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HES Lesson Plan

Team Member Names: Lisa Crites Date of Demo: 11/16/13 Length of Lesson: 30-40 minutes Tit&e of Lesson/Theme: 'eeding Large 'ami&ies on a (udget

Target Audien e: !esidents of "ate#a$ 1%0 she&ter

Goal To edu ate the audien e members about ho# to )&an menus and find re i)es that #i&& stret h their budget* a&ong #ith strategies to assist them in sa+ing mone$ #hi&e sho))ing at the gro er$ store: Outcome: At the end of the &esson )&an* )arti i)ants #i&& be ab&e to re)ort in detai& #a$ that the &esson #as he&)fu& in their e+er$da$ &i+es* as #e&& as s)e ifi #a$s that the &esson #i&& enab&e them to stret h their mea&s to go farther for &ess mone$* and #i&& be ab&e to re)ort in detai& #a$s the$ ha+e &earned to sa+e mone$ #hi&e sho))ing at the gro er$ store, a, 14,3 Demonstrate the abi&it$ to a -uire* hand&e* and use foods to meet nutrient and #e&&ness needs of indi+idua&s and fami&ies a ross the &ifes)an, i, 14,3,. Design strategies that meet the hea&th$ and nutrient re-uirements of indi+idua&s and fami&ies #ith s)e ia& needs, i, 14,3,3 Demonstrate abi&it$ to se&e t* store* )re)are and ser+e nutritious and aestheti a&&$ )&easing food, ii, 14,.,. Ana&$/e the re&ationshi) of nutrient and #e&&ness to indi+idua& and fami&$ hea&th throughout the &ifes)an,

b, 4-0m)&ement )ra ti a& reasoning for res)onsib&e a tion in fami&ies* #or1)&a es* and ommunities, 4,3 2e&e t goa&s 3 +a&ued ends to reso&+e a )arti u&ar on ern 4,4 4stab&ish standards for hoosing res)onsib&e a tion to address )arti u&ar on ern, 'C2 Nationa& 2tandards / Com)eten ies: 5,3- 4+a&uate nutrient )rin i)&es* food )&ans* )re)aration te hni-ues and s)e ia&i/ed dietar$ )&ans, 1, Ana&$/e nutrient re-uirements a ross the &ife s)an addressing the di+ersit$ of )eo)&e* u&ture* and re&igions* ., Ana&$/e nutritiona& data,

3, A))&$ )rin i)&es of food )rodu tion to ma6imi/e nutrient retention in )re)ared foods, 4, Address the inf&uen e of so ioe onomi and )s$ ho&ogi a& fa tors on food and nutrition and beha+ior, 7, Ana&$/e re i)e / formu&a )ro)ortions and modifi ations for food )rodu tion 2. Prior Knowledge 8o# $ou #i&& determine #hat the target audien e members a&read$ 1no# at the start of the )resentation #hi&e $ou are introdu ing the &esson9 :Thin1 of this as a 1ind of i e brea1er a ti+it$,; Determine audien e members )rior 1no#&edge b$ as1ing them t#o -uestions before #e begin the )resentation: a, <ou&d $ou mind te&&ing me some of the #a$s $ou )re)are mea&s for $our fami&ies that he&) $ou stret h $ou=re sa+e mone$9 'or e6am)&e* #hat are some mea&s that do not ost a &ot to fit9 b, Can $ou thin1 of some #a$s $ou ha+e sa+ed mone$ #hi&e sho))ing for food at the gro er$ store9 Procedures Outline 1. Anticipatory Set up a, 2et u) tab&e #ith signs for beans and ri e for om)arison 0, 00, Ma1e sure to sho# > u) of oo1ed ri e ser+ing in a bo#& Ma1e sure to sho# > u) of beans ser+ing in a bo#&

b, 2et out fo&ders #ith re i)es for audien e to ta1e #hen &ea+ing , 2et u) room for o)timum +ie#ing 2. ntroduction to audience !address t"em# a, <e& ome the audien e and introdu e m$se&f as a sing&e mom* student* and se&f-)ro &aimed e6)ert of stret hing m$ food do&&ar, .

b, Determine audien es )rior 1no#&edge b$ as1ing: 0, <ou&d $ou mind te&&ing me some of the #a$s $ou )re)are mea&s for $our fami&ies that he&) $ou stret h $ou=re sa+e mone$9 'or e6am)&e* #hat are some mea&s that do not ost a &ot to fit9 00, Can $ou thin1 of some #a$s $ou ha+e sa+ed mone$ #hi&e sho))ing for food at the gro er$ store9

, Announ e that toda$ #e are going to dis uss #a$s to de+e&o) hea&th$ mea& )&anning on a budget* a&ong #ith ti)s on sa+ing mone$ #hi&e sho))ing at the gro er$ store, $. Address ways to stretc" t"e %ood &udget using Auditory learning &y addressing 'er&al messages: a, ?&an for fami&$ mea&s that go farther for $our budget 0, 00, Loo1 for re i)es and ideas that use &ess meat* and more +eggies, @se more beans in $our mea&s* #ith ri e it is the )erfe t mea&,

b, @se assero&es that offer a &ot of reati+e o)tions for hea&th, 0, 00, The$ use &ess meat* and $ou an add as man$ +eggies as $ou #ant, Canned or fresh +egetab&es #or1 great in assero&es,

, Coo1 sou)s that are satisf$ing and omforting, 0, 00, More +eggies* ri e* )asta* and a &itt&e meat go a &ong #a$, 2ou)s are fi&&ing* and a&#a$s taste better as &eft-o+ers,

d, Ma1e use of &o# ost* nutritious o)tions* su h as beans and ri e, 0, 00, "et reati+e* add +eggies* and ma1e ta os* torti&&as* en hi&adas* burritos or ste#, (eans and ri e an be turned into an$ mea&time fa+orite, 3


Together the$ are the )erfe t )rotein 3 an a&ternati+e to meat,

e, Mi6 it u) and ma1e brea1fast for dinner* but ma1e it fun, 0, 00, 000, $our o#n, g, Most of a&& ha+e fun and e6)eriment #ith oo1ing hea&th$ at home, 0, 0t doesn=t ha+e to be e6)ensi+e* diffi u&t 3 or ta1e a &ot of timeB Ma1e )an a1es from a mi6A the$ are ine6)ensi+e and eas$* and to) #ith fruit, Ma1e &o#- ost eggs for dinnerA add bis uits or bread* and anned fruit, Ma1e brea1fast burritos #ith s ramb&ed eggs* sausage and heese* #ra))ed in a torti&&a,

f, 2#a) out the ingredients $ou ha+e on hand to $our fa+orite re i)es* or that are $our fami&ies fa+orites to ma1e them

(. Address pricing) portion si*e) prior +nowledge and tips using Psyc"o,motor s+ills to &e addressed &y as+ing t"e group to come to t"e ta&le and 'iew t"e &eans and rice display: a, (ring the audien e=s attention to the front of the tab&e #ith the ri e and beans, b, A2C D has an$one oo1ed or tasted bro#n ri e before 0, 8o# did $ou or $our fami&$ &i1e it9

, Ta&1 about ho# eas$ it is to bring beans and ri e into a +ariet$ of dishes, d, A2C D does an$one 1no# the tri 1 to redu e the effe ts of beans before $ou oo1 them9 0, Ans#er 3 soa1 them in #ater o+ernight and drain the #ater off A, And then oo1 them #ith &ean #ater,

1, This #i&& ut oo1ing time in > and e&iminate the b&oating and gas e, 2ho# them the )o#er )oint differen e in osts bet#een the t#o items of ri e and beans f, Dis uss ho# ine6)ensi+e it is to ser+e beans and ri e e+er$da$ g, A2C D has an$one oo1ed #ith dr$ beans 3 instead of anned9 h, A2CD does an$one ha+e an$ -uestions: -. Address recipes and ideas ladies could use %or t"e wee+ and "a'e t"em o%%er up ideas: a, "o through a +ariet$ of re i)es #ith the audien e b, A2C---As #e go through* as the audien e #hat #e ou&d add to the re i)es to boost the nutrition #ith +egetab&es99 , 0nform them that the$ #i&& be re ei+ing these re i)es at the end of the session* a&ong #ith sho))ing ti)s to sa+e mone$ 0, Te&& them to 1ee) the re i)es and ma1e them their o#n d, A2C: 0' an$one has an$ -uestions9 .. /iscuss ways %or eating well and s"opping wit" less and meal planning using cogniti'e learning a, ?&an the mea&s for the entire #ee1 0, (efore $ou go to the gro er$ store, b, 2ear h $our )antr$ for items $ou a&read$ ha+e in sto 1, 0, ?&an a fe# mea&s #ith #hat=s in sto 1,

, DE NET "E TE T84 2TE!4 8@N"!F 3 0, Fou ma$ o+erbu$B

d, Ergani/e $our &ist b$ ategor$ to ma1e sear hing easier and returns to the is&e a+oided, 7

e, This e&iminates adding e6tra / unne essar$ items to the art, f, Loo1 for s)e ia&s at the stores, 0, 0f $ou re ei+e store mai&ers &oo1 them o+er before going to the store to ma1e sure $ou get the best )ri es* es)e ia&&$ on meat* sin e that is usua&&$ the most e6)ensi+e )ur hase, g, This is the best ti)* and 0 use it e+er$ time 0 go gro er$ sho))ingG om)are the @N0T ?!0C4 of different brands and si/es of the same item to see #hi h is more ine6)ensi+e, 0, 0, 00, 000, 0H, H, H0, H00, The unit )ri e an be found on the she&f dire t&$ be&o# the item, 'ro/en dinners ?re-made dinners ?re-made side-dishes (o6ed or )a 1aged mea&s ?re ut +egetab&es The$ are high in fat* sodium and )reser+ati+es, Ma1e foods from s rat h for $our fami&$ $ourse&f and 2AH4 IIIB h, 4&iminate read$ to eat or on+enien e foods su h as

i, Lo# ost o)tions 0, 2ome great $ear-round o)tions to sa+e mone$ in &ude dried beans, 00, 000, 0H, H, H0, 2er+e #ith &ong-grain ri e for a great #ho&esome mea& an$timeB Carrots* greens* )otatoes are hea)er hoi es $ear-round, Chea) fruit hoi es a&& $ear are a))&es and bananas, The$ ALL ma1e great sna 1s tooB Don=t forget T84 'A!M4!2 MA!C4T J 2E@LA!D MA!C4TBB 6

K, @se $our resour es 0, A ess the &o a& food )antries for hea&th$ items to offer $our fami&$, A, Loo1 for anned meats* beans* ri e and )asta, 1, These items an be made into &o#-fat* hea&th$ mea&s that go far, (, As1 for anned fruit in natura& Kui es instead of sugar, 1, 0t is a great #a$ to add nutrition for an$ mea& or ma1es a great sna 1, ., Can a&so be a great #a$ to hi&dren read$ for s hoo&* offer it for brea1fast, C, "et anned +egetab&es of a&& 1inds* and fresh )rodu e if a+ai&ab&e, 1, Canned +egetab&es are a good #a$ to in rease nutrition to a&& of $our mea&s, D, ?i 1 u) ondensed sou)s and broths 1, Loo1 for fat free or redu ed fat +ersions* it is a great #a$ to redu e the fat in $our assero&es and sou)s 4, <at h for &o#-sugar* high fiber erea&s and oatmea& for $our hi&dren=s brea1fast 1, A+oid an$thing frosted or high sugar* and &oo1 for mu&ti-grain o)tions ', ?i 1 u) )o#dered or anned mi&1 items 1, This is an eas$ #a$ to add dair$ to $our mea&s* and it doesn=t re-uire refrigeration 1, 2u))&ementa& Assistan e ?rograms 0, 00, 000, 2NA? - 2u))&ementa& Nutrition Assistan e ?rogram A, L 'or: 4&igib&e &o#-in ome )eo)&e and their fami&ies <0C - 2)e ia& 2u))&ementa& Nutrition ?rogram for <omen* 0nfants and Chi&dren A, L 'or: 4&igib&e &o#-in ome )regnant or breastfeeding #omen* ne# moms* and hi&dren under age 7 2 hoo& Nutrition ?rograms

A, 'or: 4&igib&e &o#-in ome s hoo&-aged hi&dren (, Conta t $our &o a& s hoo& or s hoo& distri t 0H, T4'A? - The 4mergen $ 'ood Assistan e ?rogram A, L 'or: 4&igib&e &o#-in ome )ersons M, Than1 the audien e for Koining $ou toda$ and address in &osing a, As1 them to remember 0, 00, 000, 0H, H, H0, H00, 8o)e this has ins)ired $ou to eat hea&th$* #hi&e sa+ing mone$BB Nust remember* it doesn=t ha+e to be e6)ensi+e to eat betterG @se $our resour es 46)eriment 2ho) for sa&es (e reati+e Let $our fami&$ guide $ouB

0. 1losure 2 assess audience le'el o% understanding a, <e #anted to bring $ou this information toda$* in the ho)es that it #ou&d be he&)fu& as $ou transition into $our &i+es outside of "ate#a$ 1%0, 3. 4ell t"e audience t"at &e%ore close did want to as+ e'eryone one 5uestion:: a, A2C D the audien e #hat #as the most informati+e thing that $ou &earned that #i&& he&) $ou #hen $ou transition into &ife outside of "ate#a$9 %

b, A2C D #hat #i&& $ou be ab&e to uti&i/e in $our mea& )&anning that #i&& assist $ou in stret hing $our mea& budget9 , A2C D #hat did $ou &earn that #i&& he&) $ou sa+e mone$ #hen )&anning sho))ing tri)s to the gro er$ store9 0, "i+ing $ou additiona& information on A, Credit ad+i e (, Nutrition information C, Mea& )&anning and budget sho))ing ad+i e 00, 000, 0H, 2o that $ou an ha+e a&& the Ko$ and re#ards in the future And than1 $ou so mu h for gi+ing us $our time toda$* and a&&o#ing us to s)ea1 #ith a&& of $ou, 0t has tru&$ been a )&easure,

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