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Tuesday, October 9, 2013 To Whom It May Concern RE: K mber!ey "r tton K mber!

ey #as a tra n n$ %art c %ant n my &rade '() c!assroom dur n$ the %er ods o* +ebruary 19 to +ebruary 22, 2013 and ,%r ! 29, 2013 to May 10, 2013K mber!ey demonstrated stron$ nter%ersona! s. !!s # th both the student %o%u!at on and sta** a! .e- /he a!so sho#ed that she #as *!e0 b!e by read !y ada%t n$ to the many chan$es that o*ten occur throu$hout the academ c #ee.The 1ar ous !essons n 2an$ua$e, Math, 3hys ca! Educat on and Mus c #ere #e!! or$an 4ed and a!#ays nc!uded n t a! mot 1at ona! act 1 t es and e0%!anat ons- 5ur n$ her %!ann n$ sta$es, she cons dered the needs and $oa!s o* the d 1erse student body- /he #as ab!e to ad6ust her teach n$ %ace and counse!ed and encoura$ed students #hen %oss b!eK mber!ey res%onded %os t 1e!y to su%er1 sory comments and 7u c.!y ncor%orated these nto her teach n$- K mber!ey m%ro1ed stead !y n us n$ e**ect 1e c!assroom mana$ement techn 7ues such as %ro0 m ty, subt!e cue n$ and assert 1e d sc %! ne- 8er demeanor rema ned %ro*ess ona! and contro!!edK mber!ey s ea$er and # !! n$ to !earn- /he #ou!d be a %os t 1e asset to any *uture teach n$ team/ ncere!y, "etty Ma!!ory &rade ' Educator W !!o# 2and n$ E!ementary /choo! "arr e, O9 :0';:2<;393:

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