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Teacher Candidate's Name: Teresa Labianco Supervisor's Name: Melissa Jackson Course and Section Number: SPEDE 777/2

Student Teaching/Practicum Observation Rubric

School Site: PS 146 bservation !:" # on site $ate: 1%&'&1'

Grade Level: PK

nstructions! "se the rubric as a guide #or evaluating teacher candidates $student teachers and %racticum students& during their observed lesson' There are seven categories to evaluate' The rubric %rovides general descri%tions o# the %er#ormance levels #or each categor(' The ratings are based on a scale o# ) to * $)' +ot ,cce%table- 2' Develo%ing- .' Pro#icient- and *' E/em%lar(&' 0heck 1hich bo/es best re#lect candidate %er#ormance #or each area' n determining- the overall average #or each categor(- %artial credit ma( be a1arded $i'e'- .'2 1ould indicate %er#ormance bet1een %ro#icient and e/em%lar(&' To calculate the #inal score #or the si/ 1eighted categories- add the %oints #rom each categor( and divide b( 3' n addition- attach a narrative 1ith a brie# descri%tion o# the lesson- a summar( o# candidate4s strengths- and suggestions #or im%rovements $in %articular #or areas that 1ere not acce%table or develo%ing&'



,verage $) to *&

+ot ,cce%table $)'5 to )'6 %oint& $7elo1 0& 1a(1) $oes not use lan*ua*e appropriate to developmental and s+ill level 1b(1) $oes not present content appropriate to developmental and s+ill level

Develo%ing $2'5 to 2'6 %oints& $0- 08- 79& 1a(") ,ses lan*ua*e some-hat appropriate to developmental and s+ill level 1b(") Presents content some-hat appropriate to developmental and s+ill level 1c(") 3inimall4 challen*es students to thin+ and&or develop s+ills at a more advanced level 1d(") 3a+es minimal ad6ustments /or individual student di//erences

Pro#icient $.'5 to .'7 %oints& $7- 78- ,9&

E/em%lar( $.': to *'5 %oints& $,- ,8& 1a(4) ,ses lan*ua*e appropriate to developmental and s+ill level and introduces more advanced lan*ua*e 1b(4) Presents content appropriate to developmental and s+ill level and re/erences more advanced content # '(0 1c(4) Challen*es most to all students to thin+ and&or develop s+ills at a more advanced level 1d(4) ,ses di//erentiated instruction to provide /or most to all individual student di//erences7 includin* di//erent developmental levels7 1LL7 and student -ith disabilities "a(4) Provides accurate in/ormation about sub6ect matter7 includin* si*ni/icant bac+*round or conte2tual in/ormation # '(0


1a(') ,ses lan*ua*e

appropriate to developmental and s+ill level # '(. 1b(') Presents content appropriate to developmental and s+ill level



)' ;no1ledge o# <earners


1c(1) $oes not challen*e students to thin+ and&or develop s+ills at a more advanced level 1d(1) 3a+es little or no ad6ustments /or individual student di//erences

1c(') Challen*es some to

most students to thin+ and&or develop s+ills at a more advanced level 5'(. 1d(') ,ses di//erentiated instruction to provide /or some to most individual student di//erences # '(.


>er( good ? im%rovement #rom last lesson >er( =ood'

2' ;no1ledge and "se o# Sub@ect Matter


"a(1) 8n/ormation about sub6ect matter is not accurate and does not include related bac+*round or conte2tual in/o "b(1) $elivers lesson that does not include +e4 concepts7 themes7 and s+ills related to sub6ect area and that does not build on students' prior +no-led*e

"a(") 8n/ormation about sub6ect matter is some-hat clear and includes some related bac+*round or conte2tual in/o "b(") $elivers lesson that includes /e- +e4 concepts7 themes7 s+ills related to sub6ect area7 some-hat builds on students' prior +no-led*e

"a(') Provides accurate

in/ormation about sub6ect matter7 includin* appropriate bac+*round or conte2tual in/ormation "b(') $elivers lesson that includes +e4 concepts7 themes7 and s+ills that are related to sub6ect area7 are -orth teachin*7 and e//ectivel4 build on students' prior +no-led*e #

"b(4) $elivers lesson that

includes +e4 concepts7 themes7 and s+ills that are related to sub6ect area7 -orth teachin*7 and substantiall4 build on students' prior +no-led*e '(0

9ou did an e2cellent 6ob creatin* a lesson plan that ties in Common Core7 measures students pro*ress7 and is meanin*/ul and /un(

Pa*e 1 :ev(.5;5%.

"c(1) $oes not ma+e sub6ect matter meanin*/ul to students "d(1) $oes not use appropriate sub6ect5speci/ic peda*o*4

"c(") Sub6ect matter appears to be some-hat meanin*/ul to students "d(") ,ses some-hat appropriate sub6ect5speci/ic peda*o*4

"c(') Sub6ect matter appears

to be meanin*/ul to students

"c(4) Sub6ect matter appears

to be e2ceptionall4 meanin*/ul to students # '(0 "d(4) ,ses a ran*e o/ appropriate sub6ect5speci/ic peda*o*4

E/cellent @ob' The kids 1ere SO e/cited about this lesson'

"d(') ,ses appropriate

sub6ect5speci/ic peda*o*4 # '(.

Pa*e 2 :ev(.5;5%.



,verage $) to *&

+ot ,cce%table $)'5 to )'6 %oint& $7elo1 0& 'a(1) 8t is not evident that a lesson plan -as prepared

Develo%ing $2'5 to 2'6 %oints& $0- 08- 79&

Pro#icient $.'5 to .'7 %oints& $7- 78- ,9&

E/em%lar( $.': to *'5 %oints& $,- ,8&


'a(") 8t is evident that a

lesson plan -as created7 but some re<uired elements o/ desi*nated lesson plan /ormat are not delivered in the classroom or are poorl4 or*ani=ed 'b(") b6ectives are some-hat clear

'a(') 8t is evident that a

lesson plan -as created7 and the re<uired elements o/ desi*nated lesson plan /ormat are delivered in the classroom in an or*ani=ed -a45

'a(4) 8t is evident that a

lesson plan -as created7 and the re<uired elements o/ desi*nated lesson plan /ormat are delivered in the classroom in a sophisticated -a4 .': 'b(4) >ll ob6ectives are clearl4 stated in behavioral terms and ma+e connections to prior activit4 or lesson #

Minor edits to the lesson %lan' =reat @ob a%%l(ing #eedback #rom the last lesson'

'b(1) unclear

b6ectives are

'b(') 3ost ob6ectives are

clearl4 stated in behavioral terms and ma+e connections to prior activit4 or lesson # '(.

$e/ine ob6ectives a bit more( See lesson edits(

.' Skill in Planning


'c(1) 1lements o/ instructional routine are missin*

'c(") 1lements o/ instructional routine are included7 but poorl4 or*ani=ed in the deliver4 'd(") Poor or*ani=ation o/ activities

'c(') 1stablishes an
instructional routine

'c(4) 1stablishes
instructional routine and adapts to une2pected circumstances .':

=reat im%rovement

'd(1) Little or no use o/ supplemental activities

'd(') Se<uences activities

in a lo*ical7 developmental manner #

'd(4) Se<uences activities in

a lo*ical7 developmental manner7 e2plicitl4 ma+in* connections to prior +no-led*e and previe-in* upcomin* content '(0 'e(4) Selects instructional resources7 materials7 and technolo*ies that supplement lesson and sho- e2ceptional creativit4 # '(0

?er4 *ood

'e(1) Little or no use o/ supplemental instructional resources

'e(") Poor selection o/ instructional resources7 materials7 and technolo*ies

'e(') Selects appropriate

instructional resources7 materials7 and technolo*ies #

Aou made the book- used visuals- used motivating materials

Pa*e 3 :ev(.5;5%.



,verage $) to *&

+ot ,cce%table $)'5 to )'6 %oint& $7elo1 0& 4a(1) $oes not use motivational techni<ues

Develo%ing $2'5 to 2'6 %oints& $0- 08- 79& 4a(") ,ses some motivational techni<ues -ith limited success

Pro#icient $.'5 to .'7 %oints& $7- 78- ,9&

E/em%lar( $.': to *'5 %oints& $,- ,8&


4a(') 1//ectivel4 uses

motivational techni<ues that create a classroom -here most learners are motivated #

4a(4) Sho-s si*ni/icant

e2pertise b4 usin* a ran*e o/ motivational techni<ues that create a classroom o/ hi*hl4 motivated learners #'(0

E/cellentB m%roved #rom last lesson

4b(1) $oes not en*a*e learners

4b(") 1n*a*es some learners

4b(') 1//ectivel4 uses a

variet4 o/ -a4s to en*a*e most learners '(. 4c(') 1//ectivel4 paces lesson to accomplish ob6ectives7 includin* a conclusion at end o/ lesson '(.

4b(4) Sho-s sophisticated

use o/ multiple strate*ies to hi*hl4 en*a*e most learners # 4c(4) Sophisticated use o/ pacin* and lesson time to accomplish ob6ectives7 end lesson -ith a conclusion7 and seamlessl4 transition bet-een instruction and activities 4d(4) Sho-s sophisticated use o/ varied instructional approaches7 as appropriate

4c(1) $oes not brin* lesson to closure

4c(") Poor use o/ lesson time

m%rovement' =reat @ob rein#orcing and redirecting' ,dded song break' Dont be a#raid to have them get u% and dance and move'

*' Skill in Teaching


4d(1) $oes not var4 instructional approaches7 -hen appropriate 4e(1) $oes not communicate clearl4

4d(") Some-hat success/ul at var4in* instructional approaches7 -hen appropriate 4e(") Communicates clearl4 some o/ the time

4d(') 1//ectivel4 uses more

than one instructional approach7 as appropriate # '(.

4e(') Communicates clearl4

usin* verbal and nonverbal messa*es

4e(4) Communicates clearl4

and d4namicall4 usin* verbal and nonverbal messa*es # '(0 4/(4) ,ses sophisticated <uestionin* strate*ies to elicit student responses at the literal7 anal4tical7 and critical thin+in* levels and encoura*e students to e2press di//erent points o/ vie- # 4*(4) >d6usts to unplanned circumstances seamlessl47 -ith onl4 mild disruption to the lesson # '(0 =ood

4/(1) Little or no use o/ <uestionin* strate*ies to promote critical thin+in*

4/(") Some-hat success/ul at usin* <uestionin* strate*ies to elicit student responses at the literal7 anal4tical7 and critical thin+in* levels 4*(") >d6usts poorl4 to unplanned circumstances

4/(') >de<uatel4 uses

<uestionin* strate*ies to elicit student responses at the literal7 anal4tical7 and critical thin+in* levels '(.

4*(1) Little or no ad6ustment to unplanned circumstances

4*(') >d6usts to unplanned

circumstances -ith some interruption to lesson

Good( ,se 4our sta//(

Pa*e 4 :ev(.5;5%.



,verage $) to *&

+ot ,cce%table $)'5 to )'6 %oint& $7elo1 0& @a(1) Teacher and students appear uncom/ortable

Develo%ing $2'5 to 2'6 %oints& $0- 08- 79& @a(") Sho-s rapport -ith some students

Pro#icient $.'5 to .'7 %oints& $7- 78- ,9&

E/em%lar( $.': to *'5 %oints& $,- ,8& @a(4) Sho-s e2ceptional rapport7 -hich is rela2ed and /ocused on learnin* rather than discipline7 -ith most to all students @b(4) Sophisticated use o/ a variet4 o/ classroom mana*ement techni<ues that contribute to a seamless lesson deliver4 .': @c(4) Auilds class communit4 -ith si*ni/icant opportunit4 to participate and most to all students are involved # '(0 @d(4) Bandles attention5 *ettin* behavior in a -a4 that is timel4 and sho-s e2ceptional sensitivit4 .': @e(4) Sho-s e2ceptional level o/ patience -ith most to all students '(0 @/(4) Sho-s si*ns o/ criticall4 listenin* and thou*ht/ull4 responds to student -or+ and ideas @*(4) Sophisticated use o/ positive rein/orcement and sensitive correction mista+es in most to all cases # '(0 @h(1) ,ses sophisticated strate*ies to promotes sensitivit4 to diversit4 issues7 includin* di//erences in ethnicit47 lan*ua*e7 *ender7 and socioeconomic status '(0


@a(') Sho-s ade<uate

rapport -ith most students 5'(. @b(') >de<uatel4 uses a variet4 o/ classroom mana*ement techni<ues

>er( good'

@b(1) $oes not use a variet4 o/ classroom mana*ement techni<ues

@b(") ,ses a limited ran*e o/ classroom mana*ement techni<ues


@c(1) $oes not build class communit4 2' Skill in Develo%ing 0aring <earning

@c(") Some attempt to build class communit4 -ith a /e- opportunities /or students to participate @d(") Bas some di//icult4 handlin* attention5*ettin* behavior @e(") Sho-s some de*ree o/ patience -ith students @/(") :esponses to student -or+ and ideas sho- a limited de*ree o/ thou*ht/ulness @*(") Some-hat uses positive rein/orcement and corrects mista+es in a sensitive -a4 in some cases @h(1) Some-hat promotes sensitivit4 to diversit4 issues

@c(') Auilds class

communit4 -ith ade<uate opportunit4 to participate and most students are involved @d(4) Bandles attention5 *ettin* behavior in a timel4 and appropriate -a4

>er( good

@d(1) 8s not able to handle attention5*ettin* behavior .': @e(1) $oes not shopatience -ith students @/(1) $oes not respond thou*ht/ull4 to student -or+ and ideas @*(1) $oes not use positive rein/orcement and does not correct mista+es in a sensitive -a4 @h(1) $oes not promote sensitivit4 to diversit4 issues

See anecdotal notes' =ood@ob

and Sho1ing Res%ect #or Students

@e(') Sho-s appropriate

level o/ patience -ith most students @/(') Thou*ht/ull4 responds to student -or+ most o/ the time # '(.

@*(') 1//ectivel4 uses

positive rein/orcement and corrects mista+es in a sensitive -a4 in most cases # @h(1) 1//ectivel4 promotes sensitivit4 to diversit4 issues7 includin* di//erences in ethnicit47 lan*ua*e7 *ender7 and socioeconomic status


Pa*e 5 :ev(.5;5%.


0ategor( ,verage

+ot ,cce%table Develo%ing $)'5 to )'6 %oint& $2'5 to 2'6 %oints& $) to *& $7elo1 0& $0- 08- 79& 6a(1) No si*ns o/ assessment 6a(") Some-hat success/ul strate*ies at usin* a strate*4 to chec+ i/ students understand in/ormation 6b(") Provides some-hat 6b(1) $oes not provide help/ul /eedbac+ to students /eedbac+ to student

Pro#icient $.'5 to .'7 %oints& $7- 78- ,9& 6a(') 1//ectivel4 uses a strate*4 to chec+ i/ students understand in/ormation '(.

E/em%lar( $.': to *'5 %oints& $,- ,8& 6a(4) Sophisticated use o/ a variet4 o/ strate*ies to chec+ i/ students understand in/ormation5


6b(4) Provides help/ul /eedbac+ to Good 6b(') Provides help/ul /eedbac+ to students most o/ the students most o/ the time7 *ivin* attention both to content and the time5 '(. individual student's thou*hts about the sub6ect # 8mprovement( ?er4 6c(4) Sophisticated use o/ assessment in/ormation to *uide assessment in/ormation to *uide *ood( See edits on lesson plan( instruction7 as appropriate '(. instruction7 as appropriate

3' Skill in ,ssessment and m%act on Student <earning

6c(1) $oes not use 6c(") Some-hat uses assessment in/ormation to *uide assessment to *uide instruction7 instruction 6d(1) $oes not match assessments to instructional ob6ectives 6e(1) A4 end o/ lesson7 /estudents demonstrate satis/actor4 achievement o/ ob6ectives

6c(') >de<uatel4 uses

6d(") Some-hat matches

assessments to instructional ob6ectives 6e(") A4 end o/ lesson7 some students demonstrate satis/actor4 achievement o/ ob6ectives

6d(') 3atches assessments 6d(4) 3atches assessments to 8mprovement

most instructional ob6ectives '(. most to all instructional ob6ectives7 as applicable

6e(') A4 end o/ lesson7 most 6e(4) A4 end o/ lesson7 most

students demonstrate satis/actor4 achievement o/ ob6ectives or have made satis/actor4 pro*ress '(.

.'7 Sum o# Total Points Total ,verage

C$ivide total points b4 6 D round score to nearest tenth() .':

3a+e sure 4ou have students demonstrate si*ni/icant a means b4 -hich achievement o/ ob6ectives or have an4one can inidcate made si*ni/icant pro*ress student responses( 8/ a teacher is uncom/ortable -ith a plus and minus data sheet7 have them -rite do-n student responses on the sheet and 4ou can /ill it in later(

22'3 # average is belo1 2'5 $7elo1 0& C +ot ,cce%table # average is 2'5 to 2'6 $0- 08- 79& C Develo%ing

# average is .'5 to .'7

$7- 78- ,9& C Pro#icient

# average is above .'7

$,- ,8& C E/em%lar(

7' 0ommitment to Teaching D



.a(1) >ppears uninterested and unmotivated

.a(') $emonstrates a positive .a(4) $emonstrates a stron* attitude throu*hout the lesson positive attitude and maintains hi*h ener*4 and enthusiasm throu*hout the entire lesson '(0 .b(') $urin* post5con/erence7 .b(4) $urin* post5con/erence7 .b(1) $urin* post5con/erence7 .b(") $urin* post5 does not sho- si*ns o/ sel/5 con/erence7 sho-s some si*ns ade<uatel4 re/lects on the purpose/ull4 anal4=es lesson's lesson's stren*ths and needs re/lection about ho- to improve o/ sel/5re/lection and o//ers stren*ths and identi/ies speci/ic teachin* some thou*hts about ho- to and o//ers su**estions about strate*ies about ho- to enhance ho- to enhance teachin* enhance teachin* teachin* # '(0 .c(1) 8s resistant to .c(") Sho-s some .c(') >de<uatel4 accepts .c(4) 12tremel4 open to su**estions7 and in subse<uent reservations about su**estions su**estions /or *ro-th and7 in su**estions and7 in subse<uent Pa*e 6 :ev(.5;5%.

.a(") $emonstrates a some-hat positive attitude

observations7 does not assimilate su**estions

and7 in subse<uent subse<uent observations7 observations7 assimilates some assimilates the su**estions

observations7 sho-s considerable pro*ress in areas su**ested '(0

:' +arrative! Attach additional pages to describe the lesson briefly, highlight teacher candidates strengths, and offer suggestions for improvements.

Teresa -

This was an excellent lesson plan and lesson execution. You did a great job tying in Common Core goals, making measurable objectives, and a meaningful and motivating learning experience for your students. Please see anecdotal notes and lesson plan edits. Excellent work.

Pa*e 7 :ev(.5;5%.

10:11 start Review of prior activities Nice questioning I see the assistant with data sheet !hat is a fingerprint " #era$iah and shar%ese want to answer& 'ou hand%e is ver( we%% )ade the *oo+& ,ove this& !hat do (ou thin+ the *oo+ is going to *e a*out" ,ove the si$p%icit( of the *oo+ & -r(ing gir% in the front& !h( do (ou thin+ she is doing this& I see (ou p%anned for her to *e one to one .reat energ( adding a*surdities .reat *oo+ .ood /o* continuing with %esson 'ou are doing a great #on with the %itt%e *o( seated in the chair 0ids have *een sitting for a*out 10 $inutes &&&&& 1or the %itt%e gir% who cries through circ%e& 'ou cou%d $a+e a visua% schedu%e& 'ou shou%d do this for $ost group %essons 2 so +ids +now what to e3pect& .reat p%anting of data co%%ection
Pa*e 4 :ev(.5;5%.

11 $inutes in2 here is the song !here is thu$*ing song ,oo+ how into the song the( are


Incorporation of techno%og( I %ove that (ou are don on the f%oor with the$ I a$ so i$pressed at the difference with the *o( in the chair 6ransition to activit( 10:26 !hat7s a $agnif(ing g%ass 53p%anation of activities to co$e& 8ince the( are so (oung and there are var(ing a*i%ities go ahead and $a+e visua% schedu%e

.reat /o* $ode%ing the $ode% 6his activit( is great 6eresa (ou have done such a nice /o* ta+ing co$$on core goa%s2 t(ing the$ into o*/ectives2 and greeting a fun and functiona% %esson9activit( 10:24 ca%%ing chi%dren one *( one .ood directing (our staff 6ransition to des+ ta+es *out one $inute 2 good 'ou did a nice /o* ca%%ing on students during the %esson as we%%&
Pa*e : :ev(.5;5%.

.ood ta+ing contro% of (our assess$ent ;+ so I don7t thin+ $rs& Ro*erts +new when to start this is when (ou can do 123 e(es on $e ever(one start 10:31 ever(one starts <oca* &&&swir% )(a when (ou are read( %et $e +now& !en a chi%d is that upset =what is the function>& 6 $e it %oo+s %i+e attention and escape &&&& 8upport her with visua%s&&&&when (ou as+ ?what does (our fingerprint %oo+ %i+e "? and she can7t answer& 1o%%ow through *( giving her two choices& Not escaping @ata sheet2 hard to ta+e data on the tracing I assu$e 'ou are doing a good /o* going chi%d to chi%d 8o now (ou are dea%ing with $(a in the *athroo$ 2 get support fro$ (our staff I don7t thin+ the staff is ta+ing data& 6his happens& ;ften 2 assistants are not co$forta*%e with the ABC data& ;ne wa( to he%p with this wou%d *e to instruct the$ to write down on the fingerprint paper what e3act%( the students said to descri*e specia%2 fingerprint& 6hen (ou ta+e the data %ater& 'our reinforce$ent and redirection ratio during group i$proved significant%(& 'ou reinforced 14 ti$es and redirected 10& 53ce%%ent !hat are the voca*u%ar( words" 8wir%2 squigg%e" I wou%d of had visua%s presented at circ%e and e3a$p%es on the ta*%e to he%p rea%%( drive this concept ho$e& 'our teacher ratio: re$e$*er &&& 6he touro student teacher wi%% not *e there in a rea% c%assroo$& D%an for the true ratio

.reat choice of $ateria%s &&& 0ids %ove the $agnif(ing g%ass

Pa*e 10 :ev(.5;5%.

11 $inutes in +ids are getting si%%(2 find a wa( to rotate *efore this happens 6here is a visua% for voca* words 53ce%%ent End now the gir% who was cr(ing the who%e tI$e has /ust co$p%eted the activit( and independent%( showed (ou and her friend 10:46 we are at 15 $inutes (ou rea%iFe +ids are a%% done2 good thin+ing on (our feet 6ransition to c%ean up 10:47 6ransition *ac+ to group && )a(*e have ever(one wa%+ *ac+ on tip toes whispering 'ou use the *us( *ee c%assroo$ $anage$ent s(ste$

6ransition to group too+ a*out 3 $inutes& )a+e this $ore f%uid& .reat energ( with the +ids 8hare ti$e .ood direction &

Pa*e 11 :ev(.5;5%.

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