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/***************************************************** This program was produced by the CodeWizardAVR V1.25.

7 beta 5 Professional Automatic Program Generator Copyright 1998-2007 Pavel Haiduc, HP InfoTech s.r.l. Project : Version : Date : 9/12/2007 Author : **** Company : **** Comments: Chip type : ATmega16 Program type : Application Clock frequency : 6.000000 MHz Memory model : Small External SRAM size : 0 Data Stack size : 256 *****************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #define #define #define #define #define #define #define <mega16.h> //We need that ATMega16 library goodness <delay.h> //Used for delay_ms(); <stdio.h> //We like printf dont we? <spi.h> //SPI functions (not used yet) <math.h> //Power function needed TX_CSN PORTB.4 RX_CSN PORTB.3 SCK PORTB.7 MISO PINB.6 MOSI PORTB.5 TX_CE PORTB.2 RX_CE PORTB.1

int ptx_spitalk(int); int prx_spitalk(int); void enable_ptx(void); void disable_ptx(void); void enable_prx(void); void disable_prx(void); //Debugging functions void showregisters_ptx(void); void showregisters_ptx_macro(int); void showregisters_prx(void); void showregisters_prx_macro(int); void config_ptx(void); void config_prx(void); void main(void) { // Declare your local variables here int temp0, i; // Input/Output Ports initialization // Port A initialization

// Func7=In Func6=In Func5=In Func4=In Func3=In Func2=In Func1=In Func0=In // State7=T State6=T State5=T State4=T State3=T State2=T State1=T State0=T PORTA=0x00; DDRA=0x00; // Port B initialization // Func7=Out Func6=In Func5=Out Func4=Out Func3=Out Func2=Out Func1=Out Func 0=In // State7=0 State6=T State5=0 State4=0 State3=0 State2=0 State1=0 State0=T PORTB=0x00; DDRB=0xBE; // Port C initialization // All pins output // State7=T State6=T State5=T State4=T State3=T State2=T State1=T State0=T PORTC=0xFF; DDRC=0xFF; // Port D initialization // Func7=In Func6=In Func5=In Func4=In Func3=In Func2=In Func1=In Func0=In // State7=T State6=T State5=T State4=T State3=T State2=T State1=T State0=T PORTD=0x00; DDRD=0x00; // Timer/Counter 0 initialization // Clock source: System Clock // Clock value: Timer 0 Stopped // Mode: Normal top=FFh // OC0 output: Disconnected TCCR0=0x00; TCNT0=0x00; OCR0=0x00; // Timer/Counter 1 initialization // Clock source: System Clock // Clock value: Timer 1 Stopped // Mode: Normal top=FFFFh // OC1A output: Discon. // OC1B output: Discon. // Noise Canceler: Off // Input Capture on Falling Edge // Timer 1 Overflow Interrupt: Off // Input Capture Interrupt: Off // Compare A Match Interrupt: Off // Compare B Match Interrupt: Off TCCR1A=0x00; TCCR1B=0x00; TCNT1H=0x00; TCNT1L=0x00; ICR1H=0x00; ICR1L=0x00; OCR1AH=0x00; OCR1AL=0x00; OCR1BH=0x00; OCR1BL=0x00; // // // // Timer/Counter 2 initialization Clock source: System Clock Clock value: Timer 2 Stopped Mode: Normal top=FFh

// OC2 output: Disconnected ASSR=0x00; TCCR2=0x00; TCNT2=0x00; OCR2=0x00; // External Interrupt(s) initialization // INT0: On // INT0 Mode: Falling Edge // INT1: On // INT1 Mode: Falling Edge // INT2: Off GICR|=0xC0; MCUCR=0x0A; MCUCSR=0x00; GIFR=0xC0; // Timer(s)/Counter(s) Interrupt(s) initialization TIMSK=0x00; // Analog Comparator initialization // Analog Comparator: Off // Analog Comparator Input Capture by Timer/Counter 1: Off ACSR=0x80; SFIOR=0x00; // SPI initialization // SPI Type: Master // SPI Clock Rate: 46.875 kHz // SPI Clock Phase: Cycle Start // SPI Clock Polarity: Low // SPI Data Order: MSB First //SPCR=0x53; //SPSR=0x00; /* #asm in r30,spsr in r30,spdr #endasm */ //enable global interrupts #asm("sei") disable_ptx(); disable_prx(); for(i=0; i<15; i++) { //Throw out a message for 15 seconds so we have to time switch COM1 control //from AVR Bootloader over to the CVAVR terminal printf("Text display test: [OK] \r"); delay_ms(1000); } PORTC = 0xFE; //Debugging lights - Light 1 LED to indicate code start printf("Setting up PRX/PTX...\r");

config_prx(); config_ptx(); printf("Done setting up PRX/PTX...\r\r"); //Debugging Info showregisters_ptx(); showregisters_prx(); //test send a packet enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0xE1); disable_ptx(); enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0xA0); ptx_spitalk(0x31); ptx_spitalk(0x32); ptx_spitalk(0x33); ptx_spitalk(0x34); disable_ptx(); enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0xA0); ptx_spitalk(0x31); ptx_spitalk(0x32); ptx_spitalk(0x33); ptx_spitalk(0x34); disable_ptx(); enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0xA0); ptx_spitalk(0x31); ptx_spitalk(0x32); ptx_spitalk(0x33); ptx_spitalk(0x34); disable_ptx(); //3 4-byte packets are clocked over SPI so that we can test the FIFO full //flag in the status register enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0x07); temp0 = ptx_spitalk(0x00); printf("Pre-TX PTX Status Register: %02X\r",temp0); //Print out statu s register disable_ptx(); enable_prx(); prx_spitalk(0x07); temp0 = prx_spitalk(0x00); printf("Pre-TX PRX Status Register: %02X\r",temp0); //Print out statu s register disable_prx();

PORTC = 0x00; //Debugging lights - Light all LEDs to indicate data TX printf("Data Transmit about to occur!\r");

TX_CE = 1; //activate transmitter delay_ms(1); TX_CE = 0; //disable transmitter delay_ms(2000); //Debugging - can measure the PTX's IRQ line with a //logic probe, voltmeter, or o-scope to make sure lin e is low enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0x07); //Read the status register temp0 = ptx_spitalk(0x00); printf("Post-TX PTX Status Register: %02X\r",temp0); //Print out stat us register disable_ptx(); enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0x27); //Clear the TX_DS bit in the status register ptx_spitalk(0x20); disable_ptx(); enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0x07); temp0 = ptx_spitalk(0x00); printf("Post-TX PTX Status Register [INT Cleared]: %02X\r",temp0); // Print out status register disable_ptx(); //End transmission code...below is receiver code enable_prx(); prx_spitalk(0x61); temp0 = prx_spitalk(0x00); printf("Result: %02X\r",temp0); temp0 = prx_spitalk(0x00); printf("Result: %02X\r",temp0); temp0 = prx_spitalk(0x00); printf("Result: %02X\r",temp0); temp0 = prx_spitalk(0x00); printf("Result: %02X\r",temp0); disable_prx();

//Print out received data //Print out received data //Print out received data //Print out received data

enable_prx(); prx_spitalk(0xE2); //Flush RX FIFO disable_prx(); enable_prx(); prx_spitalk(0x07); //Read the status register temp0 = prx_spitalk(0x00); printf("Post-TX PRX Status Register: %02X\r",temp0); //Print out stat us register disable_prx(); enable_prx(); prx_spitalk(0x27); //Clear the RX_DR bit in the status register prx_spitalk(0x40); disable_prx(); enable_prx();

prx_spitalk(0x07); temp0 = prx_spitalk(0x00); printf("Post-TX PRX Status Register [INT Cleared]: %02X\r",temp0); // Print out status register disable_prx(); showregisters_ptx(); showregisters_prx(); while (1) { }; } int ptx_spitalk(int sendbyte) { /* Desc: This function enables talking to the PTX nRF24L01 chip. Inputs: The "sendbyte" part of this function is the byte to be sent to the chip. If this data transfer cycle is only used to retrieve the next byte, EX: getting a register value, this variable should be a 0x00. Notes: Application must assert the TX_CSN line before function can b e called. This is due to the nature of multi-byte sending and receiving of whi ch this function is unaware of. Before calling a series of "ptx_spitalk" fun ctions assert the PTX chip's CSN line to low by using the function "enable_ ptx();". After transfer is complete the CSN line must be asserted high again by using the function "disable_ptx();". */ int temp0,temp1, i, receivebyte; receivebyte = 0; for(i { temp0 temp0 temp0 01) MOSI = temp0; //Set the Master Out (Slave In) pin with the bit value of temp0 SCK = 1; //Master Out is now asserted, clock in the data by pulsing SCK high temp1 = MISO; //Grab the bit that the slave device (PTX) has sent an d save in temp1 SCK = 0; //Transfer is complete, drop the SCK pulse /* Now we need to add temp1 to the receivebyte variable. This line gets a compile warning as it could possibly overflow an int. The math we will be d oing using the = 7; i >= 0; i--) = sendbyte; = temp0 >>i; //Shift the temp0 variable by "i" bits = temp0 & 0x01; //And the shifted variable with 0x01 (0b000000

pow(x,y); function will NOT overflow an int as the highest we will e ver return from this function is a 255, or 0xFF. To disable the warning for this spe cific line we will use the #pragma warn- call and then re-enable with #pragma warn + afterwards. */ #pragma warnreceivebyte = receivebyte + pow((temp1*2),i); //Math needed to add u p the result #pragma warn+ } return receivebyte; } int prx_spitalk(int sendbyte) { /* Desc: This function enables talking to the PRX nRF24L01 chip. Inputs: The "sendbyte" part of this function is the byte to be sent to the chip. If this data transfer cycle is only used to retrieve the next byte, EX: getting a register value, this variable should be a 0x00. Notes: Application must assert the RX_CSN line before function can b e called. This is due to the nature of multi-byte sending and receiving of whi ch this function is unaware of. Before calling a series of "prx_spitalk" fun ctions assert the PRX chip's CSN line to low by using the function "enable_ prx();". After transfer is complete the CSN line must be asserted high again by using the function "disable_prx();". */ int temp0,temp1, i, receivebyte; receivebyte = 0; for(i { temp0 temp0 temp0 01) MOSI = temp0; //Set the Master Out (Slave In) pin with the bit value of temp0 SCK = 1; //Master Out is now asserted, clock in the data by pulsing SCK high temp1 = MISO; //Grab the bit that the slave device (PRX) has sent an d save in temp1 SCK = 0; //Transfer is complete, drop the SCK pulse /* Now we need to add temp1 to the receivebyte variable. This line gets a compile = 7; i >= 0; i--) = sendbyte; = temp0 >>i; //Shift the temp0 variable by "i" bits = temp0 & 0x01; //And the shifted variable with 0x01 (0b000000

warning as it could possibly overflow an int. The math we will be d oing using the pow(x,y); function will NOT overflow an int as the highest we will e ver return from this function is a 255, or 0xFF. To disable the warning for this spe cific line we will use the #pragma warn- call and then re-enable with #pragma warn + afterwards. */ #pragma warnreceivebyte = receivebyte + pow((temp1*2),i); //Math needed to add u p the result #pragma warn+ } return receivebyte; } void enable_ptx(void) { TX_CSN = 0; //Lower the CSN line for the PTX -- Begin data transfer } void disable_ptx(void) { TX_CSN = 1; //Raise the CSN line for the PTX -- Data transfer comple te } void enable_prx(void) { RX_CSN = 0; //Lower the CSN line for the PRX -- Begin data transfer } void disable_prx(void) { RX_CSN = 1; //Raise the CSN line for the PRX -- Data transfer comple te } void config_ptx(void) { //config PTX enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0x20); ptx_spitalk(0x5C); disable_ptx(); enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0x24); ptx_spitalk(0x00); disable_ptx(); enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0x23); ptx_spitalk(0x03); disable_ptx();

enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0x26); ptx_spitalk(0x07); disable_ptx(); enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0x25); ptx_spitalk(0x02); disable_ptx(); enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0x30); ptx_spitalk(0xE7); ptx_spitalk(0xE7); ptx_spitalk(0xE7); ptx_spitalk(0xE7); ptx_spitalk(0xE7); disable_ptx(); enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0x21); ptx_spitalk(0x00); disable_ptx(); enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0x27); ptx_spitalk(0x7E); disable_ptx(); enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0x20); ptx_spitalk(0x5E); disable_ptx(); } void config_prx(void) { //config PRX enable_prx(); prx_spitalk(0x20); prx_spitalk(0x3D); disable_prx(); enable_prx(); prx_spitalk(0x21); prx_spitalk(0x00); disable_prx(); enable_prx(); prx_spitalk(0x23); prx_spitalk(0x03); disable_prx(); enable_prx(); prx_spitalk(0x26); prx_spitalk(0x07); disable_prx(); enable_prx(); prx_spitalk(0x31);

prx_spitalk(0x04); disable_prx(); enable_prx(); prx_spitalk(0x25); prx_spitalk(0x02); disable_prx(); enable_prx(); prx_spitalk(0x30); prx_spitalk(0xE7); prx_spitalk(0xE7); prx_spitalk(0xE7); prx_spitalk(0xE7); prx_spitalk(0xE7); disable_prx(); enable_prx(); prx_spitalk(0x20); prx_spitalk(0x3F); disable_prx(); enable_prx(); prx_spitalk(0xE2); disable_prx(); RX_CE = 1; //activate receiver } void showregisters_ptx(void) { int temp[5], i; //This is a debugging function. It will output the current status o f all registers. printf("Status of PTX registers:\r"); for(i=0; i<0x0A; i++) { showregisters_ptx_macro(i); } enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0x0A); temp[0] = ptx_spitalk(0x00); temp[1] = ptx_spitalk(0x00); temp[2] = ptx_spitalk(0x00); temp[3] = ptx_spitalk(0x00); temp[4] = ptx_spitalk(0x00); printf("Register $0A's Value: %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X\r",temp[4],temp[3 ],temp[2],temp[1],temp[0]); disable_ptx(); enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0x0B); temp[0] = ptx_spitalk(0x00); temp[1] = ptx_spitalk(0x00); temp[2] = ptx_spitalk(0x00); temp[3] = ptx_spitalk(0x00); temp[4] = ptx_spitalk(0x00);

printf("Register $0B's Value: %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X\r",temp[4],temp[3 ],temp[2],temp[1],temp[0]); disable_ptx(); for(i=0x0C; i<0x10; i++) { showregisters_ptx_macro(i); } enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(0x10); temp[0] = ptx_spitalk(0x00); temp[1] = ptx_spitalk(0x00); temp[2] = ptx_spitalk(0x00); temp[3] = ptx_spitalk(0x00); temp[4] = ptx_spitalk(0x00); printf("Register $10's Value: %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X\r",temp[4],temp[3 ],temp[2],temp[1],temp[0]); disable_ptx(); for(i=0x11; i<0x18; i++) { showregisters_ptx_macro(i); } showregisters_ptx_macro(0x1C); showregisters_ptx_macro(0x1D); printf("Status of PTX registers complete...\r\r"); } void showregisters_ptx_macro(int usereg) { int temp0; enable_ptx(); ptx_spitalk(usereg); temp0 = ptx_spitalk(0x00); printf("Register $%02X's Value: %02X\r",usereg,temp0); disable_ptx(); } void showregisters_prx(void) { int temp[5], i; //This is a debugging function. It will output the current status o f all registers. printf("Status of PRX registers:\r"); for(i=0; i<0x0A; i++) { showregisters_prx_macro(i); } enable_prx(); prx_spitalk(0x0A); temp[0] = prx_spitalk(0x00); temp[1] = prx_spitalk(0x00); temp[2] = prx_spitalk(0x00);

temp[3] = prx_spitalk(0x00); temp[4] = prx_spitalk(0x00); printf("Register $0A's Value: %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X\r",temp[4],temp[3 ],temp[2],temp[1],temp[0]); disable_prx(); enable_prx(); prx_spitalk(0x0B); temp[0] = prx_spitalk(0x00); temp[1] = prx_spitalk(0x00); temp[2] = prx_spitalk(0x00); temp[3] = prx_spitalk(0x00); temp[4] = prx_spitalk(0x00); printf("Register $0B's Value: %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X\r",temp[4],temp[3 ],temp[2],temp[1],temp[0]); disable_prx(); for(i=0x0C; i<0x10; i++) { showregisters_prx_macro(i); } enable_prx(); prx_spitalk(0x10); temp[0] = prx_spitalk(0x00); temp[1] = prx_spitalk(0x00); temp[2] = prx_spitalk(0x00); temp[3] = prx_spitalk(0x00); temp[4] = prx_spitalk(0x00); printf("Register $10's Value: %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X\r",temp[4],temp[3 ],temp[2],temp[1],temp[0]); disable_prx(); for(i=0x11; i<0x18; i++) { showregisters_prx_macro(i); } showregisters_prx_macro(0x1C); showregisters_prx_macro(0x1D); printf("Status of PRX registers complete...\r\r"); } void showregisters_prx_macro(int usereg) { int temp[5]; enable_prx(); prx_spitalk(usereg); temp[0] = prx_spitalk(0x00); printf("Register $%02X's Value: %02X\r",usereg,temp[0]); disable_prx();} // External Interrupt 0 service routine interrupt [EXT_INT0] void ext_int0_isr(void) { // Place your code here printf("Ext Int0 Executed");

} // External Interrupt 1 service routine interrupt [EXT_INT1] void ext_int1_isr(void) { // Place your code here printf("Ext Int1 Executed"); }

Text display test: [OK] Text display test: [OK] Text display test: [OK] Text display test: [OK] Text display test: [OK] Text display test: [OK] Text display test: [OK] Text display test: [OK] Text display test: [OK] Text display test: [OK] Text display test: [OK] Text display test: [OK] Text display test: [OK] Text display test: [OK] Text display test: [OK] Setting up PRX/PTX... Done setting up PRX/PTX... Status of PTX registers: Register $00's Value: 5E Register $01's Value: 00 Register $02's Value: 03 Register $03's Value: 03 Register $04's Value: 00 Register $05's Value: 02 Register $06's Value: 07 Register $07's Value: 0E Register $08's Value: 00 Register $09's Value: 00 Register $0A's Value: E7E7E7E7E7 Register $0B's Value: C2C2C2C2C2 Register $0C's Value: C3 Register $0D's Value: C4 Register $0E's Value: C5 Register $0F's Value: C6 Register $10's Value: E7E7E7E7E7 Register $11's Value: 00 Register $12's Value: 00 Register $13's Value: 00 Register $14's Value: 00 Register $15's Value: 00 Register $16's Value: 00 Register $17's Value: 11 Register $1C's Value: 00 Register $1D's Value: 00 Status of PTX registers complete... Status of PRX registers: Register $00's Value: 3F

Register $01's Value: 00 Register $02's Value: 03 Register $03's Value: 03 Register $04's Value: 03 Register $05's Value: 02 Register $06's Value: 07 Register $07's Value: 0E Register $08's Value: 00 Register $09's Value: 00 Register $0A's Value: E7E7E7E7E7 Register $0B's Value: C2C2C2C2C2 Register $0C's Value: C3 Register $0D's Value: C4 Register $0E's Value: C5 Register $0F's Value: C6 Register $10's Value: E7E7E7E7E7 Register $11's Value: 04 Register $12's Value: 00 Register $13's Value: 00 Register $14's Value: 00 Register $15's Value: 00 Register $16's Value: 00 Register $17's Value: 11 Register $1C's Value: 00 Register $1D's Value: 00 Status of PRX registers complete... Pre-TX PTX Status Register: 0F Pre-TX PRX Status Register: 0E Data Transmit about to occur! Post-TX PTX Status Register: 2E Post-TX PTX Status Register [INT Cleared]: 0E Result: 00 Result: 00 Result: 00 Result: 00 Post-TX PRX Status Register: 0E Post-TX PRX Status Register [INT Cleared]: 0E Status of PTX registers: Register $00's Value: 5E Register $01's Value: 00 Register $02's Value: 03 Register $03's Value: 03 Register $04's Value: 00 Register $05's Value: 02 Register $06's Value: 07 Register $07's Value: 0E Register $08's Value: 00 Register $09's Value: 00 Register $0A's Value: E7E7E7E7E7 Register $0B's Value: C2C2C2C2C2 Register $0C's Value: C3 Register $0D's Value: C4 Register $0E's Value: C5 Register $0F's Value: C6 Register $10's Value: E7E7E7E7E7 Register $11's Value: 00 Register $12's Value: 00 Register $13's Value: 00 Register $14's Value: 00

Register $15's Value: 00 Register $16's Value: 00 Register $17's Value: 11 Register $1C's Value: 00 Register $1D's Value: 00 Status of PTX registers complete... Status of PRX registers: Register $00's Value: 3F Register $01's Value: 00 Register $02's Value: 03 Register $03's Value: 03 Register $04's Value: 03 Register $05's Value: 02 Register $06's Value: 07 Register $07's Value: 0E Register $08's Value: 00 Register $09's Value: 00 Register $0A's Value: E7E7E7E7E7 Register $0B's Value: C2C2C2C2C2 Register $0C's Value: C3 Register $0D's Value: C4 Register $0E's Value: C5 Register $0F's Value: C6 Register $10's Value: E7E7E7E7E7 Register $11's Value: 04 Register $12's Value: 00 Register $13's Value: 00 Register $14's Value: 00 Register $15's Value: 00 Register $16's Value: 00 Register $17's Value: 11 Register $1C's Value: 00 Register $1D's Value: 00 Status of PRX registers complete...

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