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Task 1 Single camera dramas follow three main formats, series, serial and single drama.

These formats follow different patterns. Series- A series is a group of programmings that run under the same title an example of this would be something like Family Guy, this is because the family guy runs under the same title but shares no connection with the episode or episodes previously. No single episode contains something to tie it to existing episodes but it is still the same series. To take family guy as an example one episode could show the family blowing up their house and the next could show the family living there happily. A more realistic example of this would be Midsummer murders which has been running since 1997 to this day each one containing a different storyline. Serial- A serial is similar to a series in that it will run under the same title but shares a similarity with all the other episodes, this is commonly found in soaps and on-going sit coms, as a viewer watching from mid way in the series could leave a misunderstanding and they may want to go back and revisit previous episodes and catch up, a prime example of this would be the Ross and Rachael story in friends which ran from 1994 to 2004 with the episodes finally this is a key example of how watching from the start can give a much clearer impression of the storyline. Single Drama- Single dramas are dramas that are made are one of creations that are aired, not to be confused with pilots, pilots are episodes created as a test to see whether a series can or cannot be created from this pilot. An example of a single drama would be Danny Boyles strumpet. This one of drama was created in 2001 and gave Danny Boyle his career in film creation. Narrative structure Narrative structures come in many formats; most basic of all would be linear and non-linear. There are also realist and non-realist. Linear- A Linear narrative contains many plots that follow the same line it will start off with an equilibrium followed by a disruption followed by another equilibrium. All things happen in an order and keep the plot direct and can sometimes be deemed predictable but is often used in low budget films and often used in soaps like Eastenders. Non-Linear- As it says a Non-linear sequences are very much the opposite to a Linear sequence. This may contain a back-story returning in the future to mix up the plot. But can also contain a lot of other methods that can make a narrative non linear for example, if you have an incident followed by it getting fixed, and then that incident came back. Realist- realist narratives tend to focus on real life incidents such as documentaries and hard-hitting drama series. One example of a realist script would be something like the teen mum series from MTV. Realist narratives can

also be used to make an audience seem more attached to the characters, soaps use realist narratives to make the audience seem more involved to the characters. Anti-Realist- Anti-realist narratives use surreal aspects. This is most commonly found in SCI-FI such as Star Treck special effects ad SGI are commonly found to achieve the out of the ordinary aspect that anti-realist narratives usually contain. Edgings The three types of endings that area involved in single camera drama are open closed and cliff-hanger Open endings- most open endings insinuate a next episode or something along those lines will clarify but an open ending involves a story being left incomplete a key example of this is inception, it allows the audience to create their own ending non of which actually being an overall ending Closed endings- a closed ending is the binary opposite to an open ending with a closed ending tying up every story into one tight neat ball. This allows the audience sit back and look at the bigger picture and accept the creation for what it is knowing how the story began and ended. Cliff-hangers- Cliff hangers are similar to open ending naratives as to we are unaware as to what happened, however the Cliff hangers are often used to invoke conversation and tension among the audience, a key example for this would be the Italian job, this is a famous cliff-hanger that people still look back on to this day.

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