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School Information District Name = IRON MOUNTAIN District Name Other = Building Name = Iron Mountain Middle/High School

Student Teacher First Name = Justin Last Name = Salzman NMU IN = 00243039 Placement Information Term = Fall 2013 Grade Level = 10 Certification Level = Secondary Main Subject Taught = History Other Subject Taught = Economics Supervising Teacher First Name = Donny Last Name = Bianco

Select the competency level of your student teacher according to the following scale and briefly comment on your ratings. P - Proficient; consistent, appropriate application, a solid performance I - Improving; moving towards becoming proficient B - Basic; minimal achievement, appropriate to situations NC - No Comment A. KNOWLEDGE BASE Content areas. P Proficient - Level I - Understands the subject matter and current research. P - Demonstrates accurate, appropriate, and comprehensive knowledge about the subjects taught to the degree needed to effectively teach the curriculum. P - Engages students in practical activities that demonstrate the relevance, purpose and function of the subject matter. I - Integrates and transfers knowledge across subject areas. Comments: In my teaching I use differentiated instruction and meaningful activities with my students to help them gain a better understanding of concepts and connections to their own lives. I use higher level thinking questions daily in both my U.S. History and Economics classes to get students thinking out of the box. I want my students to have a better understanding of the world around them by engaging them in meaningful lessons, which make connections from subject matter to the students lives.

General knowledge. P - Proficient - Level I - Has an understanding and appreciation of the humanities, social sciences, arts, mathematical and natural sciences and technology. P - Communicates the value of liberal arts knowledge to their students, including the appreciation of the interrelationships among subjects. P - Demonstrates a global and multicultural perspective. P - Accesses and uses updated information and procedures. Comments: I communicate with all of my classes the importance of a well-rounded education and that all subject areas are important to their success as an individual.

B. INSTRUCTIONAL COMPETENCE Communication skills. P - Proficient - Level P - Communicates what is to be learned so that students understand and value the learning. P - Demonstrates effective speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. P - Uses appropriate and grammatically correct language. P - Has congruent verbal and nonverbal communication. Comments: I communicate with my students at a level that they can understand and use terminology that they have an easier time understanding.

Management of students' behavior. P - Proficient - Level P - Controls classroom behavior in an effective and fair manner. I - Organizes and manages classroom to maximize learning. I - Establishes and carries out effective classroom rules, procedures and routines. P - Provides a positive learning environment. P - Encourages individual responsibility. P - Respects individual rights. Comments: I am consistently working to improve my classroom management, because it is crucial in order to have a positive learning environment for all students.

Management of learning progress. P - Proficient - Level P - Manages learning progress so that the curriculum is covered appropriately and efficiently. I - Makes smooth transitions and is able to handle varying ability levels and activities.

P - Manages assignments and time efficiently. P - Ensures quality time on learning tasks and accomplishes what has to be done. P - Demonstrates knowledge about instructional management resources. P - Uses high expectations for optimal achievement. Comments: I post daily objectives for students on the board daily and before we start each lesson I go over the daily objectives. I set high expectations for my students with set rubrics for projects and handing in homework on time.

Management of contingencies/ emergencies. P - Proficient - Level P - Applies district and building policies. P - Reasonably and responsibly copes with the frequent contingencies and occasional emergencies of classroom teaching. P - Demonstrates critical and creative thinking abilities through effective decision making under pressure. P - Ensures a safe and orderly environment conducive to learning. Comments:

Lesson/unit planning. P - Proficient - Level P - Develops effective lessons and units within the contexts of the curriculum and assessment. I - Uses curricular frameworks as a means to developing student's inquiry and thinking skills. I - Applies knowledge of human growth, development and learning theory. P - Plans instruction to accommodate diversity. P - Uses a variety of methodologies, technologies, and techniques. Comments: Each week I plan, I think about the different learning styles my students have and incorporate different types of instructions in order to get all students engaged with the material. I find that modeling and incorporating reading and writing into Social Studies helps my students gain a better understanding of the material as well as improving their reading and writing skills.

Lesson/unit presentation. P - Proficient - Level P - Presents lessons and units so that the instructional objectives are efficiently realized. P - Creates meaningful learning experiences that help all students understand the subject matter based on each student's abilities, attitudes, effort, culture, and achievement. P - Expands cognitive, affective, physical and social capabilities of students. P - Uses a variety of teaching methodologies, technologies, and techniques. Comments:

I use a wide variety of teaching methodologies along with technology in my classroom. I encourage critical thinking, creativity, attitude, and effort within my class. My lessons are meant to engage my students in their learning process.

Use of materials and resources. P - Proficient - Level I - Is familiar with and able to use a variety of literacies, materials and resources. P - Selects, creates and incorporates appropriate instructional techniques, technology, and materials needed for instruction. P - Demonstrates current knowledge about instruction, resources and technology. P - Helps students access and use information technology and other resources to become independent learners and problem solvers. Comments: I use a variety of materials and resources within my classroom. I use supplemental readings, current news, internet, YouTube clips, textbooks, and projects which help me to continue both my education and improve the students.

C. ASSESSMENT COMPETENCE Selection, creation, and use of student assessments. P - Proficient - Level P - Understands evaluation and assessment, including test construction and administration. P - Knows and uses multiple approaches to assess student abilities and the merit of a student's work. P - Values and develops a variety of reliable and valid assessment measures. Comments: Assessment is to be used to check students understanding of what you taught them over the course of a certain period of time. I use different forms of assessment to assess my students abilities.

Grading and reporting student achievement. P - Proficient - Level P - Understands and appreciates and grading/ranking/scoring process and how to report achievement. P - Grades and reports fairly, honestly, clearly, consistently, efficiently, and helpfully. P - Uses technology to organize, manage, evaluate and communicate information about student performance. Comments: I grade my student's work honestly and in a timely manner. I provide helpful hints for those who struggled on tests, quizzes, and assignments. I organize my grades on PowerTeacher and provide appropriate feedback on students grades if needed.

Evaluation of teaching, materials, and curriculum. I - Improving - Level

I - Assesses instructional, assessment, and professional competence of themselves and others. I - Self-evaluates and reflects on the course, materials, and curriculum and makes improvements. P - Uses assessments to inform instruction. Comments: I am working towards evaluating myself on a daily basis. I do use assessments as a way of evaluating my teaching instruction in order to see if I was effective or not. If my students do poor I know that I need to improve an area of instruction and if they did good I know that I am covering what I need to cover.

D. PROFESSIONALISM Professional ethics. P - Proficient - Level P - Understands the value of education and the role of intellectual and ethical values. P - Models moral standards that are expected in the profession, such as confidentiality, fairness, honesty, trustworthiness, and integrity. P - Models a commitment to intellectual, moral and professional virtues. Comments: I stress the importance of values to my students. I feel it is important for them to understand the importance of getting an education and learning the difference between right and wrong. I consistently model moral standards with my students and redirect students when they do or say something inappropriately.

Professional attitude. P - Proficient - Level I - Collaborates with all stakeholders in education. P - Values learning, students, teaching, and schooling. P - Demonstrates openness, courtesy, conscientiousness, reliability, caring and compassion. P - Identifies with professional educators. P - Dresses and behaves professionally. P - Discerns the extent to which personal belief systems and values may affect the instructional process. Comments: I very much value learning, students, teaching, and schooling. I develop relationships with my students in order to better understand them and relate material to them. I dress professionally each day and interact with all faculty. I collaborate with the Principal and other teachers to gain a better understanding of other students and gain insight about improving instruction.

Professional development/service. P - Proficient - Level P - Is involved in professional development and service activities. P - Performs non-teaching duties required of a teacher such as administrative tasks (attendance, out-ofclass supervision) and school or community services (committee work, participation in events). P - Accepts teaching as a lifelong learning process and continues efforts to develop and improve.

P - Uses community and home resources to enhance school programs. Comments: I have attended several professional development opportunities and continue becoming educated in order to be the best teacher I can be. After attending conferences I reflect on what I have learned and incorporate those things into my teaching. While student teaching I have volunteered to chaperone the homecoming dance, help with the middle school Olympics, judged a Halloween contest, and attended sporting events.

Knowledge and execution of duties. P - Proficient - Level I - Understands and effectively deals with issues of professional policy and practice at local, state, national, and international levels. P - Understands responsibilities associated with being a competent professional, including following law, regulations, policies, requirements and procedures. P - Involves and works effectively with all support personnel. P - Exercises good judgment in planning and managing time and other resources. Comments:

Knowledge of the school and its context. P - Proficient - Level P - Understands the evolution of education and the teacher's role in a changing society. P - Understands the special characteristics and circumstances related to the students, staff, school and community. P - Develops practices to promote collaborative, supportive interaction in the classroom, school and community. P - Demonstrates an understanding of the economic, social, political, legal and organizational foundations and functions of schools. Comments: I understand the role of the teacher in the education system and strive to improve my teaching daily. Our world is ever changing and technology is evolving more and more each year. It is important that I as the teacher prepare my students to gain a better understanding of the world around them along with incorporating technology in a meaningful and educational way.

Human relations. P - Proficient - Level P - Establishes positive and effective relationships with students, parents, colleagues, administrators, and community members. P - Demonstrates appreciation of cultural diversity, individual differences and exceptionalities of students. P - Discourages prejudice and unfair discrimination in their classrooms.

P - Understands and respects varying points of view and the influence of one's own on others. Comments: I develop relationships with both fellow staff and students to better understand them and better relate to them. I very much value building relationships with people of all abilities. I am interested in helping my students with exceptionalities become more confident in themselves. I encourage students to share their point of views and I respect each student's opinions. When students do things to discriminate others I become involved immediately. I redirect those students and model the appropriate behavior and then give a mini-lesson relating to the curriculum to help them better understand the importance of being tolerant and against prejudice and unfair discrimination.

Overall Evaluation P-Proficient; consistent, appropriate application, a solid performance Additional Comments:

School Supervisor email address Student Teacher email address University Supervisor email address

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