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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, !rth"!rt, AL www#MakesSenseStrategies#$!%


Mary Anne
Is about



The Guided Discovery Model

Main idea Main idea

An approach to instruction where the teacher provides examples and non-examples of a topic and guides the students to an understanding of that specific topic.
Main idea Main idea





Identify topics: choose a category that has common characteristics and generalizations Specify Learning Objectives: 1) for students to be able to identify the characteristics of the topic and 2) for students to understand the relationships that exists between the concepts in the generalization. Prepare Examples and Nonexamples: choose high-quality examples, a variety of examples, give context, and choose an appropriate type of example (concrete material, picture, model, vignettes, simulation and role play Technology: use technology to demonstrate difficult concepts like gravity. Also make use of online resources for examples.

Introduction: attract the students attention and establish the topic for the class. The Open-Ended Phase: Present examples then ask open-ended questions to promote student involvement and critical thinking. The Convergent Phase: Guide the discussion by narrowing the range of students responses and assist them in identifying key concepts. Closure and Application: Closure happens when students can verbally describe the topics characteristics and generalization. Give assignments that help the students apply the information on their own and help those who are struggling.

Aligning Assessments and Objectives: ensure that the learning objectives, activities, and assessments are aligned and that the test measures the level of thinking taught in the lesson. Using Assessment to Increase Learning: to use tests to promote learning and motivation two factors are required 1) the assessment must measure more than knowledge and recall and 2) give detailed feedback and discussion.

Student Involvement and Success: the greater the amount of involvement the greater the student interest will be. Open ended questions virtually ensure success with encourages students to be involved. Involvement increases the students perceptions of control and autonomy, which increases motivation. A Sense of the Unknown: people are intrinsically motivated by activities and experiences that evoke curiosity, challenge, and a sense of the unknown. This model motivates students because they get to find

connections between the examples rather than have the teacher explain everything.

So what? What is important to understand about this?

The guided discovery model is a teaching strategy that motivates students through involvement and curiosity to learn about a concept through studying examples and discovering the characteristics and connections of the specific topic.

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