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7.1 Life Is Cellular

Lesson Objectives
State the cell theory. Describe how the different types of microscopes work. Distinguish between prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

Lesson Summary
The Discovery of the Cell The invention of the microscope in the 1600s enabled
researchers to see cells for the first time. Robert ooke named the empty chambers he observed in cork !cells." #nton van $eeuwenhoek was the first to observe living microorganisms. Cells are the basic units of life. Discoveries by %erman scientists Schleiden& Schwann& and 'irchow led to the development of the cell theory, which states( #ll living things are made of cells. )ells are the basic units of structure and function in living things. *ew cells are produced from e+isting cells.

Exploring the Cell Scientists use light microscopes and electron microscopes to e+plore
the structure of cells. )ompound light microscopes have lenses that focus light. They magnify ob,ects by up to 1000 times. )hemical stains and fluorescent dyes make cell structures easier to see. -lectron microscopes use beams of electrons focused by magnetic fields. They offer much higher resolution than light microscopes. There are two main types of electron microscopes.transmission and scanning. Scientists use computers to add color to electron micrographs& which are photos of ob,ects seen through a microscope.

Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes )ells come in an ama/ing variety of shapes and si/es&
but all cells contain D*#. #lso& all cells are surrounded by a thin fle+ible barrier called a cell membrane. There are two basic categories of cells based on whether they contain a nucleus. The nucleus 0plural( nuclei1 is a large membrane2enclosed structure that contains D*#. Eukaryotes are cells that enclose their D*# in nuclei. Prokaryotes are cells that do not enclose their D*# in nuclei.

The Discovery of the Cell

For Questions 16, complete each statement by writing the correct word or words. 1. The invention of the microscope made the discovery of cells possible. 2. Robert ooke used the name cells to refer to the tiny empty chambers he saw when he observed magnified cork.




3. %erman botanist 3atthias Schleiden concluded that all plants are made of cells. 4. %erman biologist Theodor Schwann concluded that all animals are made of cells. 5. Rudolph 'irchow concluded that new cells are produced from existing cells. 6. The cell theory combines the conclusions made by Schleiden& Schwann& and 'irchow.

Exploring the Cell

For Questions 79, write True if the statement is true. f the statement is false, change the underlined word or words to ma!e the statement true.

"rue $canning

!. The si/e of the image formed by a light microscope is unlimited because light that passes through matter is diffracted. #. 4luorescent dyes help scientists see the movement of compounds and structures in living cells. %. Transmission electron microscopes form a 52D image of the surface of a specimen.

1&. T)I*+ ,I&-"LL. 6n the second row of the table& draw diagrams to show how a sample of three yeast cells would look in the types of micrographs indicated in the top row of the table. Then& in the third row& describe how each image would be formed.
" Co#parison of Detail in $asic Types of %icrographs Light %icrograph (LM 500x) Trans#ission Electron %icrograph
(TEM !"5x)

&canning Electron %icrograph

(SEM !"50x)

# li$%t microsco&e ima$e is 'orme( by

# transmission electron micro) sco&e ima$e is 'orme( by

# scannin$ electron micro) sco&e ima$e is 'orme( by a

T'o lenses focusing light.

$ea#s of electrons passing through a thin sa#ple.

$ea# of electrons scanned over a speci#en(s surface.




11. To study cells with a light microscope& different types of stains are usually available. 7hy is it generally more useful to stain eukaryotic cells than prokaryotic cells8 $peci'ic stains can re(eal certain compoun s or structures )ithin a cell. Eukaryotic cells are more complex than prokaryotic cells an ha(e more structures that can take in the stains.

Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

12. )omplete the table about the two categories of cells.
T'o Categories of Cells Category
*ro+aryotic cells

Cells that lack nuclei

&i/e range
101 #icro#eter


Eu+aryotic cells

Cells that contain nuclei

130133 #icro#eter

Cells of protists4 fungi4 plants4 ani#als

13. 7hich category of cells.prokaryotic or your body composed of8 eukaryotic cells_________________________________

"pply the $ig idea

14. Recall that in science& a theory is a well2tested e+planation that unifies a broad range of observations and hypotheses and enables scientists to make accurate predictions about new situations. ow does the cell theory demonstrate this definition of theory8 $ample ans)er* "he cell theory emonstrates the scienti'ic e'inition o' a theory in three )ays. +irst, it has been teste extensi(ely. $econ , it summari,es the research an -obser(ations o' many i''erent scientists )ho )orke at i''erent times. "hir , it allo)s researchers )ho obser(e e(i ence o' cellular structure in unkno)n ob.ects tomake-pre ictions about the ob.ect, such as /it is a li(ing thing0 an /it can repro uce itsel'0--------------------------------------------------------------------999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999




7.5 Cell &tructure

Lesson Objectives
Describe the structure and function of the cell nucleus. Describe the role of vacuoles& lysosomes& and the cytoskeleton. 6dentify the role of ribosomes& endoplasmic reticulum& and %olgi apparatus in making proteins. Describe the function of the chloroplasts and mitochondria in the cell. Describe the function of the cell membrane.

Lesson Summary
Cell 6rgani/ation -ukaryotic cells contain a nucleus and many speciali/ed structures.
Cytoplasm is the fluid portion of a cell. 1rganelles are structures that have speciali/ed functions in eukaryotic cells. The nucleus contains D*# and controls the activity of a cell.

6rganelles That &tore4 Clean -p4 and &upport These structures include(
(acuoles* membrane2enclosed saclike structures that store water& salts& and organic molecules lysosomes* small organelles filled with en/ymes that break down large molecules and organelles that are no longer useful the cytoskeleton* a network of protein filaments: it helps the cell maintain its shape and is involved in movement centrioles* organelles made from tubulins: they help organi/e cell division in animal cells

6rganelles That $uild Proteins Three kinds of organelles work with the nucleus to
make and distribute proteins( ribosomes* small particles of R*# and protein found throughout the cytoplasm in all cells: they produce proteins by following coded instructions from D*# the en oplasmic reticulum 2E34* an internal membrane system where lipid components of the cell membrane are assembled& along with proteins and other materials the 5olgi apparatus* an organelle that appears as a stack of flattened membranes: it modifies& sorts& and packages proteins and other materials from the -R for storage in the cell or release outside the cell

6rganelles That Capture and 7elease Energy Two types of organelles act as
power plants of the cells. ;oth types are surrounded by two membranes. Chloroplasts capture the energy from sunlight and convert it into food that contains chemical energy in a process called photosynthesis. )ells of plants and some other organisms contain chloroplasts& which contain chlorophyll. 6itochon ria are found in nearly all eukaryotic cells: they convert the chemical energy stored in food to a usable form.




Cellular $oundaries #ll cells are surrounded by a cell membrane. 3any cells also have
a cell wall. ;oth cell membranes and cell walls separate cells from the environment and provide support. Cell )alls support& shape& and protect the cell. 3ost prokaryotes and many eukaryotes have them. #nimals do not have cell walls. )ell walls lie outside the cell membrane. 3ost cell walls allow materials to pass through them. # cell membrane consists of a lipi bilayer, a strong but fle+ible barrier between the cell and its surroundings. The cell membrane regulates what enters and leaves the cell and also protects and supports the cell. 3ost biological membranes are selecti(ely permeable, allowing some substances& but not others& to pass across them.

Cell 6rgani/ation
1. Describe the relationship between the cytoplasm and the nucleus of a cell.
The nucleus of a cell is found in the cytoplas#4 2ut is not part of the8cytoplas#. The nucleus and cytoplas# 'ork together to keep a cell alive.

2. 7hat does the term organelle mean literally8 /7ittle organ0

For Questions "#, refer to the $isual %nalogy comparing the cell with a factory.

3. ,I&-"L "*"L6>. 6n the visual analogy of a cell as a factory& what two functions of the nucleus are represented8 ow are these functions illustrated8
The nucleus acts as the office4 or control center4 as illustrated 2y the people at the desk. The nucleus is the source of #essages4 instructions4 and 2lueprints4 as illustrated 2y the t'o 'orkers helping the chain 9of 7*": leave the nucleus.

4. 7hich feature of the nucleus is not clearly shown by the visual analogy8 &"%PLE "*&;E7< The chro#atin is not sho'n. 5. 7hat is another possible analogy that could be compared with the structure and function of a cell= &"%PLE "*&;E7< The structure and function of an airport control to'er could 2e co#pared to the structure and function of a cell.





6rganelles That &tore4 Clean -p4 and &upport

6. 7hat are vacuoles8
,acuoles are #e#2rane0enclosed saclike structures that store #aterials such as 'ater4 salts4 proteins4 and car2ohydrates.

!. 7hat are the two roles of the central vacuole in plant cells8 storage of #aterials and support of the cell #. ow are contractile vacuoles different from other types of vacuoles8
Contractile vacuoles pu#p excess 'ater out of the cell4 'hile other types of ,acuoles hold #aterials inside of cells. 9999999999999999999999999999

%. 6n the diagrams of the animal cell and the plant cell& label the structures indicated by the lines.

Centrioles Lysoso#e

Central vacuole

1&. 7hat is the role of lysosomes in the cell8 7hy is this a vital role8
Lysoso#es 2reak do'n large #olecules and 'aste. ;ithout the#4 clutter could accu#ulate in the cell4 'hich has 2een linked to serious hu#an888 diseases. 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

11. 7hich structures of the cytoskeleton are found in animal cells but not in plant cells8 centrioles 12. 7hat other structures of the cytoskeleton would show the same pattern of microtubules as a flagellum8 cilia





6rganelles That $uild Proteins

13. 7hat are ribosomes8 7hat do they do8
7i2oso#es are s#all particles of 7*" and protein found throughout the cytoplas#. They are involved in the synthesis of proteins.

14. 6n which organelle are the lipid components of the cell membrane assembled8 Endoplas#ic reticulu# 15. 7hat is the difference between rough -R and smooth -R8
7i2oso#es are found on the surface of rough E7. 888888888888888888888 &#ooth E7 has no ri2oso#es on its surface.88888888888888888888888888

16. <sing the cell as a factory analogy& describe the role of the %olgi apparatus in cells.
The >olgi apparatus is like a custo#i/ation shop in a factory. It puts the finishing touches on proteins 2efore they leave the factory.

1!. Suppose a cell=s %olgi apparatus does not function properly. ow might this problem affect other cells8 &"%PLE "*&;E7< If the cell #anufactures proteins that are nor#ally released to travel to other cells4 those cells 'ould not receive the proteins. The loss of these proteins #ight cause the @receiverA cells to function poorly.

6rganelles That Capture and 7elease Energy

1#. )omplete the 'enn diagram to compare and contrast chloroplasts and mitochondria.
Chloroplasts %itochondria

6nly in plant and algae cells Capture energy Chlorophyll Photosynthesis

Dou2le #e#2rane 6'n genetic info Descended fro# #icroorganis#s

In all eukaryotic cells 7elease energy Cellular respiration





For Questions 19&&, write True if the statement is true. f the statement is false, change the underlined word or words to ma!e the statement true.

True Like True Contain

1%. )hloroplasts are never found in animal cells. 2&. <nlike chloroplasts& mitochondria are surrounded by a double membrane. 21. *early all of the mitochondria in your cells were inherited from your mother. 22. ;oth chloroplasts and mitochondria lack genetic information in the form of D*#.

Cellular $oundaries
For Questions &"&#, complete each statement by writing the correct word or words.

23. 3ost cell 'alls are porous to water and other materials but strong enough to support and protect cells. 24. *early all of the plant tissue called 'ood is made up of cell walls. 25. ;esides supporting and protecting a cell& the cell membrane regulates what enters and leaves the cell. 26. )omplete the diagram of a section of a cell membrane. Then& on the line below the diagram& write the name of the model that describes the cell membrane=s structure.

Car2ohydrate chain

Hydrophilic head Lipid bilayer Lipid

Fluid Mosaic Model

"pply the $ig idea

2!. 7hat is the function of vesicles in the synthesis of proteins and the release of those proteins outside the cell8
,esicles transport ne'ly synthesi/ed proteins to the >olgi apparatus. "fter the >olgi apparatus #odifies the proteins4 vesicles transport the #odified proteins to the cell #e#2rane4 'here they are released. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,





7.? Cell Transport

Lesson Objectives
Describe passive transport. Describe active transport.

Lesson Summary
Passive Transport The movement of materials across the cell membrane without
using cellular energy is called passive transport. 8i''usion is the process by which particles move from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration. +acilitate i''usion is the process by which molecules that cannot directly diffuse across the membrane pass through special protein channels. 1smosis is the facilitated diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane. 9:uaporins are water channel proteins that allow water to pass through cell membranes. Two ad,acent solutions are isotonic if they have the same concentrations of solute. ;ypertonic solutions have a higher concentration of solute compared to another solution. ;ypotonic solutions have a lower concentration of solute compared to another solution. 1smotic pressure is the force caused by the net movement of water by osmosis.

"ctive Transport The movement of materials against a concentration difference is called

active transport. #ctive transport re>uires energy. Transport proteins that act like pumps use energy to move small molecules and ions across cell membranes. The bulk transport of large molecules and clumps of materials into and out of cells occurs by movements of the cell membrane& which re>uire energy.

Passive Transport
For Questions 1', write the letter of the correct answer on the line at the left.

1. 7hich of the following must be true for diffusion to occur8 9. 3olecules or particles must have different si/es. <. Special protein channels must always be available. C. There must be areas of different concentrations. 8. -nergy must be available.





2. 7hich term refers to the condition that e+ists when no net change in concentration results from diffusion8 9. concentration C. osmosis <. e>uilibrium 8. randomness 3. #ir has a higher concentration of o+ygen molecules than does the cytoplasm of your lung cells. 7here in your lungs will there be a net increase of o+ygen8 9. in the air breathed in C. outside of the lung cells <. in the air breathed out 8. inside of the lung cells 4. 7hich of the following statements tells how facilitated diffusion differs from simple diffusion8 9. ?articles move through cell membranes without the use of energy by cells. <. ?articles tend to move from high concentration to lower concentration. C. ?articles move within channel proteins that pass through cell membranes. 8. ?articles tend to move more slowly than they would be e+pected to move.

For Questions #7, match the situation with the result. (rite the letter of the correct answer on the line at the left.


7esult 5. )ells are in an isotonic solution. 6. )ells are in a hypertonic solution. !. )ells are in a hypotonic solution. 9. The cells lose water. <. The cells gain water. C. The cells stay the same.

C D $

#. T)I*+ ,I&-"LL. 6n the table below& draw how each type of cell will look after being placed in a hypertonic solution.
"ppearance of Cells in a )ypertonic &olution "ni#al Cells Plant Cells





"ctive Transport
9. 7hat is the function of active transport in moving small molecules and ions across cell membranes8 %ive an e+ample.
"ctive transport ena2les cells to #ove so#e #aterials against a concentration gradient. Dor exa#ple4 cells can concentrate su2stances such as sodiu# and potassiu# ions in particular locations. This 'ould not happen 2y diffusion.


ow does #T? enable transport proteins to move ions across a cell membrane8
Energy fro# "TP causes a transport protein to change shape4 2inding su2stances on one side of the #e#2rane4 and releasing the# on the other.


7hat are the proteins used in active transport called8

protein pu#ps

12. )omplete the table to summari/e the types of bulk transport.

Types of $ulk Transport Type

Description The taking of #aterials into a cell 2y #eans of infoldings of the cell #e#2rane


" type of endocytosis. "n extension of cytoplas# surrounds a particle and packages it 'ithin a food vacuole. The release of large a#ounts of #aterial fro# a cell


"pply the $ig idea

13. 3ost sports drinks are isotonic in relation to human body fluids. -+plain why athletes should drink solutions that are isotonic to body fluids when they e+ercise rather than ones that are hypotonic to body fluids 0contain a greater proportion of water in comparison to the fluids in and around human body cells1.
&"%PLE "*&;E7< "thletes lose 'ater and nutrients 'hen they perspire. "n isotonic solution restores 2oth the 'ater and the nutrients at levels healthy for the hu#an 2ody. ;ater alone or a hypotonic solution does not restore the nutrients. In addition4 drinking a hypotonic solution #ight cause excessive 'ater to enter the 2loodstrea#.
13! Name Class Date

7.B )o#eostasis and Cells

Lesson Objectives
-+plain how unicellular organisms maintain homeostasis. -+plain how multicellular organisms maintain homeostasis.

Lesson Summary
The Cell as an 6rganis# Sometimes a single cell is an organism. Single2celled
organisms must be able to carry out all the functions necessary for life. <nicellular organisms maintain homeostasis, relatively constant internal conditions& by growing& responding to the environment& transforming energy& and reproducing. <nicellular organisms include both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. <nicellular organisms play many important roles in their environments.

%ulticellular Life )ells of multicellular organisms are interdependent and speciali/ed.

The cells of multicellular organisms become speciali/ed for particular tasks and communicate with one another to maintain homeostasis. Speciali/ed cells in multicellular organisms are organi/ed into groups. # tissue is a group of similar cells that performs a particular function. #n organ is a group of tissues working together to perform an essential task. #n organ system is a group of organs that work together to perform a specific function. The cells of multicellular organisms communicate with one another by means of chemical signals that are passed from one cell to another. )ertain cells form connections& or cellular ,unctions& to neighboring cells. Some of these ,unctions hold cells together firmly. @ther cells allow small molecules carrying chemical signals to pass directly from one cell to the ne+t. To respond to a chemical signal& a cell must have a receptor to which the signaling molecule can bind.

The Cell as an 6rganis#

For Questions 1#, complete each statement by writing the correct word or words.

1. The term ho#eostasis refers to the relatively constant internal physical and chemical state of a living cell. 2. <nicellular prokaryotes& called 2acteria& are adapted to living in a remarkable number of different places. 3. Some unicellular eukaryotes& called algae& contain chloroplasts. 4. Aeasts are unicellular -fungi8 which are eukaryotes. 5. @ther unicellular eukaryotes include proto/oans and algae.





ow do single2celled organisms maintain homeostasis8

They #aintain ho#eostasis 2y gro'ing4 responding to their environ#ent4 transfor#ing energy4 and reproducing. !. 7hy is maintaining homeostasis particularly important to single2celled organisms8

$ecause they consist of only one cell4 loss of ho#eostasis 2y a single0celled organis# 'ould #ean the i##ediate death of the organis#. They do not have any other cells

%ulticellular Life
#. ow are the cells of a multicellular organism like a baseball team8
" #ulticellular organis# has #any different types of cells 'ith different shapes that speciali/e in one of the functions that keep the organis# alive. " 2ase2all tea# has different players 'ho each speciali/e in one of the Eo2s that #ust 2e done so the tea# can function.


ow does a multicellular organism maintain homeostasis8

" #ulticellular organis# #aintains ho#eostasis 2y having speciali/ed cells that #ust #aintain their o'n ho#eostasis and cooperate 'ith other cells. This reFuires the cells to co##unicate 'ith one another. Each cell in a #ulticellular organis# contri2utes to the overall ho#eostasis of the organis#. 1&. )omplete the table by describing the functions of the speciali/ed cells. Exa#ples of &peciali/ed Cells Type of Cell
cells t%at line t%e u&&er air &assa$es in %umans &ine &ollen $rains -in$s

*a#e of &peciali/ed Cell Part


Dunction of &peciali/ed Cell Part

s'eep #ucus4 de2ris4 and 2acteria out of lungs

ena2le pollen grains to float in the slightest 2ree/e





11. The 'enn diagram below consists of four concentric circles. )omplete the diagram to show the relationships among four levels of organi/ation of life. <se the terms cells, organ, organ system, and tissue.



organ 6rgan syste#

12. Starting with the outermost circle of the diagram& e+plain how each level is related to the ne+t level within each circle.
6rgan syste#s are #ade of one or #ore organs. 6rgans are #ade up of one or #ore tissues. Tissues are #ade up of #any cells 'ith si#ilar shapes and functions. 13. 7hat is the name of the areas that hold ad,acent cells together and enable them to communicate8 Cellular Eunctions

"pply the $ig idea

14. @n the 'enn diagram above& where would you add a circle that represents the organism level of life8 7here would you add a circle that represents another organ of the same organ system8
" circle that represents the organis# level of life should 2e dra'n outside of the outer#ost circle for an organ syste#. " circle that represents another organ of the sa#e organ syste# 'ould 2e dra'n 'ithin the organ syste# circle 2ut 'ould 2e separate fro# the series of circles that represent the organs already sho'n in the ,enn diagra#.


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