful parents PROS:


o basic needs o basic limits/curfew CONS: o NOT caring o kids feel unimportant o parents may reject kid o little to no supervision o little warmth/love o do not attend school events o intentionally aviod child Ex: 16 year old is smoking, parent addresses the problem dut doesn't do anything to stop it.

o kids learn to provide for themselves o fear od becoming dependent of someone o emotional withdrawn o diliquent during teen years o fear o anxiety o distress

Permissive aka indulgent parenting Characteristic/CONS:

o few demands/expectations o no discipline o lenient o "Friendship" parenting o bribing/manipulation PROS: o nuturing o communicative Effects on child: lack social skills and happiness Ex: Parent makes a nutritous dinner, but child refuses to eat it. The parent allows the child to eat what they want, disregarding nutrition

Safety/Danger Concerns

Stairs: gates Electrical Outlets: plugs Chokeables: toys, food (#1 hotdogs) Pets: suffication, allergy Allergies: food, airborne, bees Carseat: improperly placed, not fitted right, old Lost/Taken How long/time to leave them alone Dressed Properly: heat stroke, cold, what you feel comfortable in the baby does too Playtime: illnesses, bad habits Food: amount for infants/toddlers Hygiene: baths, ears, skin folds Drowning/Burns: pots and pans Walking: Roads/Traffic

Foods to Avoid (until 2 years old): peanut butter, eggs, grains (glucose), whey

What is the right way to bring up your child?

Joys of Parenting bonding with child growth and developement laughter playing with child having a family hugs and kisses naps teamwork with partner dress up funny love achievements cuteness imagination doing activities cuddling

teaching and reading to child holding them first day of school first words first steps snuggling similarities between child and

Concerns with Parenting crying good morals lack of sleep patience cleaning up messes education $prices$ transportation safety communication between parents developement or health post pardom depression problems o "Baby Blues" time management day care displine o can cost $500-$5,000 per month being a role model per child Whats right? babysitters proper care for infants finances making decisions quiting job to be an at home parent child eating enough meal times child getting lost consistancy tantrums

5 Areas of Developement
1.Physical 2.Intellectual 3.Emotional 4.Moral 5.Social 6.Spiritual

Physical Large Motor Skills (Gloss)

o Trunk, legs, arms Small Motor Skills (Fine) o Head, toes, fingers What Helps? o Games Outside Inside Board games Coloring Playdough Physical Activity


Brain: aka Cognitive Ex:

o Reading o Writing o Math o ABC's o Science o Counting o 123's What Helps? o Books/Reading o Music o Foreign Language


Feelings: inside emotions Toughest to identify Ex:

o sad o mad o happy o scared, etc. What Helps? o Pets: Dogs (#1), Cats, Fish (for younger kids) o Dolls/Teddy Bears

Moral What's Right/Wrong,

Good/Bad it is the understanding, rules and consequences What Helps? o "House" or Role Playing o Games: Kickball, Chess o Classroom rules, School rules/ policies


Interaction with people Affected by

o Day Care Center o In Home Day Care o Stay at Home Day Care Center children usually lack intellectual skills but have high social skills In home Day Care have a good balance of both intellectual and social skills Stay at home have low social skills but high intellectual skills Changes over time


Person's thoughts, ideas and emotions Ex:

o After life o Religion o Outside/Nature

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